Alibaba ActionTrail records disappearing - alibaba-cloud

I've started to notice that my actiontrail records are disappearing, and I can just find the most recent ones.
Is that some sort of issue? Are they being backed up somewhere?

If you are talking about the Alibaba CloudMonitor ActionTrail, I am pretty sure records are kept for no more than 30 days. So, if you can find your records within that time range, it is not a matter of disappearing, it is just how it works.


Best practices for expiring ES data based a dynamic retention period

I'm not sure if that title makes much sense.
Right now, I have a fair amount of data coming in through logstash - about 7-10GB/day, and it all needs to stick around for 60 days. I currently write it to an index ("index-20220718") for example, based on the current date, and just delete any index older than 60 days. That's easy.
But things are changing.
Soon I'm going to have data coming in that will have different, dynamic expiration dates. Some records need to stick around 15 days, some 30 days, some 365 days, some 3650 days. The retention period is in a field that's in the data.
So what's the best way to index this? I thought of using date math, adding the number of days in the retention field to the current date, and storing it in an index like "index-20220802" if it had a 30 day retention period, and then deleting any index that's dated before today.
Is this the best way to do it? Is it going to complicate searches? I'm just the sysadmin setting up the basic logstash/ES configuration - I'm not any sort of expert on ES or programming.
If a customer changes the retention period for their account, I guess we'd have to go through and re-index everyone of their documents?
I feel like I must be missing other problems with this method too.
Is there a better way to do this that I'm just not seeing?

Initial ElasticSearch Bulk Index/Insert /Upload is really slow, How do I increase the speed?

I'm trying to upload about 7 million documents to ES 6.3 and I've been running into and issue where the bulk upload slows to a crawl at about 1 million docs (I have no documents previous to this in the index).
I have a 3 node ES setup with 16GB with 8GB JVM settings, 1 index, 5 shards.
I have turned off refresh ("-1"), set replica to 0, increased the index buffer size to 30%.
On my upload side I have 22 threads running 150 docs per request of bulk insert. This is just a basic ruby script using Postgresql, ActiveRecord, Net/HTTP (For the network call), and and using the ES Bulk API (No gem).
For all of my nodes and upload machines the CPU, Memory, SSD Disk IO is low.
I've been able to get about 30k-40k inserts per/minute, but that seems really slow to me since others have been able to do 2k-3k per/sec. My documents do have nested json, but they don't seem to be very large to me (Is there way to check a single size doc or average?).
I would like to be able to bulk upload these documents in less than 12 - 24hrs and seems like ES should handle that, but once I get to 1 million it seems like it slows to a crawl.
I'm pretty new to ES so any help would be appreciated. I know this seems like question that has already been asked, but I've tried just about everything that I could find and wonder why my upload speed is a factor slower.
I've also checked the logs and only saw some errors about mapping field couldn't change, but nothing about memory over or anything like that.
ES 6.3 is great, but I'm also finding that the API has changed a bunch to 6 and settings that people were using are no longer supported.
I think I found a bottleneck at the active connections to my original database and increased that connection pool which helped, but still slows to a crawl at about 1 Million records, but got to 2 Million over about 8hrs of running.
I also tried an experiment on a big machine, that is used to run the upload job, running 80 threads at 1000 document uploads each. I did some calculations and found out that my documents are about 7-10k per document so doing uploads of 7-10MBs each bulk index. This got to the document count faster to 1M, but once you get there everything slows to a crawl. The machines stats are still really low. I do see output of the threads about every 5 mins or so on the logs for the job, about the same time I see the ES count change.
The ES machines still have low CPU, Memory. The IO is around 3.85MBs and the Network Bandwidth was at 55MBs and drops to about 20MBs.
Any help would be appreciated. Not sure if I should try the ES gem, and use the bulk insert which maybe keeps a connection open, or try something totally different to insert.
ES 6.3 is great, but I'm also finding that the API has changed a bunch to 6 and settings that people were using are no longer supported.
Could you give an example for a breaking change between 6.0 and 6.3 that is a problem for you? We're really trying to avoid those and I can't really recall anything from the top of my head.
I've started profiling that DB and noticed that once you use offset of about 1 Million the queries are starting to take a long time.
Deep pagination is terrible performance wise. There is the great blog post no-offset, which explains
why it's bad: To get the result 1,000 to 1,010 you sort the first 1,010 records, throw away 1,000, and then send 10. The deeper the pagination the more expensive it will be
how to avoid it: Make a unique order of your entries (for example by ID or combine date and ID, but something that is absolute) and add a condition on where to start. For example order by ID, fetch the first 10 entries, and keep the ID of the 10th entry for the next iteration. In that one order by the ID again, but with the condition that the ID must be greater than the last one in your previous run, and fetch the next 10 entries plus remember the last ID again. Repeat until done.
Generally, with your setup you really shouldn't have a problem inserting more than 1 million records. I'd look into the part that is fetching the data first.

