Windows Installer for Office solution by using Visual Studio Community 2019 - visual-studio

UPD: I found old article that I used a few years ago and followed me step-by-step with deploy using Windows Installer Deploying a VSTO Solution Using Windows Installer. Problem solved
I wrote a custom add-ins menu for Office using Visual Studio Community 2019. Now I'm trying to deploy it. In this article Deploy an Office solution by using Windows Installer they used VS2013 and InstallShield Limited Edition, which doesn't work with VS Community 2019. I installed Advanced Installer but in the Help section "Create a package to deploy an Office Add-In developed in Visual Studio" says "The following article uses options that are available starting with the Professional edition and project type." what means I need to upgrade free version to commercial.
Could you please recommend any other Windows Installer for Office solution for Visual Studio Community 2019? Or any step-by-step article how to deploy solution by using Setup Project in VS Community 2019?
I remember I tried to do some deploy in old version of VS a few years ago, but nowadays it seems more complicated. I just want to try and see if my add-ins work in another computer and then I'll think about commercial versions of VS or Installers

You can build the package using the free version of Advanced Installer too, but you will have to create all the registry entries (those related to your addin) manually and also the same for adding the files in the package, as documented in the MS article.
The wizard that you mention above does this automatically by reading the necessary info to make the configs from your Visual Studio solution.
Disclaimer: I work on the team building Advanced Installer.


Does MSbuild require Visual Studio to be installed on the build server?

Can we use MSBuild without Visual Studio 2012?
Currently, we have a build server where we are compiling and creating deployment copy of one of our projects, it has Visual Studio Professional Edition installed. We are setting up a new build server now. Do we really need Visual Studio 2012 on the new build server?
If yes, then how? I googled it but I couldn't find an answer.
We have spent a lot of time trying to get our Build Servers to work without Visual Studio.
We do not use TFS for builds and therefore I am not sure the license exemption above applies to us. Also not having Visual Studio installed helps you really understand how your software is building and get references correct.
We have seen many examples of solutions with projects that contains references for the same piece of software with some in nuget packages shipped with the solution and others that are pointing to locations in the "program files" path which are not present on machines without Visual Studio installed. Once you attempt to build software without VS installed you can really see how "self-contained" your applications are.
Before I start listing the things you typically need to install, let me just point out that MS Build is now no longer considered part of the .NET framework but is shipped with Visual Studio but can also be installed separately. See this blog post for more:
The following software needs to be installed for most builds, there may be others for example if you are creating portable class libraries.
Microsoft Build Tools 2013
Web Deploy 3.5 (for packaging applications)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 Developer Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Developer Pack
Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8 (You can use the SDK to build applications that target these operating systems: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008)
The following directories need to be copied:
Reference Assemblies (need to be copied from a machine running Visual Studio from/to directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies)
Public Assemblies (need to be copied from a machine running Visual Studio from/to directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies
We also use Wix and therefore we install the following:
WIX Toolset 3.8
I have a similar set for testing however that was not part of the question so I will leave that off!
Hope this helps someone.
Update: 3rd March 2017
Microsoft recently responded to a long standing user voice request "Support .NET Builds without requiring Visual Studio on the server" for the requirement for Visual Studio to be installed on a build server to be removed.
From the description on the download page "These Build Tools allow you to build native and managed MSBuild-based applications without requiring the Visual Studio IDE." Not tested yet but after RTM I will look at this and provide a further update here.
There is a blog post that promises these build tools install all pre-requisites and can be used to build MS Build based applications.
No, you don't need Visual Studio on your build box. If I recall correctly, msbuild is installed as part of the .NET framework - it certainly used to be.
Depending on what you're building, you may find that there are some things which are easier to get working if you do install Visual Studio though - things like portable class library profiles. While there are usually non-VS installers available, I've found it simpler to install an Express edition of Visual Studio just to get the bundled build targets.
Remember: The easiest way to build your visual studio solutions is to install Visual Studio on the build server. Even Visual Studio Express is often enough.
That said, you can make it work without it. But it it sometimes a lot of work to figure out. You'll need to install the right Windows / .NET Platform SDK. You can install multiple of these SDKs side by side. Now, when you depend, for example, on ASP.NET MVC 5 or Entity Framework 6, you might need to install further SDKs to get your application to compile. The downloads for these all assume that you also have Visual Studio installed, but many of their payloads can also be installed separately. It can become quite a hassle.
Personally I've grown tired of trying to figure out which parts of which installers enable what. But that is also driven by the fact that Microsoft allows you to install Visual Studio on a build server (TFS) with the same license as your development machine as long as you are an MSDN subscriber. Check the Visual Studio License Whitepaper for more details.
Using Visual Studio on the Build Server
If you have one or more licensed users of Visual Studio Ultimate with MSDN, Visual Studio Premium with MSDN, or Visual
Studio Professional with MSDN, then you may also install the Visual Studio software as part of Team Foundation Server
2013 Build Services. This way, you do not need to purchase a Visual Studio license to cover the running of Visual Studio on
the build server for each person whose actions initiate a build.
If you, like me, would prefer this to change in the future, I suggest you make sure you're heard by submitting your request or voting for an existing one over at the Visual Studio User Voice.
Here's just a quick take on this.
Your build machine should decouple development tools as much as is possible. With that said, and as already stated by others here, MSBuild can be run independently of Visual Studio, and it should!
If your build requires Visual Studio to run then there is a very good chance that you have a solution or project architecture problem that ought to be resolved.
Visual Studio doesn't need to be installed. MSBuild is part of the .net SDK.
Other .net dependencies will need to be installed though, if you are using them. MSTest, or anything that is part of Team foundation will require Visual Studio installed.
I believe you only need MSBuild ( that is part of the .NET framework you're targeting ) .
Make sure you install the proper .NET distribution
the following is a good place for build servers it have the developer tooling.
The .NET Framework 4.5.1 Developer Pack installs the multi-targeting pack for .NET Framework 4.5.1. Developers can build applications targeting the .NET Framework 4.5.1 using either Visual Studio 2012 or third party IDEs. You need to download the web installer instead of this package if you intend to redistribute .NET Framework 4.5.1.
Best of luck.
C++ :
There is a "Build Tools" that contains MSBuild, Visual studio is not required.
From the official doc :
These tools allow you to build C++ libraries and applications
targeting Windows desktop. They are the same tools that you find in
Visual Studio 2015 in a scriptable standalone installer. Now you only
need to download the tools you need to build C++ projects.
Managed :
The same applied : Build Tool Managed

