Package .NET framework DLL and use it in .NET standard project - visual-studio

I have a vendor provided DLL which is based on .NET Framework. I do not have access to code and I only have the DLL. I have packaged this DLL into a nuget package and now I am trying to refer this into a .NET standard project. But I am getting warning as - Package 'MyPackage 0.0.1' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETStandard,Version=v2.0'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project..
If I refer the DLL directly into a .NET standard project it doesn't show this warning. But using it after creating a nuget package shows that.
I also tried creating a .NET standard lib project, added DLL reference and then created a nuget package but still it was showing same warning.
Is there another way of doing it? Vendor doesn't provide DLLs targeting other frameworks and I have to use it after packaging it into Nuget because of requirements.

In my side, I test the situation as you described. Create a net standard lib project called test, then use this node to include into the package.
1) create a net standard lib nuget project called test and only add this node under test.csproj file:
<None Include="xxx\xxx\xxx.dll"(the whole path of the net framework dll) Pack="true" PackagePath="lib\$(TargetFramework)"></None>
2) right-click on the net standard test project-->click Pack button and you can get the new version of the nuget package.
Before you install the nuget package into another main project, you should first clean nuget caches or delete all files under C:\Users\xxx(current user)\.nuget\packages.
And I did not face the issue in my side with all the above steps.


How to include nuget packages referenced by a class library

I have a Visual Studio web app with 2 projects in the solution: the main C# app and another C# class library I wrote. The class library references some nuget packages.
When I build & run my solution I get a reference problem because the main app doesn't have the nuget packages. The only way I can get it to run is to add the nuget packages again to the main app, even though it doesn't actually use them.
Is there a way to get VS to automatically include the relevant packages in the final build?
If your class library project is net standard and main project is non-sdk net framework project, you should add this under the csproj file of the main app:
This issue might be the same as yours.

Nuget-package not adding package reference

I am trying to install MySql.Data and MySql.Data.Entity to my class lib.
Somehow there is no reference added to the project.
Things I've tried:
Update-Package -reinstall (does not help)
packages.config contains the correct entries
*.csproj also has the correct entries
Cleared NuGet-Cache
This is the output:
Package 'MySql.Data.6.10.6' already exists in folder
Added package 'MySql.Data.6.10.6' to 'packages.config'
Successfully installed 'MySql.Data 6.10.6' to XXXXXXXX.Persistence
Executing nuget actions took 1,6 sec
Strange thing is that NuGet creates that \docs in my project which is part of MySql
Nuget-package not adding package reference
I agree with Matt`s comment. You project targets framework should be .NET 4.5.1 or below. Because the package MySql.Data only contain assembly reference to .NET framework 4.5.2 for .NET framework:
However, this package also have the content files, which are compatible with .net framework. So when you add this package to the project(target framework 4.5.1 or below), nuget will install this nuget package without any error, just add the content file (\docs) but not add any reference to the project.
To resolve this issue, you can change the target framework to 4.5.2 and above of this project or you should use the nuget package MySql.Data with the version 6.9.11, which contain assembly reference to .NET framework 4.0 and 4.5:
Note: If you change the target framework to the .net framework 4.5.2 and above, you may get the error "The package 'MySql.Data' tried to add a framework reference to 'System.ComponentModel' which was not found in the GAC.", please add a manually reference to missed library:
Package tried to add reference to System.Runtime which was not found in the GAC
Hope this helps.
I experienced this problem even though I had the correct Framework.
It was solved by Migrating the Nuget Format to Package References
For visual studio latest versions you have to right click on Dependencies > Manage NuGet Packages > click in the settings button with a flower-like shape, then in NuGet Package Manager option choose General, and change Default package management format from packages.config to PackageReference.
If that does not do the trick, then you will have to add the packages through the CLI tools, looking into the nuget gallery and pasting the comand directly with the desired version, like for example:
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design --version 6.0.10

