Simple Consensus with Timeouts - algorithm

There are n participants and each participant has a timeout that could fire at any time before or in the process of consensus. Participants are in a distributed setting where partitions and failures can happen.
All participants can start with a value 0 or 1 (or true/false). If any participant starts with 0 or any participant's timeout expires before reaching consensus, all participants must decide 0. Otherwise, all participants must decide 1.
I've gone through several iterations of a simple consensus protocol inspired or similar to the Ben-Or consensus protocol but can't seem to find a solution.
The key differences between the Ben-Or protocol and this setting are:
Presence of timeout
Not randomized: If any are zero, then all should decide zero. If any timeout, then all should decide zero.
An example (inspired by Ben-or) for this highly simplified setting:
x = True or False
while x or timeout not expired:
broadcast report=True
wait for all other participants' reports until timeout
if all reports are True and received all reports:
decide True
decide False
Key thing to prove: If a process p decides True, all other processes q decide True
I might be missing some key impossibility theory here. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Randomization is how Ben-Or escapes the Fischer–Lynch–Paterson impossibility result for deterministic consensus algorithms in unreliable networks. I think F–L–P basically applies to this setting unless you intentionally run out the clock each time and return 0 everywhere.


Contradiction in Lamport's Paxos made simple paper

Phase 2. (a) If the proposer receives a response to its prepare requests (numbered n) from a majority of acceptors, then it sends an accept request to each of those acceptors for a proposal numbered n with a value v, where v is the value of the highest-numbered proposal among the responses, or is any value if the responses reported no proposals.
As mentioned in the paper,
A proposer issues a proposal by sending, to some set of acceptors, a request that the proposal be accepted. (This need not be the same set of acceptors that responded to the initial requests.)"
But as my understanding, if we change Phase 2. (a) to:
If the proposer receives a response to its prepare requests (numbered n) from a majority of acceptors, then it sends an accept request to an arbitrary set of majority acceptors for a proposal numbered n with a value v, where v is the value of the highest-numbered proposal among the responses, or is any value if the responses reported no proposals.
the algorithm will fail, following is an example. Consider that there are totally 3 acceptors ABC. We will use X(n:v,m) to denote the status of acceptor X: proposal n:v is the largest numbered proposal accepted by X where n is the proposal number and v is the value of the proposal, and m is the number of the largest numbered prepare request that X has ever responded.
P1 sends 'prepare 1' to AB
Both AB respond P1 with a promise to not to accept any request numbered smaller than 1. Now the status is: A(-:-,1) B(-:-,1) C(-:-,-)
P1 receives the responses, then gets stuck and runs very slowly
P2 sends 'prepare 100' to AB
Both AB respond P2 with a promise to not to accept any request numbered smaller than 100. Now the status is: A(-:-,100) B(-:-,100) C(-:-,-)
P2 receives the responses, chooses a value b and sends 'accept 100:b' to BC
BC receive and accept the accept request, the status is: A(-:-,100) B(100:b,100) C(100:b,-). Note that proposal 100:b has been chosen.
P1 resumes, chooses value a and sends 'accept 1:a' to BC
B doesn't accept it, but C accepts it because C has never promise anything. Status is: A(-:-,100) B(100:b,100) C(1:a,-). The chosen proposal is abandon, Paxos fails.
Did I miss anything here? Thanks.
You missed something in step 7. When C processes accept 100:b it sets its state to C(100:b,100). By accepting a value the node is also promising to not accept earlier values.
Update. I've been thinking about this all month because I knew the above answer was not absolutely correct.
What's more I looked through several proprietary and open-source paxos implementations and they all had the bug submitted by the OP!
So here's the correct answer, when viewed entirely from Paxos Made Simple:
If the proposer receives a response to its prepare requests (numbered n) from a majority of acceptors, then it sends an accept request to each of those acceptors for a proposal numbered n with a value v, where v is the value of the highest-numbered proposal among the responses, or is any value if the responses reported no proposals. (emphasis mine)
In other words, the proposer can only send Accept messages to acceptors that it has received Promises from for that ballot number.
So, is this a contradiction in Lamport's paper? Right now, I'm saying yes.
If you look at Lamport's paxos proofs he treats an accept as a promise, just as my original answer suggests. But this is not pointed out in Paxos Made Simple. In fact, it appears Lamport took great pains to specify that an accept was not a promise.
The problem is when you combine the weaker portions of both variants; as the OP did and several implementations do. Then you run into this catastrophic bug.
There is certainly no problem with broadcasting the accept request to all acceptors. You don't need to restrict it to just the ones that replied to the original prepare request. You've found a rare case of bad wording in Dr Lamport's writing.
There is, however, a bug in your counterexample. Firstly, the notation is defined like this:
X(n:v,m) to denote the status of acceptor X: proposal n:v is the largest numbered proposal accepted by X
But then in step 7 node C has state C(100:b,-), and then in step 9 it's changed to state C(1:a,-). This is not a valid transition: after accepting 1:a it should remain in state C(100:b,-) since 100:b is still the largest numbered proposal accepted by C.
Note that it's perfectly fine that it accepts 1:a after 100:b, essentially because the network is asynchronous so all messages can be delayed or reordered without breaking anything, so the rest of the world can't tell which proposal was accepted first anyway.
NECROBUMP. Even with the weaker portion of both variants, there is no inconsistency. Let's look at step 9 in the example in the question:
"The state is A(-:-,100) B(100:b,100) C(1:a,-). The chosen proposal is abandon, Paxos fails"
However, at this point all we have is an indeterminate value, since there is no majority accepted value (we must eventually choose 'b' since b was accepted by a majority during step 6.)
In order to continue the protocol, we need new ballots and eventually some newer ballot will be accepted. That ballot must have the value 'b',
PROOF: C will respond with (100, 'b') on any prepare requests since the highest-numbered ballot it accepted is (100, 'b') even if it last accepted a ballot (1, 'a'). B will also respond with (100, 'b'). Hence it is no longer possible to get a majority ballot with any value but 'b'.
Lamport's language is that an acceptor will respond with "The proposal with the highest number less than n that it has accepted, if any"
The accepted answer confuses "highest numbered" with "latest accepted," since the example shows that an acceptor may accept values in decreasing numbered order. In order to completely align with Lamport's protocol, it is necessary for C to remember that it responded to (100, 'b') even if the "latest" accept it has made is (1, 'a').
(That being said I would not be surprised if many implementations don't do this correctly, and hence are vulnerable to this issue.)
There is indeed an ambiguity in the paper, which is why TLA+ specification, and not the paper should be used for implementing the algorithm.
When accepting a value, an acceptor must once again update its state, namely the most recently promised ballot. This is clear from Paxos TLA+ specification, check out Phase 2b in which acceptor updates maxBal, and compare with Phase 1b where it does the same.
Leslie Lamport handles this question in his recent lecture, where he explains that this is done specifically to allow the set of acceptors to be different from the set of nodes promising the ballot.
C can't accept the proposal as it hasn't gone through Phase 1. IOWs for a vale to be accepted by an acceptor, the acceptor has to move through both phases of the protocol.
if by accepting a value the node is also promising to not accept earlier values, the algorithm is correct, but in the paper Lamport didn't mention this requirement, right?
The above condition is not required. Let's say the highest ballot an acceptor has promised is X. Let's say the incoming accept message has ballot number Y. If Y < X, we know that Y has to be rejected. If Y > X, this means that the acceptor hasn't received a prepare request for Y. This means, we have received an invalid paxos message. In this case, the accept message for Y should be dropped.
The only exception to this is when Y == 0. In this case, issuing a prepare with ballot number 0 doesn't make sense as ballot numbers below 0 are invalid. So, phase 1 can be skipped for ballot 0 and a proposer can directly go to Phase 2. In this case, i.e. when Y == 0, the acceptor can accept the value only if it hasn't accepted a value. This is the same as what you are proposing above, but it is required only in the optimized version of Paxos where Phase 1 can be skipped for Y == 0.
IOWs, the only time an acceptor accepts a value is when Y == X. The only exception is when Y == 0. In that case, the acceptor can accept the value only if it hasn't accepted a value.
I agree with most part of Ben Braun's answer.
It's fine for C to accept (1,a), it doesn't change the chosen value. Let's say C accepted (1, a), and we take a look at the accept history from the perspective of a learner.
(100, b) accepted by B and C
(1, a) is accepted by C
(100, b) is chosen since it is accepted by majority of acceptors.
At this point the protocol doesn't need to continue if the learner got complete accept history, unless learners failed or messages to learners are lost. This is where I disagree with Ben Braun's answer.
But the acceptors should keep the accepted proposal with the highest number, in case a new proposal is issued.
update: I also agree with Dave Turner that in reality there is no reason to accept lower numbered proposal. Proposal number is like logical time clock, it's safe to ignore older messages.
The ambiguous sentence in Paxos Made Simple is "This need not be the same set of acceptors that responded to the initial requests".
Its actual meaning is "Hi, let me give you a hint here. The algorithm described in this paper can be optimized to eliminate the requirement that the prepare phase and the accept phase must have the same set of acceptors". Note that the algorithm described in Paxos Made Simple is a little different from the one described in The Part-Time Parliament.
However, some people misunderstood that sentence like this: "The algorithm described in this paper does not require that the prepare phase and the accept phase must have the same set of acceptors".