Install Shield Limited Edition in visual Studio 2013 Express

First of all I'm new to visual studio. I need to develop a Setup (.exe) using Visual Studio C#. In order to create a setup, we need Windows Installer wizard. While searching on google I got a link from msdn Here
I tried to create a new project as described, but I wasn't able to find "Other Project Types". I searched google again and finally I got: InstallShield Limited Edition template provided by I registered and downloaded InstallShield 2013 Express Edition, and installed it. Restarted the machine and opened Visual Studio 2013, still I couldn't find other project type templates.
Everyone simply says choose setupwizard under "other project types", but no one provides any description on templates setup.
What am I missing here, and why this much complexity to create setup file wizard. Guide me If I am missing anything, I'm in a serious trouble.
Note : Currently am using Visual Studio 2013 Express edition.
This link explain where to find it:
From the link below:
To enable InstallShield Limited Edition On the menu bar, choose File,
New, Project.
In the New Project dialog box, expand the Other Project
Types node, and then choose the Setup and Deployment node.
In the template list, choose Enable InstallShield Limited Edition, and then
choose the OK button.
In the browser window that opens, read the
instructions, and then choose the Go to the download web site link.
This link explain where to find it:-
InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio InstallShield Limited Edition can be integrated into all edition
This ist you answer:
Instructions for installing and activating InstallShield Limited Edition
for Visual Studio InstallShield Limited Edition can be integrated
into the following editions of Visual Studio: Professional, Premium,
and Ultimate. Note that Visual Studio Express Edition does not support
integration with InstallShield Limited Edition.
I try to see if it is possible anyway...

