Converting from google translate widget to cloud api using javascript and ajax - ajax

We develop and maintain a large number websites which have used the 'old' translate widget for quite some time. Recently, we've undertaken an effort to make all these sites ADA compliant. As it turns out, the widget's implementation is NOT ADA compliant and, it's being deprecated anyway, so our strategy is to move forward and implement the Cloud Translation API.
Many of the site pages are quite large and contain a lot of markup within the body. The body of most site's home pages is in the vicinity of 20KB. Other site pages are probably somewhat smaller. So, rather than doing a POST to an endpoint on the server which would, in turn, post to the api and then have to return the content to the browser, we believe the correct approach is to access the api directly from the browser and clearly, if we were to post the html content of the body, the api should return the body with the markup intact with the translated text.
The only example we've been able to find shows code with a non-ajax $.get(...) translating a short text string. We're wondering if there might be other examples out there which more closely address what we're trying to accomplish.
One other side note: removing the markup from one of these 20KB bodies results in a reduction in size to a bit over 5KB, so potentially doing this could result in a significant cost savings for our clients. If we were to do this by creating an array of strings to translate as part of the post, is it possible to instruct the api to do a batch translate, which would allow us to replace the original strings with the translated ones.

Right now the only available batch requests for translations would be this [1]. This requires the use of cloud storage, where the files should be and where the translated files go. As per your explanation, I am unsure if this could be of use for you.
I have found this post [2] which has a workaround that may be of use for you if it is possible for you to concatenate what needs to be translated. Basically, the workaround would be creating a string which is a concatenation of the strings that need to be translated and split it once it is translated based on a delimiter value.
[2] Bulk translation of a big set of records via google translate


Getting most relevant content from page

I need to create a universal web scraper to parse articles on the different websites. Of course, I know about XPath, but I want to try to make it universal for any website despite the HTML markup of a page.
I need to determine whether there is an article on the page and if it is - parse a text of title, body and tags (if exists).
Frankly speaking, my knowledge in DS is not very huge, but I assume this task (determine whether it is article, and parsing only needed parts) is possible to solve.
What tools should I use? Any help?
Actually, for the second task, I need to implement something similar that google chrome mobile does. When page is not optimised for mobile, then propose to show the page in adaptive mode (just title, and main content).
If you are using Python, some libraries to look at are:
scrapy, which scrapes data and can extract some of the results) and,
BeautifulSoup, which is more geared towards the extraction part itself.
It is possible to request a version of a website (e.g. for Chrome, Safari, Mobile, old-school systems) by creating a custom header for your scraper.
HAve a look at the relevant documentation, and you can get an idea of how to use headers in scrapy here.
I do not know of any more specialised tools. Your tasks are more analytical and are typically not performed with the use of models for estimating e.g. what content is where on a webpage. This might be an intersting research direction though; to see if you can create a model that generalises across many websites to extract the desired content.
That leads me on to my last point, which is to say that creating a single scraper that works for any website *containing your artile type) is not usually possible. People create websites differently, however they see fit, which means they also change them. This usually leads to a good scraper requiring constant updates as time (and developers) moves on.
Then if you have lots of labelled examples, it might be possible to train a model. The challenge might be the look-back range of the model. For example, a typical LSTM model is given a parameter that tells it how far to look back into the past. It is stored within its memory internally. In your case, you might be looking for a start and end HTML tag of an article, to then extract just that part. These tahs could be thousands of words apart. Something a standard LSTM might not be fit to retain and use.
If you could pose your problem a little differently, then there are other approaches that might be plausible. E.g., you could make it a "question-answer" problem, by saying: I have this HTML, where is the article content? If that sounds ok for your use-case, have a look here for some model based approaches.

