Unix Parse Varying Named Value into seperate rows - bash

We are getting a varying length input file as mentioned below. The text is varying length.
Input file:
The text here has named value pair as the content and it's of varying length. Please note that the name in the text column can contain a semi colon. We are trying to parse the input but we are not able handle it via AWK or BASH
Desired Output:
The below snipped of code works for ID=2, but doesn't for ID=1
echo "2|name1=value1;name2=value2;name6=;name7=value7;name8=value8" | while IFS="|"; read id text;do dsc=`echo $text|tr ';' '\n'`;echo "$dsc" >tmp;done
cat tmp
echo "1|name1=value1;name3;name4=value2;name5=value5" | while IFS="|"; read id text;do dsc=`echo $text|tr ';' '\n'`;echo "$dsc" >tmp;sed -i "s/^/${id}\|/g" tmp;done
cat tmp
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Could you please try following, written and tested with shown samples in GNU awk with new version of it. Since OP's awk version is old so if anyone having old version of awk then try changing it to awk --re-interval
awk '
FNR==1{ next }
print first,substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)
}' Input_file
Output will be as follows.
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above(following is for explanation purposes only).
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
BEGIN{ ##Starting BEGIN section from here.
FS=OFS="|" ##Setting FS and OFS wiht | here.
FNR==1{ next } ##If line is first line then go next, do not print anything.
first=$1 ##Creating first and setting as first field here.
##Running while loop which has match which has a regex of matching name and value all mentioned permutations and combinations.
print first,substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) ##Printing first and sub string(currently matched one)
$0=substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH) ##Saving rest of the line into current line.
}' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.

Sample data:
$ cat name.dat
One awk solution:
awk -F"[|;]" ' # use "|" and ";" as input field delimiters
FNR==1 { next } # skip header line
{ pfx=$1 "|" # set output prefix to field 1 + "|"
printpfx=1 # set flag to print prefix
for ( i=2 ; i<=NF ; i++ ) # for fields 2 to NF
if ( printpfx) { printf "%s", pfx ; printpfx=0 } # if print flag == 1 then print prefix and clear flag
if ( $(i) ~ /=/ ) { printf "%s\n", $(i) ; printpfx=1 } # if current field contains "=" then print it, end this line of output, reset print flag == 1
if ( $(i) !~ /=/ ) { printf "%s;", $(i) } # if current field does not contain "=" then print it and include a ";" suffix
' name.dat
The above generates:

A Bash solution:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS=\| read -r id text || [ -n "$id" ]; do
IFS=\; read -r -a kv_arr < <(printf %s "$text")
printf "$id|%s\\n" "${kv_arr[#]}"
done < <(tail -n +2 a.txt)
A plain POSIX shell solution:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Chop the header line from the input file
tail -n +2 a.txt |
# While reading id and text Fields Separated by vertical bar
while IFS=\| read -r id text || [ -n "$id" ]; do
# Sets the separator to a semicolon
# Print each semicolon separated field formatted on
# its own line with the ID
# shellcheck disable=SC2086 # Explicit split on semicolon
printf "$id|%s\\n" $text
Input a.txt:

You have some good answers and an accepted one already. Here is a much shorter gnu awk command that can also do the job:
awk -F '|' 'NR > 1 {
for (s=$2; match(s, /([^=]+=[^;]*)(;|$)/, m); s=substr(s, RLENGTH+1))
print $1 FS m[1]
}' file.txt


