What exactly is this "cast" doing in Golang? - go

Can someone point me in the right direction of this Go's syntax :
If I have a a value of a given type and I want to convert it to, lets say, float64 I can do this :
var num int = 65
fnum := float64(num)
If I have an interface and I want to "cast it" to some type I can do this :
func main() {
concretevalue := dosomething("hello!")
fmt.Printf("%T : %v", concretevalue, concretevalue)
func dosomething( v interface{} ) string {
return v.(string)
Where does the (*int)(nil) fit? How can I get information about this specific syntax?

It is a type-conversion, same as float64(num), however, because the converted type is a pointer, you need extra parentheses, because otherwise *int(nil) would mean converting nil to int, and then dereferencing it.


Golang data as interface{} panics

I'm trying to implement the reflect package of Go and really stuck on one thing.
context - I'm trying to call an API that returns - time.Time and some data in interface{}. This data could be either int/int64 or float32/float64 for the most part. I take the data in interface{} and further create a struct where I keep the interface{} data in interface as reflect promises quite a few fancy things that I could do with the interface
type dataStore struct {
CreateTime time.Time
Data interface{}
I then create amap[string][]dataStore to store the data from the API that I fetch.
I'm trying to do the following to get the Float64 values that I know are coming and I want to do some math on them:
x := map[string][]dataStore {}
ReadDatafromAPI(x) // I call the API to read the data into variable x
//Assume map["CA"][]dataStore{{2020-03-31 21:55:52.123456, 123.4567890123e10},}
fmt.Println(x["CA"][0].Data) // This prints the data 123.4567890123e10, no problem
fmt.Println(reflect.ValueOf(x["CA"][0].Data))// this prints reflect.Value
va := reflect.ValueOf(x["CA"][0].Data)
fmt.Println(va.(float64)) // panic: interface conversion: interface {} is reflect.Value, not float64
fmt.Println(va.Interface()) // prints 123.4567890123e10
fmt.Println(va.Kind()) // prints struct
fmt.Println(va.NumField()) // prints 2 and I can fetch the fields using Field(0) and Field(1) -- the data doesn't make sense to me. not sure if those are pointers or what
I have just one objective - to fetch float64 as float64 and int as int. Meaning use reflect the way it is supposed to be used.
any insight would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Folks - thanks for all the answers and pointers. I appreciate this! Looks like I still get reflect.Value as the type and not float64/32 as expected. See below:
switch flt := x["CA"][0].Data.(type) {
case float64:
fmt.Println("Data is float64 -> ", flt)
fmt.Printf("Type for flt is %T -> ", flt)
case float32:
fmt.Println("Data is float32 -> ", flt)
fmt.Printf("Type for flt is %T -> ", flt)
fmt.Println("Its default!")
fmt.Printf("Type for flt is %T -> ", flt) // I always get here with reflect.Value as the Type. Never a float64 which is the value store without any question
if nflt, ok := x["CA"][0].Data.(float64); ok {
fmt.Println("nflt is float64")
} else {
fmt.Println("nflt is not float64) // I always get to Else
You don't need reflection to convert an interface to one of the known types. You need type assertions or a type switch:
if flt, ok:=data.(float64); ok {
// flt is float64
if i, ok:=data.(int); ok {
// i is int
switch k:=data.(type) {
case float64:
// Here, k is float64
case int:
// Here, k is int
Use a two-value type assertion to get the value without panicking:
d, ok := (x["CA"][0].Data.(float64)
if ok {
// it's a float64, do something with d.
or use a type switch:
switch d := x["CA"][0].Data.(type) {
case int:
// d is an int
case float64:
// d is a float64
... and other types as needed
// handle unexpected type

Does type assertion change the value in go?