Skip common/duplicate parts while indexing web pages with ElasticSearch

I don't have any experience with ElasticSearch yet, but from what I read I think it suits most my needs. I have a web scraper which scrapes pages of certain domains.
I want to feed these pages into SE and offer a front end interface to search the scraped content. I'm building some sort of vertical search engine.
But as we all know, web pages of one host often only contain a little bit of unique content, a great part of the pages are common. Footer, header, menu etc. are the same on every page.
Does ElasticSearch have some build in intelligence that can filter out the common parts and only search the real content??
It's not terribly difficult to pump web content into Elastic, so I'll assume you have that down. =)
I think this article is fantastic for understanding how to index/search web pages:
It's a complex problem and they have some great detail. There is nothing I know of natively in Elastic that has intelligence to help you eliminate duplicates etc.
The strategy you need to adopt here would be to create a unique key per document. Taking checksum using sha1 or similar algorithm will do the job for getting the unique key. Make this the document ID so that only one page occurs at all point of time. Again use _create API to index if you dont want new duplicates to be indexed ( More efficient ) , and in case you want the new ones to be the document use normal indexing.
In case you need to modify the orginal document in case of disocvery of duplicate document , use upser.
I have explained a great deal of this in this blog.

How do I take each line of a text file and insert them into a web form? Specifically, for testing domain name availability

I wrote a Ruby script that appended "data" to the beginning of every word of the English dictionary, and then filtered out various strings using different parameters, and now I want to use a site like namecheap or in order to take each of these strings and insert them into the domain name availability checker in order to determine which ones are available.
It is my understanding that this will involve making a POST HTTP request of some kind, as well as grabbing the element in question, but I don't really understand the dynamics of what to read about in order to do this kind of thing.
I imagine that after a few requests I will be limited, but as a learning exercise I am still curious as to how I would go about doing this.
I inspected the element (on namecheap) to see what the tag looked like, to find any uniquely identifiable class/id names that I could use to grab that specific part of the source, and found that inside a fieldset tag, there was a line of HTML that I can't seem to paste here, so here is a picture:
Thanks in advance for any guidance in helping me learn about web scripting!

