Spring update all entity with save - spring-boot

Good morning everyone,
I am trying to update an entity completely through its id, I am using a repository that extends from JPA, I think that just by making it save the system it would crush the old one but it is not like that, I am getting this error:
org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect)
I have tried to use entityManager.flush (); but I get an error:
javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: No EntityManager with actual transaction available for current thread - cannot reliably process 'flush' call
I have found options to update a database field but what I really want is to crush the database row completely, is it that complicated? How should I do it? Should I delete the record and recreate it? (I am not convinced because we are generating two transitions but I do not know if it is normal or not)
I put the code responsible for modifying the entity:
#PostMapping ("/ user")
public ResponseEntity postUser (#RequestBody User user) {
Map <Object, Object> model = new HashMap <> ();
entityManager.flush ();
User newUSer = userRepository.saveAndFlush (user);
model.put ("user", newUSer);
return ok (model);
Thank you!

Ok, after some test accounts I have found how to make it work correctly, I am doing something wrong, since when I make this code I get it correctly:
#PostMapping ("/ user")
public ResponseEntity postUser (#RequestBody User user) {
Map <Object, Object> model = new HashMap <> ();
AtomicReference <ResponseEntity> responseEntity = new AtomicReference <> ();
Optional <User> optionalUser = Optional.of (userRepository.findById (user.getId ()). Get ());
OptionalConsumer.of (optionalUser) .ifPresent (u -> {
u.setPassword (user.getPassword ());
userRepository.save (u);
model.put ("user", u);
responseEntity.set (ok (model));
}). ifNotPresent (() -> responseEntity.set (notFound (). build ()));
return responseEntity.get ();
So what I'm going to do is create a merge method in the User model to modify the data passed by parameter and save it correctly (I'm open to a better way, there may be more recommended ways to work, tell me please!)


spring rector throw Exception if NOT empty

Similar to Spring Reactor: How to throw an exception when publisher emit a value?
I have a finder method in my DAO java findSomePojo which returns result SomePojo . The finder calls amazon db apis and the javasoftware.amazon.awssdk.services.dynamodb.model.GetItemResponse has output of call.
So I am trying this hasElement() check in my service layer createSomePojo method. (Not sure if I am using it correctly- Iwas trying and debugging)
Basically :
I want to check if there is already element, it is illegal to save and I would not call DAOs save. So I need to throw exception.
Assuming that there is already a record of SomePojo in DB, I try to invoke create_SomePjo of service .But I see in logs that filter is not working and is get NPE when reactor invokes createModel_SomePojo making me believe that somehow even after check filter it throws NPE
///service SomePjoService it has create_SomePojo, find_SomePojo etc
Mono<Void> create_SomePojo(reqPojo){
// Before calling DAO 's save I call serivice find (which basically calls DAOs find (Shown befow after this methid)
Mono<Boolean> monoPresent = find_SomePojo(accountId, contentIdExtn)
.filter(i -> i.getId() != null)
//*************it comes here i see that***********//
System.out.println("hrereee monoPresent="+monoPresent);
// Mono<Error> monoCheck=
return monoPresent.handle((next, sink) -> sink.error(new SomeException(ITEM_ALREADY_EXISTS))).then();
} else {
return SomePojoRepo.save(reqPojo).then();
Mono<SomePojo> find_SomePojo(id){
return SomePojoRepo.find(id);
///DAO : SomePojoRepo.java : it has save,find,delete
Mono<SomePojo> find( String id) {
Mono<SomePojo> fallback = Mono.empty();
Mono<GetItemResponse> monoFilteredResponse = monoFuture
.filter(getItemResponse -> getItemResponse.item().size() > 0&& getItemResponse!=null);
Mono<SomePojo> result = monoFilteredResponse
.map(getItemResponse -> createModel_SomePojo(getItemResponse.item()));
Mono<SomePojo> deferedResult = Mono.defer(() -> result.switchIfEmpty(fallback));
return deferedResult;
I see there is hasElement() method on Mono . Not sure how to correctly use it.
I can achieve exception if I call DAO save in my service create_SomePojo(reqPojo) directly without doing all this findner check because primary key constraint will take care and throw excpetion and I cna rethrow and then catch in service but what If I want to check in service and throw exception with error codes . The idea is not to pass response error object to dao layer .
Try to use Hooks.onOperatorDebug() hook to get better debugging experience.
Correct way to use hasElement (assuming that find_SomePojo never returns null)
Mono<Boolean> monoPresent = find_SomePojo(accountId, contentIdExtn)
.filter(i -> i.getId() != null)
return monoPresent.flatMap(isPresent -> {
Mono.error(new SomeException(ITEM_ALREADY_EXISTS)));
There is a common misconception about what Mono actually is. It does not hold any data - it's just a fragment of pipeline, which transmits signals and data flowing through it. Therefore, line System.out.println("monoPresent="+monoPresent.toString()); makes no sense, because it just prints the hasElements() decorator around the existsing pipeline. Internal name of this decorator is MonoHasElement, no matter what is contained in it(true /false), MonoHasElement would be printed anyway.
Correct ways to print signal (and data transmitted along with them) are:
Mono.log(), Mono.doOnEach/next(System.out::println) or System.out.println("monoPresent="+monoPresent.block());. Beware of third one: it will block whole thread until data is emitted, so use it only if you know what you are doing.
Example with Monos printing to play with:
Mono<String> abc = Mono.just("abc").delayElement(Duration.ofSeconds(99999999));
System.out.println(abc); //this will print MonoDelayElement instantly
System.out.println(abc.block()); //this will print 'abc', if you are patient enough ;^)
abc.subscribe(System.out::println); //this will also print 'abc' after 99999999 seconds, but without blocking current thread

