Identification of erroneous queries in ObjectGears - objectgears

Is there a way to check all the queries in ObjectGears? I can now display them only for particular models not all of them at once.

Create this query in ObjectGears. It will provide what you need.
SELECT m.Name AS Model_name, cd.Name, cd.Code, cd.Created, cd.Creator, cd.Modified, cd.Modifier, './QueryDetail.aspx?Id=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,cd.Id) AS URL
FROM ClassDef cd
INNER JOIN Model m ON m.Id = cd.ModelId
cd.isDirty = 1 AND
cd.EntityType = 1


What tools are there that help build expression trees for dynamic LINQ queries?

My project needs to let users build their own dynamic queries. From what I've read, Expression Trees are the way to go. However the syntax is rather complicated.
I envision having a GUI where users would be able to check tables, select columns, specify parameters,etc and then build a string such as:
var myQuery =
from P in context.Projects
join UA in context.UserAttributes on P.ProjectID equals UA.ProjectID
join UBA in context.UserBooleanAttributes on UA.UserAttributeID equals UBA.UserAttributeID
join U in context.Users on UBA.UserID equals U.UserID
where P.ProjectID == 1
where UBA.Value == true
where (UA.UserAttributeID == 1 || UA.UserAttributeID == 2)
select new { uba = U };
And store that in a queries table. To process the query, I was hoping there is some library out there that will magically do something like:
var result = magic(str);
foreach(var user in result)
In this example I know that all my queries would return Users, but for other queries I would probably have to use reflection or in another column specify the expected type in results.
I found one project called LinqTextQueryBuilder which looks interesting, but I wanted to see if there are other alternatives.

Entity Framework returns wrong data after execution of two similar queries

I have two similar queries, the first one:
var activatedSerialNumbers = (from activation in entities.Activations
where !canceledActivationsIds.Contains(activation.Id)
where activation.CustomerId == customerId
join licenseConfiguration in entities.LicenseConfigurations
on activation.Id equals licenseConfiguration.ActivationId
where licenseConfiguration.ProductId == productId
join activatedSerialNumber in entities.ActivatedSerialNumbers
on activation.Id equals activatedSerialNumber.ActivationId
where deactivatedSams.All(dsn => dsn.ToLower() !=
select new SamWithLicense
Name = activatedSerialNumber.Name,
Features = licenseConfiguration.LicenseFeatures
The second:
var activationsForSam = (from activation in entities.Activations
where !canceledActivationsIds.Contains(activation.Id)
where activation.CustomerId == customerId
let activatedSerialNumbers = activation.ActivatedSerialNumbers
.Select(sn => sn.Name.ToLower())
where activatedSerialNumbers.Contains(loweredSn)
join licenseConfiguration in entities.LicenseConfigurations
on activation.Id equals activatedProduct.ActivationId
select new SamWithLicense
Name = selectedSerialNumber,
Features = licenseConfiguration.LicenseFeatures
In some situations I execute them one after another and in most cases it works fine, but somethimes - not. In the result of second query Counter takes from another row:
Visual Studio - Quick watch
SQL Management Studio
I guess it's a matter of a EF cache or smth, but don't know how to fix it properly.
In your first query you are joining the Activation Id (PK) to LicenseConfigurations ActivationId (FK)
join licenseConfiguration in entities.LicenseConfigurations
on activation.Id equals licenseConfiguration.ActivationId
in your second query, it looks like you are joining on a value defined outside of the query "activatedProduct"
join licenseConfiguration in entities.LicenseConfigurations
on activation.Id equals activatedProduct.ActivationId