HTML/XSS escape on input vs output

From everything I've seen, it seems like the convention for escaping html on user-entered content (for the purposes of preventing XSS) is to do it when rendering content. Most templating languages seem to do it by default, and I've come across things like this stackoverflow answer arguing that this logic is the job of the presentation layer.
So my question is, why is this the case? To me it seems cleaner to escape on input (i.e. form or model validation) so you can work under the assumption that anything in the database is safe to display on a page, for the following reasons:
Variety of output formats - for a modern web app, you may be using a combination of server-side html rendering, a JavaScript web app using AJAX/JSON, and mobile app that receives JSON (and which may or may not have some webviews, which may be JavaScript apps or server-rendered html). So you have to deal with html escaping all over the place. But input will always get instantiated as a model (and validated) before being saved to db, and your models can all inherit from the same base class.
You already have to be careful about input to prevent code-injection attacks (granted this is usually abstracted to the ORM or db cursor, but still), so why not also worry about html escaping here so you don't have to worry about anything security-related on output?
I would love to hear the arguments as to why html escaping on page render is preferred
In addition to what has been written already:
Precisely because you have a variety of output formats, and you cannot guarantee that all of them will need HTML escaping. If you are serving data over a JSON API, you have no idea whether the client needs it for a HTML page or a text output (e.g. an email). Why should you force your client to unescape "Jack & Jill" to get "Jack & Jill"?
You are corrupting your data by default.
When someone does a keyword search for 'amp', they get "Jack & Jill". Why? Because you've corrupted your data.
Suppose one of the inputs is a URL: You want to parse this URL, and extract the y parameter if it exists. This silently fails, because your URL has been corrupted into
It's simply the wrong layer to do it - HTML related stuff should not be mixed up with raw HTTP handling. The database shouldn't be storing things that are related to one possible output format.
XSS and SQL Injection are not the only security problems, there are issues for every output you deal with - such as filesystem (think extensions like '.php' that cause web servers to execute code) and SMTP (think newline characters), and any number of others. Thinking you can "deal with security on input and then forget about it" decreases security. Rather you should be delegating escaping to specific backends that don't trust their input data.
You shouldn't be doing HTML escaping "all over the place". You should be doing it exactly once for every output that needs it - just like with any escaping for any backend. For SQL, you should be doing SQL escaping once, same goes for SMTP etc. Usually, you won't be doing any escaping - you'll be using a library that handles it for you.
If you are using sensible frameworks/libraries, this is not hard. I never manually apply SQL/SMTP/HTML escaping in my web apps, and I never have XSS/SQL injection vulnerabilities. If your method of building web pages requires you to remember to apply escaping, or end up with a vulnerability, you are doing it wrong.
Doing escaping at the form/http input level doesn't ensure safety, because nothing guarantees that data doesn't get into your database or system from another route. You've got to manually ensure that all inputs to your system are applying HTML escaping.
You may say that you don't have other inputs, but what if your system grows? It's often too late to go back and change your decision, because by this time you've got a ton of data, and may have compatibility with external interfaces e.g. public APIs to worry about, which are all expecting the data to be HTML escaped.
Even web inputs to the system are not safe, because often you have another layer of encoding applied e.g. you might need base64 encoded input in some entry point. Your automatic HTML escaping will miss any HTML encoded within that data. So you will have to do HTML escaping again, and remember to do, and keep track of where you have done it.
I've expanded on these here:
The original misconception
Do not confuse sanitation of output with validation.
While <script>alert(1);</script> is a perfectly valid username, it definitely must be escaped before showing on the website.
And yes, there is such a thing as "presentation logic", which is not related to "domain business logic". And said presentation logic is what presentation layer deals with. And the View instances in particular. In a well written MVC, Views are full-blown objects (contrary to what RoR would try to to tell you), which, when applied in web context, juggle multiple templates.
About your reasons
Different output formats should be handled by different views. The rules and restrictions, which govern HTML, XML, JSON and other formats, are different in each case.
You always need to store the original input (sanitized to avoid injections, if you are not using prepared statements), because someone might need to edit it at some point.
And storing original and the xss-safe "public" version is waste. If you want to store sanitized output, because it takes too much resources to sanitize it each time, then you are already pissing at the wrong tree. This is a case, when you use cache, instead of polluting the database.

Should JSON data contain formatted data?

When using JSON to populate a section of a page I often encounter that data needs special formatting - formatting that need to match that already on the page, which is done serverside.
A number might need to be formatted as a currency, a special date format or wrapped in for negative values.
But where should this formatting take place - doing it clientside will mean that I need to replicate all the formatting that takes place on the serverside. Doing it serverside and placing the formatted values in the JSON object means a less generic and reusable data set.
What is the recommended approach here?
The generic answer is to format data as late/as close to the user as is possible (or perhaps "practical" is a better term).
Irritatingly this means that its an "it depends" answer - and you've more or less already identified the compromise you're going to have to make i.e. do you remove flexibility/portability by formatting server side or do you potentially introduct duplication by doing it client side.
Personally I would tend towards client side unless there's a very good reason not to do so - simply because we're back to trying to format stuff as close to the user as possible, though I would be a bit concerned about making sure that I'm applying the right formatting rules in the browser.
JSON supports the following basic types:
and Null (empty).
A currency is usually nothing else than a number, but formatted according to country-specific rules. And dates are not (yet) included in JSON at all.
Whatever is recommendable depends on what you do in your application and what kind of JScript libraries you are already using. If you are already formatting alot of data in your server side code, then add it there. If not, and you already have some classes included, which can cope with formatting (JQuery and MooTools have some capabilities), do it in the browser.
So either format them in the client or format them before sending them over - both solutions work.
If you want to delve deeper into this, i recommend this wikipedia article about JSON.
