How to get dollar($) sign in grand total in OBIEE 12c? - business-intelligence

Please see the screenshot Grand_total screenshotenter image description here

If you correctly set up the Data Format options for the column in question, then any setting also gets applied to the grand total. So just go to "Column Properties" -> "Data Format" -> "Treat Number As" = Currency and "Currency Symbol" = $


Why can't I add a sum to the field in Power BI Report Builder?

I found the following documentation on Microsofts Website. The field I am right-clicking is of type numeric, yet the "Add Total" is greyed out. Any Ideas?

How to hide or show column in Pentaho report based on condition

How can I show or Hide column based on condition.
For example I have column name employees and there is parameter called $country(drop down list). I want that employee column only show on report when country US or Canada is chosen by user else that column does not show on report. How to add that condition on visible property of column. Is there any other steps as well to attain these results?
let's say if you are using text-field do display employee name,in style tab of text-field there is a property called visible,by default it will be true,click on plus sign of that property and you can right you condition there, like below

Magento giving error on Checkout Page "Date Of Birth" does not fit the entered date format

Magento giving error on Checkout Page "Date Of Birth" does not fit the entered date format.
// Try below instruction and check.
Navigate to Customers -> Attributes -> Manage Customer Attributes. Search for attribute with code “dob” and click on displayed row to edit attribute properties.
Set Input/Output filter to “Normalize Date” value and save the attribute.
Clear cache and do the indexing if required..

Magento - Change 0.00 in product view page to "some text"

How do I go about changing S0.00 in product veiw to some text of my choosing. On my site prices are generated once they select from a drop down menu inside the product view page. However I would like it to say something to the effect of, "please choose a option" instead of S0.00. Ive already removed the 0.00 from the list view. I want to now, change it so once they are in the product page it doesnt show 0.00 rather "please select an option" or something to that effect.
Im in /app/design/frontend/default/mytheme/template/catalog/product/view.phtml
but do not know what code to use or change.
Use Javascript to detect if user has selected a value or not. If not, display your text message. This should help: JS Validation if dropdown value selected or not

Change Magento product status in different store views

I have a Magento Multi-Store installation.
I have a product that must be enabled in shopA and disabled in shopB
If i select the tab "Websites" there is an alert
"Items that you don't want to show in the catalog or search results should have status 'Disabled' in the desired store." so probably it is possible?
The default value status of the product is "enabled"
Then i select the store view of shopB and disabled the product status.
Now the status of the product in shopA is also disabled.
Is it possible to set the product status in shopA to enabled en in shopB to disabled?
The manual said:
"The Product Status has a Website scope, meaning that you can hide or show a product per Website, affecting all store views for that Website. "
The question is: Is it possible to change the product status per store view without affecting other store views
You have got your cache cleared, indexes rebuilt and so forth?
Otherwise you are correct.
Since you are saying that your store is only a multi-store, so I don't think you will see a "Websites" tab, in that product's details page. So, you have only one way to make this product enabled in "Shop A" & disabled in "Shop B".
In the product's details page, Magento loads the "General" tab, in which you will see the "Status" field.
Now, in the left side, above the "General" tab, you will find a dropdown field for "Choose Store View:". If you click on the dropdown, you will see a list of all your store views available under each Website & Store.
Now select the "Shop B" in that dropdown. Magento will ask you that it will erase any unsaved data from the current view in Admin, if you have changed any data, without saving it. Without worrying on this part, click the "OK" button of that dialog box, & Magento will then load the "Shop B" store view of that same product.
Here beside the "Status" field, you will find a checkbox. Make sure that it's not checked. Now change the value of the "Status" dropdown to "Disabled" & save the changes.
Now go to the front-end of your "Shop B" store view & you shouldn't be able to see this product again. But it will also be active in the "Shop A" store view.
Hope it helps.
So many years withouth proper answer.
I have no idea why but magento doesn't offer the posibility to change status scope to store view. Found a workaround.
Find the attribute in catalog_eav_attribute and change it's is_global value to 0 - this means store view and works perfectly as it should in the first place :)
Now it's filling only selected view value in catalog_product_entity_int table instead of all views in the website scope.
the "Status" attribute in the product page detail is valid for Website and not for store!
