artifactory alpine remote repo - permission denied problem - apk

I have created an alpine remote repo on my artifactory instance but cannot install apk packages from it in my apk client
when i apk update in my alpine docker i get permission denied:
docker run -it alpine /bin/sh
echo "" > /etc/apk/repositories
apk update
ERROR: Permission denied
WARNING: Ignoring APKINDEX.fe5b96c4.tar.gz: No such file or directory
1 errors; 14 distinct packages available
i believe the problem is to do with username/password because i get the same error when i use no username/password. You'll notice i am url encoding my username, replacing the # symbol with %40
I have tried with and without url encoding
The following does work and downloads the APKINDEX.tar.gz successfully:
many thanks

As this is a problem with permission denied and I see you are using '#' in the username and confirmed it is working with wget command, it is the problem with the APK client as it does not understand the '#' sign and fails with permission denied. Try with an user who does not have '#' sign in it.


I am trying to build using docker desktop on Mac

But it seems to get the following error. I have cloned the package and have access rights to it.
failed to load cache key: pull access denied, repository does not exist or may require authorization: server message: insufficient_scope: authorization failed
This error seems to be due to docker on M1 chip and not because of any repo access. The error is same when I run getting-started guide. I can't build anything using Docker for Desktop on Mac.
I tried building with sudo and it worked fine. The error seems to be with Repository builds as they don't use sudo and I have been updating DOCKER_BUILD_SUDO=sudo but the issue persists.
The problem is not the access to the repository, but to the image registry:
pull access denied ... insufficient_scope
If you have the credentials, prior to building issue a docker login command. If not, you'll need to either ask for them the maintainer or you're out of luck unless you find an alternative (public) image and replace it in the Dockerfile. Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository

i want to host my laravel web app in a heroku, i run the following cmd heroku login it is login with success, and then i run cmd next heroku create it runs with success and also touch Procfile it creates a Profile file and i add this web line: vendor / bin / heroku-php-apache2 web / and when i run the cmd git push heroku master i get this error.
NAJIB132#NAJIB MINGW32 /d/wamp/www/BTPl (master)
$ git push heroku master Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Permission denied error while executing wercker.yml

A sample github repository is linked to as given in the doc
while executing the build from wercker.yml (through, below error is seen. Permission denied for "". Please help me resolve this issue.
export WERCKER_STEP_ROOT="/pipeline/script-aa48a107-200c-450a-8f81-24e32622a13f"
export WERCKER_STEP_ID="script-aa48a107-200c-450a-8f81-24e32622a13f"
export WERCKER_STEP_OWNER="wercker"
export WERCKER_STEP_NAME="script"
export WERCKER_REPORT_NUMBERS_FILE="/report/script-aa48a107-200c-450a-8f81-24e32622a13f/numbers.ini"
export WERCKER_REPORT_MESSAGE_FILE="/report/script-aa48a107-200c-450a-8f81-24e32622a13f/message.txt"
export WERCKER_REPORT_ARTIFACTS_DIR="/report/script-aa48a107-200c-450a-8f81-24e32622a13f/artifacts"
source "/pipeline/script-aa48a107-200c-450a-8f81-24e32622a13f/" < /dev/null
/pipeline/script-aa48a107-200c-450a-8f81-24e32622a13f/ line 2: ./ Permission denied
It looks like your pipeline is trying to execute the file but you do not have permission to execute it. This could be for a variety of reasons. The most common two would be:
the box that you are using has its "user" set to a user that does not have execute permission on that file. You can check the user using the docker inspect box:tag command (using the details of the box you used in your wercker.yml
the file might not have its execute bit turned on - this can often happen when using git on windows for example - in this case you need to make sure you tell git to set the exec bit using this command:
git update-index --chmod=+x ./ (I am assuming this file comes from your source code repository - if not, then you would have to change it in the image itself, i.e. start a container from the image, do a chmod to fix it, then commit that container to update the docker image)

composer install does not use ssh key on private repo (permission denied public key)

I have a Laravel project with some dependencies to private packages, secured through ssh, working on windows 10 with Laragon.
On composer install I get a permission denied (public key), however, if I clone the repo directly I get my regular prompt to type the ssh-key password for authentication and the clone works with no problems (using git#gitlab...., so no https).
The output looks like this:
Failed to execute git clone ...
Cloning into 'project/path/foo/bar'...
Permission denied (public key).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I already added the host (a private GitLab server) to my git config file, including the path to my ssh key, which seems to work due to git clone succeeding.
I expected that composer install would prompt for the password, but it just stops.
Any ideas how to solve this problem? I normally work on Ubuntu and didn't have such a problem before.
Tried out the same commands with git bash (Git for windows) and it worked. But if I use Powershell or ConEmu(through Laragon) it won't work, any ideas?

FTP on lampstack - Google cloud platform

So I installed a LAMP on a Google Cloud instance with debain wheezy7. Everything is working fine but I am not able to work the ftp. I am following this tutorial by digital ocean
I am stuck at this last step where I need to make vsftpd allow the user to write outside the chroot file.
The error is get is
hetunandu_gmail_com#lamp:~$ mkdir /root/hetunandu/files
mkdir: cannot create directory /root/hetunandu/files': Permission denied
Then when i use sudo with it i get this error
hetunandu_gmail_com#lamp:~$ sudo mkdir /root/hetunandu/files
mkdir: cannot create directory /root/hetunandu/files': No such file or directory
Where do I go from here?
Also I dont know how to get my username and password setup for FTP
I followed the tutorial and could not replicate your issue. I initially got "Permission denied" but you can circumvent this by running:
$ sudo su
and then
$ mkdir -p /root/$USER/files
Why not use /home/$USER ? not sure why you want to create the folders under /root.
As for your second question, regarding the username and password, I am not sure I understand. From the Developers Console > Compute Engine > VM Instances > click SSH and that should log you in with root privileges. then you can create all the users you want:
$ sudo adduser test_user
Please don't use FTP as it's an insecure clear-text protocol which will let others see your password and easily get access your instance, read/modify/delete your files, etc.
Instead, you should use secure protocols such as SCP or SFTP with public key authentication.
Here are some options to transfer files to/from your GCE VM instance:
sftp CLI tool, as described in this answer
gcloud compute copy-files, as described in this answer
WinSCP with SFTP