Convert each integer to a simple ASCII graph

I have a file with a bunch of integers like this:
The goal is to convert those integers in stats like in a videogame, for example, if the number is 6, the stats must be ******----, if the number is 4 the result must be ****------.
I tried the following piece of code but it doesn't work:
# Here I put all the int in a variable.
intNumber=`cat /home/intNumbers.txt`
# This for is a loop to print as much * as the number says.
for i in `seq 1 $intNumber`
echo -n "*"
# This for loop is for printing - until reacing 10.
for j in `seq $intNumber 10`
echo -n "-"
With Perl:
perl -ne 'print("*" x $_, "-" x (10-$_), "\n")' file
$_ contains current row
You may use this awk:
awk '{s = sprintf("%*s", $1, ""); gsub(/ /, "*", s); p = sprintf("%*s", 10-$1, ""); gsub(/ /, "-", p); print s p}' file
A more readable version:
awk '{
s = sprintf("%*s", $1, "")
gsub(/ /, "*", s)
p = sprintf("%*s", 10-$1, "")
gsub(/ /, "-", p)
print s p
}' file
Another awk, keepin' it simple, sir:
$ awk '
print substr(s,11-$1,10)
}' file
Similar for bash:
while IFS= read -r line
echo "${s:((10-$line)):10}"
done < file
A more generic approach for awk could be, for example:
$ awk -v m=10 '{ # desired maximum number of chars
t="" # temp var
for(i=1;i<=m;i++) # loop to max
if(i<=$1) # up to threshold value from file
sub(/^/,"*",t) # prepend a *
else # after threshold
sub(/$/,"-",t) # append a -
print t
}' file
Some input checking could be in order.
Minimizing the work you have to do per input line for efficiency:
$ cat tst.awk
lgth = 10
curr = base = sprintf("%*s",lgth,"")
gsub(/ /,"*",curr)
gsub(/ /,"-",base)
{ print substr(curr,1,$1) substr(base,$1+1) }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
or borrowing #JamesBrowns idea of indexing into a single string:
$ cat tst.awk
lgth = 10
curr = base = sprintf("%*s",lgth,"")
gsub(/ /,"*",curr)
gsub(/ /,"-",base)
line = curr base
{ print substr(line,(lgth-$1)+1,lgth) }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
Don't read the entire input file into memory. Instead, process one line at a time.
The following also demonstrates how to do this more succinctly in Bash.
while IFS='' read -r num; do
printf -v graph '%10.10s' "${ten:$num}"
echo "${graph// /\*}"
done < intNumbers.txt
printf -v graph places the output in the variable graph, and we then use a Bash parameter substitution to replace the space padding from printf with asterisks.
Demo: https://ideone.com/wE6fpm
Doing this entirely in Bash is attractive if you end up doing this a lot; you generally want to avoid external processes especially in repeated code (though of course don't repeat yourself; put this in a function then.)
If you genuinely want to convert a file of numbers into a bunch of graphs, a single Awk process is still much better; the shell isn't particularly good at that. I'm imagining you have a different application where you occasionally need to format a number as a graph in various places in a Bash script.
A riff on tripleee's answer:
# Repeat a character a specified number of times
# parameters
# - character
# - count
# usage: strRepeat "*" 60
str_repeat() {
local char=$1 count=$2
local result
# string of count spaces
printf -v result "%*s" "$count" ""
# replace spaces with the char
echo "${result// /$char}"
while read -r num; do
printf '%s%s\n' "$(str_repeat '*' "$num")" "$(str_repeat '-' $((10-num)))"
done < intNumbers.txt
Another GAWK solution:
awk -v OFS="*" '{NF=($1+1); $1=""; print gensub(/ /,"-","g",sprintf("%-10s",$0))}' file
# -v OFS="*"
# [Sets the output field separator to an asterisk]
# NF=($1+1)
# [Defines the number of fields in the line as 1 more
# than the value in the first (and only) input field.
# If you printed the first line, it would now be "6******"]
# $1=""
# [Deletes the first field in the line, leaving only asterisks]
# sprintf("%-10s",$0)
# [Formats the line as 10 characters, left-justified.
# The missing characters on the right are blank spaces]
# gensub(/ /,"-","g",sprintf("%-10s",$0))
# [Replaces all blank spaces in the sprintf-formatted
# line with hyphens]
# print
# [Prints the line as modified by gensub]
With Python:
python -c "import sys
> for s in sys.stdin: n=int(s); print('*'*n + '-'*(10-n))" < file

