Declare a Character array Arr of size5 - solver

Declare a Character array Arr of size 5. Read characters in to it without scanf. Using a pointer variable, change the characters in the Array .
Print the original Arr and then the changed array with Address.

char *charArr[5]; // Declare a Character Array of Size 5 (1)
fgets(charArr, 5, stdin); // Read characters into array without scanf (2)
void change(int **array, int length){
*array = malloc(length * sizeof(int));
if (*array == NULL)
for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++)
(*array)[i] = 1;
printf("%s\n", charArr); // simply prints array of chars (3.a) Inital array set of vals
change(&charArr, 5); // change values within array
printf("%s\n", charArr); // simply prints array of chars (3.b) array set of vals after change
free(array); // Free's up Malloc
I'm not to familiar with C but, I think it's something along those lines. I manged to extrapolate a solution using the resources below
NOTE if this does fail, please review the stackoverflow link below. It goes into describing that using malloc with predefined memory will likely throw an exception.
Changing array inside function in C


Counting Byte Occurrence in Read Files in BPF

I am relatively new to BPF and trying to write a program that counts the occurrence of each byte read from a file (later will calculate entropy).
The idea is to have two BPF_PERCPU_ARRAYS to circumvent stack size limitations. To one, I will copy the first 4096 bytes of the content of the written file, and with the other, I will count the occurrence of each possible value of a byte.
The described arrays are initialized like this:
struct data_t {
u8 data[4096];
struct counter_t {
u32 data[256];
BPF_PERCPU_ARRAY(storage, struct data_t, 1); //to store the buffer
BPF_PERCPU_ARRAY(countarr, struct counter_t, 1); //to count occurrences
and used later in a function:
//set both arrays to zero
int zero = 0;
struct data_t *pstorage = storage.lookup(&zero);
struct counter_t *pcountarr = countarr.lookup(&zero);
//check if init worked
if (!pstorage)
return 0;
if (!pcountarr)
return 0;
//copy data to storage
bpf_probe_read((void*)&pstorage->data, sizeof(pstorage->data), (void*)buf);
u8 tmpint = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 4095; i++){
if (i == count){
tmpint = pstorage->data[i];
//bpf_trace_printk("Current Byte: %d", (int)tmpint); //THIS IS LINE A
//pcountarr->data[tmpint]++; //THIS IS LINE B
The last two lines that are commented out are the ones giving me trouble. Uncommenting line A gives me the error
invalid access to map value, value_size=4096 off=4096 size=1
R8 min value is outside of the allowed memory range
processed 102513 insns (limit 1000000) max_states_per_insn 4 total_states 981 peak_states 977 mark_read 459
with R8 (are R8 and R8_w the same?) being
Doing so with Line B results in pretty much the same problem. At this point im decently lost with my experience and wish i had posted this several days ago :D...
Any help is appreciated :)
You are assigning zero to i but it is defined outside of the loop. for(i = 0; i < 4095; i++){. I suspect that i is not an unsigned number and thus can have a negative minimum value according to the verifier. Would define i as a u16 and see if that fixes the issue:
for(u16 i = 0; i < 4095; i++){