Service method transactionality when not using exceptions as flow control in Spring Boot

I have the following method in an #Service class which has #Transactional defined:
public Result add(#NonNull final UserSaveRequest request) {
final Result<Email> emailResult = Email.create(request.getEmail());
final Result<UserFirstName> userFirstNameResult = UserFirstName.create(request.getFirstName());
final Result<UserLastName> userLastNameResult = UserLastName.create(request.getLastName());
final Result combinedResult = Result.combine(emailResult, userFirstNameResult, userLastNameResult);
if (combinedResult.isFailure()) {
return Result.fail(combinedResult.getErrorMessage());
final Result<User> userResult = User.create(emailResult.getValue(), userFirstNameResult.getValue(), userLastNameResult.getValue());
if (userResult.isFailure()) {
return Result.fail(userResult.getErrorMessage());
return Result.ok();
Now as you can see I utilize a Result class which can contain a return value or an error message as I don't think using exceptions for flow control is very clean.
The problem I now have is; the complete method is bound in one transaction and if one database call should fail the whole transaction will be rolled back. In my model however, after the this.userRepository.save(userResult.getValue()); call, if something would happen that would force me to return a failed result, I can't undo that save(userResult.getVlaue()); call seeing as I don't use exceptions for flow control.
Is this a problem that has an elegant solution, or is this a place where I need to make a trade-off between using exceptions as flow control and having to mentally keep track of the ordering of my statements in these kind of situations?
Yes, you can trigger rollback manually. Try this:
More information: https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/5.0.7.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/data-access.html#transaction-declarative-rolling-back

Lazy Hibernate Initialization No Session, Could not initialize Proxy

I am creating a e-prescribing module will allow several orders to be created and added to a list before being confirmed (saved in DB at once together). I have two forms - One where the order is created and the second with a link to add more orders, where the submit button will store all the orders (ArrayList items) in the DB. i.e. Each order upon creation gets added to an ArrayList [createNewDrugOrder() method below]
When I try to save each order inside this method - it works fine. but my requirement is to have the facility to store the orders as a draft before confirming them (storing in DB).
public class DrugordersPageController{
SessionFactory sessionfactory;
public void controller(){
if ("addDraftOrder".equals(action)){
if ("confirmOrder".equals(action)){
DrugOrder order = new DrugOrder();
DrugOrder order = ConfirmOrderClass.getDrugOrderMain();
order = (DrugOrder) Context.getOrderService().saveOrder(order, null); //Here is where error is thrown
class ConfirmOrderClass{
public static ArrayList<DrugOrder> orderToConfirm = new ArrayList<DrugOrder>();
public static ArrayList<DrugOrder> getDrugOrderMain(){
return orderToConfirm;
I understand this is a case of object being detached from the session, but I am unable to get it fixed. Calling session.save or session.update in the second form doesn't help..Neither does Hibernate.initialize(object) or adding a #Transactional notation
when I call Session s = sessionfactory.getCurrentSession or openSession, i still get null pointer error. Although I am able to retrieve the values of order.getDose(), order.getDuration() etc..
Please help!

