create react app On Your Network with WSL2 not working - windows

I am trying to use a mobile device to view the app served by create react app. When I open the IP:PORT recommended by CRA's "On Your Network", the page never loads on my mobile device.
I am working on Windows 10 laptop, using WSL2 with Ubuntu. My network is all wifi, no ethernet cables. My code is on the Ubuntu file system and I run npm start from the same location in a WSL terminal from VS Code with the WSL extension.
I am able to see the app using http://localhost:3000 with browsers on my Windows machine (Chrome, Edge).
I noticed cmd.exe ipconfig lists the IP address that corresponds to "On Your Network" as "Ethernet adapter vEthernet (WSL)". This IP address ( is different than what ipconfig shows as "Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi" ( I also tried on my mobile device, but it didn't work either.
Some other posts on SO recommend removing a firewall setting that blocks NodeJS applications. I scrolled through the many applications listed in the firewall settings and found nothing for NodeJS apps.

Since WSL2 uses a virtual NIC what you need is enable port forwarding in the Firewall otherwise your server in WSL2 won't be seen by external PCs in your network.
I recommend reading the entire thread but in resume you can start using this script:

I had the same issue. So instead of trying to restart the Windows, try to open the Powershell terminal, shut down the WSL, and then start it again. it solves to me.
Command to shut down: wsl --shutdown
Command to start: to start: wsl

I found a tool that fixes this problem:
First you need to run the command in the wsl terminal
npx expose-wsl#latest
and it gives you an ip address of your pc for example, with that ip you can access the project from devices on the same network.
When running npm start:
On Your Network:
enter on mobile device:
and works.
Note: You have to allow the port through the Windows firewall. In my case the firewall should allow access to 'C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MicrosoftCorporationII.WindowsSubsystemForLinux_1.0.3.0_x64__...\wslhost.exe'

You can run your app in Docker instead and use Docker for Windows, enabled for WSL2. It somehow manages dynamic dynamically forward the ports, without having you to change anything in Windows.

I was also having the problem with hot reloading in WSL2 . I tried almost every solution present on github , stackoverflow and where not , from CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true to setting FAST_REFRESH= false in .env file to changing network setting using netsh.... but none of them worked for me and after 2 days of searching solutions and trying to fix it .. finally reverted to wsl 1.
Just run this command on Powershell for now.
wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20.04 1

Consider Nginx for Windows.
I prefer this solution because I'm more familiar configuring web servers and reverse proxies than Windows networking and Powershell.
After unzipping the distribution, for example at C:\somepath\nginx-1.22.1, I add the following reverse proxy configuration to C:\somepath\nginx-1.22.1\conf\nginx.conf
http {
server {
listen 11500;
server_name wsl2_server;
charset utf-8;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:11500/;
As you can see, I have a web server running on port 11500 in WSL2. When my mobile device requests "lan_ip_of_laptop:11500/", it then forwards to localhost:11500 and WSL2 server completes the request.


Is it possible in vscode liveshare to share port 443 (https)?

I'm trying to share the port 443 from my development machine (win10) to my laptop (os x) using the amazing Live Share feature of Visual Studio Code.
On the dev machine I can access the service (running behind an nginx reverse proxy), so server is running fine.
VS Code doc mention a 1:1 mapping for the port "unless it's already in use".
Checking with sudo lsof -P -i TCP -s TCP:LISTEN on the mac, I can confirm 443 is not in use.
But the port on the mac is mapped to a random port (50150 in this case) instead of 443.
I guess I'm lacking some rights to open a sub 1000 port on os x.
Does anyone know what I can do (I mean other then running vscode as root)
Short answer (for anyone who would find this later) : not possible!
Restricted ports are ... restricted.
And as I said in the question i don't want to run vscode as root.
But what I ok to run as root is a small utility to do port forwarding.
So I'm now using portforward (npm -> ) to do just that, and everything works fine.

