Elasticsearch '[bool] failed to parse field [filter]' exception - elasticsearch

I am trying to solve parsing exception of my search query.
I would like to get some help there :)
The exception reason:
'[1:65] [bool] failed to parse field [filter]'
My search:
data = (await this.elasticClient.search({
index: Indexes.Measurements,
size: 10000,
body: {
query: {
bool: {
filter: {
terms: {
"MachineId": ["mo3", "mo2"]
range: {
'#timestamp': {
gte: `now-${lastMinutes}m`,
lte: 'now'
sort : [{ "#timestamp" : "desc" }]
}})).body.hits.hits.map(data => data._source);

You are missing [] around the filter clause, try out this below query
data = (await this.elasticClient.search({
index: Indexes.Measurements,
size: 10000,
body: {
query: {
bool: {
filter: [{
terms: {
"MachineId": ["mo3", "mo2"]
range: {
'#timestamp': {
gte: `now-${lastMinutes}m`,
lte: 'now'
sort : [{ "#timestamp" : "desc" }]
}})).body.hits.hits.map(data => data._source);
In JSON format, it will be like this
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"terms": {
"MachineId": [
"range": {
"timestamp": {
"gte": "now-${lastMinutes}m",
"lte": "now"


Elasticsearch query syntax update 1.0.14 to 7.5.2

I am attempting to update a rather sizable Elasticsearch query. I am very new to Elasticsearch and am having a hard time wrapping my head around everything that is happening here.
This is the original query:
elasticsearch_query search_models, {
query: {
filtered: {
query: {
function_score: {
query: {
bool: {
must: [
multi_match: {
operator: "and",
type: "cross_fields",
query: params[:term],
fuzziness: (params[:fuzzy] || 0),
fields: [
"name^2", "address", "email", "email2",
"primary_contact", "id", "lotname^7",
"lotname_keyword^9", "corp_name^4",
"vin^4", "serial_number^3", "dba_names",
"title_number", "title_tracking",
"full_name^3", "username", "reference", "user_name",
"phone", "text_number", "name_keyword^9"
must_not: [
{ term: { access: { value: 2 } } },
{ term: { ledger: { value: "payroll" } } },
{ term: { ledger: { value: "credit card" } } }
should: [
{ term: { active: { value: 1, boost: 100 } } },
{ term: { active: { value: 2, boost: 50 } } },
{ term: { active: { value: 3, boost: 0.05 } } },
{ term: { active: { value: 4, boost: 50 } } },
{ term: { active: { value: 5, boost: 50 } } },
{ term: { active: { value: 6, boost: 50 } } },
{ term: { branch_id: { value: current_branch.id, boost: 100 } } }
functions: [
filter: { term: { auto_declined: 1 } },
boost_factor: 0.3
filter: { term: { auto_declined: 0 } },
boost_factor: 0.0001
filter: { term: { access: 1 } }, # current employee
boost_factor: 10
filter: { term: { access: 0 } },
boost_factor: 0.2
filter: { term: { unit_status: 1 } }, # current unit
boost_factor: 2
filter: { type: {value: 'txn'} },
boost_factor: 0.4
filter: {
"or" =>
{ filters: [
{ term: { "branch_id" => current_branch.id }},
{ type: { "value" => "auction" }},
{ type: { "value" => "fee_schedule"}},
{ type: { "value" => "unit"}},
"and" => [
{ type: { "value" => "user" }},
{ "or" => [
{ term: { "access" => 1 }}
This is where I have gotten to thus far:
elasticsearch_query search_models, {
query: {
bool: {
must: {
function_score: {
query: {
bool: [
must: {
multi_match: {
query: params[:term],
type: "cross_fields",
operator: "and",
fields: [
"name^2", "address", "email", "email2",
"primary_contact", "id", "lotname^7",
"lotname_keyword^9", "corp_name^4",
"vin^4", "serial_number^3", "dba_names",
"title_number", "title_tracking",
"full_name^3", "username", "reference", "user_name",
"phone", "text_number", "name_keyword^9"
must_not: [
{ term: { access: { value: 2 } } },
{ term: { ledger: { value: "payroll" } } },
{ term: { ledger: { value: "credit card" } } }
should: [
{ term: { active: { value: 1, boost: 100 } } },
{ term: { active: { value: 2, boost: 50 } } },
{ term: { active: { value: 3, boost: 0.05 } } },
{ term: { active: { value: 4, boost: 50 } } },
{ term: { active: { value: 5, boost: 50 } } },
{ term: { active: { value: 6, boost: 50 } } },
{ term: { branch_id: { value: current_branch.id, boost: 100 } } }
functions: [
filter: { term: { auto_declined: 1 } },
weight: 0.3
filter: { term: { auto_declined: 0 } },
weight: 0.0001
filter: { term: { access: 1 } }, # current employee
weight: 10
filter: { term: { access: 0 } },
weight: 0.2
filter: { term: { unit_status: 1 } }, # current unit
weight: 2
filter: { type: {value: 'txn'} },
weight: 0.4
filter: [
{ term: { branch_id: current_branch.id } },
{ type: { value: "auction" } },
{ type: { value: "fee_schedule"} },
{ type: { value: "unit"} },
bool: {
must: {
bool: {
should: [
{ type: { value: "user" } },
{ term: { access: 1 } }
I have:
replaced 'filtered' with 'bool' and 'must'
replaced 'boost_factor' with 'weight'
removed 'fuzziness' from the 'cross_fields' type 'multi_match'
attempted to update the 'or' and 'and' logic with newer 'bool' syntax.
The first three actions seemed to have done the trick with their respective errors, but I am getting hung up on this filter with the 'or' and 'and' logic. I would greatly appreciate some guidance!
This is the error I am receiving:
[400] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[bool] query malformed, no start_object after query name","line":1,"col":61}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[bool] query malformed, no start_object after query name","line":1,"col":61},"status":400}
If any further information would be helpful, please let me know.
Your query is forming invalid Json, that why the exception, see below query with no Json error.
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"function_score": {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [{
"multi_match": {
"query": "params[:term]",
"type": "cross_fields",
"operator": "and",
"fields": [
"name^2", "address", "email", "email2",
"primary_contact", "id", "lotname^7",
"lotname_keyword^9", "corp_name^4",
"vin^4", "serial_number^3", "dba_names",
"title_number", "title_tracking",
"full_name^3", "username", "reference", "user_name",
"phone", "text_number", "name_keyword^9"
"must_not": [
{ "term": { "access": { "value": 2 } } },
{ "term": { "ledger": { "value": "payroll" } } },
{ "term": { "ledger": { "value": "credit card" } } }
"should": [
{ "term": { "active": { "value": 1, "boost": 100 } } }
"functions": [
"filter": { "term": { "auto_declined": 1 } },
"weight": 0.3
"filter": { "term": { "auto_declined": 0 } },
"weight": 0.0001
"filter": { "term": { "access": 1 } },
"weight": 10
"filter": { "term": { "access": 0 } },
"weight": 0.2
"filter": { "term": { "unit_status": 1 } },
"weight": 2
"filter": { "type": {"value": "txn"} },
"weight": 0.4
"filter": [
{ "term": { "branch_id": "current_branch.id" } },
{ "type": { "value": "auction" } },
{ "type": { "value": "fee_schedule"} },
{ "type": { "value": "unit"} },
{"bool": {
"must": {
"bool": {
"should": [
{ "type": { "value": "user" } },
{ "term": { "access": 1 } }
You can compare and modify the curly braces and brackets.

