Axon - State Stored Aggregates exception in test - spring

Environment setup : Axon 4.4, H2Database( we are doing component testing as part of the CI)
Code looks something like this.
#Aggregate(repository = "ARepository")
#Table(name = "A")
#EqualsAndHashCode(onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true, callSuper = false)
Class A implements Serializable {
public void handle(final Command1 c1) {
public void on(final Event1 e1) {
//some updates to the modela
apply(new Event2());
#Column(name = "id", length = 40, nullable = false)
private String id;
cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
fetch = FetchType.LAZY,
orphanRemoval = true,
targetEntity = B.class,
mappedBy = "id")
#AggregateMember(eventForwardingMode = ForwardMatchingInstances.class)
private List<C> transactions = new ArrayList<>();
#Table(name = "B")
#EqualsAndHashCode(onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true, callSuper = false)
Class B implements Serializable {
#Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
private String id;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumns({#JoinColumn(name = "id", referencedColumnName = "id")})
private A a;
public void on(final Event2 e2) {
//some updates to the model
I'm using a state store aggregate but I keep getting the error randomly during Spring Test with embedded H2. The same issue does not occur with a PGSQL DB in non embedded mode but than we are not capable of runnign it in the pipeline.
Error : "java.lang.IllegalStateException: The aggregate identifier has not been set. It must be set at the latest when applying the creation event"
I stepped through AnnotatedAggregate
protected <P> EventMessage<P> createMessage(P payload, MetaData metaData) {
if (lastKnownSequence != null) {
String type = inspector.declaredType(rootType())
long seq = lastKnownSequence + 1;
String id = identifierAsString();
if (id == null) {
Assert.state(seq == 0,
() -> "The aggregate identifier has not been set. It must be set at the latest when applying the creation event");
return new LazyIdentifierDomainEventMessage<>(type, seq, payload, metaData);
return new GenericDomainEventMessage<>(type, identifierAsString(), seq, payload, metaData);
return new GenericEventMessage<>(payload, metaData);
The sequence for this gets set to 2 and hence it throws the exception instead of lazily initializing the aggregate
Whats the fix for this? Am i missing some configuration or needs a fix in Axon code?

I believe the exception you are getting is the pointer to what you are missing #Rohitdev. When an aggregate is being created in Axon, it at the very least assume you will set the aggregate identifier. Thus, that you will fill in the #AggregateIdentifier annotated field present in your Aggregate.
This is a mandatory validation as without an Aggregate Identifier, you are essentially missing the external reference towards the Aggregate. Due to this, you would simply to be able to dispatch following commands to this Aggregate, as there is no means to route them.
From the code snippets you've shared, there is nothing which indicates that the #AggregateIdentifier annotated String id fields in Aggregate A or B are ever set. Not doing this in combination with using Axon's test fixtures will lead you the the exception you are getting.
When using a state-stored aggregate, know that you will change the state of the aggregate inside the command handler. This means that next to invoke in the AggregateLifecycle#apply(Object) method in your command handler, you will set the id to the desired aggregate identifier.
There are two main other pointers to share based on the question.
There is no command handler inside your aggregate which creates the aggregate itself. You should either have an #CommandHandler annotated constructor in your aggregates, or use the #CreationPolicy annotation to define a regular method as the creation point of the aggregate (as mentioned here in the reference guide).
Lastly, your sample still uses #EventSourcingHandler annotated functions, which should be used when you have an Event Sourced Aggregate. It sounds like you have made a conscious decision against Event Sourcing, hence I wouldn't use those annotations either in your model. Right now it will likely only confuse developers that a mix of state-stored and event sourced aggregate logic is being used.

Finally after debugging we found out that in class B we were not setting the id for update event
public void on(final Event2 e2) {;
Once we did that the issue went away.