Go newbie here.
I have a map where the key arguments should be []string.
However, if I try to use the value directly arguments := m["arguments"] it doesn't seem to be the right type. When used later to append to another slice with arguments... I get Cannot use 'arguments' (type interface{}) as type []string.
I fixed this by chaning the assignment to a type check arguments, _ := m["arguments"].([]string). That works, but I'm not sure why. Is type assertion doing conversion as well?
The full example is below:
import (
var playbookKeyDict = map[string]string{
"Playbook": "",
"Limit" : "--limit",
"ExtraVars" : "--extra-vars",
type Playbook struct {
Playbook string `json:"playbook" xml:"playbook" form:"playbook" query:"playbook"`
Limit string `json:"limit" xml:"limit" form:"limit" query:"limit"`
ExtraVars string `json:"extra-vars" xml:"extra-vars" form:"extra-vars" query:"extra-vars"`
Arguments []string `json:"arguments" xml:"arguments" form:"arguments" query:"arguments"`
Args []string
func (p *Playbook) formatArgs() {
// is it worth iterating through directly with reflection instead of using structs import?
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21246642/iterate-over-string-fields-in-struct
m := structs.Map(p)
// direct assignment has the wrong type?
// arguments := m["arguments"]
arguments, _ := m["arguments"].([]string)
delete(m, "arguments")
for k, v := range m {
// Ignore non-strings and empty strings
if val, ok := v.(string); ok && val != "" {
key := playbookKeyDict[k]
if key == "" {
p.Args = append(p.Args, val)
} else {
p.Args = append(p.Args, playbookKeyDict[k], val)
p.Args = append(p.Args, arguments...)
Type assertion is used to get a value wrapped around using interface.
m := structs.Map(p)
Map(v interface{}){}
Map function is actually taking interface as its argument in the case stated. It is wrapping the type which is []string and its underlying value which is slice. The type can be checked using Relection reflect.TypeOf().
func TypeOf(i interface{}) Type
According to Russ Cox blog on Interfaces
Interface values are represented as a two-word pair giving a pointer
to information about the type stored in the interface and a pointer to
the associated data.
As specified in Golang spec
For an expression x of interface type and a type T, the primary
asserts that x is not nil and that the value stored in x is of type T.
The notation x.(T) is called a type assertion.
For the error part:-
Cannot use 'arguments' (type interface{}) as type []string
We first needs to get the underlying value of type []string from interface using type assertion.

How to pass slice of struct as pointer to a function and modify it?

I have a slice of struct []student, and I want to modify its content with function.
type student struct {
name string
age int
students := []student{
{"Doraemon", 30},
{"King Kong", 25},
Thus, I decided to pass it as a pointer. May I know how to pass the slice as a reference to a function?
func addAge (s *[]student) error { //this code has error
//everyone add 2 years old
for i, e := range *s {
s[i].age = s[i].age + 2
//make the first student much older
s[0].age = s[0].age + 5
return nil
I keep playing with Go Playground, but it gives many complains, such as
cannot range over s (type *[]student)
invalid operation: s[i] (type *[]student does not support indexing)
invalid indirect of s
How to precisely pass the reference of a slice of struct to a function? How to range the slice of struct? And how to change the value of the struct (modify the same struct in THE slice)?
I keep getting error while playing with s *[]student, range *s, s []student, s *[]*student ... so hard to get it correct...
sorry for my NEWBIE question, still learning GO... trying hard
Slices are passed by reference, so as long as you are modifying the existing slice content you should not explicitly pass a pointer.
package main
import (
type student struct {
name string
age int
func main() {
students := []student{
{"Doraemon", 30},
{"King Kong", 25},
err := addAge (students)
if err != nil {
func addAge (s []student) error {
for i, _ := range s {
s[i].age = 3
return nil
Now, for your addAdditinalStudent function you should actually use the append function. Plus, have in mind
..., since the slice header is always updated by a call to
append, you need to save the returned slice after the call. In fact,
the compiler won't let you call append without saving the result.
// add student
students = append(students, student{"Test", 33})
Go Playground
in Go you can pass items by value ([]student) or by reference ([]*student). When you want to operate on the values of a struct{} you should pass it to a function with its reference (the pointer).
So you can do something like this:
type student struct {
name string
age int
func addTwoYearsToAll(students []*student){
for _, s := range students {
s.age += 2
This way you're working with the same exact items you build when appending to the slice. Playground example.
Also take a look at Are Golang function parameter passed as copy-on-write?

