Emotion detection using facial landmarks - image

I plan on using scikit svm for class prediction.
I have been trying this :
Get images from a webcam
Detect Facial Landmarks
Train a machine learning algorithm (we will use a linear SVM)
Predict emotions
I have a problem in this line : clf.fit(npar_train, training_labels)
also I have a problem in site-packages\sklearn\svm_base.py and in site-packages\sklearn\utils\validation.py
How can I remove this error?
thank you in advance
python script
emotions = ['neutral', 'sad', 'happy', 'anger']
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor('shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat')
clf = SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True, tol=1e-3)
def get_files(emotion):
files = glob.glob('img\\datasets\\%s\\*' %emotion)
training = files[:int(len(files)*0.8)]
prediction = files[-int(len(files)*0.2)]
return training, prediction
def get_landmarks(image):
detections = detector(image, 1)
for k, d in enumerate(detections): # For all detected face instances individually
shape = predictor(image, d) # Draw Facial Landmarks with the predictor class
xlist = []
ylist = []
for i in range(1, 68): # Store X and Y coordinates in two lists
xmean = np.mean(xlist)
ymean = np.mean(ylist)
xcentral = [(x - xmean) for x in xlist]
ycentral = [(y - ymean) for y in ylist]
landmarks_vectorised = []
for x, y, w, z in zip(xcentral, ycentral, xlist, ylist):
meannp = np.asarray((ymean, xmean))
coornp = np.asarray((z, w))
dist = np.linalg.norm(coornp - meannp)
landmarks_vectorised.append((math.atan2(y, x) * 360) / (2 * math.pi))
data['landmarks_vectorised'] = landmarks_vectorised
if len(detections) < 1:
data['landmarks_vestorised'] = "error"
def make_sets():
training_data = []
training_labels = []
prediction_data = []
prediction_labels = []
for emotion in emotions:
print("Working on %s emotion" %emotion)
training, prediction = get_files(emotion)
for item in training:
image = cv2.imread(item)
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8))
clahe_image = clahe.apply(image)
if data['landmarks_vectorised'] == "error":
print("no face detected on this one")
training_data.append(data['landmarks_vectorised']) # append image array to training data list
for item in prediction:
image = cv2.imread(item)
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8))
clahe_image = clahe.apply(image)
if data['landmarks_vectorised'] == "error":
print("no face detected on this one")
return training_data, training_labels, prediction_data, prediction_labels
accur_lin = []
for i in range(0,10):
print("Making sets %s" % i) # Make sets by random sampling 80/20%
training_data, training_labels, prediction_data, prediction_labels = make_sets()
npar_train = np.array(training_data)
npar_trainlabs = np.array(training_labels)
print("training SVM linear %s" % i) # train SVM
clf.fit(npar_train, training_labels)
print("getting accuracies %s" % i)
npar_pred = np.array(prediction_data)
pred_lin = clf.score(npar_pred, prediction_labels)
print("Mean value lin svm: %s" % np.mean(accur_lin))


I got error in code to train model - multivariant timeseries

I need help with multivariant time series forecasting using gru / lstm.
The dataset I am using about 4000 rows and 7 columns.
I already used this for input shaping
def create_dataset (X, look_back = 1):
Xs, ys = [], []
for i in range(len(X)-look_back):
v = X[i:i+look_back]
return np.array(Xs), np.array(ys)
X_train, y_train = create_dataset(train_scaled,LOOK_BACK)
X_test, y_test = create_dataset(test_scaled,LOOK_BACK)
print('X_train.shape: ', X_train.shape)
print('y_train.shape: ', y_train.shape)
print('X_test.shape: ', X_test.shape)
print('y_test.shape: ', y_test.shape)
this part for model creation
def create_gru(units):
model = Sequential()
# Input layer
model.add(GRU (units = units, return_sequences = True,
input_shape = [X_train.shape[1], X_train.shape[2]]))
# Hidden layer
model.add(GRU(units = units))
model.add(Dense(units = 1))
When I execute I got an error says that non-broadcastable output operand with shape (854,1) doesn't match the broadcast shape (854,7)
this error happen when the execution each this part
y_train = scaler.inverse_transform(y_train)
y_test = scaler.inverse_transform(y_test)
def prediction(model):
prediction = model.predict(X_test)
prediction = scaler.inverse_transform(prediction)
return prediction
prediction_gru = prediction(model_gru)
prediction_bilstm = prediction(model_bilstm)

