Can't install kext, "Read-only file system" - macos

So, I've been racking my brain against the wall for the last 6 hours trying to get this to work and I'm still at a loss..
I'm trying to install a kext on Big Sur from this repo,, and when I try and move the compiled kext to /System/Library/Extensions I keep getting 'Read-only file system' error..
I have disabled SIP
Tried enabling root user
Added myself to the 'wheel' group
Reduced security level in security utility
Tried changing permissions on the /System dir, keeps telling me I don't have permission.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious... Every article I've seen online tells me to put the kext in that directory and run kextload.. But how the heck do I get write permissions to that directory??

So, I'm not sure if this is what is supposed to happen or not, but placing the kext in /Library/Extensions instead of /System/Library/Extensions worked.
I'm not sure if this is the correct thing to do but since it works, I'm not complaining.


Xcode error "The file MyApp couldn't be opened because you don't have permission to view it" after switching to a new computer

Just switched to a new MacBook after my old one got a logic board issue and died. I transferred some apps over from an external hard drive, and none of them will run-- I just get the error in the title.
This has been addressed before, but none of the solutions have worked. I've tried:
Manually setting file permissions
Cleaning the project multiple times
Setting the compiler for C/C++/Obj C to default
Restarting my computer
Replacing my info.plist file with a clean one
Deleting derived data
Checked my architecture settings are accurate
Some other solutions I've found on here (deleting folders that code was moved into, etc) aren't applicable
Worth noting that in addition to switching computers I upgraded Xcode to the latest version (my version on the previous computer was about a year old).
Does anyone have any other thoughts? I'm stuck and have no idea what else to try.
Try change permissions recursively. Go to terminal, open folder with your project and write:
sudo chown -R $USER .

cygssp-0.dll error git/cygwin

I have a project that I am building using cygwin as an env. This weekend, I tried to do a standard git pull, one that has worked hundreds of times before, and I get this message.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
/usr/bin/ssh.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cygssp-0.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I'm a bit confused since this has never happened before. I googled "cygssp-0.dll" and found that it is some .dll file, specifically I looked here.
I tried the first option, and got to this step
enter "regsvr32 /u cygssp-0.dll" in the command line
and I got the message
The module "cygssp-0.dll" failed to load.
Make sure the binary is stored at the specific path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files.
The specific module could not be found.
At this point, I am thoroughly confused, and not all too keen to start reinstalling windows just yet. I've tried re installing cygwin.. does anybody have any ideas on what to do?
EDIT : I have already attempted to run setup-x86_64.exe several times, in an attempt to re-install something from the cygwin side.
Turn your antivirus off of silent mode or turn off heuristics. It's just deleting the file without telling you. libssp is getting deleted because it's a security library that does things to the call stack that antivirus programs don't like. (Specifically, it adds canaries, random values inserted into the stack that are meant to guard against some buffer overflow attacks. However, an antivirus that isn't coded to handle stack canary insertion will see it as a buffer overflow attack itself.)
Had the same issue today while trying to do push via Cygwin's git via ssh.
The solution is to reinstall or update Cygwin, as missing library will be redownloaded and put in proper place. Be sure that your antivirus software isn't removing it again, so disable everything that might delete it, and/or whitelist cygssp-0.dll location. As of today they're located under:
(second path only for 64 bit distribution of Cygwin)

Cannot get permission in Xcode

To anyone who can help,
So I confess to not being great with computers or apps. In fact, this is my first experience creating an app, so please be nice with me. The app I am creating is for a school project and needs to be able to record audio and save these recordings. In order to do this, I added "AVFoundationFramework" to the build phases under "Link Binary With Libraries" and attempted to edit AVAudioRecorder.h in the style of what it says to do on the online Developer Tools. I got this error message:
"'AVAudioRecorder.h' is locked for editing and you may not be able to save your changes. Do you want to unlock it? 'AVAudioRecorder.h' is currently locked because you are not the current owner of the file and do not have write permission." And then it gives me the options "Don't Unlock" and "Unlock". Note that I got the latest version of Xcode that I am using in the App Store and never moved it or any of the Xcode files I have worked with to or from any other computers, so this should not be an issue.
When I hit "Unlock", this message displays: "The file 'AVAudioRecorder.h' could not be unlocked. Could not add write permission to the file because you do not own it. Try modifying the permissions of the file in the Finder or Terminal."
I did both of those things - I made sure I have Read & Write permission for the folder its in, and I hit "Apply to Enclosed Items" and that didn't work. I got help from someone better with computers than me and we looked in the Terminal and, according to him, I have permission according to the Terminal. I then took my computer to the Apple Store, where they found AVFoundation as a file in my Hard Drive and gave it Read & Write permission in there, and they did some other things as well that I didn't understand involving permissions. They even re-installed my computer and that didn't help.
So I'm at a loss. I apologize if this has been asked already, but I did look and see if anyone had asked similar questions and gotten any answers other than what I have already tried that hasn't worked. The closest I found was this in response to a very similar question with UIViewController.h where he said:
"This looks like you attempted to edit a header file belonging to a system framework in iOS which are protected against unintentional changes like this, possibly because the assistant editor in Xcode (usually shown in the right-hand editor) showed this header at some point.
The only solution here is to revert your changes unless you know exactly why you are making changes in those files."
Sadly I do not know what this means and can't work from there. So if someone can either explain what the above quote means in simple terms OR how to otherwise fix the problem, that would be amazing.
First off, congrats on your first app! To answer answer your question: don't do this! ;-) You should never edit SDK header files. These warnings are for your own benefit. You can really screw things up otherwise. Not sure what info/documentation you were seeing that made you think that you were supposed to, but that's definitely not the right thing to do. But don't feel bad... this stuff is confusing at first.
I would suggest you find an example app that does recording and playback, compile it in Xcode, and make sure it works on your device. Then study it. See how they did things. Create your own Xcode project and try to recreate what they did. That's probably the best way to approach learning this.
Here's a tutorial showing how to use AVAudioRecorder that you might find helpful. Good luck!

