Laravel sail not supported dependency error [duplicate] - laravel

We are using PHPCI and composer. The server which runs PHPCI is on PHP 5.3.
For a project we added the Facebook PHP SDK, using composer. It requires PHP 5.4.
Composer gets triggered by PHPCI and get executed. But because the CI server just got PHP 5.3 composer failed with the error message:
facebook/php-sdk-v4 4.0.9 requires php >=5.4.0 -> no matching package found.
This let fail my build in PHPCI, of course.
Is there a possibility to skip this requirement? Maybe by adding an option to composer.json? Or a parameter to composer.phar call?

I've found the option:
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).
Alternative: Specify your projects' PHP version
You can skip the platform checks by configuring composer.json#/config/platform/php with the PHP version to use.
Composer will fetch packages based on that configured PHP version then.
So when you need to tell Composer the PHP version for your projects dependencies, you can (and should) specify the PHP version if different than the PHP version you execute composer with in your composer.json project configuration file (AKA root package):
"config": {
"platform": {
"php": "5.6.6"
Here PHP 5.6.6 version is exemplary, it could be 8.0.4 or any other PHP version.
This also documents the target (platform) PHP configuration. Additionally installed PHP extensions and library versions can be specified.
Compare: Config: platform - Composer documentation

For many commands, you can tell composer to bypass php version check, with parameter "--ignore-platform-reqs":
composer COMMAND --ignore-platform-reqs
this will bypass php version specification.
Be aware that the software may work or not: php version specification is there because somewhere in the code is needed at least the specified php version, so if you use that code the software will break.

If anything requires a specific version of PHP, it won't run in a lower version of PHP. You will properbly still recieve errors when bypassing the PHP requirement.
Btw, PHP 5.3 is no longer maintained, I would strongly recommend updating the PHPCI server.


Laravel black page - Unable to create configured logger. Using emergency logger [duplicate]

So.. I developed a project with Laravel 9, then I had to upload it to my client's server by FTP ( which was slow and painful ) to find out only afterwards that my client's server PHP version could not go over 8.0. I tried to open the project live link ( to where I uploaded ) and the composer platform check was telling me my project had dependencies on PHP 8.1 and that my version is 8.0.
So I tried tweaking the platform check php file to disable this check, to see if it would work anyways but no, the project was throwing errors.
So I decided to downgrade to laravel 8, because after searching around I read that laravel 8 did not need php 8.1.
I guess I read some wrong information because after tweaking my project to downgrade to laravel 8 and uploading again (painfully by ftp), the platform check was again telling me that my project needed PHP 8.1.
So I disabled again this platform check by editing/tweaking the platform check php file, to see if it would work anyway, and it did work. So all good. but then today I was learning how to check which composer packages had dependencies on a specific php version, and in the process I found out (if I'm not wrong) that laravel 8 has package dependencies that depend on PHP 8.1 ?
Is there a table somewhere I can check which Laravel versions depend on which PHP versions or do I have to run some commands on each project to check these dependencies?
Like in the images below:
Thanks !
Laravel 9 does not require PHP 8.1 it requires PHP 8.0.2
If this a shared project and someone else with PHP 8.1 generated the composer.lock file (or indeed you locally have PHP 8.1 but the server has 8.0) you might end up with packages that require PHP 8.1. Composer resolves and installs packages based on the locally installed PHP version.
You can override this behaviour and ensure everyone gets package deps based on the PHP version you expect to have on production if you use the platform config option in your composer.json e.g. add this to your composer.json
"config": {
"platform": {
"php": "8.0.2"
Then run
composer update
this should try to fix your package versions to ones that work with PHP 8
Short response no, Laravel 8 requires PHP >= 7.3
From Server Requirements
But, since you downgraded it is possible that some php packages require newer php versions no matter the version chosen for Laravel.
Some hints:
Change dependencies (packages) version, probably downgrade them.
Delete the vendor folder.
Delete composer.lock
Run composer install
Checking your screenshot: with symfony the downgrade will not break anything.
But, check the other package/s ie: tojsverkoyen/css-to-inline-styles requirements.

Composer install and update: why does it not set the PHP interpretor in the "vendor" folder?