Counting sort - Efficiency

I was thinking about counting sort and how we implement it, actually how the algorithm works. I am stuck with one part, algorithm is really straightforward and easy to understand but one part of it doesn't seem necessary. I thought people might mistaken or so, but it seems like everyone using the same method so I am mistaken somewhere. Can you please explain.
Here is code for counting sort from geeksforgeeks
// C Program for counting sort
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define RANGE 255
// The main function that sort the given string arr[] in
// alphabatical order
void countSort(char arr[])
// The output character array that will have sorted arr
char output[strlen(arr)];
// Create a count array to store count of inidividul
// characters and initialize count array as 0
int count[RANGE + 1], i;
memset(count, 0, sizeof(count));
// Store count of each character
for(i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
// Change count[i] so that count[i] now contains actual
// position of this character in output array
for (i = 1; i <= RANGE; ++i)
count[i] += count[i-1];
// Build the output character array
for (i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
output[count[arr[i]]-1] = arr[i];
// Copy the output array to arr, so that arr now
// contains sorted characters
for (i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
arr[i] = output[i];
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
char arr[] = "geeksforgeeks";//"applepp";
printf("Sorted character array is %s\n", arr);
return 0;
Cool , but about this part:
// Build the output character array
for (i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
output[count[arr[i]]-1] = arr[i];
Why do I need this ?? Ok I counted my numbers :
Let's say I had array -> [1, 3, 6, 3, 2, 4]
INDEXES 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
I created this -> [0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1]
Than this part does this:
[0, 1+0, 1+1, 2+2, 4+1, 0+5, 1+5]
[0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6]
Can't I just use my array like the one before ? Here is my idea and my code, please explain why it's wrong or, why other way is more useful.
void countingSort (int *arr) {
int countingArray[MAX_NUM] = {0};
for (i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; i++)
int output_Index = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM ; i++)
while ( countingArray[i]-- )
arr[output_Index++] = i;
For the simple case where you are sorting an array of integers, your code is simpler and better.
However, counting sort is a general sorting algorithm that can sort based on a sorting key derived from the items to be sorted, which is used to compare them, as opposed to directly comparing the items themselves. In the case of an array of integers, the items and the sort keys can be one and the same, you just compare them directly.
It looks to me as though the geeksforgeeks code has been adapted from a more generic example that allows the use of sorting keys, something like this:
// Store count of each item
for(i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
// Change count[i] so that count[i] now contains actual
// position of this character in output array
for (i = 1; i <= RANGE; ++i)
count[i] += count[i-1];
// Build the output array
for (i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
output[count[key(arr[i])]-1] = arr[i];
Where key is a function that computes a sort key based on an item (for an integer type you could just return the integer itself). In this case MAX_NUM would have to be replaced with MAX_KEY.
This approach uses the extra output array because the final result is generated by copying the items from arr rather than simply from the information in count (which only contains the count of items with each key). However, an in-place counting sort is possible.
The algorithm also guarantees a stable sort (items with the same sort key have their relative order preserved by sorting) - this is meaningless when sorting integers.
However, since they have removed the ability to sort based on key, there's no reason for the extra complexity and your way is better.
It's also possible that they have copied the code from a language like C++, where the int cast (which will be called when using an item to index an array) could be overloaded to return the sort key, but have mistakenly converted to C.
I think your version is a better approach. I suspect that the person who wrote this code sample had probably written similar code samples for other sorting algorithms — there are many sorting algorithms where you do need separate "scratch space" — and didn't put enough thought into this one.
Alternatively, (s)he may have felt that the algorithm is easier to explain if we separate "generating the result" from "moving the result into place"? I don't agree, if so, but the detailed comments make clear that (s)he had pedagogy in mind.
That said, there are a few minor issues with your version:
You forgot to declare i.
You should take the array-length as a parameter, rather than using a hardcoded ARRAY_SIZE. (In the code sample, this issue is avoided by using a string, so they could iterate until the terminating null byte.)
This may be subjective, but rather than while ( countingArray[i]-- ), I think it's clearer to write for (int j = 0; j < countingArray[i]; ++j).

Deleting 'b' and duplicating 'a' in-place

This is a homework task: given a string of only 'a', 'b' and 'c's, duplicate all 'a', delete all 'b's and leave the c's alone (i.e. just copy them in the new string).
Input: "abbc"
Output: "aac"
This should be done in linear time. Extra points for doing it in-place in the same string.
I thought of the following:
allocate some space at the end of the string and create the final string there while keeping the index in the original string
(code in C++)
int main() {
string str;
char chars[] = "abbc";
size_t slen = sizeof(chars) - 1;
copy(begin(chars), end(chars), str.begin());
int j = 49;
for (int i = slen - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (str[i] == 'a') {
str[j] = 'a';
str[--j] = 'a';
else if (str[i] == 'c') {
str[j] = 'c';
// Nothing for b
str.erase(str.begin(), str.begin() + j);
this seems to work but I'd like to know if there's a better way to do it (indices are easy to mess up) and if I'm not overlooking something.
Since you are creating a new string, there is no need to do it backwards. Processing from the front will be clearer. Despite being homework you should strive for general code and avoid magic numbers in your code (like 49).
Ask yourself what's the longest possible output string. How can you compute it? Can you write code which can deal with any input string, or handle failures in a graceful manner (not crash)?
Doing it in-place is easy, if you don't need to expand the size of the string. You just need to realize that you can use two passes. 2*n is just as linear as n.
In the first pass, you delete all the 'b' characters by copying from an input index to an output index, only incrementing the output index if the character is not 'b'. At the same time count the number of 'a' characters.
At this point you have enough information to tell if the final string will be the same size or less than the original string, and you can do the appropriate error handling if not.
The second pass works from the end of the string to the beginning. Start with the input index being the end of the current string, and the output index being that plus the number of 'a' characters that you counted earlier. Each time you copy an 'a' you insert an extra and decrement the output index twice.

How does capitalize work?