elasticsearch nested query returns only last 3 results

We have the following elasticsearch mapping
index: 'data',
body: {
settings: {
analysis: {
analyzer: {
lowerCase: {
tokenizer: 'whitespace',
filter: ['lowercase']
mappings: {
// used for _all field
_default_: {
index_analyzer: 'lowerCase'
entry: {
properties: {
id: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'lowerCase' },
type: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'lowerCase' },
name: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'lowerCase' },
blobIds: {
type: 'nested',
properties: {
id: { type: 'string' },
filename: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'lowerCase' }
and a sample document that looks like the following:
// removed in-between elements for simplicity
I have the following ES query which is querying documents for a certain timerange based on the creationTimestamp field and then filtering the nested field blobIds based on a user query, that should match the blobIds.filename field.
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"creationTimestamp": {
"gte": "2020-07-01T09:07:38.775Z",
"lte": "2020-07-07T09:07:40.147Z"
"nested": {
"path": [
"query": {
"query_string": {
"fields": [
"query": "*"
// returns the actual blobId hit
// and not the whole array
"inner_hits": {}
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "+type:*test_type* +name:*test_name*"
"sort": [
"creationTimestamp": {
"order": "asc"
"id": {
"order": "asc"
The above entry is clearly matching the query. However, it seems like there is something wrong with the returned inner_hits, since I always get only the last 3 blobIds elements instead of the whole array that contains 24 elements, as can be seen below.
"name": "test_name",
"creationTimestamp": "2020-07-06T09:07:38.775Z",
"id": "5f02e9dae252732912749e13",
"type": "test_type",
"blobIds": [
"id": "5f02e9dbe252732912749e5d",
"filename": "test4.txt"
"id": "5f02e9dbe252732912749e5a",
"filename": "test5.csv"
"id": "5f02e9dbe252732912749e58",
"filename": "test6.txt"
I find it very strange since I'm only doing a simple * query.
Using elasticsearch v1.7 and cannot update at the moment