Windows share smb connection hangs on Ubuntu 20.04

I have a VPN restricted share network on a server (Win 10), and after I connect to VPN and try to connect to that shared network on my Ubuntu 20.04 client (Ubuntu Desktop) via GUI. By GUI, I mean specifically applying these steps:
Open "Files" browser.
Select "+ Other Locations" on the left side-bar menu.
Type your server to connect on "Connect to server", mine was something like smb://myServer/shared/ and click "Connect".
When a login prompt appears, write down your credentials (or login anonymously).
You should have access to that shared network now.
When I did those steps above before upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04, when I was using Ubuntu 18.04, I was able to successfully access to the shared network.
After upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04, however, on the step 4 (after I enter my credentials and try to connect) the connection just hangs, and the shared network is not mounted.
After researching the problem a bit, the potential solutions I found did not work, most of which
suggests to add the following to smb.conf to be able to access to SMB1 type of network.
client min protocol = NT1
server min protocol = NT1
Can't acces NAS anymore after upgrading to 20.04.
Currently, what I tried aside is to mount the shared folder manually with the following command
sudo mkdir /mnt/my_share
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=name,password=pw //server/shared /mnt/my_share/
which strangely worked.
I do not have a clue why "Files" did not work and manually doing it worked. I cannot say the former failed completely because after entering credentials on login prompt there was no error, but just hangs.

Can I develop with VS Code in containers on a remote host running Windows/WSL2?

Original Post
I have a Windows workstation with WSL2 and Docker installed that I am able to use for container based development in VS Code. I would like to be able to develop inside the containers on this system remotely. I am able to SSH directly into the WSL2 environment on the workstation and am able to start the docker daemon without logging directly into Windows by creating a Task to start the daemon automatically as described here:
However when I try to access Docker on the remote machine by following this guide:, I get the following error:
error during connect: Get http://docker/v1.24/version: net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed HTTP status code "\x00c\x00o\x00m\x00m\x00a\x00n\x00d\x00"
I have also tried connecting via a SSH tunnel as outlined here: and am unable to connect to Docker as well.
Has anyone had success with a setup like this? Or is this not supported due to limitations with Docker on Windows, WSL2, and/or Windows OpenSSH implementation?
Update: 2021-01-21
When I SSH into the Windows machine remotely, I am able to see the docker containers in the VS Code extension. I am able to start them, stop them, and enter into them with the shell. However, when I try to attach VS Code I get same error shown above.
Things that may have possibly affected this over the past couple days:
Adding SSH keys on my local machine to the ssh-agent via ssh-add /my/key
Exposing Docker daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS on the remote Windows machine
Also I want to note that the I've tried using Windows, Mac, and Linux as the local machine. With Mac and Linux I am able to open a remote session into the Windows machine, but from the Windows local machine I am able to SSH into the remote Windows machine but cannot open a remote connection in VS Code for some reason.
Ok, I was able to get this working using the port/socket forwarding technique. For sake of clarity, I'll use:
local development workstation, local workstation, or just workstation to indicate the computer from which we wish to use VSCode to access Docker containers on ...
the remote Docker host, remote, or just Docker host
Sanity check -- Do you have Docker Desktop installed on both systems? On the local development workstation, you can skip the WSL2 integration, but you'll at least need the client tools, since the VSCode extension uses them.
Steps I took:
I already had Docker with WSL2 integration set up on my main system (which for the purposes of this exercise, became my remote Docker host), along with VSCode, so I knew everything was working there. It sounds like that was your starting point as well.
On another system on the same network (accessed with RDP to make it simple), I already had VSCode installed as well, with the Remote Development Extension Pack. I also have WSL on that system, but only a v1 instance there. Not that WSL on the workstation should be a factor at all for the purposes of this exercise.
I installed Docker Desktop for Windows on that local development workstation.
I also installed the Docker extension for VSCode, since I didn't yet have it on the local development workstation.
On the workstation, I was not yet set up to SSH from PowerShell into my WSL Ubuntu distro on the remote. From PowerShell on the workstation, I generated an ECDSA key (per this and other documents) and added the public key to my authorized_keys on the the remote.
On the workstation, I started the OpenSSH Authentication Service and added the newly created key to the agent (in PowerShell) with ssh-agent add ~\.ssh\id_ecdsa.
I logged out of the workstation and back in so that the path changes were picked up for the Docker desktop install.
I was then able to ssh from Powershell on the local to Ubuntu/WSL on the remote with the port forwarding. Since I'm using the Windows 10 OpenSSH server as a jumphost to my WSL SSH servers, my command looked slightly different (with a -o "ProxyCommand ... mainly), but overall the structure is the same as the one listed in the "SSH Tunnel" doc you linked in your question.
On the remote (manually, not through any integration from the local), I did a basic docker run -it --rm Ubuntu and left it open.
On the local, from PowerShell, I set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable via [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("DOCKER_HOST","tcp://localhost:23750").
I was then able to see the remote container using docker ps on the local. I could also docker exec -it containername bash into it remotely.
Of course, the above two steps aren't needed in the long term for VSCode, they were just part of my process to make sure everything was up and running (since, as you might expect, I did have several points at which I failed during this process).
So with that working, it was a simple matter in VSCode to change the Docker extension's DOCKER_HOST setting to tcp://localhost:23750. And voila, I could see all images on the remote as well as attach to them from VSCode.
Other thing(s) to check
I'll add to this list if we find additional reasons why it might not be working, but for now:
You mention that you are starting the Docker Desktop daemon automatically at startup via Task Manager, but you don't mention anything about the WSL2 instance. However, since you are able to ssh into it, I assume you have a way to bring it up as well? My experience has been that, unless the owning user is logged in, WSL terminates any instances after a few seconds, even if a service is running. There's a workaround, I believe, that I can dust off if this is a problem.

