Set Intellisense delay (VS 2019) - visual-studio

Writing C# code in Visual Studio 2019. The constant popups as you type or position the mouse are very distracting. In Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages (or your language), you can disable all popups as you type by untciking Auto list members, but this is not what I need. Firstly I don't want to disable them completely and secondly this doesn't affect popups when you hover over a variable.
Ideally, I'd like popups more sparingly and only after a long-ish delay (say 1000ms). Currently they appear nearly instantly whenever I type any character or move the mouse over the code.
Can the delay be configured?
According to a comment to this question, Visual Studio does not currently support a delay. But the experience for C# coding can be improved at Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Intellisense. Find the option Show completion list after a character is typed and untick it.

Actually, VS does not such feature to make a delay for code Intellisense.
So my suggestion is that you can disable the option Show completion list after a character is typed just as you said.
And then if you want to invoke Intellisense, you should type Ctrl + Space manually to invoke the Intellisense.
In this way, you can invoke the Intellisense anytime based on your needs.
Besides, if you still want this requirement, I suggest you could suggest your feature on our DC Forum.
Also, you can share the link here and anyone including us will vote it so that it will get more Microsoft's attention.
Update 1
I already suggested the feature for you and you can check the link.
You can vote on it and add any comments if I did not describe the issue in detail. Hope the Team will consider the idea carefully and give us a satisfactory reply.
Since the process would take a long time, so you have to use my workaround manually so far.


Visual Studio XAML Intellisense not working until I open a tag

Intellisense working when I open a tag
But I want to use Intellisense without opening a tag. Like in the picture.
I am able to do this with ctrl + Space combination. Is there any way to do it automatically?
I think you cannot get what you want so far. And XAml Intellisense is special and it should work with < and >. So invoke the Intellisense should be with them. There is no such automatic way as you wished by default.
After all, it is not the type of c# or c++ code that can type some word to invoke Intellisense. And Xaml Intellisense is not flexible as you expected.
VS does not design that by default and there is no such vs extensions I found to realize so far.
If you still want your feature, you could suggest a feature on the DC Forum and then share the link here when you finish it. Anyone who is interested in it including us will vote it to help get the feedback from the Microsoft as soon as possible.

Disable suggestions list auto-resize on Visual Studio 2019?

In Visual Studio 2019, how can someone disable the auto-suggestion list being auto-resized?. This:
It is very very annoying when navigating through the suggested members and you miss-click the vertical scrollbar or another point inside the list due the width was auto-resized... this feature is not well-done for the visual sense of the human being, it is not productive for me.
I can understand the intention is to not occupy much visible area in the text editor when the list contains long member names but that logic is absurd because the list width will be sized to its maximum width if you want to pick that long member name, so... totally useless and annoying for me.
Disable suggestions list auto-resize on Visual Studio 2019?
I am afraid that you cannot get what you want in this issue so far. And VS IDE does not have such option to control it so far.
The purpose of the automatic adjustment of the scroll box is to facilitate the user to visually see the full name of the method and then confirm and use it. It is from the perspective of the convenience of developing code.
According to your needs, you need a better visual experience and the best suggestion is to add an option on VS IDE to force maintain the size. So we recommend that you could suggest your feature on our User Voice Forum
In addition, when you finish writing such feature, you can share the link here with us and anyone who is interested in this will vote for you so that it will get more attention from Microsoft.
Hope it could help you.

Recommendations overlap in Visual Studio

I do not know how, but when writing code, two panels open for suggestions and both are opened in a row. Unfortunately I couldn't find how to solve it.
These things sometimes be caused by plugins like CodeRush and Resharper that working together. I think it is necessary to use only one of these plugins. But I am not sure. The problem seems to be caused by the window being unable to be adjusted.
You can follow these steps from Visual Studio.
Window -> Close All Documents
Window -> Reset Window Layout
Exit Visual Studio to be sure, then go back in.
When the same happens to me, update:
In fact, the overlapping things are that both Resharper and IntelliSense show completion list after a character is typed. To prevent this, it is necessary to turn off either the Resharper or IntelliSense related feature. I prefered to close IntelliSense's completion list with help from this site. For this, I followed these steps:
From Visual Studio, select “Tools” > “Options“.
Select “Text Editor” in the left pane.
Select the language you are using (C#, C++, Basic, etc.).
For C# and Basic, choose “IntelliSense“. For C or C++, choose “Advanced“, then scroll to the “IntelliSense” section.
For C# and Basic, check the “Show completion list after a character is typed” to disable it. For C/C++, you will have a few options, such as “Disable Auto Updating“, “Disable Squiggles“, and “Disable #include “Auto Complete“. Set any of these to “True” to turn them off.

What is the command for promoting a peek preview to document?