Create MSI or setup project with Visual Studio 2012

I create a small application and I would like to create one MSI file.
In Visual Studio 2010 you have this project type under:
Other Project Types -> Setup and Deployment -> Visual studio Installer -> Setup Project
But the only thing you got in Visual Studio 2012 is "Enable InstallShield Limited Edition".
You can change the .NET Framework, but nothing changes.
Why is it not there any more? And how can I get it back? Is there a new way to do this?
Please see:
Visual Studio setup projects (vdproj) will not ship with future versions of VS
Windows Installer Deployment
It was announced 1 1/2 years ago that the project types were being killed. Alternatives are:
Use A VS2008/2010 Solution to build your installer
Switch to another tool such as InstallShield or Windows Installer XML
To create setup projects in Visual Studio 2012 with InstallShield Limited Edition, watch this video.
The InstallShield limited edition that cannot install services.
"ISLE is by far the worst installer option and the upgraded, read -
paid for, version is cumbersome to use at best and impossible in most
situations. InnoSetup, Nullsoft, Advanced, WiX, or just about any
other installer is better. If you did a survey you would see that
nobody is using ISLE. I don't know why you guys continue to associate
with InstallShield. It damages your credibility. Any developer worth
half his weight in salt knows ISLE is worthless and when you stand
behind it we have to question Microsoft's judgment."
By Edward Miller (comments in Visual Studio Installer Projects Extension).
The WiX Toolset, which, while powerful is exceeding user-unfriendly and has a steep learning curve. There is even a downloadable template for installing Windows services (ref. VS2012: Installer for Windows services?).
For Visual Studio 2013, see blog post Creating installers with Visual Studio.
Have you tried the "Publish" method? You just right click on the project file in the solution explorer and select "Publish" from the pop-up menu. This creates an installer in a few very simple steps.
You can do more configuration of the installer from the Publish tab in the project properties window.
NB: This method only works for WPF & Windows Forms apps.
Microsoft has listened to the cry for supporting installers (MSI) in Visual Studio and released the Visual Studio Installer Projects Extension. You can now create installers in Visual Studio 2013; download the extension here from the visualstudiogallery.
ISLE (InstallShield Limited Edition) is the "replacement" of the Visual Studio Setup and Deploy project, but many users think Microsoft took wrong step with removing .vdproj support from Visual Studio 2012 (and later ones) and supporting third-party company software.
Many people asked for returning it back (Bring back the basic setup and deployment project type Visual Studio Installer), but Microsoft is deaf to our voices... really sad.
As WiX is really complicated, I think it is worth to try some free installation systems - NSIS or Inno Setup. Both are scriptable and easy to learn - but powerful as original SADP.
I have created a really nice Visual Studio extension for NSIS and Inno Setup with many features (intellisense, syntax highlighting, navigation bars, compilation directly from Visual Studio, etc.). You can try it at (sorry for self promo :)
Download Inno Setup ( or NSIS ( and install V&I (
All installers are simple Next/Next/Next...
In Visual Studio, select menu File -> New -> Project, choose NSISProject or Inno Setup, and a new project will be created (with full sources).
There is some progress for Visual studio 2013 developers :-D woot woot! See blog post Visual Studio Installer Projects Extension.
Link and information were retrieved from Brian Harry's blog post Creating installers with Visual Studio.
Have a look at the article Visual Studio Installer Deployment. It will surely help you.
You can choose the correct version of .NET framework on the page.
So for you, make it .NET 4.5. I guess that would be there for Visual Studio 2012.
I think that Deploying an Office Solution by Using ClickOnce (MSDN) can be useful.
After creating an Outlook plugin for Office 2010 the problem was to install it on the customer's computer, without using ISLE or other complex tools (or expensive).
The solution was to use the publish instrument of the Visual Studio project, as described in the link. Just two things to be done before the setup will work:
Install the PIA (Primary Interop Assembly) of Office 2010
Install the VSTO 2010 runtime

VSTO project with multiple versions of office installed

I currently have office 2010 installed, and am trying to assist a coworker who's still using 2007 with VSTO solution. This is turning into a mess since my copy of visual studio thrashes the project files updating them to point to the O2010 dlls. If I were to install office 2007 beside 2010 would I be able to open the solution without the upgrade wizard mangling everything, or are my only options making significant architectural changes to the solution or reverting to O2007 until my employer makes O2010 the new standard.
You cannot run Outlook versions side-by-side (and here).
You can still target both 2007 and 2010, but you need to research embedded interop types.
You shouldn't need to install Office 2007 to create Office 2007 add-ins. I think the problem here is that you're missing the proper VSTO components.
Make sure you've installed the following:
All .NET and developer tools from Office (from the Office 2010 installer -- no need for the Office 2007 installer)
Microsoft Office Developer Tools from Visual Studio (from the VS installer)
Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop Assemblies
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office system (version 3.0 Runtime)
If any of these are already installed then I recommend repairing their installations.
Try disabling this option:
Options > Office Tools > Project Upgrade > Always upgrade to installed version of Office (more info here)
I don't think this solves the root problem which is that you shouldn't even be prompted to upgrade your project. I still suspect that there is something wrong with the installation of your VSTO-related components (see my other answer for that info). However this may be an easy workaround.
To be clear, you can develop Office 2007 add-ins without having Office 2007 installed. I'm doing so right now without having to follow this workaround.

Enabling windows azure tools to get Windows Azure project

I am trying to create a webproject which can be deployed on azure. I have VS 2010 trial version (pro) installed on windows 7. When i click cloud (under VC#) i am prompted to install Windows azure tools. I do this. I get the tools installed message. I restart VS 2010. But i fail to find windows azure web project template, which should have been installed. It just shows me the same sequence of screens (install tools etc). I am executing VS 2010 under administrator role.
Steps described #
Is Windows azure template projects not allowed in Trial edition of VS 2010 pro?
Can such a project be made using VS 2010 express?
Thank you
I'm not sure about trial versions, as I've never tried installing with a trial edition. However: I've run other software packages with trial versions of Visual Studio, without issue.
The SDK will work with Visual Studio 2010 Pro and above, as well as Visual Web Developer 2010 Express (downloadable here).
For installing the tools properly, I'd suggest going here and installing via Web Platform Installer. It will make sure you have all needed dependencies.