issue for condition on unique raws in bash

I want to print rows of a table in a file, the issue is when I use a readline the reprint me the result several times, here is my input file
aa ,DEC ,file1.txt
aa ,CHAR ,file1.txt
cc ,CHAR ,file1.txt
dd ,DEC ,file2.txt
bb ,DEC ,file3.txt
bb ,CHAR ,file3.txt
cc ,DEC ,file1.txt
Here is the result I want to have:
printed in file1.txt
printed in file2.txt
printed in file3.txt
here is it my attempt :
(cat input.txt|while read line
table=`echo $line|cut -d"," -f1
variable=`echo $line|cut -d"," -f2
file=`echo $line|cut -d"," -f3
echo ${table}#${variable},
done ) > ${file}
This can be done in a single pass gnu awk like this:
awk -F ' *, *' '{
map[$3][$1] = (map[$3][$1] == "" ? "" : map[$3][$1] ",") $2
for (f in map)
for (d in map[f])
print d "#" map[f][d] > f
}' file
This will populate this data:
=== file1.txt ===
=== file2.txt ===
=== file3.txt ===
With your shown samples, could you please try following, written and tested in shown samples in GNU awk.
awk '
(($1,$3) in arr){
print $1"#"arr[$1,$3] >> (outputFile)
delete arr[$1,$3]
' Input_file Input_file
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
sub(/^,/,"",$3) ##Substituting starting comma in 3rd field with NULL.
FNR==NR{ ##Checking condition FNR==NR will be true when first time Input_file is being read.
sub(/^,/,"",$2) ##Substituting starting comma with NULL in 2nd field.
##Creating arr with index of 1st and 3rd fields, which has 2nd field as value.
next ##next will skip all further statements from here.
(($1,$3) in arr){ ##Checking condition if 1st and 3rd fields are in arr then do following.
close(outputFile) ##Closing output file, to avoid "too many opened files" error.
outputFile=$3 ##Setting outputFile with value of 3rd field.
print $1"#"arr[$1,$3] >> (outputFile)
##printing 1st field # arr value and output it to outputFile here.
delete arr[$1,$3] ##Deleting array element with index of 1st and 3rd field here.
' Input_file Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file 2 times here.
You have several errors in your code. You can use the built-in read to split on a comma, and the parentheses are completely unnecessary.
while IFS=, read -r table variable file
echo "${table}#${variable}," >>"$file"
done< input.txt
Using $file in a redirect after done is an error; the shell wants to open the file handle to redirect to before file is defined. But as per your requirements, each line should go to a different `file.
Notice also quoting fixes and the omission of the useless cat.
Wrapping fields with the same value onto the same line would be comfortably easy with an Awk postprocessor, but then you might as well do all of this in Awk, as in the other answer you already received.

Extract specific substring in shell

I have a file which contains following line:
ro fstype=sd timeout=10 console=ttymxc1,115200 show=true
I'd like to extract and store fstype attribue "sd" in a variable.
I did the job using bash
IFS=" " read -a args <<< file
for arg in ${args[#]}; do
if [[ "$arg" =~ "fstype" ]]; then
id=$(cut -d "=" -f2 <<< "$arg")
echo $id
and following awk command in another shell script:
awk -F " " '{print $2}' file | cut -d '=' -f2
Because 'fstype' argument position and file content can differ, how to do the same things and keep compatibility in shell script ?
Could you please try following.
awk 'match($0,/fstype=[^ ]*/){print substr($0,RSTART+7,RLENGTH-7)}' Input_file
OR more specifically to handle any string before = try following:
awk '
match($0,/fstype=[^ ]*/){
print val
' Input_file
With sed:
sed 's/.*fstype=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/' Input_file
awk code's explanation:
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
match($0,/fstype=[^ ]*/){ ##Using match function to match regex fstype= till first space comes in current line.
val=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) ##Creating variable val which has sub-string of current line from RSTART to till RLENGTH.
sub(/.*=/,"",val) ##Substituting everything till = in value of val here.
print val ##Printing val here.
val="" ##Nullifying val here.
' Input_file ##mentioning Input_file name here.
Any time you have tag=value pairs in your data I find it best to start by creating an array (f[] below) that maps those tags (names) to their values:
$ awk -v tag='fstype' -F'[ =]' '{for (i=2;i<NF;i+=2) f[$i]=$(i+1); print f[tag]}' file
$ awk -v tag='console' -F'[ =]' '{for (i=2;i<NF;i+=2) f[$i]=$(i+1); print f[tag]}' file
With the above approach you can do whatever you like with the data just by referencing it by it's name as the index in the array, e.g.:
$ awk -F'[ =]' '{
for (i=2;i<NF;i+=2) f[$i]=$(i+1)
if ( (f["show"] == "true") && (f["timeout"] < 20) ) {
print f["console"], f["fstype"]
}' file
ttymxc1,115200 sd
If your data has more than 1 row and there can be different fields on each row (doesn't appear to be true for your data) then add delete f as the first line of the script.
If the key and value can be matched by the regex fstype=[^ ]*, grep and -o option which extracts matched pattern can be used.
$ grep -o 'fstype=[^ ]*' file
In addition, regex \K can be used with -P option (please make sure this option is only valid in GNU grep).
Patterns that are to the left of \K are not shown with -o.
Therefore, below expression can extract the value only.
$ grep -oP 'fstype=\K[^ ]*' file