When I'm in peek preview, I sometimes wish to promote it to document. It's done by mousing on the icon as shown below.
On occasion (most of the occasion, in fact), my mouse is tired and wants me to use my keyboard for such promotion to document. According to the wisdom on the net, it's achieved by CtrlAltHome.
In my VS, there's nothing assigned to the key combination, so I'm guessing someone snack in and changed that without my permission. However, to restore it, I need to know what the command in Tools | Options | Environment |Keyboard is called.
I can't find anything appropriate there (I've tried different variations of the MS's description of the command: "Promote the Peek Definition window to a regular document tab").
So, what is it called? If it differs between versions, I'd like to know the name for each, where the peeking is avaialble (started in VS13, if I'm not mistaken).
Given the meaningful effort I've put into composing the image, every and each can clearly see that it's a crucial and important matter, given the circumstances.
In Visual Studio 2013 the command name is Window.KeepTabOpen.
I had the same issue but on reverse. I hate the Peek Definition and didn't know how to get rid of it. Well, I found it. In Visual Studio 2017 you need to go to Tools -> Options -> Productivity Power Tools -> General -> Control click options. There you need to check/uncheck the Control click shows definitions in Peek
Hope it helps!
PS. In order to see Productivity Power Tools you need to get it first using NuGet
A workaround for this (for Visual Studio 2015) is the following:
With focus on the peek window to open/dock:
Close peek window
Go to definition
Pin tab
Alt+-, P
If there are multiple/nested peeks, then replace step 1 with:
Previous peek window

Visual Studio - easy way to bring up type definition as source code

Oftentimes I want to bring up a system class in a source view, so that I can browse the properties and methods exposed by the class. Below is the screenshot of what I mean:
Srting from metadata
Usually I do this by selecting the class name and pressing F12 (or right click>Go To Definition). However, if I haven't got it anywhere ready, i have type it up and then do Go To Definition. Most of the time I have to delete what I typed later on.
Is there a way to bring up this view without having to type the class name? The VS2010 Navigate To dialog doesn't support this.
EDIT: When I posted the question I didn't use any Visual Studio plugins. Now that I realised that I have full CodeRush license (thanks to StackOverflow promotion for users with 10K rep) I will accept answers that use CodeRush or Refactor!.
EDIT: At this stage I haven't really got anywhere with trying to answer this question. I am going to leave it open and let the bounty auto-award itself to Rory as he explained what's happening the best. In the meantime(schedule allowing) I will investigate doing this with DXCore as I think it should be possible.
The view you're looking at appears to have been built by some sort of analysis of the IL of the framework. Without knowing the type you intend to look at, no deconstruction can be done. Therefore I feel that, you are unlikely to find exactly what you have said you are looking for.
Allow me to suggest a few alternatives though.
Disclaimer: I work for DevExpress as a CodeRush Community Evangelist.
The Object Browser (Ctrl+Alt+J) This screen will load without attempting to show you any particular type, it will therefore be down to you to find the type in question. However all types are available and full search functionality is provided. once the type you're looking or is found, all members are listed and available.
Update: If you use the (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+R) shortcut to launch the object browser, then it will launch focused on the Search box. This is invaluable.
There are a number of CodeRush features which can prove useful when trying to locate code.
TabToNextReference (Tab) Whilst the caret is positioned within a type, strike the tab key and the next reference to that type will be located. More Details
References ToolWindow (Shift+F12) When activated the References ToolWindow will show you any references to the current type or member. This toolwindow can also be used to navigate said references. The References Toolwindow can be used in both on demand and Live mode. this allows you to have the window update as you navigate your code (via mouse or keyboard) and locate all references of any symbol the caret lands upon.
QuickNav (Ctrl+Shift+Q): This feature is closest in style to VS2010's NavigateTo feature. QuickNav will locate symbols matching whatever you type into it's filter box. This facility also supports Camel Case search. More details
QuickNav is also much more configurable than it's VS counterpart
Please also keep in mind that CodeRush is build upon the DXCore, a framework which allows users to create their own plugins for use alongside each other and CodeRush.
This framework has been repeatedly been leveraged by the community to add additional functionality. So even if you don't see any thing quite to your needs, consider suggesting something to the community by way of the forums or even contact me directly RoryB at DevExpress dot Com
I'm sure there's something we can do to help you out :)
I was not aware of that new "Navigate To" feature, but I used to use Reflector for this sort of things. The pro version offers some integration with Visual Studio (Right clicking the method and selecting "Open In .NET Reflector"). It will open the reflector window and won't show the code in the VS itself. You can watch the demo that shows this feature and some others.
This is not the best answer that I'd expect but is a good option to know.
There is no way that I know of to do this in Visual Studio 2010. However, you can do this in ReSharper via the 'navigate to' menu. I suggest you try the 30 day trial from them, then if you really do need this then purchase it.
A number of add-ins allow you to browse objects (though usually in an object-browser treeview manner rather than in a "header" file form - I believe Resharper, CodeRush and Visual Assist X all have variations on this theme).
However, one add-in to consider (as it's free) is the VS Productivity Power Tools. It adds a Solution Navigator window that gives a view onto your solution just like Solution Explorer, but (among other enhancements):
can search & filter the files listed, e.g. show only those files that are named Test.
can "expand" any file entry to show the types and members within it.
