Get first letter of word in statement - laravel

I have a statement like "Animal Association" from the database. I want to get its short form. It means, only the first letter of each word like this "AA". In the blade file, I got the whole statement as follows,
<p>{{ $animal->user->club->name}}</p>
So, how can I get a short form of this name?
Thank You!

If you are using MySQL 8+, then a raw select with REGEXP_REPLACE should work here:
$users = DB::table('animals')
->select(DB::raw("SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(name, '(\\w)\\w+\\s*', '$1')"))

This very common problem where we ran into, I can provide you a function that will solve your problem. I am sharing two solutions and you can use any of these solutions.
using function
You can use this function in your model and solve your problem.
public function getNameAbbreviate($string){
$abbreviation = "";
$string = ucwords($string);
$words = explode(" ", "$string");
foreach($words as $word){
$abbreviation .= $word[0];
return $abbreviation;
There is probably no one-line solution, the solution which I provided is readable and understandable.
using regex
This solution is easy to apply and in case you can't make the first method work then go with this.
<p>{{ preg_split("/\s+/", $animal->user->club->name) }}</p>
using regex we can get a direct solution but I personally don't like it or recommend it.


Laravel 8 multilanguage routes and how get the translated link of the same page

I'm trying to make my test app in multilanguage way.
This question has two correlated questions:
First question:
I followed the second answer in How to create multilingual translated routes in Laravel and this help me having a multilanguage site and the route cached, but I've a question and some misunderstanding.
It's a good practice overwrite an app config as they do int the AppServiceProver.php, making:
Config::set('app.locale_prefix', Request::segment(1));
Isn't better to work with the Session::locale in any case?
Second question:
In my case I've two languages, and in the navbar I want to print just ENG when locale is original language, and ITA when session locale is English.
If I'm in the Italian page, the ENG link in the navbar should point to the same English translated page.
Working with the method used in the other question, I hade many problems caused by the:
Config::set('app.locale_prefix', Request::segment(1));
We overwrite the variable in the config file local_prefix, and every time I switch to English language the locale_prefix will change to 'eng' and this sounds me strange, another thing I did is this:
if ( $lang && in_array($lang, config('app.alt_langs')) ){
return app('url')->route($lang . '_' . $name, $parameters, $absolute);
We use the alt_langs where are defined only the alternative languages, and this is a problem cause if I pass the local lang, in my case 'it', like lang parameter, this will not be found cause, from the description, the alt_lang should not contain the locale language and you will be able to get only the translated string.
If I change the:
if ( $lang && in_array($lang, config('app.alt_langs')) ){
return app('url')->route($lang . '_' . $name, $parameters, $absolute);
if ( $lang && in_array($lang, config('app.all_langs')) ){
return app('url')->route($lang . '_' . $name, $parameters, $absolute);
Now using app.all_langs I'm able to choose which URL you want and in which language I want.
How do I get the translated URL?
In the blade file I need to get the translated URL of the page, and if read the other question, we used the $prefix for caching the routes and giving to the route a new name ->name($prefix.'_home'); in this way I can cache all the route and I can call the routes using blade without prefix {{ route('name') }} but, needing the translated url of the actual page a made this on the top of the view:
$ThisRoute = Route::currentRouteName();
$result = substr($ThisRoute, 0, 2);
if ($result =='it' ){
$routeName = str_replace('it_', '', $ThisRoute);
$url = route($routeName,[],true,'en');
} else {
$routeName = str_replace('en_', '', $ThisRoute);
$url = route($routeName,[],true,'it');
Doing this I get the actual route name that should be it_home I check if start with it_ or en_, I remove the it_ or en_ prefix and I get the translated URL, now you can use the $url as <a href="{{ $url" }}>text</a> cause if I call the {{ route('page') }} I get the link, with the locale language.
This code is not very good, I know, but I written in 5 minutes, need more implementation, and check, but for the moment is just to play with Laravel.
It's a good way?? How can I do it better (except the blade link retrieving)?? Many solution I found used middleware, but I would like to avoid a link in the navbar like
Is a good approach overriding the app.locale_prefix?
according to your question, it's a bad practice to save the preferences into .env or session because as soon as the session is finished the saved language will be removed also it's common when you need to store any preferences related to your website such as (Color, Font, Language, ...etc) you must store any of them into the cache.
honestly, your code is a very strange and NOT common way and there are two ways to handle what do you need
There is a very helpful and awesome package called mcamara it'll help you too much (I recommend this solution).
you can do it from scratch using the lang folder located in the resource folder and you must create files with the same count of the needed languages then use the keys that you'll define into these files into views and you can prefix your routes with the selected language you can use group method like so
Route::group(['prefix' => 'selected_lang'], function() {
Route::get('first_route', [Controller::class, 'your_method']);
or you can add the selected language as a query string like so localhost:8000/your_route?lang=en you can follow this tutorial for more info.

