Rust: take ownership of enum value without another pattern matching - enums

The question is in the comment. Expensive is a struct that either doesn't implement Copy, or copying is too expensive.
Update: replaced Option with a user enum Internal.
enum Internal {
struct Foo {
value: Internal,
impl Foo {
fn exec(&mut self) -> Result<Expensive, String> {
if let Internal::Type1(_) = &self.value {
let value = std::mem::take(&mut self.value);
// QUESTION: how do I avoid this pattern matching since we know the value must be Internal::Type1
return match value {
Internal::Type1(e) => Result::Ok(e),
_ => Result::Err(String::from("Impossible")),
// Some other logic that will use self.value

You can leverage Option::take to make the code shorter:
if let Option::Some(value) = self.value.take() {
return Ok(value);


Should I implement a trait also by value to allow for better performance?

Let's say I have the following enums :
enum SomeEnum {
enum SomeEnumConversionError {
And I want the following trait to work for both values and references of the first enum; So I implement it for the reference to save some time and a few lines of duplicate code (Considering I have to do almost the same for all other variants and the real enum I'm working with has about 30 variants) :
impl TryFrom<&SomeEnum> for i32 {
type Error = SomeEnumConversionError;
fn try_from(value: &SomeEnum) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
SomeEnum::V1(v) => Ok(*v),
SomeEnum::V2(v) => {
let i = *v as i32;
if (i as f32) == *v {
} else {
SomeEnum::V3(v) => v
.map_err(|_| SomeEnumConversionError::StringParse),
SomeEnum::V4(v) if v.len() == 1 => Ok(v[0]),
SomeEnum::V4(v) => Err(SomeEnumConversionError::TooManyElements),
impl TryFrom<SomeEnum> for i32 {
type Error = SomeEnumConversionError;
fn try_from(value: SomeEnum) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
Now, if I have the following code as an example usage :
fn some_func() {
let a = SomeEnum::V4(vec![4i32]);
let b: Result<i32, _> = a.try_into();
println!("{}", b.unwrap());
The question is, how is this (performance-wise, considering the conversion might be called in a loop) compared to when I implement the trait for both value and reference type (rather than just calling it by reference from value implementation) ?
Does the compiler do some optimization magic here that will eventually make it behave as if the variable a has been actually moved to the function implementation calls ?
Or do I need to also implement the whole conversion function for the value type to ensure this ?
If there are better alternatives to the whole plan, I'm all ears.

Prae:Wrapper: need to use iter_mut of interior Vec but Prae:Wrapper only provides immutable access

I'm using the prae crate for validation and the following function gives me errors:
fn advance_rotors(&mut self) {
let mut iterhandle = self.rotors.iter_mut().peekable(); // Error at iter_mut() #0599
while let Some(el) = {
match iterhandle.peek_mut() {
Some(next_rotor) => match el.should_advance_next() {
true => {
next_rotor.rotate(); // This line requires mutable access to next_rotor
false => (),
None => (),
and the definition of my struct here:
pub struct Enigma {
reflector: Reflector,
rotors: RotorConfig, // Only mutable via getter and setter functions
the struct of interest here is RotorConfig which is generated using the define! macro from prae. Here's the code:
prae::define! {
RotorConfig: Vec<Rotor>; // I need to be able to call the rotate method of each rotor in this vec. This requires mutability
validate(RotorConfigError) |config| {
match config.len(){
3..=4 => (),
_ => return Err(RotorConfigError::Size)
match config.iter().unique().count(){
3..=4 =>(),
_ => return Err(RotorConfigError::Duplicate)
the issue stems from the fact that prae only allows for immutable access to the internal representation via getter and setter functions so as to ensure the validity of the values inside. As you can see in my advance_rotors function I wrote before implementing validation I'm getting an error because I need to call rotor.rotate mutably. I'm at a loss as to how to accomplish this
After posting this I realized that I can simply provide interior mutability by using the following impl block
impl RotorConfig{
fn advance_rotors(&mut self)
let mut iterhandle = self.0.iter_mut().peekable();
while let Some(el) = {
match iterhandle.peek_mut() {
Some(next_rotor) => match el.should_advance_next() {
true => {
false => (),
None => (),
As you can see the function largely remains unchanged except that we replace self.rotors with self.0

