When I use this way to add a property:
ext {
some = [
IDEA shows me a yellow warning on some:
Cannot assign 'LinkedHashMap<String, Object>' to 'Class<some>'
If I make some as String:
ext["some"] = [...]
Then the yellow warning disappeared.
Why and what is the right way to add a property on gradle ext?
I've got a Java project build with Gradle and a property file that contains custom configuration for my testing framework (amount of thread to use, test environment url, custom username & password for those environments, etc...).
I'm facing an issue related to using properties from that file that I can't figure out:
if my Test task include '**/*Test.class', all tests are running as expected.
if my Test task include '**/MyTest.class', only that test is running as expected.
if my Test task include readProperty(), the task is skipped as NO-SOURCE. <- this is the part I can't understand - as the readProperty return the correct value.
Let's get into details:
This is how the property is defined in a my.property file:
This is what the build.gradle file looks like:
Properties props = new Properties()
props.load(new FileInputStream(projectDir.toString() + '/common.properties'))
def testsToRunWorking(p) {
String t = 'MyTest.class'
println "Tests = $t"
return t ? t : '**/*Test.class'
def testsToRunNotWorking(p) {
String t = getProperty(p, "testng.class.includes")
println "Tests = $t"
return t ? t : '**/*Test.class'
task testCustom(type: Test) {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
classpath = configurations.customTest + sourceSets.customTest.output
include testsToRunNotWorking(props) ///< Does not work!
// include testsToRunWorking(props) ///< Works!
In terms of debugging:
The println properly return the value I expect, even when the testCustom task doesn't do what I would expect.
I tried adding a dependsOn task just to print the content of testCustom.configure { println $includes } which looks correct as well.
Tests = '**/MyTest.class'
:compileCustomTestJava - is not incremental (e.g. outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.).
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
:testCustom NO-SOURCE
The core of the issue seems to be coming from the fact that I'm reading that value from property. I hard coded inside the build.gradle everything works as expected. If read from a property file - build stops with a NO-SOURCE statement.
Any idea?
You are using quotation marks in the values of your property files. Everything that comes after the assignment sign in a property file is used as value, so the quotation marks remain in the string. They are printed in your output Tests = '**/MyTest.class'. On the other hand, if you define a string in your (Groovy) code with quotation marks, they are not included in the string. Therefor, the passed strings are not the same.
Remove the quotation marks from your property file(s) and everything should work, since the class files will match your string without the quotation marks.
Received error because gradle can not read "\" or "-". If I change those values to "a","b" it works. How can I over ride this?
ant.replaceregexp(match:'\', replace:'-', flags:'g', byline:true) {
fileset(dir: project.'ws.dir', includes: 'warname.txt')
I'm going to put a fat bounty on this as soon as the system permits.
What I'm specifically having trouble with is getting coverage and getting integration tests working. For these I see the uninformative error:
Resource not found: com.something.somethingelse.SomeITCase
Uninformative because there's nothing to relate it to, nor does it mean much to someone who has none of the context.
Here's other weirdness I'm seeing. In cases where there's no integration tests for a subproject, I see this:
JaCoCoItSensor: JaCoCo IT report not found: /dev/build/dilithium/target/jacoco-it.exec
Why would I see target? This isn't a Maven project. A global search shows there's no target directory mentioned anywhere in the code base.
Then, there's this section of the documentation:
sonarqube {
properties {
properties["sonar.sources"] += sourceSets.custom.allSource.srcDirs
properties["sonar.tests"] += sourceSets.integTest.allSource.srcDirs
Near as I can tell sourceSets.integTest.allSource.srcDirs returns Files, not Strings. Also it should be:
sonarqube {
properties {
property "sonar.tests", "comma,separated,file,paths"
Note that you get an error if you have a directory in there that doesn't exist. Of course there's apparently no standard for what directory to put integration tests in and for some sub-projects they may not even exist. The Gradle standard would be to simply ignore non-existent directories. Your code ends up looking like:
sonarqube {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()
sourceSets.integrationTest.allSource.srcDirs.each { File dir ->
if ( dir.exists() ) {
if (builder.size() > 1) builder.deleteCharAt(builder.size() -1 )
if (builder.size() > 1 )
properties["sonar.tests"] += builder.toString()
properties["sonar.jacoco.reportPath"] +=
Sonar is reporting no coverage at all. If I search for the *.exec files, I see what I would expect. That being:
...but weirdly, I also see this:
What is that? Why is it in such a non-standard location?
OK, I've added this code:
properties {
println "Before: " + properties.get("sonar.tests")
println "Before: " + properties.get("sonar.jacoco.reportPath")
property "sonar.tests", builder.toString()
property "sonar.jacoco.reportPath", "$project.buildDir/jacoco/test.exec,$project.buildDir/jacoco/integrationTest.exec"
println "After: " + properties.get("sonar.tests")
println "After: " + properties.get("sonar.jacoco.reportPath")
...which results in:
[still running]
I don't want any bounty or any points.
Just a suggestion.
Can you get ANY Jacoco reports at all?
Personally I would separate the 2: namely Jacoco report generation and Sonar.
I would first try to simply generate Jacoco THEN I would look at why Sonar can not get a hold of them.
I am using Android Studio with Gradle build.
In my build.gradle, I want a variable's value to be different for different build type:
ext {
//By default, the value of myVar is 'debug'
myVar = 'debug'
android {
buildTypes {
release {
//update value of myVar to 'release'
debug {
//update value of myVar to 'debug'
//I defined a task to check the value of myVar
task checkVar () {
println "My var is $myVar"
When I run command gradle clean assembleRelease , I expected to see a print out text My var is release. But, I see My var is debug . Why the value of myVar is not changed to release ?
What I want to achieve is to get the current build type during execution. Is there a better way to achieve this?
This won't work as it is a project scoped variable. the build type blocks are just configuration, so what really happens here (a bit simplified though):
You declare a variable named 'myVar' with a default value 'debug' assigned
You run the release configuration block and set the value of 'myVar' to 'release'
You run the debug configuration block and set the value of 'myVar' back to 'debug'
when executing the 'checkVar' task, the last assigned value is printed.
FYI: you can simplify 2. and 3. by just calling project.myVar = 'whatever'
I'm very new to gradle so I'm trying to make sense of it. I'm trying to print the custom properties using println and it works when I just use the property. But as soon as I put it in a string it fails and I'm not sure what is going on.
gradle.properties looks like this:
version = '2.0'
description = 'Project Description'
project.ext {
winADTSDKManager = 'SDK Manager.exe'
winADTSDKManagerPath = 'C:/Projects/WinSDKEnv/sdk/adt'
in build.gradle I try to run the code:
task androidSDKManager << {
description = 'Run Android SDK Manager'
println project.ext.winADTSDKManagerPath
println 'Starting: $project.ext.winADTSDKManagerPath'
The output looks like this:
c:\Projects\Prototypes\STouchGradle>gradle androidSDKManager
Starting: $project.ext.winADTSDKManagerPath
The second println statement is not printing the path like the one above. Any ideas on what is wrong with what im doing?
Update: 7/27/2014
OK I figured it out. I need to use double quotes like this
println "Starting: $project.ext.winADTSDKManagerPath"