How we can know what kind of struct is on byte array

I'm looking for some solution to know whats the struct type of the hash. It is possible to do that without try an error method (casting to a specific type and see the cast is successfully)?
Please check the code:
import (
type T struct {
A int64
B float64
type D struct {
A int64
B float64
C string
func main() {
// Create a struct and write it.
t := T{A: 0xEEFFEEFF, B: 3.14}
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, t)
if err != nil {
out := getType(buf)
func getType(v interface{})(r string){
switch t := v.(type) {
case T:
return "Is type T"
case D:
return "Is type D"
_ = t
return "unknown"
Since the encoding/binary package does not write out type information, it is not possible to tell what type was written / serialized.
And you're in a worse position that you might originally think: even trying to decode into a value of different type might succeed without errors, so there isn't even a reliable way to tell the type.
For example if you serialize a value of this type:
type T struct {
A int64
B float64
You can read it into a value of this type:
type T2 struct {
B float64
A int64
It will give no errors because the size of both structs is the same, but obviously you will get different numbers in the fields.
You are in a little better position if you use encoding/gob, as the gob package does transmit type information, and encoding a value of type T and then decoding it into a value of type T2 would work: order of fields does not matter, and extra or missing fields also do not cause trouble.
See this example:
// Create a struct and write it.
t := T{A: 0xEEFFEEFF, B: 3.14}
fmt.Println("Encoding:", t)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
fmt.Println(binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, t))
t2 := T2{}
fmt.Println(binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &t2))
t2 = T2{}
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
Encoding: {4009750271 3.14}
[0 0 0 0 238 255 238 255 64 9 30 184 81 235 133 31]
{1.9810798573e-314 4614253070214989087}
{3.14 4009750271}
If you want to be able to detect the type before reading it, you have to take care of it yourself: you have to transmit type information (e.g. name of the type). Or even better, use a serialization method that already does this, for example Google's protocol buffers, and here is the Go implementation for it: github.com/golang/protobuf.

Other ways of verifying reflect.Type for int and float64

In golang, a number in JSON message is always parsed into float64.
In order to detect if it is actually integer, I am using reflect.TypeOf() to check its type.
Unfortunately there is no constant that represents reflect.Type.
intType := reflect.TypeOf(0)
floatType := reflect.TypeOf(0.0)
myType := reflect.TypeOf(myVar)
if myType == intType {
// do something
Is there more elegant solution instead of using 0 or 0.0 to get reflect.Type?
You may also use the Value.Kind() or Type.Kind() method whose possible values are listed as constants in the reflect package, at the doc of the Kind type.
myType := reflect.TypeOf(myVar)
if k := myType.Kind(); k == reflect.Int {
fmt.Println("It's of type int")
} else if k == reflect.Float64 {
fmt.Println("It's of type float64")
You can also use it in a switch:
switch myType.Kind() {
case reflect.Int:
case reflect.Float64:
fmt.Println("Some other type")
Note that both reflect.Type and reflect.Value has a Kind() method, so you can use it if you start with reflect.ValueOf(myVar) and also if you start with reflect.TypeOf(myVar).
To check if interface is of a specific type you can use type assertion with two return values, the second return value is a boolean indicating if the variable is of the type specified. And unlike with a single return value, it will not panic if the variable is of a wrong type.
if v, ok := myVar.(int); ok {
// type assertion succeeded and v is myVar asserted to type int
} else {
// type assertion failed, myVar wasn't an int
If there's more types that you need to check then using a type switch is a good idea:
switch v := myVar.(type) {
case int:
// v has type int
case float64:
// v has type float64
// myVar was something other than int or float64
Note however that neither of these actually solve your problem, because like you say, numbers in JSON documents are always parsed into float64s. So if myVar is a parsed JSON number, it will always have type of float64 instead of int.
To solve this, I suggest you use the UseNumber() method of the json.Decoder, which causes the decoder to parse numbers as type Number, instead of float64. Take a look at https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/#Number
// Assume myVar is a value decoded with json.Decoder with UseNumber() called
if n, ok := myVar.(json.Number); ok {
// myVar was a number, let's see if its float64 or int64
// Check for int64 first because floats can be parsed as ints but not the other way around
if v, err := n.Int64(); err != nil {
// The number was an integer, v has type of int64
if v, err := n.Float64(); err != nil {
// The number was a float, v has type of float64
} else {
// myVar wasn't a number at all
