hadoop reduce has problems in the progress prompt - hadoop

I found out job.getReduceProgress() not updated, but in Reducer context, context.getProgress() has a specific task schedule, why does the progress in job not updated in time?


Hadoop 0.20: "job setup" task

I am not sure if this is something that has been fixed for newer releases of Hadoop, but I'm currently locked into running Hadoop 0.20 (legacy code).
Here's the issue: when I launch a Hadoop job, there is "Job setup" task that needs to run first. It seems to me that Hadoop randomly picks this task to be either a map task or a reduce task.
We have more capacity for map tasks configured than reduce tasks, so whenever I get unlucky and have a reduce startup task, it takes forever long for my job to even start running. Any ideas how to overcome this?
Hadoop job first complete all your mapper task. Once all the mapper task is completed then it will go across the network and do shuffling and sorting and only after then your reducer task will start processing. So i guess there could possibly be some other for this delay.

Difference between task counter and job counter

Can anyone please help me understand what is the difference between task counter and job counter in map reduce?
Hadoop,The Definitive guide says that task counters are those which are updated as the task progresses and and job counter are those which are updated as the job progresses.
Is this the only difference or they have any other difference too?
Task Counters
Task counters gather information about tasks over the course of their execution, and the results are aggregated over all the tasks in a job. Task counters are sent in full every time, rather than sending the counts since the last transmission, since this guards against errors due to lost messages. Furthermore, during a job run, counters may go down if a task fails for example you dont want to add up the bad_records in a split of a failed tasks. So As the task progesses and completes successfully the overall count of the task statistics is sent over to task tracker which is passed over to job tracker.
Job counters
Job counters are maintained by the jobtracker (or application master in YARN), so they don’t need to be sent across the network, unlike all other counters, They measure job-level statistics, not values that change while a task is running For example, TOTAL_LAUNCHED_MAPS counts the number of total map task launched which is just a statistics about the overall job

Why are map tasks killed for no apparent reason?

I am running a Pig job that loads around 8 million rows from HBase (several columns) using HBaseStorage. The job finishes successfully and seems to produce the right results but when I look at the job details in the job tracker it says 50 map tasks were created of which 28 where successful and 22 were killed. The reduce ran fine. By looking at the logs of the killed map tasks there is nothing obvious to me as to why the tasks were killed. In fact the logs of successful and failed tasks are practically identical and both tasks are taking some reasonable time. Why are all these map tasks created and then killed? Is it normal or is it a sign of a problem?
This sounds like Speculative Execution in Hadoop. It runs the same task on several nodes and kills them when at least one completes. See the explanation this this book: https://www.inkling.com/read/hadoop-definitive-guide-tom-white-3rd/chapter-6/task-execution

When do the results from a mapper task get deleted from disk?

When do the outputs for a mapper task get deleted from the local filesystem? Do they persist until the entire job completes or do they get deleted at an earlier time than that?
In addition to the map and reduce tasks, two further tasks are created: a job setup task
and a job cleanup task. These are run by tasktrackers and are used to run code to setup
the job before any map tasks run, and to cleanup after all the reduce tasks are complete.
The OutputCommitter that is configured for the job determines the code to be run, and
by default this is a FileOutputCommitter. For the job setup task it will create the final
output directory for the job and the temporary working space for the task output, and
for the job cleanup task it will delete the temporary working space for the task output.
Have a look at OutputCommitter.
If your hadoop.tmp.dir is set to a default setting (say, /tmp/), it will most likely be subject to tmpwatch and any default settings in your OS. I would suggest poking around in /etc/cron.d/, /etc/cron.daily, etc/cron.weekly/, etc., to see exactly what your OS default is like.
One thing to keep in mind about tmpwatch is that, by default, it will key on access time, not modification time (i.e., files that have not been 'touched' since X will be considered 'stale' and subject to removal). However, it's a common practice with Hadoop to mount filesystems with the noatime and nodiratime flags, meaning that access times will not get updated and thus skewing your tmpwatch behaviors.
Otherwise, Hadoop will purge task attempt logs older than 24 hours (after task completion), by default. While a few years old, this writeup has some great info on the default behaviors. Take a look in particular at the sections that refer to mapreduce.job.userlog.retain.hours.
EDIT: responding to OP's comment, which clears up my misunderstanding of the question:
As far as the intermediate output of map tasks which is spilled to disk, used by any combiners, and copied to any reducers, the Hadoop Definitive Guide has this to say:
Tasktrackers do not delete map outputs from disk as soon as the first
reducer has retrieved them, as the reducer may fail. Instead, they
wait until they are told to delete them by the jobtracker, which is
after the job has completed.
I've also +1'd #mgs answer below, as they have linked the source code that controls this and described the Job cleanup task.
So, yes, the map output data is deleted immediately after the job completes, successfully or not, and no sooner.
"Tasktrackers do not delete map outputs from disk as soon as the first reducer has retrieved them, as the reducer may fail. Instead, they wait until they are told to delete them by the jobtracker, which is after the job has completed"
Hadoop: The Definitive Guide ( Section 6.4)

Query regarding shuffling in map reduce

How does a node processing running the mapper knows that it has to send some key-value output to node A (running the reducer) & some to node B (running another reducer)?
Is there somewhere a reducer node list is maintained by the the JobTracker?
If yes, how does it chooses a node to run the reducer?
A Mapper doesn't really know where to send the data, it focuses on 2 things:
Writes the data to disk. Initially the map output is buffered in memory, and once it hits a certain threshold it gets flushed to disk. But right before going to disk, the data is partitioned by taking a hash of the output key which corresponds to which Reducer it will be sent to.
Once a map task is done it will notify the parent task tracker to say it's done, which will then notify the job tracker itself. So the job tracker has the complete mapping between map outputs and task trackers.
From there, when a Reducer starts, it will keep asking the job tracker for the map outputs corresponding to his partition until it has retrieved them all. Whenever a map output is available, the reduce task will start copying it, and gradually merge as it copies.
If this is still unclear, I will advise looking at the reference book on Hadoop which has a whole chapter describing this part, here is a schema extracted from it that could help you visualize what happens in the shuffle step:
The mappers do not send the data to the reducers, rather the reducers pull the data from the task trackers where successful map tasks ran.
The Job Tracker, when allocating a reducer task to a task tracker, knows where the successful map tasks ran, and can compile a list of task tracker and map attempt task results to pull.