metafor() non-negative sampling variance

I am trying to learn meta regression using the metafor() package. In running
one of the mixed regression models, I received an error indicating
"There are outcomes with non-positive sampling variances."
I am at lost as to how to proceed with this error. I understand that certain
model statistics (e.g., I^2 and QE) cannot be computed with due to the
presence of non-positive sampling variances. However, I am not sure whether
these results can be interpreted similarly as we would have otherwise. I
also tried using other estimators and/or the unweighted option; the error
still persists.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
First of all, to clarify: You are getting a warning, not an error.
Aside from that, I can't think of many situations where it is reasonable to assume that the sampling variance is really equal to 0 in a particular study. I would first question whether this really makes sense. This is why the rma() function is generating this warning message -- to make the user aware of this situation and question whether this really is intended/reasonable.
But suppose that we really want to go through with this, then you have to use an estimator for tau^2 that can handle this (e.g., method="REML" -- which is actually the default). If the estimate of tau^2 ends up equal to 0 as well, then the model cannot be fitted at all (due to division by zero -- and then you get an error). If you do end up with a positive estimate of tau^2, then the results should be okay (but things like the Q-test, I^2, or H^2 cannot be computed then).

How does goroutines behave on a multi-core processor

I am a newbie in Go language, so please excuse me if my question is very basic. I have written a very simple code:
func main(){
var count int // Default 0
cptr := &count
go incr(cptr)
// Increments the value of count through pointer var
func incr(cptr *int) {
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
go func() {
*cptr = *cptr + 1
The value of count should increment by one the number of times the loop runs. Consider the cases:
Loop runs for 100 times--> value of count is 100 (Which is correct as the loop runs 100 times).
Loop runs for >510 times --> Value of count is either 508 OR 510. This happens even if it is 100000.
I am running this on an 8 core processor machine.
First of all: prior to Go 1.5 it runs on a single processor, only using multiple threads for blocking system calls. Unless you tell the runtime to use more processors by using GOMAXPROCS.
As of Go 1.5 GOMAXPROCS is set to the number of CPUS. See 6, 7 .
Also, the operation *cptr = *cptr + 1 is not guaranteed to be atomic. If you look carefully, it can be split up into 3 operations: fetch old value by dereferencing pointer, increment value, save value into pointer address.
The fact that you're getting 508/510 is due to some magic in the runtime and not defined to stay that way. More information on the behaviour of operations with concurrency can be found in the Go memory model.
You're probably getting the correct values for <510 started goroutines because any number below these are not (yet) getting interrupted.
Generally, what you're trying to do is neither recommendable in any language, nor the "Go" way to do concurrency. A very good example of using channels to synchronize is this code walk: Share Memory By Communicating (rather than communicating by sharing memory)
Here is a little example to show you what I mean: use a channel with a buffer of 1 to store the current number, fetch it from the channel when you need it, change it at will, then put it back for others to use.
You code is racy: You write to the same memory location from different, unsynchronized goroutines without any locking. The result is basically undefined. You must either a) make sure that all the goroutine writes after each other in a nice, ordered way, or b) protect each write by e.g. e mutex or c) use atomic operations.
If you write such code: Always try it under the race detector like $ go run -race main.go and fix all races.
A nice alternative to using channels in this case might be the sync/atomic package, which contains specifically functions for atomically incrementing/decrementing numbers.
You are spawning 500 or 1000 routines without synchronization among routines. This is creating a race condition, which makes the result un-predictable.
Imagine You are working in an office to account for expense balance for your boss.
Your boss was in a meeting with 1000 of his subordinates and in this meeting he said, "I would pay you all a bonus, so we will have to increment the record of our expense". He issued following command:
i) Go to Nerve and ask him/ her what is the current expense balance
ii) Call my secretary to ask how much bonus you would receive
iii) Add your bonus as an expense to the additional expense balance. Do the math yourself.
iv) Ask Nerve to write the new balance of expense on my authority.
All of the 1000 eager participants rushed to record their bonus and created a race condition.
Say 50 of the eager gophers hit Nerve at the same time (almost), they ask,
i) "What is the current expense balance?
-- Nerve says $1000 to all of those 50 gophers, as they asked at the same question at the same time(almost) when the balance was $1000.
ii) The gophers then called secretary, how much bonus should be paid to me?
Secretary answers, "just $1 to be fair"
iii) Boos said do the math, they all calculates $1000+ $1 = $1001 should be the new cost balance for the company
iv) They all will ask Nerve to put back $1001 to the balance.
You see the problem in the method of Eager gophers?
There are $50 units of computation done, every time the added $1 to the existing balance, but the cost didn't increase by $50; only increased by $1.
Hope that clarifies the problem. Now for the solutions, other contributors gave very good solutions that would be sufficient I believe.
All of that approaches failed to me, noobie here. But i have found a better way
I'm using sync package to solve that problem and wait for all goroutines to finish, without Sleep or Channel.
And don't forget to take a look at that awesome post