Linq to SQL - Many to Many Predicates

I'm familiar with doing simple Many-to-Many relationships (i.e. simple joins) in Linq to SQL, but I'm having a hard time thinking right now.
I have three tables (and so, entities in my Linq-to-SQL model) representing a taxonomic system. Standard-issue really:
Products - ProductTags - Tags
I'm writing a method that returns a set of Products where the Tag they're in matches a query. So if someone searches for "foo" then all products assigned with the tags "foobar" or "fooqux" (but not "bazbar") would be returned.
I know I have to structure the query into two parts: first to get the matching Tags, and then to get the Products that have those tags. It's the second part I'm stumped on.
Here's what I've got so far:
var tags = from t in db.Tags
where t.Name.Contains( tagSearchQuery )
select t;
var products = from p in db.Products
// then a miracle happens
select p;
Assistance much appreciated :)
You can do it in one query if you just start with the ProductTags table. You'll probably also need a Distinct to avoid duplicate products matching multiple tags.
var products = (from pt in db.ProductTags
where pt.Tag.Name.Contains( tagSearchQuery )
select pt.Product).Distinct();
or here's another way:
var products = from p in db.Products
from pt in p.ProductTags
where pt.Tag.Name.Contains( tagSearchQuery )
select p
IQueryable<Tag> tags =
from t in db.Tags
where t.Name.Contains( tagSearchQuery )
select t;
IQueryable<Product> products =
from p in db.Products
where p.ProductTags.Any(pt => tags.Contains(pt.Tag))
select p;
IQueryable<Product> products =
from p in db.Products
from pt in p.ProductTags
let t = pt.Tag
where t.Name.Contains( tagSearchFragment )
group t by p into g
select g.Key;

Greater Than Condition in Linq Join

I had tried to join two table conditionally but it is giving me syntax error. I tried to find solution in the net but i cannot find how to do conditional join with condition. The only other alternative is to get the value first from one table and make a query again.
I just want to confirm if there is any other way to do conditional join with linq.
Here is my code, I am trying to find all position that is equal or lower than me. Basically I want to get my peers and subordinates.
from e in entity.M_Employee
join p in entity.M_Position on e.PostionId >= p.PositionId
select p;
You can't do that with a LINQ joins - LINQ only supports equijoins. However, you can do this:
var query = from e in entity.M_Employee
from p in entity.M_Position
where e.PostionId >= p.PositionId
select p;
Or a slightly alternative but equivalent approach:
var query = entity.M_Employee
.SelectMany(e => entity.M_Position
.Where(p => e.PostionId >= p.PositionId));
from e in entity.M_Employee
from p in entity.M_Position.Where(p => e.PostionId >= p.PositionId)
select p;
will produce exactly the same SQL you are after (INNER JOIN Position P ON E..PostionId >= P.PositionId).
var currentDetails = from c in customers
group c by new { c.Name, c.Authed } into g
where g.Key.Authed == "True"
select g.OrderByDescending(t => t.EffectiveDate).First();
var currentAndUnauthorised = (from c in customers
join cd in currentDetails
on c.Name equals cd.Name
where c.EffectiveDate >= cd.EffectiveDate
select c).OrderBy(o => o.CoverId).ThenBy(o => o.EffectiveDate);
If you have a table of historic detail changes including authorisation status and effective date. The first query finds each customers current details and the second query adds all subsequent unauthorised detail changes in the table.
Hope this is helpful as it took me some time and help to get too.

How to write linq to get data from different tables?

Suppose I have 3 tables: A(aid, ...), B(bid, ...) Relationship(aid, bid, ...)
Then I have a aid as parameter, I want to get the result from b. If use SQL, will be like
select b.* from B join Relationship on =
where relationship.aid = aid_param
how to write linq with same result as above SQL. (the foreign key was not created correctly in this case)?
Assuming that you've used the designer to add your tables to the LINQ data context and you have either foreign key relationships defined in the database or have hand-coded the associations in the designer, you should simply be able to reference the B table and it's EntitySet of Relationship properties, filtered by your parameter, and check if there are any matches.
var relationships = db.B.Any( b => b.Relationships.Where( r => r.aid == aid_param ) );
var bQuery = from r in MyContext.Relationship
where r.aid == aid_param
select r.B;
If you don't have a relationship set in the model, then u can:
var bQuery = from b in myContext.B
where myContext.Relationship
.Any( r => r.aid == aid_param && ==
select b;
var output =
from b
from Relationship
where ( =,
relationship.aid = aid_param)