NHibernate IPreUpdateEventListener doesn't insert to second table

I'm prototyping some simple audit logging functionality. I have a mid sized entity model (~50 entities) and I'd like to implement audit logging on about 5 or 6. Ultimately I'd like to get this working on Inserts & Deletes as well, but for now I'm just focusing on the updates.
The problem is, when I do session.Save (or SaveOrUpdate) to my auditLog table from within the EventListener, the original object is persisted (updated) correctly, but my AuditLog object never gets inserted.
I think it's a problem with both the Pre and Post event listeners being called to late in the NHibernate save life cycle for the session to still be used.
//in my ISessionFactory Build method
nHibernateConfiguration.EventListeners.PreUpdateEventListeners =
new IPreUpdateEventListener[]{new AuditLogListener()};
//in my AuditLogListener
public class AuditLogListener : IPreUpdateEventListener
public bool OnPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent #event)
string message = //code to look at #event.Entity & build message - this works
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
AuditLogHelper.Log(message, #event.Session); //Session is an IEventSource
return false; //Don't veto the change
//In my helper
public static void Log(string message, IEventSource session)
var user = session.QueryOver<User>()
.Where(x => x.Name == "John")
//have confirmed a valid user is found
var logItem = new AdministrationAuditLog
LogDate = DateTime.Now,
Message = message,
User = user
(session as ISession).SaveOrUpdate(logItem);
When it hits the session.SaveOrUpdate() in the last method, no errors occur. No exceptions are thrown. it seems to succeed and moves on. But nothing happens. The audit log entry never appears in the database.
The only way I've been able to get this to work it to create a completely new Session & Transaction inside this method, but this isn't really ideal, as the code proceeds back out of the listener method, hits the session.Transaction.Commit() in my main app, and if that transaction fails, then I've got an orphaned log message in my audit table for somethign that never happened.
Any pointers where I might be going wrong ?
I've also tried to SaveOrUpdate the LogItem using a child session from the events based on some comments in this thread. http://ayende.com/blog/3987/nhibernate-ipreupdateeventlistener-ipreinserteventlistener
var childSession = session.GetSession(EntityMode.Poco);
var logItem = new AdministrationAuditLog
LogDate = DateTime.Now,
Message = message,
User = databaseLogin.User
Still nothing appears in my Log table in the db. No errors or exceptions.
You need to create a child session, currentSession.GetSession(EntityMode.Poco), in your OnPreUpdate method and use this in your log method. Depending on your flushmode setting, you might need to flush the child session as well.
Also, any particular reason you want to roll out your own solution? FYI, NHibernate Envers is now a pretty mature library.

EF Object entity State moves to Unchanged when attached to new Context

I have go the oddest problem, I get an object from EF and pass it back to the Business Logic for manipulation, when finished i'm trying to save the object back to the DB, when the object is passed into the following method it's EntityState is Modified but as soon as the attach line of code is run it is set to UnChanged hence the Save will not work.
Does anyone know why EF would do this?
public void Save(IEntity entity)
using (var context = new eDocumentEntities())
using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
if (entity.Id != 0)
context.AttachTo(entity.EntitySet, entity);
context.AddObject(entity.EntitySet, entity);
Since entity change tracking is encapsulated in Context, naturally the entity loses state and other tracking stuff when it gets detached from context.
Ok I found the solution to the problem here but Ii'm more interested in an explanation, why would EF do this, seems very counter productive!?