I'm trying to understand how String#capitalize! works internally. I can create a hash. Given string foo = "the", foo[0] is "t", look up the lower_case "t", and match it with upper case "T" value. In fact, Ruby source shows:
static VALUE
rb_str_capitalize_bang(VALUE str)
rb_encoding *enc;
char *s, *send;
int modify = 0;
unsigned int c;
int n;
enc = STR_ENC_GET(str);
if (RSTRING_LEN(str) == 0 || !RSTRING_PTR(str)) return Qnil;
s = RSTRING_PTR(str); send = RSTRING_END(str);
c = rb_enc_codepoint_len(s, send, &n, enc);
if (rb_enc_islower(c, enc)) {
rb_enc_mbcput(rb_enc_toupper(c, enc), s, enc);
modify = 1;
s += n;
while (s < send) {
c = rb_enc_codepoint_len(s, send, &n, enc);
if (rb_enc_isupper(c, enc)) {
rb_enc_mbcput(rb_enc_tolower(c, enc), s, enc);
modify = 1;
s += n;
if (modify) return str;
return Qnil;
The relevant function is toupper. How does it know toupper("t") equals "T"?
You're wondering how it knows what the uppercase version of the character is? Like most real-world implementations of this kind of function, it uses a lookup table.
toupper is an ansi C function. This means that the exact implementation actually depends on the provider of your library, which most of the times is your compiler.
Chances are that it follows the ASCII table, because there is no lookup as faster as a sum of integers - one of the steps in the lookup should involve a sum, to calculate the new address.
So, on gcc, we have this implementation
ctype<char>::do_toupper(char __c) const
int __x = __c;
return (this->is(ctype_base::lower, __c) ? (__x - 'a' + 'A') : __x);
This basically checks if it lower. If it is, returns the lower. Otherwise, it does subtracts 97 and then sum 65, which is the same thing than subtract 32. Remember that characters and numbers are the same for a computer, just binary data. And then, note how characters are used instead of numbers for a better readability (well, at least for C folks).
Without looking at any source code, I would guess that one way would be to convert a character to its' respective ASCII value, subtract 32 from it and convert the ASCII value back to a char.

How can we find a repeated number in array in O(n) time and O(1) space complexity

How can we find a repeated number in array in O(n) time and O(1) complexity?
array 2,1,4,3,3,10
output is 3
I tried in following way.
i found that if no is oddly repeated then we can achieve the result by doing xor . so i thought to make the element which is odd no repeating to even no and every evenly repeating no to odd.but for that i need to find out unique element array from input array in O(n) but couldn't find the way.
Assuming that there is an upped bound for the values of the numbers in the array (which is the case with all built-in integer types in all programming languages I 've ever used -- for example, let's say they are 32-bit integers) there is a solution that uses constant space:
Create an array of N elements, where N is the upper bound for the integer values in the input array and initialize all elements to 0 or false or some equivalent. I 'll call this the lookup array.
Loop over the input array, and use each number to index into the lookup array. If the value you find is 1 or true (etc), the current number in the input array is a duplicate.
Otherwise, set the corresponding value in the lookup array to 1 or true to remember that we have seen this particular input number.
Technically, this is O(n) time and O(1) space, and it does not destroy the input array. Practically, you would need things to be going your way to have such a program actually run (e.g. it's out of the question if talking about 64-bit integers in the input).
Without knowing more about the possible values in the array you can't.
With O(1) space requirement the fastest way is to sort the array so it's going to be at least O(n*log(n)).
Use Bit manipulation ... traverse the list in one loop.
Check if the mask is 1 by shifting the value from i.
If so print out repeated value i.
If the value is unset, set it.
*If you only want to show one repeated values once, add another integer show and set its bits as well like in the example below.
**This is in java, I'm not sure we will reach it, but you might want to also add a check using Integer.MAX_VALUE.
public static void repeated( int[] vals ) {
int mask = 0;
int show = 0;
for( int i : vals ) {
// get bit in mask
if( (( mask >> i ) & 1) == 1 &&
(( show >> i ) & 1) == 0 )
System.out.println( "\n\tfound: " + i );
show = show | (1 << i);
// set mask if not found
mask = mask | (1 << i);
System.out.println( "new: " + i );
System.out.println( "mask: " + mask );
This is impossible without knowing any restricted rules about the input array, either that the Memory complexity would have some dependency on the input size or that the time complexity is gonna be higher.
The 2 answers above are infact the best answers for getting near what you have asked, one's trade off is Time where the second trade off is in Memory, but you cant have it run in O(n) time and O(1) complexity in SOME UNKNOWN INPUT ARRAY.
I met the problem too and my solution is using hashMap .The python version is the following:
def findRepeatNumber(lists):
hashMap = {}
for i in xrange(len(lists)):
if lists[i] in hashMap:
return lists[i]
It is possible only if you have a specific data. Eg all numbers are of a small range. Then you could store repeat info in the source array not affecting the whole scanning and analyzing process.
Simplified example: You know that all the numbers are smaller than 100, then you can mark repeat count for a number using extra zeroes, like put 900 instead of 9 when 9 is occurred twice.
It is easy when NumMax-NumMin
public static string RepeatedNumber()
int[] input = {66, 23, 34, 0, 5, 4};
int[] indexer = {0,0,0,0,0,0}
var found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
var toFind = input[i];
for (int j = 0; j < input.Length; j++)
if (input[j] == toFind && (indexer[j] == 1))
found = input[j];
else if (input[j] == toFind)
indexer[j] = 1;
return $"most repeated item in the array is {found}";
You can do this
void main ()
int array[5],rep=0;
for(int i=1; i<=5; i++)
cout<<"enter elements"<<endl;
for(i=1; i<=5; i++)
cout<<" repeat value is"<<rep;