Cannot delete files, permissions are messed up (Windows 7)

What I did
I just started using git, and I think I accidentally initialized a bare repository (instead of a normal one) in my www folder. So when I committed everything, I noticed it started removing everything, which I didn't expect at the time. That's where I made the mistake of killing git. Now there's two files that I can't delete/move/read/write/execute.
When I knew what git was actually doing, I then cloned the git repo in my www folder to my desktop, and it looks like I got most of it back, including those two files, which are normal, and I can write and read to them.
What I'm trying to accomplish
I realize that this may seem like an elaborate scheme to learn how to hack, but that's not the case, I own these files and my goal is to delete them, not break in. I'm unable to delete them however, as killing git seems to have messed up the permissions on the file. I really desperately need to know how to delete them, otherwise git and every backup system I use keep breaking on doing anything in this directory!
Further info:
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and Git version
Below a screenshot of the situation:
When I look at the permissions tab in the file properties, I get the message I have to have be an administrative user with permissions to view its security properties. I then clicked on continue, as I have administrative permissions (since it's my laptop). In the newly opened window I get the message I don't have permission to view its security properties. When I try setting its owner, as it suggests, I get the message "Unable to set new owner on [file]. Access denied".
I already tried using an elevated command prompt to try removing them, even forcefully.
I'm desperate, guys (and girls)!
Ok, so I wasn't able to delete the files, on Windows.. I finally did it using a linux (debian 6.whatever) live-cd, and using rm -rf logs/
So if anyone else should encounter the same thing, this is a relatively quick solution.

Can't save any files in Xcode due to permission error

I suddenly can't save any files in any of my Xcode projects in my home directory. Not sure what caused this. Here's the error I'm receiving:
I don't think Xcode is correct, since I am the owner of -- and have read+write permissions on -- the affected files.
A few other fun facts:
I can edit these files in other applications as the same user, so the problem seems to be specific to Xcode.
Other users can create and edit projects in their home directory without issue.
Running Xcode as root (via sudo /Developer/Applications/ does allow me to edit these files.
chown, chmod -R 755, etc. on the directory containing my projects doesn't help.
Disk Utility > Repair Permissions doesn't help.
Reinstalling Xcode, clearing Xcode .plists, etc. doesn't help. Failing both on Xcode 4.1 and 4.2.
Thoughts? Hopefully I'm just missing something simple.
I've just run into this issue myself. No amount of rebooting fixed it for me. In fact, it only began after a reboot. After much frustration, I used fs_usage to observer the file system calls that Xcode and any other processes were making when I attempted to save.
The results were interesting. In particular, one of the last things I saw before Xcode loaded NSAlertPanel.nib (which I assume is the UI for the error sheet), thing showed up:
revisiond.3029 getattrlist /private/var/folders/9f/_7xjwv310nb6c7yr6py_9jtc0000gn/T/TemporaryItems
Xcode.2437 mkdir /private/var/folders/9f/_7xjwv310nb6c7yr6py_9jtc0000gn/T/TemporaryItems/(A Document Being Saved By Xcode)
This looked highly suspect to me, so I investigated this directory. It turns out that
"/private/var/folders/9f/_7xjwv310nb6c7yr6py_9jtc0000gn/T/TemporaryItems" was owned by root:staff, and NOT writable by the group. Making this directory writable by the group fixed the issue for me immediately.
So, it appears this was a bad iteration between Xcode and revisiond, which is responsible for the File Coordination features in Lion. I do not know why this problem persisted for me when a reboot fixed it for others.
Check how you have this setup in source control. I've noticed with the new Xcode that if you have this under source control (svn) that that might be blocking your ability to write over the file regardless of permissions.
You may want to do an svn cleanup
from terminal issue a
ls -laE#"
There may be extended attributes or ACL (Access Control List) permissions problems. I have had that happen. It can be really bad if it has inherited attributes
If that is the case fix with
chmod -R -N
Be careful!
Looks like I had netbiosd blocked in my firewall configuration. After unblocking it and restarting my computer, the issue seems to be resolved.
I spent about two hours with this same problem. I tried all of the above. Finally, I rebooted my machine. Everything works fine after the reboot.
Everything was working fine and i ran into this issue. I tried most of the above suggestion. Finally,the MacOSX software update resolved the issue.