API User Usage Report: Inconsistent Reporting

I'm using a JVM to perform API calls to the Google Apps Administrator API.
I've noticed with the User Usage Reports, I'm not getting complete data when it comes to a field I'm interested in (num_docs_externally_visible) and the fields which form that fields calculation. I generally request a single day's usage report at a time, across my entire user base (~40k users).
According to the documentation on the developer's, I should be able to see that in a report 2-6 days after; however after running a report for the first 3 weeks of February, I've only gotten it for 60% of the days. The pattern appears to be random (in that I have up to 4 day in a row streaks of the item appearing and 3 days in a row streaks of it not, but there is no consistency to this).
Has anyone else experienced this issue? And if so, were you able to resolve it? Or should I expect this behavior to continue if this is an issue with what the API is returning outside of my control?
I think it's only natural that the data you get is not yet complete, it takes a certain day to receive the complete data.
This SO question is not exactly the same of your question, but i think it will help you. Especially the part that you need to use your account time zone.

Postgres tsvector_update_trigger sometimes takes minutes

I have configured free text search on a table in my postgres database. Pretty simple stuff, with firstname, lastname and email. This works well and is fast.
I do however sometimes experience looong delays when inserting a new entry into the table, where the insert keeps running for minutes and also generates huge WAL files. (We use the WAL files for replication).
Is there anything I need to be aware of with my free text index? Like Postgres maybe randomly restructuring it for performance reasons? My index is currently around 400 MB big.
Thanks in advance!
Given the size of the WAL files, I suspect you are right that it is an index update/rebalancing that is causing the issue. However I have to wonder what else is going on.
I would recommend against storing tsvectors in separate columns. A better way is to run an index on to_tsvector()'s output. You can have multiple indexes for multiple languages if you need. So instead of a trigger that takes, say, a field called description and stores the tsvector in desc_tsvector, I would recommend just doing:
CREATE INDEX mytable_description_tsvector_idx ON mytable(to_tsvector(description));
Now, if you need a consistent search interface across a whole table, there are more elegant ways of doing this using "table methods."
In general the functional index approach has fewer issues associated with it than anything else.
Now a second thing you should be aware of are partial indexes. If you need to, you can index only records of interest. For example, if most of my queries only check the last year, I can:
CREATE INDEX mytable_description_tsvector_idx ON mytable(to_tsvector(description))
WHERE created_at > now() - '1 year'::interval;

How does Facebook do it?

Have you ever noticed how facebook says “3 friends and 33 others liked this”? I was wondering what the best approach to do this is. I don’t think going through the friends list, and the list of users who “liked this” and comparing them is efficient at all! Do they keep a track of this in the database? That will make the database size very huge.
What do you guys think?
I would guess they outer join their friends table with their likes table to count both regular likes and friend likes at the same time.
With the proper indexes, it wouldn't be a slow query at all. Huge databases aren't necessarily slow, so there's really no reason to not store all of this information in a database. The trick is to make sure the indexes and partitions (if any) are set up well.
Facebook uses Cassandra, a NoSQL database for at least some things. Here's a more detailed discussion of what some of the bigger social media sites do to solve these problems:
Lots of interesting reading in there if you follow the links from it to the Digg blog post, etc.
Yes they definitely keep it in their database as they definitely have more than 1 server that needs to access the data.
As for scalability, I'm sure they use a lot of caching.
Here is an example:
If you have 1 million rows to go through, an index can perform O(logn) = 20 operations (in the worst case) only to find what you need.
For 2 million, you only need 21 operations (in the worst case) to find what you need.
Every time you double the amount of users to go through you simply need only 1 more operation (in the worst case) with a O(logn) index.
They also have a distributed architecture or a clustered database.
Facebook must be using a trigger(which automatically gets executed as soon as an event occurs).
For example, suppose a trigger is created to store the count and names of people who liked the status, then it will get executed every time when someone likes your status and that too implicitly (automatically).
This makes the operation way too easy and Facebook doesn't have to manually update the database or store a huge database for this. Also,this approach is a faster one.
In designing social networking software ( I found the only way to address this is to pre-cache streams of notifications. One doesn't query the database at the time of page load to count how many friends and others 'liked this', when someone 'likes' something that is recorded on the object, and when retrieving the object one can compare with the current user's friend list. If someone updates their profile/makes a comment/etc it sends notification objects to friends which are pre-cached in their feeds. Cuts down tremendously on database work at expense of disk space, but disk space is cheap.
As to how Facebook does this, they use Cassandra DBMS, which is probably a little different to what you have in mind.
Keep in mind that Facebook strongly utilizes memcached, so they're retaining a lot of data in memory and only refreshing it when absolutely necessary. See this blog post for some scalability discussion around this:
Each entry that somebody can like probably contains a list of everybody who does like it (all of this is of course in a database). When you view that entry, they match it against your friends list to see which of them is your friend. Voila.
A lot of this are explained by the Director of Engineering of Facebook in this QCon presentation :
A great presentation to watch.....
