I have to arrays, one contain weights, and the other contain the categories (e.g w=[3, 4, 1, 2],x= ["a","b","c","c"]). Now, I'd like to sort the array x using the array of weights. How can one do this with the least amount of code? Is there a way of sorting an array and obtaining the corresponding indexes, so you can use this new sorted order in any other array with the same size?
I know that one can do this using DataFrames, but I'm looking for a way of doing this without resorting to that.
You want the sortperm function.
w = [30, 40, 10, 20]
x = ["a","b","c","d"]
julia> permvec = sortperm(w)
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> wsorted = w[permvec]
4-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> xsorted = x[permvec]
4-element Array{String,1}:
Given the sequence A and B consisting of N numbers that are permutations of 1,2,3,...,N. At each step, you choose a set S in sequence A in order from left to right (the numbers selected will be removed from A), then reverse S and add all elements in S to the beginning of the sequence A. Find a way to transform A into B in log2(n) steps.
Input: N <= 10^4 (number of elements of sequence A, B) and 2 permutations sequence A, B.
Output: K (Number of steps to convert A to B). The next K lines are the set of numbers S selected at each step.
5 // N
5 4 3 2 1 // A sequence
2 5 1 3 4 // B sequence
4 3 1
5 2
Step 0: S = {}, A = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}
Step 1: S = {4, 3, 1}, A = {5, 2}. Then reverse S => S = {1, 3, 4}. Insert S to beginning of A => A = {1, 3, 4, 5, 2}
Step 2: S = {5, 2}, A = {1, 3, 4}. Then reverse S => S = {2, 5}. Insert S to beginning of A => A = {2, 5, 1, 3, 4}
My solution is to use backtracking to consider all possible choices of S in log2(n) steps. However, N is too large so is there a better approach? Thank you.
For each operation of combined selecting/removing/prepending, you're effectively sorting the elements relative to a "pivot", and preserving order. With this in mind, you can repeatedly "sort" the items in backwards order (by that I mean, you sort on the most significant bit last), to achieve a true sort.
For an explicit example, lets take an example sequence 7 3 1 8. Rewrite the terms with their respective positions in the final sorted list (which would be 1 3 7 8), to get 2 1 0 3.
7 -> 2 // 7 is at index 2 in the sorted array
3 -> 1 // 3 is at index 0 in the sorted array
1 -> 0 // so on
8 -> 3
This new array is equivalent to the original- we are just using indices to refer to the values indirectly (if you squint hard enough, we're kinda rewriting the unsorted list as pointers to the sorted list, rather than values).
Now, lets write these new values in binary:
2 10
1 01
0 00
3 11
If we were to sort this list, we'd first sort by the MSB (most significant bit) and then tiebreak only where necessary on the subsequent bit(s) until we're at the LSB (least significant bit). Equivalently, we can sort by the LSB first, and then sort all values on the next most significant bit, and continuing in this fashion until we're at the MSB. This will work, and correctly sort the list, as long as the sort is stable, that is- it doesn't change the order of elements that are considered equal.
Let's work this out by example: if we sorted these by the LSB, we'd get
2 10
0 00
1 01
3 11
-and then following that up with a sort on the MSB (but no tie-breaking logic this time), we'd get:
0 00
1 01
2 10
3 11
-which is the correct, sorted result.
Remember the "pivot" sorting note at the beginning? This is where we use that insight. We're going to take this transformed list 2 1 0 3, and sort it bit by bit, from the LSB to the MSB, with no tie-breaking. And to do so, we're going to pivot on the criteria <= 0.
This is effectively what we just did in our last example, so in the name of space I won't write it out again, but have a look again at what we did in each step. We took the elements with the bits we were checking that were equal to 0, and moved them to the beginning. First, we moved 2 (10) and 0 (00) to the beginning, and then the next iteration we moved 0 (00) and 1 (01) to the beginning. This is exactly what operation your challenge permits you to do.
Additionally, because our numbers are reduced to their indices, the max value is len(array)-1, and the number of bits is log2() of that, so overall we'll only need to do log2(n) steps, just as your problem statement asks.