Handling Optional field search in Elasticsearch

I'm using ES 5.5 and having a query dsl with javasript API request like this
index: 'demo',
type: 'sample',
body: {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"CityName": {
query: req.params.city,
slop: 100
"match": {
"StateName": {
query: req.params.state,
slop: 100
"match": {
"Code": {
query: req.params.code,
slop: 100
This query works fine when user gives all three values.But In my case these three parameters are not mandatory.Either user can give one value or more than one value and given fields must match the documents.Searching with one or two values doesn't return anything.
You need to replace the must with should. refer boolean query for more details
index: 'demo',
type: 'sample',
body: {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [ --> replace this `must` with `should`
"match": {
"CityName": {
query: req.params.city,
slop: 100
"match": {
"StateName": {
query: req.params.state,
slop: 100
"match": {
"Code": {
query: req.params.code,
slop: 100

Filter documents where all values of an array meet some criteria in elasticsearch

I have documents that look like this:
times: [{start: "1461116454242"},{start:"1461116454242"}]
I want to get all documents where every start time is in the past. This query works when all times are in the future or all are in the past, but fails if only one time is in the future (still matches).
query: {
filtered: {
filter: {
bool: {
must: [
nested: {
path: "times",
filter: {
script : {
script: "doc['start'].value < now",
params: {
now: Date.now()
query: {
match_all: {}
One solution that I just realized:
query: {
filtered: {
filter: {
bool: {
must: [
nested: {
path: "times",
filter: {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"times.start": {
lt: new Date()
must_not: [
nested: {
path: "times",
filter: {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"times.start": {
gte: new Date()
query: {
match_all: {}
How about this one:
include_in_parent: true in your mapping:
"times": {
"type": "nested",
"include_in_parent": true,
"properties": {
"start": {
"type": "date"
and use the query_string syntax, without nested:
"query": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "times.start:<=now AND NOT times.start:>now"

Elasticsearch how to use multi_match with wildcard

I have a User object with properties Name and Surname. I want to search these fields using one query, and I found multi_match in the documentation, but I don't know how to properly use that with a wildcard. Is it possible?
I tried with a multi_match query but it didn't work:
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "*mar*",
"fields": [
Alternatively you could use a query_string query with wildcards.
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*mar*",
"fields": ["user.name", "user.surname"]
This will be slower than using an nGram filter at index-time (see my other answer), but if you are looking for a quick and dirty solution...
Also I am not sure about your mapping, but if you are using user.name instead of name your mapping needs to look like this:
"your_type_name_here": {
"properties": {
"user": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"surname": {
"type": "string"
Such a query worked for me:
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"bool": {
"should": [
{"query": {"wildcard": {"user.name": {"value": "*mar*"}}}},
{"query": {"wildcard": {"user.surname": {"value": "*mar*"}}}}
Similar to what you are doing, except that in my case there could be different masks for different fields.
I just did this now:
GET _search {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"theDate": {
"gte": "2014-01-01",
"lte": "2014-12-31"
"match" : {
"Country": "USA"
"should": [
"wildcard" : { "Id_A" : "0*" }
"wildcard" : { "Id_B" : "0*" }
],"minimum_number_should_match": 1
Similar to suggestion above, but this is simple and worked for me:
"query": {
"bool": {
"wildcard" : { "processname.keyword" : "*system*" }
"wildcard" : { "username" : "*admin*" }
"wildcard" : { "device_name" : "*10*" }
I would not use wildcards, it will not scale well. You are asking a lot of the search engine at query time. You can use the nGram filter, to do the processing at index-time not search time.
See this discussion on the nGram filter.
After indexing the name and surname correctly (change your mapping, there are examples in the above link) you can use multi-match but without wildcards and get the expected results.
description: {
type: 'keyword',
normalizer: 'useLowercase',
product: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'keyword',
normalizer: 'useLowercase',
activity: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'keyword',
normalizer: 'useLowercase',
query: {
bool: {
must: [
bool: {
should: [
wildcard: {
description: {
value: `*${value ? value : ''}*`,
boost: 1.0,
rewrite: 'constant_score',
wildcard: {
'product.name': {
value: `*${value ? value : ''}*`,
boost: 1.0,
rewrite: 'constant_score',
wildcard: {
'activity.name': {
value: `*${value ? value : ''}*`,
boost: 1.0,
rewrite: 'constant_score',
match: {
recordStatus: RecordStatus.Active,
bool: {
must_not: [
term: {
'user.id': req.currentUser?.id,
bool: {
should: tags
? tags.map((name: string) => {
return {
nested: {
path: 'tags',
query: {
match: {
'tags.name': name,
: [],
filter: {
bool: {
must_not: {
terms: {
id: existingIds ? existingIds : [],
sort: [
updatedAt: {
order: 'desc',