How do I join lines using space and comma

I have the file that contains content like:
I want to print the output in the format IP 111,22,25.
I have tried tr ' ' , but its not working
Welcome to paste
$ paste -sd " ," file
IP 111,22,25
Normally what paste does is it writes to standard output lines consisting of sequentially corresponding lines of each given file, separated by a <tab>-character. The option -s does it differently. It states to paste each line of the files sequentially with a <tab>-character as a delimiter. When using the -d flag, you can give a list of delimiters to be used instead of the <tab>-character. Here I gave as a list " ," indicating, use space and then only commas.
In pure Bash:
# Read file into array
mapfile -t lines < infile
# Print to string, comma-separated from second element on
printf -v str '%s %s' "${lines[0]}" "$(IFS=,; echo "${lines[*]:1}")"
# Print
echo "$str"
IP 111,22,25
I'd go with:
{ read a; read b; read c; read d; } < file
echo "$a $b,$c,$d"
This will also work:
xargs printf "%s %s,%s,%s" < file
Try cat file.txt | tr '\n' ',' | sed "s/IP,/IP /g"
tr deletes new lines, sed changes IP,111,22,25 into IP 111,22,25
The following awk script will do the requested:
awk 'BEGIN{OFS=","} FNR==1{first=$0;next} {val=val?val OFS $0:$0} END{print first FS val}' Input_file
Explanation: Adding explanation for above code now.
awk ' ##Starting awk program here.
BEGIN{ ##Starting BEGIN section here of awk program.
OFS="," ##Setting OFS as comma, output field separator.
} ##Closing BEGIN section of awk here.
FNR==1{ ##Checking if line is first line then do following.
first=$0 ##Creating variable first whose value is current first line.
next ##next keyword is awk out of the box keyword which skips all further statements from here.
} ##Closing FNR==1 BLOCK here.
{ ##This BLOCK will be executed for all lines apart from 1st line.
val=val?val OFS $0:$0 ##Creating variable val whose values will be keep concatenating its own value.
END{ ##Mentioning awk END block here.
print first FS val ##Printing variable first FS(field separator) and variable val value here.
}' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here which is getting processed by awk.
Using Perl
$ cat captain.txt
$ perl -0777 -ne ' #k=split(/\s+/); print $k[0]," ",join(",",#k[1..$#k]) ' captain.txt
IP 111,22,25