not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1) adaboost algorithm

def adaboost(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, lamb=0.01, num_iterations=200, learning_rate=0.001):
label_train = 2*Y_train -1
label_test = 2*Y_test -1
[n,p] = X_train.shape
[ntest, ptest] = X_test.shape
X_train_1 = np.concatenate((np.ones([n,1]), X_train), axis=1)
X_test_1 = np.concatenate((np.ones([ntest,1]), X_test), axis=1)
beta = np.zeros([p+1])
acc_train = []
acc_test = []
#margins = []
for it in range(num_iterations):
score = np.matmul(X_train_1, beta)
error = (score*label_train < 1)
dbeta = np.mean(X_train_1 * (error * label_train).reshape(-1,1), axis=0)
beta += learning_rate * dbeta
beta[1:] -= lamb * beta[1:]
# train
predict = (np.sign(score) == label_train)
acc = np.sum(predict)/n
# test
score_test = np.matmul(X_test_1, beta)
predict = (np.sign(score_test) == label_test)
acc = np.sum(predict)/ntest
return beta, acc_train, acc_test
I am calling this function by:
_, train_acc, test_acc = adaboost(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)
and it is giving the error provided in title:
for line 68 '''[ntest, ptest] = X_test.shape'''
Any idea how to stop getting this error?
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong??
Whatever X_test is, it must have only a single dimension when it should be two dimensional

Pytorch - Not able to achieve reproducibility

I am a training a image classifier model using Pytorch. While training it I am not able to set the seed. I have exploited all my options but still not getting any consistent results. Please help me with the same.
I was using this but my model is still not consistent.
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
num_ftrs = model.fc.in_features
model.fc = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, 10)
#Define loss function & optimizer
loss_function = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01, momentum=0.9)
lrscheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode='max', patience=3, threshold = 0.9)
model = model.to(device)
#Train model
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
for i, (images, labels) in enumerate(train_loader):
images, labels = images.to(device), labels.to(device)
outputs = model(images)
_, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1)
loss = loss_function(outputs, labels)
train_acc = (labels==predicted).sum().item() / images.size(0)
if (i+1) % 2 == 0:
print('Epoch [%d/%d], Step [%d/%d], Loss: %.4f, Acc: %.4f'
% (epoch+1, num_epochs, i+1, len(train_dset)//batch_size,
loss.item(), train_acc))
if (i+1) % 5 == 0:
with torch.no_grad():
num_correct, num_total = 0, 0
for (images, labels) in val_loader:
images, labels = images.to(device), labels.to(device)
outputs = model(images)
_, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1)
num_correct += (labels==predicted).sum().item()
num_total += labels.size(0)
val_acc = 1. * num_correct / num_total
print('Epoch [%d/%d], Step [%d/%d], Val Acc: %.4f'
%(epoch+1, num_epochs, i+1, len(train_dset)//batch_size,
I use the following code to make my results reproducible and it seems to work :)
# for cuda
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False

How to improve the precessing speed of tensorflow sess.run()

I'm trying to implement Recurrent Lest-Squares filter (RLS) implemented by tensorflow. Use about 300,000 data to train.It costs about 3min. is there any way to reduce the time consumption.
def rls_filter_graphic(x, d, length, Pint, Wint): # Projection matrix
P = tf.Variable(Pint, name='P')
# Filter weight
w = tf.Variable(Wint, name='W')
# Get output of filter
y = tf.matmul(x, w)
# y mast round,if(y>0) y=int(y) else y=int(y+0.5)
y = tf.round(y)
# get expect error which means expect value substract out put value
e = tf.subtract(d, y)
# get gain it is equal as k=P(n-1)x(n)/[lamda+x(n)P(n-1)x(n-1)]
tx = tf.transpose(x)
Px = tf.matmul(P, tx)
xPx = tf.matmul(x, Px)
xPx = tf.add(xPx, LAMDA)
k = tf.div(Px, xPx)
# update w(n) with k(n) as w(n)=w(n-1)+k(n)*err
wn = tf.add(w, tf.matmul(k, e))
# update P(n)=[P(n-1)-K(n)x(n)P(n-1)]/lamda
xP = tf.matmul(x, P)
kxP = tf.matmul(k, xP)
Pn = tf.subtract(P, kxP)
Pn = tf.divide(Pn, LAMDA)
update_P = tf.assign(P, Pn)
update_W = tf.assign(w, wn)
return y, e, w, k, P, update_P, update_W
And this will called in this func
def inter_band_predict(dataset, length, width, height):
img = np.zeros(width * height)
# use iterator get the vectors
itr = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
(x, d) = itr.get_next()
# build the predict graphics
ini_P, ini_W, = rls_filter_init(0.001, length)
y_p, err, weight, kn, Pn, update_P, update_W = rls_filter_graphic(x, d, length, ini_P, ini_W)
# err=tf.matmul(x,ini_W)
# init value
with tf.Session() as sess:
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
for i in range(height*width):
[e, trainP, trainW] = sess.run([err, update_P, update_W])
img[i] = e
return img
I found that call sess.run() per every loop is so costly.Is there any way to avoid this.
by the way,the dataset is the form as this
(x, d)

I want to correct this code for images, what change need to do..?