Spring boot hibernate #ManyToMany doesn't commit or returns incomplete data when I execute any method on the junction table from non-owner entity

I'm currently working on a Spring Boot project for an online shop. It's my first project with Spring Boot (and my first post here), so my coding is not the best.
Context for the questions:
My shop (for now) has a lists of products and whishlists of different users (shopping lists), which have a bidirectional #ManyToMany relation (i left here the relevant details for my question(s)): entity:
public class Product extends RepresentationModel\<Product\>{
private Integer id;
name = "Shopping_Product",
joinColumns = { #JoinColumn(name = "id", referencedColumnName = "id") },
inverseJoinColumns = { #JoinColumn(name = "list_id", referencedColumnName = "list_id") })
private Set<ShoppingList> shoppinglists = new HashSet<>();
// Constructor, getters, setters .... entity:
public class ShoppingList {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer list_id;
#ManyToMany(mappedBy = "shoppinglists")
private Set<Product> products = new HashSet<>();
// Constructor, getters, setters ...
I chose Product as the owner because i wanted to delete (tho it would be more fit to show something like "offer expired", but I'll stick to delete for now) the product from all existing lists when the admin takes it down from the shop, which works as expected: (controller):
public ResponseEntity<String> deleteProduct(#PathVariable int id) {
Optional<Product> optional = productRepository.findById(id);
if(!optional.isPresent()) throw new NotFoundException("Product id - " + id);
Product prod = optional.get();
return ResponseEntity.ok().body("Product deleted");
My problems now are related to the ShoppingList entity, which is not the owner.
Any call I make to the Product resource (controller) works as expected, but anything from the other side either fails or returns incomplete results, like the following:
I call retrieve all products from a list and it returns only the first object (the list has at least 2): (controller):
public class ShoppingListResource {
private ProductRepository productRepository;
private UserRepository userRepository;
private ShoppingListRepository shoppinglistRepository;
public Set<Product> getShoppinglistProducts(#PathVariable int id) {
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
String currentPrincipalName = authentication.getName();
ShoppingList shoppingList = shoppinglistRepository.findById(id).get();
String name = shoppingList.getUser().getUsername();
if(!Objects.equals(currentPrincipalName, name)) throw new IllegalOperation("You can only check your list(s)!");
// All lists are shown for a product
// Product p = productRepository.findById(10111).get();
// Set<ShoppingList> set = p.getShoppinglists();
// ->;
// Only first product is shown for a list
return shoppingList.getProducts();
This is what hibernate does on the last row (only returns 1/2 products)
Hibernate: select products0_.list_id as list_id2_3_0_, as id1_3_0_, as id1_1_1_,
product1_.description as descript2_1_1_, as name3_1_1_,
product1_.price as price4_1_1_,
product1_.subcat_id as subcat_i5_1_1_ from shopping_product products0_ inner join product product1_ on where products0_.list_id=?
As i said above, I can delete a product and it gets removed automatically from all existing lists, but when i try the same from ShoppingList entity does nothing:
Same controller
public ResponseEntity<String> deleteShoppinglist(#PathVariable int id) {
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
String currentPrincipalName = authentication.getName();
ShoppingList shoppingList = shoppinglistRepository.findById(id).get();
String name = shoppingList.getUser().getUsername();
if(!Objects.equals(currentPrincipalName, name)) throw new IllegalOperation("You can only delete your list(s)!");
return ResponseEntity.ok().body("Shopping list deleted");
Also, when i try to add/delete product from an existing list, does nothing.
This is my repo with full code, if you'd like to test directly (dev branch is up to date):
You can just use admin admin as authentication (on the H2 console too). More details on the readme.
All DB data at app start is inserted from a .sql file.
I checked other similar questions and tried different methods on my ShoppingList entity (on the delete issue), like:
public void removeListsFromProducts() {
for(Product p : products) {
Spring/Hibernate: associating from the non-owner side
And still doesn't work.
I found out what issues I was having, I'll post an answer with the solution.
For anyone who's got the same/similar problems as I did, this is how I resolved them:
For point 1
(Hibernate only retrieves the first product from a shoppingList (Set))
I made multiple tests on my retrieve method and found out my Set was only containing 1 object, despite calling .add(product) twice.
As you can see, I'm using HashSet for both entities:
In Product (owner):
private Set<ShoppingList> shoppinglists = new HashSet<>();
In ShoppingList (mappedBy):
private Set<Product> products = new HashSet<>();
Thanks to this answer:
I learnt:
HashSet (entirely reasonably) assumes reflexivity, and doesn't check for equality when it finds that the exact same object is already in the set, as an optimization. Therefore it will not even call your equals method - it considers that the object is already in the set, so doesn't add a second copy.
In particular, if x.equals(x) is false, then any containment check would also be useless.
Taking this into account, I overwrote the hashCode() and equals() methods in Product.class and now
works as expected.
For point 2
(not being able to delete associations of non-owner entity before deleting the row from it's table)
Added lazy fetch and cascade to Product #ManyToMany:
#ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.DETACH})
And added the following methods:
In Product class:
public void addShoppinglist(ShoppingList list) {
public void removeShoppinglist(ShoppingList list) {
In ShoppingList class:
public void addProduct(Product product) {
public void removeProduct(Product product) {
Added #Transactional and modified the method inside the controller (ShoppingListResource) for deleteShoppingList:
public class ShoppingListResource {
public ResponseEntity<String> deleteShoppinglist(#PathVariable int id) {
shoppingList.getProducts().stream().forEach(e -> {
return ResponseEntity.ok().body("Shopping list deleted");
And now this is working as expected, the shoppingList's associations are deleted first then the shoppingList itself.

