vagrant: 404 browser when try to access on vvv.test - vagrant

I installed correctly vagrant but when I try to open vvv.test browser don't allow to show me the page
no erros when I initialized vagrant
I work on windows 10, a new installation with no particular environment. I use vagrant on my laptop and no problem incurred. On this new installation if I use the last version of vagrant I can't initialized vagrant because an error of vagrant to download the package. I installed the same version of vagrant on my laptop vagrant_2.2.10_x86_64 and I can do all except for the error of browser.
I can access without problem with ssh.
I don't know why I have this problem


What is the url to the ubuntu/xenial64 box url for vagrant?

Where to find the url for the ubuntu/
I only see version-info at But what is the url for the box download?
I simply do:
$ vagrant init ubuntu/xenial64
$ vagrant up
But get:
The box 'ubuntu/xenial64' could not be found.
So I guess I need to put something in config.vm.box_url, but what?
If you keep clicking around and following the links on the Vagrant Cloud website, then eventually you find that the box is hosted at
From there, you can find the latest version of the xenial box specifically hosted at:
Direct link to Vagrant box:
Sorry, was version mismatch. Newer vagrant works just fine.
I had Vagrant 1.4.x (on linux mint 17.1) and virtualbox 5. Online boxes were not found. Now I have Vagrant 1.8.1 (on linux mint 18.2) and virtualbox 5 and everything works as expected from the Vagrant manual (no url needed).
Thanks and sorry for waisting your time..

Homestead does not start in windows with wamp

thanks for reading my question, I installed laravel, virtualbox, and vagrant on my Windows 10 x64 pc, I use wamp to work.
I created my ssh credentials this way
After that I made a homestead make and vagrant up but I always get this error:
The keys are generated and for some reason the vagrant does not detect the private key (I think)
What could be happening and how to make run the homestead without any trouble?

Spark VM box NOT getting created in windows

I am new to spark. Infact, I started learning it from today from edX.I am setting up my environment in windows so that sparkvm could be used.Following are the upto date Installations that I did on my PC.
Installed Virtualbox
Installed Vagrant
created a directory
and copy VagrantFile from (
Then I executed the following command from the specified path in dos.
vagrant up but the following message is coming every time.
How would I get out of this mess?
After downloading the file and executing the suggested code.I got following error.
vagrant is not able to download the box from its cloud.
you can try the following:
if you're behind a proxy, set the proxy :
export http_proxy=http://your.proxyhost.server:port/
export https_proxy=https://your.proxyhost.server:port/
vagrant up
download the box directly and install: download from directly or you can use a downloader tool (such as wget as below)
Then you'll need to install the box
vagrant box add sparkmooc/base2 <location of downloaded box file>
vagrant up

Getting error when I run vagrant up in puphpet

I am trying to set up vagrant locally on my Windows 10 machine, I have pre installed latest version of Vagant and Virtual box. I am trying to setup Ubuntu 14, Apache, PHP and Mysql. After downloading the package from, I CD in to the directory and trying to run vagrant up. I am getting the following error. I also tried with Centos, getting the same error
F:\puphpet (3)\MQLYog>vagrant up
Bringing machine 'local' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> local: Box 'puphpet/centos65-x64' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
local: Box Provider: virtualbox
local: Box Version: >= 0
The box '["puphpet/centos65-x64"]' could not be found or
could not be accessed in the remote catalog. If this is a private
box on HashiCorp's Atlas, please verify you're logged in via
`vagrant login`. Also, please double-check the name. The expanded
URL and error message are shown below:
URL: [""]
hmm it looks like the name is correct, can you try to download the box separately :
vagrant box add puphpet/centos65-x64
if you have a SSL error you can run
vagrant box add puphpet/centos65-x64 --insecure
when prompted for the provider, select virtualbox
Vagrant comes with a own curl.exe on Windows, but this seems to be broken.
Try to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)
If it does not work, then try this way:
Install a working curl.exe executable Download
Make curl available for the whole system (PATH system-variable) tutorial
Delete or rename the unfunctional curl.exe in C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\bin

Laravel/Homestead - OSX - Vagrant Connection Timeout

I am attempting to get Laravel Homestead working on my Mac Book Air. I have followed the instruction from but when I vagrant up I get stopped on: default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying... After I vagrant up fails because of connection timeout i can not vagrant provision or vagrant reload. I can however vagrant ssh into the machine and I can ping google from the machine. I can also spin up other vagrant boxes on my machine with no problem...
OS: OSX 10.10 (Yosemite)
Vagrant: 1.6.5
Virtual Box: 4.3.16
I have searched around on the internet and found a few “solutions” that has not worked for me:
Turn on “Hardware Virtualisation”. This is automatically turned on in ant instal based mac computer.
Start VM with v.gui = true. This start the VM with with the server terminal in view. Nothing is throwing any errors. and this did not solve the problem
More Debugging Steps:
Tried just booting up the vagrant box laravel/homestead by running vagrant init laravel/homestead then vagrant up. This still gives the same problem.
I have tried vagrant box laravel/homestead versions 0.1.7, 0.1.8 and 0.1.9(newest) All giving the same problem.
Did you let the vagrant output continue after "default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying..." Vagrant may actually be retrying the connection. Sounds like you're exiting out when you see that error instead of waiting for vagrant to finish with an actual exit error
A year old post and maybe you have solved it, but I was struggling with it recently and just managed to solve it.
I had the same problem everything was configured correctly but there was no way to ping
In my case it seemed that net-tools package wasn't installed in my distro (Archlinux) by default so installing it allowed me to connect.
See the relevant section at Archlinux Wiki.
Hope that helps someone.
