Laravel Queue Worker - laravel

I have added this woker in etc/superviord.config for one project, I would like to make it work for multiple projects I mean for xyz, project also so should I need to copy and paste below all code or just have to add only one more command line?

Yes, you need to copy-paste your program definition to separate supervisor processes.
And about the folder. You should use the /etc/supervisor/conf.d/.
Just create the config file with SOMETHING-LIKE-A-PROJECT-NAME.conf and put your program definition into it.
And then check that your /etc/supervisord.conf contains the include section:
files = /etc/supervisor/conf.d/*.conf


Use multiple env files

I'm wondering if there's a way in Laravel to specify a set of env files to load. My exact problem is I want to add something like a suffix to all my .js and .css resources. Ideally I'd have a suffix like the release date because it would be ok for these files to be cached within the same release but I would like the caches to be invalidated on the next release. However I want to avoid reading, modifying and saving the .env file if possible and would instead prefer to create a new file e.g. .env.rdate which would be generated via a script, e.g.
echo APP_RELEASE_DATE=`date +%s` > env.rdate
or something like this. Is this at all possible or do I have to read/update/write the .env file instead?
Create your .env.rdate file next to .env file.
Put this to your AppServiceProvider boot method:
$dotenv = new \Dotenv\Dotenv(base_path(),'.env.rdate');
After you can use in your project:

Changing configuration options for Marathon

I'd like to change set various configuration options for Marathon, and I'm unsure how to do this. For example, I'd like to add --event_subscriber http_callback to the launch command.
For each configuration you can create a file in the directory /etc/default/marathon where the filename is the name of the option and a single line in the file containing the value for that option.
Eg. Make a file /etc/default/marathon/event_subscriber that contains the line "http_callback"
This also works for mesos.
Actually the directory has to be /etc/marathon/conf. This is valid for 0.11.1.

Get result of compilation as single file with ASDF

Is it possible to tell ASDF that it should produce only one fas(l) file for entire system? This file should be concatenation (in right order) of all compiled files of the system, including all files of systems on which target system depends.
Yes, with compile-bundle-op (ASDF 3.1):
edit: Actually, monolithic-compile-bundle-op seemes to be asked for (as shown in other answers).
If you have to predict the extension, use uiop:compile-file-type.
And/or you can just call (asdf:output-files 'asdf:monolithic-compile-bundle-op :my-system) to figure out what is actually used.
Option monolithic-compile-bundle-op will create single compiled file which includes all dependencies, while compile-bundle-op creates a file for every system.
Example of use:
(asdf:operate 'asdf:monolithic-compile-bundle-op :my-system)
This command will create file my-system--all-systems.fas(l) in output directory of target project, as well as "bundle" files for every system, named like my-system--system.fas(l).

Organizing asset files in a Go project

I have a project that contains a folder to manage file templates, but it doesn't look like Go provides any support for non-Go-code project files. The project itself compiles to an executable, but it needs to know where this template folder is in order to operate correctly. Right now I do a search for $GOPATH/src/<templates>/templates, but this feels like kind of a hack to me because it would break if I decided to rename the package or host it somewhere else.
I've done some searching and it looks like a number of people are interested in being able to "compile" the asset files by embedding them in the final binary, but I'm not sure how I feel about this approach.
Any ideas?
Either pick a path (or a list of paths) that users are expected to put the supporting data in (/usr/local/share/myapp, ...) or just compile it into the binary.
It depends on how you are planning to distribute the program. As a package? With an installer?
Most of my programs I enjoy just having a single file to deploy and I just have a few templates to include, so I do that.
I have an example using go-bindata where I build the html template with a Makefile, but if I build with the 'devel' flag it will read the file at runtime instead to make development easier.
I can think of two options, use a cwd flag, or infer from cwd and arg 0:
-cwd path/to/assets
path/to/exe -cwd=$(path/to/exe/assets)
Internally, the exectable would chdir to wherever cwd points to, and then it can use relative paths throughout the application. This has the added benefit that the user can change the assets without having to recompile the program.
I do this for config files. Basically the order goes:
process cmd arguments, looking for a -cwd variable (it defaults to empty)
chdir to -cwd
parse config file
reparse cmd arguments, overwriting the settings in the config file
I'm not sure how many arguments your app has, but I've found this to be very useful, especially since Go doesn't have a standard packaging tool that will compile these assets in.
infer from arg 0
Another option is to use the first argument and get the path to the executable. Something like this:
here := path.Dir(os.Args[0])
if !path.IsAbs(os.Args[0]) {
here = path.Join(os.Getwd(), here)
This will get you the path to where the executable is. If you're guaranteed the user won't move this without moving the rest of your assets, you can use this, but I find it much more flexible to use the above -cwd idea, because then the user can place the executable anywhere on their system and just point it to the assets.
The best option would probably be a mixture of the two. If the user doesn't supply a -cwd flag, they probably haven't moved anything, so infer from arg 0 and the cwd. The cwd flag overrides this.

Automatically generate conf file during make

I have a conf file that is of the format:
What I want to do is using a template, generate a result based on some values in another file.
So for example, say I have a file called PATHS that contains
This PATHS file gets included into a Makefile so that when I call make install the paths are created and built applications and conf files copied appropriately.
Now I also have a conf file which I want to use as a template.
Say the template contains lines like
Then generate a destination conf that would have
I think this can be done with a sed script, but I'm not very familiar with sed and regular expression syntax. I will accept a shell script version too.
You should definitely go with autoconf here, whose very job is to do this. You'll have to write a file, wherein all substitutions are marked with #'s, e.g.
and write up a, which is a shell script that will perform these substitutions for you and create conf. conf is subsequently included in the Makefile. I'd even recommend using a file, i.e. including your snippet in the Makefile.
If you keep to the standard path names, your is a four-liner and has the added advantage of being GNU compatible (easy to understand & use).
You may want to consider using m4 as a simple template language instead.