Hibernate5Module doesn't fetch OneToMany collection

First of all I have had two related entities mapped with bidirectional OneToMany:
#Table(name = "tbl_parent")
public class Parent {
#Column(name = "parent_id")
private Long id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent")
private List<Child> children = new ArrayList<>();
#Table(name = "tbl_child")
#ToString(exclude = "parent")
public class Child {
#Column(name = "child_id")
private Long id;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "parent_id")
private Parent parent;
However, I had StackOverFlow for method findAll() for Parent entity as far as infinite loop occurred during serialization.
Then I added property in application.yml:
spring:jsp:open-in-view: false
And had another problem with serialization. To solve it I added dependency in build.gradle:
implementation "com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-hibernate5"
And configuration class:
public class JacksonConfiguration {
public JavaTimeModule javaTimeModule() {
return new JavaTimeModule();
public Jdk8Module jdk8TimeModule() {
return new Jdk8Module();
public Hibernate5Module hibernate5Module() {
return new Hibernate5Module();
Now I have no error but list in parent entity is always null.
What I'm doing wrong? How can I fetch all related children entities without StackOverflow?
#Data annotation from Lombok can cause stackoverflows due to circular dependencies between classes if both classes have #Data and collections/toStrings mentioning each other.
See Lombok.hashCode issue with "java.lang.StackOverflowError: null"
The issue is quite simple: you cannot hope to serialize both sides of a bidirectional association. If you try to do that, you'll get a JSON representation of Parent with a children property, and each object in children will have a parent property, with each parent containing a children property, and so on, ad nauseam.
From what you describe, I'm assuming you want to opt out of serializing the parent property, in which case you should put #JsonIgnore on Child.parent.
Also, since you enabled the HibernateModule, which by default ignores lazy properties, you should either disable it, enable its FORCE_LAZY_LOADING feature, or configure Parent.children to be eagerly fetched. The third option also eliminates the need for #JsonIgnore.
(all three options have potentially far-reaching consequences, so you need to decide which one works best for your use case; also note that having to use open-jpa-in-view is a code smell, because forcing the lazy load happens outside of any transactional context)