Construct routes(urls) with slugs separated by dash in laravel

I am about to make more SEO-friendly URLs on my page and want a pattern looking like this for my products:
So what are we looking at here?{slug1}/{slug2}-{id}
The only thing I will care about from the URL in my controller is the {id}. The rest two slugs are just of SEO purpose. So to my question. How can I get the 12 from a-pretty-long-seo-friendly-product-name-12?
I have tried{slug}/{slug}-{id} and in my controller to try and get $id. Id does not work. I am not able to able to separate it from from a-pretty-long-seo-friendly-product-name. So in my controller no matter how I do I get {slug2} and {id} concatenated.
Coming from rails it is a piece of cake there but can't seem to figure out how to do that here in laravel.
I am sorry I formulated my question very unclear. I am looking for a way to do this in the routes file. Like in rails.
You're on the right track, but you can't really logically separate /{slug}-{id} if you're using dash-separated strings. To handle this, you can simply explode the chunks and select the last one:
// routes/web.php
Route::get('/{primarySlug}/{secondarySlugAndId}', [ExampleController::class, 'example']);
// ExampleController.php
public function example($primarySlug, $secondarySlugAndId){
$parts = collect(explode('-', $secondarySlugAndId));
$id = $parts->last();
$secondarySlug = $parts->slice(0, -1)->implode('-');
... // Do anything else you need to do
Given the URL, you would have the following variables:
dd($primarySlug, $secondarySlug, $id);
// "primary-slug"
// "secondary-slug"
// "99"
The only case this wouldn't work for is if your id had a dash in it, but that's another layer of complexity that I hope you don't have to handle.
public function index($slug1, $slug2)
$id_slug = last(explode('-',$slug2));
$second_slug = str_replace('-'.$id_slug,'',$slug2);
dd($slug1, $second_slug,$id_slug);

XPath Sibling returns empty

I'm using this XPath tester, which returns exactly what I want. For some reason it removes my full query, but if you use it, it works.
*/h3[contains(string(), "Description")]/following-sibling::p[1]
But in real life, I get nothing from my variable.
I'm trying to get the data after <h3>Description</h3>, in this case a paragraph <p>.
<div class="outer-feed"><ul>
<li><strong>Severity:</strong> <span class="label label-info">Low</span></li>
<p>The lack of validation of configuration parameters used in SQL queries caused various SQL injection vectors.</p>
Here's my XPath
$description_node = $xpath->query('*/h3[contains(string(), "Description")]/following-sibling::p[1]', $feed_item);
$description = "description: " . $description_node->item(0)->textContent;
and var_dump
object(DOMNodeList)#1654 (1) { ["length"]=> int(0) }
And the error
: Trying to get property 'textContent' of non-object in
What confuses me is that I can get Severity from the same HTML by using this:
$severity_node = $xpath->query('*/li[contains(string(), "Severity:")]', $feed_item);
$severity = preg_replace('/Severity:\W*/u', '', $severity_node->item(0)->textContent);
My first thought was to scale back to just the H3 and output that.
$description_node = $xpath->query('*/h3[contains(string(), "Description")]', $feed_item);
object(DOMNodeList)#1654 (1) { ["length"]=> int(0) } // doesn't contain anything
Given that the following are identical but the first works and the second doesn't, what could be the problem?
$severity_node = $xpath->query('*/li[contains(string(), "Severity:")]', $feed_item);
$description_node = $xpath->query('*/h3[contains(string(), "Description")]', $feed_item);
Why is one working and not the other. And what is the best way to troubleshoot things like this. It seems to work on the xpathtester. What could I be doing wrong that causes this problem in PHP?
Try with this XPath:
A query starting */h3[...] will only work if the context item when it is invoked is the grandparent of the h3 element. You've given no information about the context item, so I suspect it is something different.
You ask the question(s): "Why is one working and not the other. And what is the best way to troubleshoot things like this. It seems to work on the xpathtester. What could I be doing wrong that causes this problem in PHP?"
Well, the first thing is to understand that XPath expressions may depend on the context item, and that the same expression evaluated with different context items is going to give different results. Once you understand that concept, it hopefully becomes a lot clearer.

how to display single value use arrayshit or other thing (without loop) in Laravel

I use display value or data. In case of a single value use loop, but I know this is a bad habit. How can I solve this? for example I use this:
#foreach($result as $result)
First of all, your code doesn't tell anything, and also you have this code all wrong.
You can't name a pointer as the same name of the array, ($result as $result ???) you will have wrong results or errors.
Also inside the froeach you are referencing a variable that doesn't exists (?).
In my opinion "foreach" is necessary to loop through arrays.
I really don't know what are you trying to do, so that would be great if you expand your question and provide more information.
You can replace that with some code like this:
You can try code below see
//example in file ExampleController.php
use App\Posts;
public function showAll(){
$data = Posts::all();
return view('showall',['result'=>$data]);
//file web.php
#foreach($result as $value)

php xpath query on and xpath result

Can I use an xpath query on a result already obtained using xpath?
In most hosting languages/environments (like XSLT, XQuery, DOM) you can. Don't know about PHP, but it would be strange if it doesn't allow this.
Of course, the result of the first query must be a node-set, in order for a future "/" operator to be possible/allowed/successful on it.
I have done it in PHP/SimpleXML. The thing that I didn't understand at first is that you're still dealing with the full SimpleXML object, so if you start with "/nodename", you're operating on root. If you start with "nodename" you are starting at the beginning of the result node. Here's my example:
$s = '/ItemSearchResponse/Items/Item';
$items = $parsed->xpath($s);
foreach($items as $item)
$s = 'ItemAttributes/Feature';
$s = 'ASIN';
$s = 'ImageSets/ImageSet[#Category="primary"]';
$s = 'MediumImage/URL';
$medium_image_url[] = $primary_img_set[0]->xpath($s);
In PHP, for example, you can run a query with a context, i.e. a given node. So if you have got a DOMNodeList as a result of the first query you can do things like this:
$query1 = '//p';
$query2 = './a'; // do not forget the dot
$node = $xpath->query($query1)->item(0);
$result = $xpath->query($query2, $node);
Of course this is a silly example because it could have been done just in one shot with the correct XPath experssion but I believe it illustrates your question.