Currently i am recognzing a face, means i have to find a face which we have to test is in training database or not..! So, i have to decide yes or no..
Yes means find image, and no means print message that NO IMAGE IN DATABASE. I have a program, Currently this program is finding a correct image correctly, but even when there is no image, even it shows other image which not matches.. Actually it should print NO IMAGE IN DATABASE.
So, How to do..?
Here is a Test and training images data on this link.
My Program is in terms of different four .m files, and it is here,we have to run only first code.. and remaining 3 are functions, it is also given here..**
clear all
close all
TrainDatabasePath = uigetdir('D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2006a\work', 'Select training database path' );
TestDatabasePath = uigetdir('D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2006a\work', 'Select test database path');
prompt = {'Enter test image name (a number between 1 to 10):'};
dlg_title = 'Input of PCA-Based Face Recognition System';
num_lines= 1;
def = {'1'};
TestImage = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def);
TestImage = strcat(TestDatabasePath,'\',char(TestImage),'.jpg');
im = imread(TestImage);
T = CreateDatabase(TrainDatabasePath);
[m, A, Eigenfaces] = EigenfaceCore(T);
OutputName = Recognition(TestImage, m, A, Eigenfaces);
SelectedImage = strcat(TrainDatabasePath,'\',OutputName);
SelectedImage = imread(SelectedImage);
title('Test Image');
title('Equivalent Image');
str = strcat('Matched image is : ',OutputName);
function T = CreateDatabase(TrainDatabasePath)
TrainFiles = dir(TrainDatabasePath);
Train_Number = 0;
for i = 1:size(TrainFiles,1)
not(strcmp(TrainFiles(i).name,'.')|strcmp(TrainFiles(i).name,'..')|strcmp(TrainFiles(i).name,'Thu mbs.db'))
Train_Number = Train_Number + 1; % Number of all images in the training database
T = [];
for i = 1 : Train_Number
str = int2str(i);
str = strcat('\',str,'.jpg');
str = strcat(TrainDatabasePath,str);
img = imread(str);
img = rgb2gray(img);
[irow icol] = size(img);
temp = reshape(img',irow*icol,1); % Reshaping 2D images into 1D image vectors
T = [T temp]; % 'T' grows after each turn
function [m, A, Eigenfaces] = EigenfaceCore(T)
m = mean(T,2); % Computing the average face image m = (1/P)*sum(Tj's) (j = 1 : P)
Train_Number = size(T,2);
A = [];
for i = 1 : Train_Number
temp = double(T(:,i)) - m;
Ai = Ti - m
A = [A temp]; % Merging all centered images
L = A'*A; % L is the surrogate of covariance matrix C=A*A'.
[V D] = eig(L); % Diagonal elements of D are the eigenvalues for both L=A'*A and C=A*A'.
L_eig_vec = [];
for i = 1 : size(V,2)
if( D(i,i)>1 )
L_eig_vec = [L_eig_vec V(:,i)];
Eigenfaces = A * L_eig_vec; % A: centered image vectors
function OutputName = Recognition(TestImage, m, A, Eigenfaces)
ProjectedImages = [];
Train_Number = size(Eigenfaces,2);
for i = 1 : Train_Number
temp = Eigenfaces'*A(:,i); % Projection of centered images into facespace
ProjectedImages = [ProjectedImages temp];
InputImage = imread(TestImage);
temp = InputImage(:,:,1);
[irow icol] = size(temp);
InImage = reshape(temp',irow*icol,1);
Difference = double(InImage)-m; % Centered test image
ProjectedTestImage = Eigenfaces'*Difference; % Test image feature vector
Euc_dist = [];
for i = 1 : Train_Number
q = ProjectedImages(:,i);
temp = ( norm( ProjectedTestImage - q ) )^2;
Euc_dist = [Euc_dist temp];
[Euc_dist_min , Recognized_index] = min(Euc_dist);
OutputName = strcat(int2str(Recognized_index),'.jpg');
So, how to generate error massege when no image matches..?
At the moment, your application appears to find the most similar image (you appear to be using Euclidean distance as you measure of similarity), and return it. There doesn't seem to be any concept of whether the image "matches" or not.
Define a threshold on similarity, and then determine whether your most similar image meets that threshold. If it does, return it, otherwise display an error message.