Access to homestead host from genymotion

How can i access homestead from genymotion emulator ?
i add this line into emulator hosts file, but not work :
Here's how I did it on Windows 10:
Check if homestead works
My homestead is running on the ip and has multiple sites. Each have been added to my Windows machine's hosts file to be available from specific domains.
For example in my C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file i have added the following lines:
This means when browsing in my Windows machine it should be showing my site. If this is not working for you, then check homestead's official docs how to do this properly. The setup will vary on the version of homestead you are using.
Configure adb for Genymotion
I have Android SDK installed and setup on my Windows machine. You need to configure Genymotion for adb to work from the Windows command line. In Genymotion go to Settings > ADB > Use custom Android SDK tools and browse to your Windows machine's Android SDK directory. For me it was C:/dev/tools/android
Edit emulator devices hosts file
As the emulator is accessing the same network as your Windows machine, then your homestead's ip will also be available from the emulator. Thus you can add the same lines as you added in your Windows machine's hosts file.
1.Open the commandline and run the following commands to edit the hosts file:
adb root
adb remount
adb pull /system/etc/hosts hosts
2.The hosts file should now be present in the folder where you excecuted the pull command. Edit the file with a text editor and add the sites you want to access. For example i added:
3.Send the hosts file back to the emulator
adb push hosts /system/etc/hosts
4.Browse to your site in the emulator browser. For example: You should see your homestead site now!
What to try if site is not reached from browser
1.Check that you added an empty line after the last site in the hosts file.
2.Close and reopen the emulator browser
3.Restart the emulator
Homestead runs using virtual box [or vmware] .I have used oracle virtual box .Just to be clear ,it's ubuntu os running on virtual box .So ipv4 of ethernet adapter for virtualbox host only network will work for you .On windows,
open "cmd" and run :
and search for "Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network"
and then ipv4 pest the ip with port no [8000 default],on your emulator's browser .In my case it's.
Note: please check if your homestead environment working properly.
My genyotion version is : 2.5.4.
I think you have solved the problem but it may help others, Thank you.