Or-equals on constant as reduction operation (ex. value |= 1 ) thread-safe?

Let's say that I have a variable x.
x = 0
I then spawn some number of threads, and each of them may or may not run the following expression WITHOUT the use of atomics.
x |= 1
After all threads have joined with my main thread, the main thread branches on the value.
if(x) { ... } else { ... }
Is it possible for there to be a race condition in this situation? My thoughts say no, because it doesn't seem to matter whether or not a thread is interrupted by another thread between reading and writing 'x' (in both cases, either 'x == 1', or 'x == 1'). That said, I want to make sure I'm not missing something stupid obvious or ridiculously subtle.
Also, if you happen to provide an answer to the contrary, please provide an instruction-by-instruction example!
I'm trying to, in OpenCL, have my threads indicate the presence or absence of a feature among any of their work-items. If any of the threads indicate the presence of the feature, my host ought to be able to branch on the result. I'm thinking of using the above method. If you guys have a better suggestion, that works too!
I'm trying to add early-exit to my OpenCL radix-sort implementation, to skip radix passes if the data is banded (i.e. 'x' above would be x[RADIX] and I'd have all work groups, right after partial reduction of the data, indicate presence or absence of elements in the RADIX bins via 'x').
It may work within a work-group. You will need to insert a barrier before testing x. I'm not sure it will be faster than using atomic increments.
It will not work across several work-groups. Imagine you have 1000 work-groups to run on 20 cores. Typically, only a small number of work-groups can be resident on a single core, for example 4, meaning only 80 work-groups can be in flight inside the GPU at a given time. Once a work-group is done executing, it is retired, and another one is started. Halting a kernel in the middle of execution to wait for all 1000 work-groups to reach the same point is impossible.

Computability: Is the language of DFAs that receive even-length words in P?

I've been struggling with this one for a while and am not able to come up with anything. Any pointers would be really appreciated.
The problem is: given the language of all DFAs that receive only words of even-length, prove whether it is in P or not.
I've considered making a turing machine that goes over the given DFA in something like BFS/Dijkstra's algorithm in order to find all the paths from the starting state to the accepting one, but have no idea how to handle loops?
I think it's in P, at worst quadratic. Each state of the DFA can have four parity states
unvisited -- state 0
known to be reachable in an odd number of steps -- state 1
known to be reachable in an even number of steps -- state 2
known to be reachable in both, odd and even numbers of steps -- state 3
Mark all states as unvisited, put the starting state in a queue (FIFO, priority, whatever), set its parity state to 2.
case 0: error
case 1: return 2
case 2: return 1
case 3: return 3
while(queue not empty)
dfa_state <- queue
step_parity = child_parity(dfa_state.parity_state)
for next_state in dfa_state.children
old_parity = next_state.parity_state
next_state.parity_state |= step_parity
if old_parity != next_state.parity_state // we have learnt something new
add next_state to queue // remove duplicates if applicable
for as in accept_states
if as.parity_state & 1 == 1
return false
return true
Unless I'm overlooking something, each DFA state is treated at most twice, each time checking at most size children for required action.
It would seem this only requires two states.
Your entry state would be empty string, and would also be an accept state. Adding anythign to the string would move it to the next state, which we can call the 'odd' state, and not make it an accept state. Adding another string puts us back to the original state.
I guess I'm not sure on the terminology anymore of whether a language is in P or not, so if you gave me a definition there I could tell you if this fits it, but this is one of the simplest DFA's around...