Saving Entity with Cached object in it causing Detached Entity Exception

I'm trying to save an Entity in DB using Spring Data/Crud Repository(.save) that has in it another entity that was loaded through a #Cache method. In other words, I am trying to save an Ad Entity that has Attributes entities in it, and those attributes were loaded using Spring #Cache.
Because of that, I'm having a Detached Entity Passed to Persist Exception.
My question is, is there a way to save the entity still using #Cache for the Attributes?
I looked that up but couldn't find any people doing the same, specially knowing that I am using CrudRepository that has only the method .save(), that as far as I know manages Persist, Update, Merge, etc.
Any help is very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
#Table(name = "ad")
public class Ad implements SearchableAdDefinition {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
private User user;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "ad", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Set<AdAttribute> adAttributes;
(.....) }
#Table(name = "attrib_ad")
public class AdAttribute {
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "ad_id")
private Ad ad;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "attrib_id")
private Attribute attribute;
#Column(name = "value", length = 75)
private String value;
public Ad getAd() {
return ad;
public void setAd(Ad ad) { = ad;
public Attribute getAttribute() {
return attribute;
public void setAttribute(Attribute attribute) {
this.attribute = attribute;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
class CompositeAdAttributePk implements Serializable {
private Ad ad;
private Attribute attribute;
public CompositeAdAttributePk() {
public CompositeAdAttributePk(Ad ad, Attribute attribute) { = ad;
this.attribute = attribute;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
CompositeAdAttributePk compositeAdAttributePk = (CompositeAdAttributePk) o;
return ad.getId().equals( && attribute.getId().equals(compositeAdAttributePk.attribute.getId());
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(ad.getId(), attribute.getId());
Method using to load Attributes:
#Cacheable(value = "requiredAttributePerCategory", key = "")
public List<CategoryAttribute> findRequiredCategoryAttributesByCategory(Category category) {
return categoryAttributeRepository.findCategoryAttributesByCategoryAndAttribute_Required(category, 1);
Method used to create/persist the Ad:
public Ad create(String title, User user, Category category, AdStatus status, String description, String url, Double price, AdPriceType priceType, Integer photoCount, Double minimumBid, Integer options, Importer importer, Set<AdAttribute> adAtributes) {
//Assert.notNull(title, "Ad title must not be null");
Ad ad = adCreationService.createAd(title, user, category, status, description, url, price, priceType, photoCount, minimumBid, options, importer, adAtributes);
for (AdAttribute adAttribute : ad.getAdAttributes()) {
/* If I add this here, I don't face any exception, but then I don't take benefit from using cache:
Attribute attribute = attributeRepository.findById(adAttribute.getAttribute().getId()).get();
ad =;;
return ad;
I don't know if you still require this answer or not, since it's a long time, you asked this question. Yet i am going to leave my comments here, someone else might get help from it.
Lets assume, You called your findRequiredCategoryAttributesByCategory method, from other part of your application. Spring will first check at cache, and will find nothing. Then it will try to fetch it from Database. So it will create an hibernate session, open a transaction, fetch the data, close the transaction and session. Finally after returning from the function, it will store the result set in cache for future use.
You have to keep in mind, those values, currently in the cache, they are fetched using a hibernate session, which is now closed. So they are not related to any session, and now at detached state.
Now, you are trying to save and Ad entity. For this, spring created a new hibernate session, and Ad entity is attached to this particular session. But the attributes object, that you fetched from the Cache are detached. That's why, while you are trying to persist Ad entity, you are getting Detached Entity Exception
To resolve this issue, you need to re attach those objects to current hibernate session.I use merge() method to do so.
From hibernate documentation here
Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If the given instance is unsaved, save a copy of and return it as a newly persistent instance. The given instance does not become associated with the session. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="merge".
Simply put, this will attach your object to hibernate session.
What you should do, after calling your findRequiredCategoryAttributesByCategory method, write something like
List attributesFromCache = someService.findRequiredCategoryAttributesByCategory();
List attributesAttached = entityManager.merge( attributesFromCache );
Now set attributesAttached to your Ad object. This won't throw exception as attributes list is now part of current Hibernate session.