Now, what does this look like in actual code?
from itertools import product
from math import log2, ceil
nums = [5, 9, 1, 3, 2, 7]
size = ceil(log2(len(nums)-1))
bit_table = list(product([0, 1], repeat=size))
idx_table = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(sorted(nums))}
for bit_idx in range(size)[::-1]:
subset_vals = [x for x in nums if bit_table[idx_table[x]][bit_idx] == 0]
nums.sort(key=lambda x: bit_table[idx_table[x]][bit_idx])
print(" ".join(map(str, subset_vals)))
You can of course use bitwise operators to accomplish the bit magic ((thing << bit_idx) & 1) if you want, and you could del slices of the list + prepend instead of .sort()ing, this is just a proof-of-concept to show that it actually works. The actual output being:
1 3 7
1 7 9 2
1 2 3 5
I am still pretty new at programming and I would appreciate any help on how to approach the following problem:
Given a matrix (3x5)
a = [1 2 3 4 5;
6 7 8 9 10;
11 12 13 14 15;]
I want to iterate through every row
For each row, I want each element to be checked
With each element, I want to store a separate array that holds the element and the next 2 elements.
Row 1 = [1 2 3 4 5]
For element 1
return newArray = [1 2 3]
For element 2
return newArray = [2 3 4]
Getting stuck on part 3. How to make the for loop check only up to the next 2 elements and then continue to the next element in the row.
I took a shot at solving what you asked for, but I agree with the others that you need to think more about what you are trying to do and what you want your output to look like. Your request does not sound like something a beginner programmer would realistically use. I am not sure what shape you want to store your "separate array"s in. I have options below for keeping them in a vector or in the original shape of a.
function nexttwo(row, i)
newarray::Vector{Any} = [row[i]]
for j=1:2
if length(row) >= i
push!(newarray, row[i])
push!(newarray, nothing)
return newarray
function collectnexttwo(a)
result_collection = []
for i in axes(a,1)
for j in axes(a,2)
row = a[i,:]
newarray = nexttwo(row, j)
push!(result_collection, newarray)
return result_collection
function restoreshape(v, a)
permutedims(reshape(v, reverse(size(a))))
julia> a = [1 2 3 4 5; 6 7 8 9 10; 11 12 13 14 15;]
3×5 Matrix{Int64}:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
julia> result = restoreshape(collectnexttwo(a), a)
3×5 Matrix{Any}:
Any[1, 2, 3] Any[2, 3, 4] Any[3, 4, 5] Any[4, 5, nothing] Any[5, nothing, nothing]
Any[6, 7, 8] Any[7, 8, 9] Any[8, 9, 10] Any[9, 10, nothing] Any[10, nothing, nothing]
Any[11, 12, 13] Any[12, 13, 14] Any[13, 14, 15] Any[14, 15, nothing] Any[15, nothing, nothing]
I think that you have some problems with the statement of what you want to achieve. That can often make a programming assignment much harder.
Restating what you have already:
I want to iterate through every row
This is pretty easy
for row = 1:size(a)[1]
For each row, I want each element to be checked
This is where things begin to get squishy? What do you mean by "checked". Let's assume you have some function called checkElement.
With each element, I want to store a separate array that holds the element and the next 2 elements.
How long do you want that separate array to live? Do you just want to hold 3 elements? Or three elements for every cell of the original (i.e. have a 3x5x3 result for a 3x5 input like you show)
Also, what do you want to do about elements 4 and 5 in each row? What values do you want to use for their "next" elements? You could use missing as a value or NaN. Or you could make the result just not contain the problematic inputs.
If you answer these questions, you are likely to find it much easier to write the code you need.
I have an image 640x480 img, and I want to replace pixels having values not in this list or array x=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] with a certain value 10, so that any pixel in img which doesn't have the any of the values in x will be replaced with 10. I already know how to replace only one value using img(img~=1)=10 or multiple values using this img(img~=1 & img~=2 & img~=3 & img~=4 & img~=5)=10 but I when I tried this img(img~=x)=10 it gave an error saying Matrix dimensions must agree. So if anyone could please advise.
You can achieve this very easily with a combination of permute and bsxfun. We can create a 3D column vector that consists of the elements of [1,2,3,4,5], then use bsxfun with the not equals method (#ne) on your image (assuming grayscale) so that we thus create a 3D matrix of 5 slices. Each slice would tell you whether the locations in the image do not match an element in x. The first slice would give you the locations that don't match x = 1, the second slice would give you the locations that don't match x = 2, and so on.