According to docs, composer install (composer update too, since it includes install script), among other things, downloads the requirements and puts these packages inside the vendor directory: :
It then implicitly runs the install command. This will download the dependencies' files into the vendor directory in your project.
What the docs don't say is: we often write the following in composer.JSON...
"require": {
"php": "^8.0",
... so if we try to apply what the docs say, it means that Composer would download the PHP interpretor (a package available in Packagist for example) and put it inside the vendor directory, when we run either composer install or composer update. What is the interest of putting a PHP interpretor inside a site's folder (here, vendor)?
But we know it doesn't do that. It won't download any PHP interpretor. It won't obviously put it inside the vendor directory. Instead, it will just check the server's PHP interpretor's version and returns a fatal error or something else if this version doesn't match the requirement's version.
So does it mean that in the Composer's install and update scripts, there is an exception made for PHP when treating the require's lines in the composer.JSON file?
In composer there's a special exception for require php, it only checks if your system's PHP version meets the requirement.
It's in the composer website under Package links:
Its not literally written though, its quite hard to find in the composer documentation.
If your require contains something like with
"php": "^8.0",
"ext-json": "*",
this does not mean: Install PHP or the JSON extension through Composer, but require that PHP and that extension in the given versions are already installed. That's what the documentation at tells you:
require and require-dev also support references to specific PHP versions and PHP extensions your project needs to run successfully.
A regular expression that matches all such platform requirements can be found at - currently, it contains:
const PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX = '{^(?:php(?:-64bit|-ipv6|-zts|-debug)?|hhvm|(?:ext|lib)-[a-z0-9](?:[_.-]?[a-z0-9]+)*|composer-(?:plugin|runtime)-api)$}iD';
...which matches:
PHP runtimes in several versions
HHVM, a virtual machine that runs a forked version of PHP
all kinds of extensions and core libraries, like ext-json or lib-bz2
Composer itself, as some packages require special features of Composer v2 which were not available in v1
All lines in require section of composer.JSON are not packages available on a repository like Packagist: indeed, we can put some "virtual packages" inside this require section (
php is one of these virtual packages. So Composer treat the following line...
"require": {
"php": "^8.0",
... as a virtual package (other name: "plateform package"), and not a package that could be put in vendor.
Then, if we extend a little the following definition of require...
Map of packages required by this package. The package will not be installed unless those requirements can be met.
..., then we can say that "if server's PHP interpretor's version doesn't meet the requirements versions, then Composer will raise a fatal error or something like that.
**Conclusion: being seen as a "virtual/plateform package" by Composer, php won't be installed (put) in vendor directory. It will just make Composer to check if server PHP version matches or not the requirements (if not, an error will be raised). This behavior is different than for other packages that would be, them, downloaded from for example Packagist and installed (put) inside vendor directory. **

Error when changing PHP version on Heroku app

As some of you might know, PHP version ≥7.2 has an issue regarding count: count(): parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable and this does contributes to a lot of problems.
I'm using the PHP framework Laravel 5.3 on Heroku, which until the change of PHP version worked perfectly fine. So why don't I just change the PHP version? Well, according to the docs I'm supposed to just change the version in my composer.json, run composer update and everything will be fine but no - I'm getting this error:
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- This package requires php ^5.6.4 but your PHP version (7.2.1) does not satisfy that requirement.
Anyone knowing anything that can contribute solving my problem?
You also need to push composer.lock.
Change the version in your local and make $ composer update.
Make sure you have changed composer.lock.
Push both files on Heroku.
From the documentation,
Next, ensure that your new requirements are “frozen” to composer.lock
by running:
$ composer update
Finally, don’t forget to git add and git commit both files!
Hope this helps.

how to safely update way generators 3.0 package in laravel 4.2

i figured out too late that way generators version 3 package is not compatible with laravel version 4.2 it only work with laravel 5, now i need to switch to a previous version of the package and i do not know how to do it properly as my laravel project is in the half way.
Thank you so much for any further help
Update your composer.json file to use "way/generators": "~2.0". Once that is done, run the following command:
composer update "way/generators" --dev
By providing the package name to the composer command, composer will only update the specified package.

cannot install or use ZeroMQ library

I am working on Debian Linux / Apache (a VPS at Dreamhost). I have tried to install ZeroMQ (version 3.2.3) as per these instructions. At the first glance, it looks like everything went well.
The sudo make install command proudly reports back that (among others)
Libraries have been installed in: /usr/local/lib
Indeed, here is the ls of /usr/local/lib:
libzmq.a php python2.5 site_ruby ocaml pkgconfig python2.6
In order to use ZeroMQ I have added to my php.ini:
extension = /usr/local/lib/
But when I run PHP, I get:
PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library) '/usr/local/lib/
What am I doing wrong?
As per djf's answer, I worked my way through the instructions for PHP bindings (building from Github). Those seem to work. But then, when I run PHP I get:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup:
zmq: Unable to initialize module Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match in Unknown on line 0`
Now what?
update 2
Oh, wait a minute. I may know what that is. Dreamhost has PHP 5.2 on the command line. I need PHP 5.4, so I have been calling PHP like so /usr/local/php54/bin/php (this is apparently where the PHP 5.4 executable resides).
However, commands like configure and make use the ordinary, standard PHP. So I needed to upgrade CLI PHP to 5.4.
After that, everything worked. Thanks for the help, everyone!
Seems like you've only installed the C library, hence the error:
PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library) '/usr/local/lib/
You also have to build the PHP bindings. Check these instructions on howto build them.
I do this for windows but i thinks linux is same.
Just go to and download package that fit with your php version.
Then extract it and coppy 'libzmq.dll' to 'xampp/php' folder, 'php_zmq.dll' to 'xampp/php/etc'.
At the end of 'php.ini' add following line:extension=php_zmq.dll
Don't forget restart your xampp!Good luck
