How to use the rotateCamera function of Trackball Controls in ThreeJS? - three.js

I am looking for autorotate functionality like in Orbital controls. I found the rotateCamera() in Threejs Docs. Not sure how to use it or call it. Can anyone tell me how to use it?

TrackballControls does not support auto rotate. The mentioned method rotateCamera() is intended for internal use only. It's actually called by update().
You have two options now:
Use OrbitControls
Create a custom version of TrackballControls and implement the auto rotate feature by yourself.


How to look to objects using lookAt() with a-frame camera component and look-controls

Goal: I want to create a Web based experience where the user need to see a series of elements on the scene and later, I want to leave the user explore alone.
I have several objects around the scene and I want the camera to look at them one by one. I am using the lookat() method but is not working correctly. I found this example on Threejs:
But my example is not working like the previous example.
After the answer of #Mugen87 is working but with a little modification:
Access the camera in this way. You can see the example here:
Please click on the button "animate camera".
As mentioned in this thread, you have to remove or disable look-controls if you're overriding camera rotation manually. So you can do:
var cameraEl = document.getElementById('camera');
cameraEl.setAttribute('look-controls', {enabled: false});
to disable the controls, perform your lookAt() operations, and then enable the controls via:
cameraEl.setAttribute('look-controls', {enabled: true})
I finally could make it worked. I am new in Threejs and aframe and surely I don't understand rotation, positions,world coordinates good enough but I think I did a decent work. Here the link:
I hope will be useful for somebody on the future.

How to desaturate canvas group in Unity

How to get access to custom canvas group shader? I need to desaturate all child of game object situated on canvas. Something like canvas group component that provide possibility to change alpha of all child objets.
Unity might be using a more elegant solution by hiding their implementation of setting the alpha via the CanvasGroup component in their C++ part of the engine.
For now it looks like there is no other way than to set the material property on all UI elements (UnityEngine.UI.Graphic) with a custom material.
Remember, you can download the official shader source files. ;) There's a default UI shader, which you need to modify to add additional color functionality.

THREE.js - Switching LODs based on result some function

I am using THREE.js via this - and I would like to implement custom logic for switching LODs. The main reason is that distance from camera is still the same but camera have scale set based on zoom level of map. I would like to switch LOD based on zoom level. I am trying to figure out how to "hack" LOD logic so I could pass own function which will be called by THREE.js and will return which LOD to use.
Please can you give me some hints how to implement this in the way as clean as possible?

Newer Threejs version and mouse over

Im trying to use last threejs version to load a Collada Loader. Furthermore, I just want to make a mouse over events.
I've been reading (and analyzing a lot of examples) about this on related forum, there is a problem about intersectObjects (this function makes possible mouse over evet).
Question is simple: How can I code mouse over events on pieces of my model?
Here is my example but It is not using the latest version of the threejs library.
Nothing else at the moment, I think It is so hard to begin with this library, there isn't so much documentation...
My root issue is when mouse is out of canvas, threejs detects mouse over some piece of my model and through the event... I think if I update threejs this may be fixed
Thank you!!!
As far as I can see you already implemented intersectObjects.Try using this on your canvas:
position : absolute,
top : 0px
Seems to me that you dont use the right mousePosition for the calculation. Try using the relative mousePosition of the canvas and not of the document. And I would not check for intersection on every render call. Maybe on a mouseMove event or on an interval.

Best way to animate a circle moving around a screen in Qt?

If I wanted to, using Qt, simply have some circles move around in a white box, or a graphic, what would be the best method of this?
Would I need to draw white/the graphic behind where the circle moved from every time? Is there a simple way of accomplishing this in Qt?
Create QGraphicsView object to your widget and added a QGraphicsScene to view.
Add a QGraphicsEllipseItem to scene
Use QPropertyAnimation to change the "pos" property of the ellipse item.
If you need more advanced features, you can build your own animation class on QPropertyAnimation.
enjoy it:)
Update: You can read Qt's Next Generation UI for more information.
Subclass a QWidget. Start a timerEvent() to animate the positions of the circles, then call update() at the end to schedule a repaint of the widget. Override the widget's paintEvent() - in there you draw your background and circles, using a QPainter object. The Qt Assistant has examples of how to use QPainter.
Qt also has a new animation framework that may facilitate something like this, but I have not looked into it.