Once you finish this, we can use an all call operating on the third dimension to consolidate the pixel locations that are not equal to all of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. The last step would be to take this logical map, which that tells you the locations that are none of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 and we'd set those locations to 10.
One thing we need to consider is that the image type and the vector x must be the same type. We can ensure this by casting the vector to be the same class as img.
As such, do something like this:
x = permute([1 2 3 4 5], [3 1 2]);
vals = bsxfun(#ne, img, cast(x, class(img)));
ind = all(vals, 3);
img(ind) = 10;
The advantage of the above method is that the list you want to use to check for the elements can be whatever you want. It prevents having messy logical indexing syntax, like img(img ~= 1 & img ~= 2 & ....). All you have to do is change the input list at the beginning line of the code, and bsxfun, permute and any should do the work for you.
Here's an example 5 x 5 image:
>> rng(123123);
>> img = randi(7, 5, 5)
img =
3 4 3 6 5
7 2 6 5 1
3 1 6 1 7
6 4 4 3 3
6 2 4 1 3
By using the code above, the output we get is:
img =
3 4 3 10 5
10 2 10 5 1
3 1 10 1 10
10 4 4 3 3
10 2 4 1 3
You can most certainly see that those elements that are neither 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 get set to 10.
If you don't like the permute and bsxfun approach, one way would be to have a for loop and with an initially all true array, keep logical ANDing the final result with a logical map that consists of those locations which are not equal to each value in x. In the end, we will have a logical map where true are those locations that are neither equal to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
Therefore, do something like this:
ind = true(size(img));
for idx = 1 : 5
ind = ind & img ~= idx;
img(ind) = 10;
If you do this instead, you'll see that we get the same answer.
Approach #1
You can use ismember,
which according to its official documentation for a case of ismember(A,B) would output a logical array of the same size as A and with 1's where
any element from B is present in A, 0's otherwise. Since, you are looking to detect "not in the list or array", you need to invert it afterwards, i.e. ~ismember().
In your case, you have img as A and x as B, so ~ismember(img,x) would give you those places where img~=any element in x
You can then map into img to set all those in it to 10 with this final solution -
img(~ismember(img,x)) = 10
Approach #2
Similar to rayryeng's solution, you can use bsxfun, but keep it in 2D which could be more efficient as it would also avoid permute. The implementation would look something like this -
img(reshape(all(bsxfun(#ne,img(:),x(:).'),2),size(img))) = 10
Given an array of integers, I would like to find the minimum number x such that increasing or decreasing the elements in the array by a number in the range of 0 to x will result in an array sorted in ascending order.
For example, for [5,4,3,2,8], the minimum value of x is 3. This is because [2,3,4,5,8] can be obtained by increasing or decreasing every element by either 0,1,2 or 3:
5-3 = 2
4-1 = 3
3+1 = 4
2+3 = 5
8+0 = 8
Say we had a more complicated array like [52,71,36,92,48]. How would I solve this?
a = [52, 71, 36, 92, 48]
b = a.map.with_index{|e, i| e - i}
((b.max - b.min) / 2.0).ceil
# => 28
Main Question: What is the fastest way to insert an item into a list that is already sorted using Julia?
Currently, I do this:
v = [1, 2, 3, 5] #example list
x = 4 #value to insert
index = searchsortedfirst(v, x) #find index at which to insert x
insert!(v, index, x) #insert x at index
Bonus Question: What if I want to simultaneously ensure no duplicates?
You can use searchsorted to get the range of indices where the value occurs instead of just the first one and then use splice! to replace the values in that range with a new set of values:
insert_and_dedup!(v::Vector, x) = (splice!(v, searchsorted(v,x), [x]); v)
That's a nice little one-liner that does what you want.
julia> v = [1, 2, 3, 3, 5];
julia> insert_and_dedup!(v, 4)
6-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> insert_and_dedup!(v, 3)
5-element Array{Int64,1}:
This made me think that splice! should handle the case where the replacement is a single value rather than an array, so I may add that feature.