How to get image of Google Hosted Private App? - android-management-api

I published an private App by using Managed iframe in my EMM console and i got it available under my enterprise successfully.
Question : I need to store the published private app image and other details while approving it from managed iframe, is there any way to get an image of private app under enterprise from my code.

If you are an EMM approved developer, you can use the EMM Products API. It returns links to app icons. If not and you are working on a Java solution, you could try my java-app-icons library that fetches Play store app icons by package names. The library require Java 11 or upper version.

You can use your account that has access to the Play Dev Account. You could use this API to get the image of your private app.


How to solve the problem that YouTube Data API set my video to private

I'm using YouTube Data API to upload videos to my YouTube account.
But when uploading is done, the status were become private.
I know my API has to verified by Google developers console.
After I tried, I realize my free version of WordPress website can't use:
Filezilla to connect WordPress website, cause free version doesn't support ftp;
I hope you can tell what should I do without any website that I can verified by Google developers console.
If you check the documentation videos.insert
All videos uploaded via the videos.insert endpoint from unverified API projects created after 28 July 2020 will be restricted to private viewing mode. To lift this restriction, each API project must undergo an audit to verify compliance with the Terms of Service. Please see the API Revision History for more details.
All this means is that you need to go to Google Cloud console for your project under the consent screen change the project to production and click the prepare for varication button
This has nothing to do with WordPress. This has to do with your project on google developer console.

Is there a way to add AdMob to a Trusted Web Activity?

I am currently using GoogleChromeLabs/svgomg-twa as a base for my project.
Is there a way to add AdMob interstitials or banner ads within the project?
It is possible to add AdMob to an App that uses Trusted Web Activity, but the ads can only be displayed in native activities - they can't be added to the Trusted Web Activity itself.
Web based ads libraries (eg: Google Adsense) will work as expected inside a Trusted Web Activty.

Test GMail marketplace app flow

So here I am again, exploring new Google platform and hunting down information and docs.
I'm trying to build a skeleton of a flow before I write any business logic code with actual use of the APIs, and as expected from Google, this process is excruciatingly painful.
I've tried to follow this doc:
Packaged the zip, put the flag DOMAIN_INSTALLABLE flag as was instructed in order for the app to be installible from the marketplace. In the dashboard of PRICING & DISTRIBUTION I've selected Private and added testers to the list of testers.
Now when I click View in Chrome Web Store (seen in image) it takes me to the extensions web store, and not to the marketplace store.
How can I get to the GSuite Marketplace flow, rather than the extension flow? Do I need to alter my manifest.json in some way that is not mentioned in the docs?
it's true that the publishing flow is too complicated now. We are working on improvements and in the future everything will be in one place.
Unfortunately G Suite Marketplace does not support trusted testers (yet), that's why it doesn't show up.
What you might be able to do, is modify the url a bit after you clicked on 'View in Chrome Web Store'.
Just remove everything after the webstore id
I use this url:
xxxx should be your webstore id
You should be able to show your unlisted app in the Gsuite Marketplace, where you can initiate the install flow.
It works for me, but my test app

Authentification with Google (to get rtmp url) without using WebView in a Xamarin Project ?

I'm trying to develop a Xamarin project wich is able to stream on youtube.
I want to get the rtmp url from the user account.
But, recently google has disabled webviews to authorize apps to get accesstoken and others user data.
I have tried to use Xamarin Auth but unfortunately, it actually use a webview.
(getUI() is returning a webview).
So i'm asking if someone know how to authentificate a user with google without webviews ?
I have also tried using custom tabs but I can't get the url to get the access token because the NavigationEvent is not fired when a new page is loaded.
Xamarin.Auth 1.4.x supports Custom Tabs and SafariViewController, but no Xamarin.Forms support what most of the users want.
Xamarin.Forms support is in the 1.5.0-alpha soon to be released.
Samples extracted from the repo:
Try ComicBook (Xamarin.Forms) or Providers (Traditional/Standard).
Nuget packages tuning can be problematic, just bump versions to the highest.

Cannot submit app to google app marketplace

I am integrating google app marketplace SDK to my web app and publishing it to chrome web store as specified here
I have published the app to restricted users (domain users only) to test the workflow.
The app is published to the domain users but when I access it and click to install, it adds as a chrome extension but I cannot access it as a Google Marketplace app.
For marketplace integration, I have created a project under Google APIs Console and enabled Google Apps Marketplace SDK. If I click the "Test Install Flow" button
the app is successfully installed as a marketplace app which I can access from universal app navigator of my domain email.
Is this the best way I can test whether the app installs as a marketplace application for restricted users? Can I not see it added by directly installing it from the published url?
I have gone through a few links which mention that it is now not easy to submit app to marketplace unless you use atleast one of the Google Services APIs and get through the Google Apps Marketplace Listing Review Request.
Can not post Google Apps Marketplace Listing Review Request for API Project
How to create listing on google apps marketplace?
If I do not intend to use any of the Google Services APIs, and just use Google App MarketPlace SDK, will I not be able to get the app listed in marketplace?
Any help is much appreciated!
Assuming you have added both "DOMAIN_INSTALLABLE" and "GOOGLE_DRIVE" in your mainfest.json file. Try adding "app" section to the manifest. See