Ignore delimiters in quotes and excluding columns dynamically in csv file

I have awk command to read the csv file with | sperator. I am using this command as part of my shell script where the columns to exclude will be removed from the output. The list of columns are input as 1 2 3
Command Reference: http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/snipplets/awkcsv
awk -v FS='"| "|^"|"$' '{for i in $test; do $(echo $i=""); done print }' test.csv
$test is 1 2 3
I want to print $1="" $2="" $3="" in front of print all columns. I am getting this error
awk: {for i in $test; do $(echo $i=""); done {print }
awk: ^ syntax error
This command is working properly which prints all the columns
awk -v FS='"| "|^"|"$' '{print }' test.csv
File 1
"first"| "second"| "last"
"fir|st"| "second"| "last"
"firtst one"| "sec|ond field"| "final|ly"
Expected output if I want to exclude the column 2 and 3 dynamically
firtst one
I need help to keep the for loop properly.
With GNU awk for FPAT:
$ awk -v FPAT='"[^"]+"' '{print $1}' file
"firtst one"
$ awk -v flds='1' -v FPAT='"[^"]+"' 'BEGIN{n=split(flds,f,/ /)} {for (i=1;i<=n;i++) printf "%s%s", $(f[i]), (i<n?OFS:ORS)}' file
"firtst one"
$ awk -v flds='2 3' -v FPAT='"[^"]+"' 'BEGIN{n=split(flds,f,/ /)} {for (i=1;i<=n;i++) printf "%s%s", $(f[i]), (i<n?OFS:ORS)}' file
"second" "last"
"second" "last"
"sec|ond field" "final|ly"
$ awk -v flds='3 1' -v FPAT='"[^"]+"' 'BEGIN{n=split(flds,f,/ /)} {for (i=1;i<=n;i++) printf "%s%s", $(f[i]), (i<n?OFS:ORS)}' file
"last" "first"
"last" "fir|st"
"final|ly" "firtst one"
If you don't want your output fields separated by a blank char then set OFS to whatever you do want with -v OFS='whatever'. If you want to get rid of the surrounding quotes you can use gensub() (since we're using gawk anyway) or substr() on every field, e.g.:
$ awk -v OFS=';' -v flds='1 3' -v FPAT='"[^"]+"' 'BEGIN{n=split(flds,f,/ /)} {for (i=1;i<=n;i++) printf "%s%s", substr($(f[i]),2,length($(f[i]))-2), (i<n?OFS:ORS)}' file
firtst one;final|ly
$ awk -v OFS=';' -v flds='1 3' -v FPAT='"[^"]+"' 'BEGIN{n=split(flds,f,/ /)} {for (i=1;i<=n;i++) printf "%s%s", gensub(/"/,"","g",$(f[i])), (i<n?OFS:ORS)}' file
firtst one;final|ly
In GNU awk (for FPAT):
$ test="2 3" # fields to exclude in bash var $test
$ awk -v t="$test" ' # taken to awk var t
BEGIN { # first
FPAT="([^|]+)|( *\"[^\"]+\")" # instead of FS, use FPAT
split(t,a," ") # process t to e:
for(i in a) # a[1]=2 -> e[2], etc.
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) # for each field
if((i in e)==0) { # if field # not in e
gsub(/^\"|\"$/,"",$i) # remove leading and trailing "
b=b (b==""?"":OFS) $i # put to buffer b
print b; b="" # putput and reset buffer
}' file
firtst one
FPAT is used as FS can't handle separator in quotes.
Vikram, if your actual Input_file is DITTO same as shown sample Input_file then following may help you in same. I will add explanation shortly too here(tested this with GNU awk 3.1.7 little old version of awk).
awk -v num="2,3" 'BEGIN{
len=split(num, val,",")
if(substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH+1) && substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH+1) !~ /\"\| \"/ && substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH+1) !~ /^\"$/ && substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH+1) !~ /^\" \"$/){
delete array[val[l]]
printf("%s%s",array[j],j==length(array)?"":" ")
print "";
delete array
}' Input_file
EDIT1: Adding a code with explanation too here.
awk -v num="2,3" 'BEGIN{ ##creating a variable named num whose value is comma seprated values of fields which you want to nullify, starting BEGIN section here.
len=split(num, val,",") ##creating an array named val here whose delimiter is comma and creating len variable whose value is length of array val here.
{while($0){ ##Starting a while loop here which will run for a single line till that line is NOT getting null.
match($0,/.[^"]*/);##using match functionality which will look for matches from starting to till a " comes into match.
if(substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH+1) && substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH+1) !~ /\"\| \"/ && substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH+1) !~ /^\"$/ && substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH+1) !~ /^\" \"$/){##So RSTATR and RLENGTH are the variables which will be set when a regex is having a match in line/variable passed into match function. In this if condition I am checking 1st: value of substring of RSTART,RLENGTH+1 should not be NULL. 2nd: Then checking this substring should not be having " pipe space ". 3rd condition: Checking if substring is NOT equal to a string which starts from " and ending with it. 4th condition: Checking here if substring is NOT equal to ^" space "$, if all conditions are TRUE then do following actions.
array[++i]=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH+1) ##creating an array named array whose index is variable i with increasing value of i and its value is substring of RSTART to till RLENGTH+1.
$0=substr($0,RLENGTH+1);##Now removing the matched part from current line which will decrease the length of line and avoid the while loop to become as infinite.
for(l=1;l<=len;l++){##Starting a loop here once while above loop is done which runs from starting of variable l=1 to value of len.
delete array[val[l]] ##Deleting here those values which we want to REMOVE from OPs request, so removing here.
for(j=1;j<=length(array);j++){##Start a for loop from the value of j=1 till the value of lengthh of array.
if(array[j]){ ##Now making sure array value whose index is j is NOT NULL, if yes then perform following statements.
gsub(/^\"|\"$/,"",array[j]); ##Globally substituting starting " and ending " with NULL in value of array value.
printf("%s%s",array[j],j==length(array)?"":" ") ##Now printing the value of array and secondly printing space or null depending upon if j value is equal to array length then print NULL else print space. It is because we don not want space at the last of the line.
print ""; ##Because above printf will NOT print a new line, so printing a new line.
i=""; ##Nullifying variable i here.
delete array ##Deleting array here.
}' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file here.