Visual Studio dotnet core copy and paste references

I've known about copy/paste references in Visual Studio since 2010/2012. Has this been updated to work with Core 2?
Here's the SO Question asking about the old style references (before Core, and before the reboot of csproj format): Is it possible to copy / paste References from one project to another in Visual Studio?
Maybe now that dotnet add package is available, we don't need copy/paste references in VS?
"Add Google social login" walkthrough for ASP.NET Core 2.0 suggests using the dotnet CLI to add a package reference:
To install with .NET Core CLI, execute the following in your project
dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Google
Writing this answer to my own question so the "just use the CLI" folks have something to upvote.
If you are talking about NuGet package references, don't try to copy the resolved references to dll files manually (the are generated from the obj\project.assets.json file during the design-time build after loading the project).
In the new SDK-based project model and the PackageReference way of referencing NuGet packages (also available for "classic" projects), NuGet references automatically flow transitively across package references. So when your app references a library that uses a NuGet package, you no longer need to install the NuGet package in both the library and the app (and potentially test projects).
Only for "classic" references, this issue remains. However, if you need to import them into all projects (say you got a few .dll files from a 3rd party), you can create a Directory.Build.targets in the solution folder to add them to all projects in your solution (technically, this file is automatically imported into all projects in the directory hierarchy):
<Reference Include="AssemblyName">
(you may want to change the reference if you want the "specific version" feature or strong-name references as described in

Reference nuget package project from another nuget package project in same solution

I am creating couple of .NET Standard 1.6 libraries that I want to publish as Nuget packages. They share a common libary that is a 3rd project in the same solution as the first two. The shared library has no value by itself, but I am assuming that if I want people to use both of these two libaries in the same project I should publish the shared library as a Nuget package as well. If I don't I am worried about multiple copies of the same shared library "colliding" or not properly warning when there are version mismatch issues.
Am I correct that the shared library needs to be a Nuget package as well? Is there a way to reference the shared library as Nuget package, but use is as if it was a project reference when developing / debugging the 2 main libraries in this solution? If I had to publish to and wait for the package be propagate through the system before using a changed version in a debug session that is REALLY going to slow down development. Note that these are .NET Standard projects. I found How to reference related projects in the same solution when Nuget packages are the required output but that doesn't seem to work with .NET Standard (getting errors during pack) and I am also not sure if .NET Standard not using nuspec files anymore also would cause a problem.
I am also not sure if .NET Standard not using nuspec files anymore also would cause a problem.
The .NET Standard still using .nuspec files, and using old school nuget pack and a .nuspec will resolve this issue.
As per document dotnet pack:
NuGet dependencies of the packed project are added to the .nuspec
file, so they're properly resolved when the package is installed.
Project-to-project references aren't packaged inside the project.
Currently, you must have a package per project if you have
project-to-project dependencies.
So, to include project-to-project references in NuGet packages, you need manually maintain a .nuspec file and add dependencies. You can refer to the Create .NET Standard packages with Visual Studio 2015 for detail info.
Besides, dasMulli has provided a simpler way to do this by involving adding and hooking up a custom target :
<ProjectReference Include="..\testprivatelib\testprivatelib.csproj" PrivateAssets="All" />
<Target Name="IncludeP2PAssets">
<BuildOutputInPackage Include="$(OutputPath)\testprivatelib.dll" />
The source code comes from: "donet pack" is not including project references

Set required RunTime in nuget package

I'm creating two Nuget package using the official UI tool (a package contains .Net related utilities, the other contains Xamarin.Android stuff)
Now I need to set the minimum required Runtime (in my case 4.5).
Is it possible?
So by runtime I am assuming you mean one of the assemblies in the NuGet package is compiled against .NET 4.5.
In NuGet Package Explorer create a directory:
Then put the .NET 4.5 assembly or assemblies into that directory.
It looks like the NuGet Package Explorer supports creating a similar directory for Android.
There is no version number here but all that means is the assembly should be considered compatible with any MonoAndroid version.