Cast a Rust enum to a sub-enum

I'm creating subsets of std::sync::atomic::Ordering:
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
pub enum StoreOrdering {
impl Into<Ordering> for StoreOrdering {
fn into(self) -> Ordering {
match self {
Self::Relaxed => Ordering::Relaxed,
Self::Release => Ordering::Release,
Self::SeqCst => Ordering::SeqCst
impl std::convert::TryFrom<Ordering> for StoreOrdering {
type Error = (); // HACK
fn try_from(ord: Ordering) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match ord {
Ordering::Relaxed => Ok(Self::Relaxed),
Ordering::Release => Ok(Self::Release),
Ordering::SeqCst => Ok(Self::SeqCst),
_ => Err(())
enum LoadOrdering {
// ???
As you can see, now I need to write those two impls with matches again for StoreOrdering <-> LoadOrdering and maybe even for StoreOrdering <-> LoadOrdering - as well as for any enum subset. How to avoid such boilerplate?
Rust doesn't support duck typing like C++ does with templates. The only functionality that generics can access is determined by the trait bounds.
So any duck-type-like behaviour must be done with macros.
For this, you could use the given macro below.
It only works for simple C-style macros. It creates the enum and auto-generates the conversions to the given super-enum.
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::convert::TryInto;
// Create the store ordering
sub_enum!(StoreOrdering of Ordering {
// Create the load ordering
sub_enum!(LoadOrdering of Ordering {
macro_rules! sub_enum {
($sub_enum_name:ident of $super_enum_name:ty {
$($variant:ident),* $(,)?
}) => {
pub enum $sub_enum_name {
impl From<$sub_enum_name> for $super_enum_name {
fn from(val: $sub_enum_name) -> $super_enum_name {
match val {
$(<$sub_enum_name>::$variant => <$super_enum_name>::$variant,)*
impl std::convert::TryFrom<$super_enum_name> for $sub_enum_name {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(val: $super_enum_name) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match val {
$(<$super_enum_name>::$variant => Ok(Self::$variant),)*
_ => Err(())
fn main() {
let store = StoreOrdering::SeqCst;
let general: Ordering = store.into();
let load: LoadOrdering = general.try_into().unwrap();
Playground link
A lot could be improved still, of course.
However, this should do for your problem right now.

Mutating self in enum method

This is cobbled together to illustrate the problem that I have with the switch function. I do not have problem printing "Left" "Right" endlessly.
The point of switch is to swap the value of enum to another. This solution doesn't work because presumably the switch moves t into itself so it's no longer usable. Use of mutable references causes a whole host of other problems, like with lifetime and mismatched types. The documentation had instructions how to do this with structs, but not enums. The compiler suggested implementing Copy and Clone to the enum, but that did nothing useful.
How is this type of method supposed to be made in Rust?
fn main() {
let mut t = Dir::Left;
loop {
match &t {
&Dir::Left => println!("Left"),
&Dir::Right => println!("Right"),
enum Dir {
impl Dir {
//this function is the problem here
fn switch(mut self) {
match self {
Dir::Left => self = Dir::Right,
Dir::Right => self = Dir::Left,
Of course I could just make it so
t = t.switch();
fn switch(mut self) -> Self {
match self {
Dir::Left => return Dir::Right,
Dir::Right => return Dir::Left,
But I feel that would be comparatively clumsy solution, and I would like to avoid it if at all possible.
Your method consumes your data instead of borrowing it. If you borrow it, it works fine:
impl Dir {
fn switch(&mut self) {
*self = match *self {
Dir::Left => Dir::Right,
Dir::Right => Dir::Left,

How to compare enum without pattern matching

I want to apply filter on an iterator and I came up with this one and it works, but it's super verbose:
.filter(|ref my_struct| match my_struct.my_enum { Unknown => false, _ => true })
I would rather write something like this:
.filter(|ref my_struct| my_struct.my_enum != Unknown)
This gives me a compile error
binary operation `!=` cannot be applied to type `MyEnum`
Is there an alternative to the verbose pattern matching? I looked for a macro but couldn't find a suitable one.
Use matches!, e.g.:
matches!(my_struct.my_enum, Unknown)
Alternatively, you can use PartialEq trait, for example, by #[derive]:
enum MyEnum { ... }
Then your "ideal" variant will work as is. However, this requires that MyEnum's contents also implement PartialEq, which is not always possible/wanted.
I'd use pattern matching, but I'd move it to a method on the enum so that the filter closure is tidier:
enum Thing {
impl Thing {
fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Thing::Unknown => true,
_ => false,
fn main() {
let things = [Thing::One(42), Thing::Two("hello".into()), Thing::Unknown];
for t in things.iter().filter(|s| !s.is_unknown()) {
println!("{:?}", t);
You can combine this with the matches macro as well:
fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Thing::Unknown)
See also:
Compare enums only by variant, not value
You can use if let Some(x) = option { then } idiom with the same if let construct but without destructuring:
if let Unknown = my_struct.my_enum { false } else { true }