Spring Data Rest - sort by nested property

I have a database service using Spring Boot 1.5.1 and Spring Data Rest. I am storing my entities in a MySQL database, and accessing them over REST using Spring's PagingAndSortingRepository. I found this which states that sorting by nested parameters is supported, but I cannot find a way to sort by nested fields.
I have these classes:
#Entity(name = "Person")
#Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person {
protected Address address;
#ManyToOne(targetEntity = Name.class, cascade = {
#JoinColumn(name = "NAME_PERSON_ID")
protected Name name;
protected Long id;
// Setter, getters, etc.
#Entity(name = "Name")
#Table(name = "NAME")
public class Name{
protected String firstName;
protected String lastName;
protected Long id;
// Setter, getters, etc.
For example, when using the method:
Page<Person> findByAddress_Id(#Param("id") String id, Pageable pageable);
And calling the URI http://localhost:8080/people/search/findByAddress_Id?id=1&sort=name_lastName,desc, the sort parameter is completely ignored by Spring.
The parameters sort=name.lastName and sort=nameLastName did not work either.
Am I forming the Rest request wrong, or missing some configuration?
Thank you!
The workaround I found is to create an extra read-only property for sorting purposes only. Building on the example above:
#Entity(name = "Person")
#Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person {
// read only, for sorting purposes only
// #JsonIgnore // we can hide it from the clients, if needed
#RestResource(exported=false) // read only so we can map 2 fields to the same database column
#JoinColumn(name = "address_id", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Address address;
// We still want the linkable association created to work as before so we manually override the relation and path
#RestResource(exported=true, rel="address", path="address")
private Address addressLink;
The drawback for the proposed workaround is that we now have to explicitly duplicate all the properties for which we want to support nested sorting.
LATER EDIT: another drawback is that we cannot hide the embedded property from the clients. In my original answer, I was suggesting we can add #JsonIgnore, but apparently that breaks the sort.
I debugged through that and it looks like the issue that Alan mentioned.
I found workaround that could help:
Create own controller, inject your repo and optionally projection factory (if you need projections). Implement get method to delegate call to your repository
public class PeopleController {
PersonRepository repository;
//PagedResourcesAssembler<MyDTO> resourceAssembler;
public Page<Person> getByAddress(#PathVariable("addressId") Long addressId, Pageable page) {
// spring doesn't spoil your sort here ...
Page<Person> page = repository.findByAddress_Id(addressId, page)
// optionally, apply projection
// to return DTO/specifically loaded Entity objects ...
// return type would be then PagedResources<Resource<MyDTO>>
// return resourceAssembler.toResource(
return page;
This works for me with 2.6.8.RELEASE; the issue seems to be in all versions.
From Spring Data REST documentation:
Sorting by linkable associations (that is, links to top-level resources) is not supported.
An alternative that I found was use #ResResource(exported=false).
This is not valid (expecially for legacy Spring Data REST projects) because avoid that the resource/entity will be loaded HTTP links:
BeanDeserializerBuilder updateBuilder throws
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot construct instance of ' com...' no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value
I tried activate sort by linkable associations with help of annotations but without success because we need always need override the mappPropertyPath method of JacksonMappingAwareSortTranslator.SortTranslator detect the annotation:
if (associations.isLinkableAssociation(persistentProperty)) {
if(!persistentProperty.isAnnotationPresent(SortByLinkableAssociation.class)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public #interface SortByLinkableAssociation {
At project mark association as #SortByLinkableAssociation:
private Name name;
Really I didn't find a clear and success solution to this issue but decide to expose it to let think about it or even Spring team take in consideration to include at nexts releases.
Please see for possible workaround/hack, when we wanted sorting by linked entity.

Spring batch can't find entity persisted while processing

In one of our spring batch jobs, we create additional entities (CompanyProfile) during processing and persist them to the DB (in a separate transaction). These entities are referenced by other entities (Vacancy), which will be persisted by the writer, but unfortunate the writer fails with this error:
Caused by: javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException: Unable to find with id 1409881
The model is as follows:
public class Vacancy {
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, optional = true)
#JoinColumn(name = "company", nullable = true)
private CompanyProfile company;
public class CompanyProfile {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
In the processor we have this:
CompanyProfile company = companyProfileService.handleCompany(compName);
Where the method companyProfileService.handleCompany() is annotated with #Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW )
I'm sure the CompanyProfile gets persisted - I can see it in the DB, but when the Vacancy gets saved by the ItemWriter, it fails with the above exception. (also, note that the id of the persisted entity is mention in the exception above)
Do you see any reason why the writer would fail in this case?
With information you gave us my guess is that transaction opened by SB is unable to see data persisted by companyProfileService.handleCompany() method because service component uses a different transaction than SB ones; you have to check database ISOLATION_LEVEL property