Docker unreachable after computer sleep

I have just installed docker using docker-toolbox 1.8.2 on Windows 10.
Due to due to this issue I had to recreate the docker image using these commands
docker-machine rm default
docker-machine --native-ssh create -d virtualbox default
After that it has been working fine, except for one problem:
When the PC has gone to sleep and then wakes again, the docker commands can no longer connect. Example:
> docker images
An error occurred trying to connect: Get
dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection
failed because connected host has failed to respond.
However the docker-machine lists the machine as running:
> docker-machine ls
default * virtualbox Running tcp://
I can also confirm in VirtualBox that the VM screen seems to be active.
I have tried starting and stopping the machine, but that does not help
C:\x> docker-machine stop default
C:\x> docker-machine start default
Starting VM...
Started machines may have new IP addresses. You may need to re-run the `docker-machine env` command.
C:\x> docker-machine env default --shell=powershell
Ironically, the last command hangs, so I never get any environment settings.
The only thing that helps is to restart the whole PC. But that should be unnecessary?
I have also posted this as an issue on the docker github repository,but that was closed. A related issue seems to be this one, but no workaround or solution has been posted for Windows.
After hous of fighting with VirtualBox + Docker Toolbox, I finally found the way, how to make Docker working again (even without restarting all the containers):
Wake up PC from sleep
Try docker images (won`t work)
Open VirtualBox -> Close VM with saving state (CTRL+V)
Run your VM again
Try docker images again (now should work)
Please note: All steps are in VirtualBox only! Running docker-machine restart default will create another host-only adapter, which is something you do not want. If you did it anyway, delete all additionally created adapters (File->Preferences->Network on VirtualBox), then follow steps 1-5.
I have experienced the exact same symptoms on Windows 8.1... The thing is that it's not really a docker-specific issue, but more how Windows manages the VirtualBox network adapters after sleep (I think...). The culprit in my case is that the network adapter's addresses were becoming private after sleep (they became 169.* addresses).
Credits to this guy who gave me the idea:
Start a command prompt as Administrator
Find out the "useful" network adapters: ipconfig /all. The useful ones in my case were the ones labeled "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" that didn't have private ips (not starting with 169.*).
Run this command and note the "Idx" of the useful VirtualBox network adapters: netsh interface ipv4 show inter.
Run this command to disable the IP auto configuration: netsh interface ipv4 set interface <idx> dadtransmits=0 store=persistent. Replace <idx> with each index found in the previous step.
Restart Windows
Afterwards, I was able to docker-machine start default, then docker-machine env default --shell cmd, put the PC to sleep, wake up and run docker-machine env default --shell cmd again.
I found that removing 'host only adapter' (File->Preferences->Network on VirtualBox), and restart the docker-machine helps.
Not a real solution. But probably better over restart the computer.
Having tried all the other answers here, and having varying but not consistent success, the following seems to reliably bring it back for me after this problem occurs.
Open a powershell/command window (I have most success if I run all docker-machine commands in a powershell window opened as administrator, I don't know if that's important or not) then run (where "dev" is the name of your docker machine instance):
docker-machine ssh dev
Then on the terminal that is opened, run:
sudo shutdown -r now
When the machine restarts, it seems to refresh the network and work correctly. Note, however, that simply running docker-machine restart dev did not have the same effect for me.
Your machine needs to be running before you can do the ssh, so if it's not running, execute docker-machine start dev before trying to SSH.
Had the same problem on Windows 8.1 and docker toolbox 1.12.0
None of the above solutions worked for me, too.
Found another way to make docker work after system wake up:
In the docker Quickstart Terminal window, stop docker process Ctrl-C (if it is still running)
Run command docker-compose down
Shut down docker with docker-machine stop default
Exit terminal window Ctrl-D
Run Quickstart Terminal again and do all subsequent steps you need.
This worked for me, on Windows host machine.
Configure your network adapter to
1) Allow the network adapter to wake the computer,
2) Allow a magic packet to wake the computer,
3) Allow IPV6
Also, on virtual box network settings, go to advanced, and allow promiscuous mode to VM machines, or allow all
