How to access storage file from .env file in Laravel - laravel

I created a JSON file to use BigQuery in my Laravel project => BigQuery docs. I put the file in the storage folder to limit its access.
I only need to access it from my .env file.
Naturally, I cannot access the folder that easily and I know there are ways to access it but creating a symbolic link would make the file accessible from anywhere and I don't want that. Is there a secure way to access that file in my .env file ? Or is there a better way, another folder in which I should put the JSON file ?

I highly discourage the usage of ENV variables, instead use a Secret Manager to load at runtime, or KMS (Key Management Service)
Look at laravel-env-security for implementation.


Can I serve files stored in Google Cloud Storage via a http.FileServer in golang?

I have developed a small web application that runs a web server in golang.
Each user can login, view the list of their docs (previously uploaded) and click on an item to view an html page that shows some fields of the document plus an tag with a src attribute
The src attribute includes an url like "mydocuments/download/123-456-789.pdf"
On the server side I handle the URL ("mydocuments/download/*") via an http Handler
mymux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/mydocuments/download/:docname"), DocDownloadHandler)
I check that the user has the rights to view the document in the url
Then I create a fileserver that obviously re-maps the url to the real path of the folder where the files are stored on the filesystem of the server
fileServer := http.StripPrefix("/mydocs/download/",http.FileServer(http.Dir("/the-real-path-to-documents-folder/user-specific-folder/)))
and of course I serve the files
fileServer.ServeHTTP(w, r)
IMPORTANT: the directory where the documents are stored is not the static-files directory I sue for the website but a directory where all files end after being uploaded by users.
As I am trying to convert the code for it to work also on Google Cloud, I am trying to change the code so that files are stored in a bucket (or, better in "sub-directories" -as they do not properly exist- of a bucket).
How can I modify the code so to map the real document url as available via the cloud storage bucket?
Can I still use the http.FileServer technique above (if so what should I use instead of http.Dir to map the bucket "sub-folder" path where the documents are stored)?
I hope I was enough clear to explain my issue...
I apologise in advance for any unclear point...
Some options are:
Give the user direct access to the resource using a signed URL.
Write code to proxy the request to GCS.
Use http.FS with an fs.FS backed by GCS.
It's possible that a fs.FS for GCS already exists, but you may need to write one.
You can use http.FileSystem since it is an interface and can be implemented however you like.

How to fill dropbox secretkey to .env by getting data from database (Model) on Laravel

Hi I use Spatie's backup package to backup database to Dropbox. I put dropbox secret info directly to .env as below code.
That's not comfortable once need to change these key. So, Is it possible to get key form database(Model) and put to .env via some method in controller?.
Thanks for all answers.

Lumen file cache driver

I'm in Lumen, inside a Controller, and I would like to cache a computation's result in a simple and easy way, without using database or external services, so I was looking for save the cache in the filesystem. In Laravel's documentation there is cited the file driver:
By default, Laravel is configured to use the file cache driver, which
stores the serialized, cached objects in the filesystem.
And I can see it, configured as Default Cache Store, inside config/cache.php.
In Lumen's documentation i can't see anything about the file driver and I find nothing like the file cache.php inside Lumen installation.
So my question is if I can use the file cache driver in Lumen (by setting CACHE_DRIVER=file) or if it is discouraged, not supported, not implemented or something else?
In Lumen in .env.example you have by default:
So all you need is to change filename from .env.example to .env and set
If you read Caching in Lumen you'll see in example:
$value = Cache::store('file')->get('foo');
so file driver is supported by Lumen.
If you also read Lumen Configuration you can read here that you can copy configuration files you need (in case you need them) and load them manually. You can see default Luman cache config file here:

Read "public" file content in a Revel app

I am currently writing a Go web app using Revel.
My app needs to read the content of an XML file which is stored on the server. At the moment, I store this file in the "public" folder where some other resources (css, js...) lie.
I am using ioutil.ReadFile to read the content of this file. While this is working when the server is run from the main app folder itself, I cannot figure how to access the file when the server is run from another location (say by running "revel run myapp" from $GOPATH).
Is there any way to deal with this situation in revel?
is there a generic way to know the path of the "public" folder?
Any hint would be appreciated.
Thanks! :)
The base path of the application is stored and accessible through revel.BasePath.
The "public" folder can thus be accessed through revel.BasePath + "/public/<...>".
This BasePath value is used, for example, in Static.Serve.

Dynamically updating config data codeigniter

I have created my custom config file to store information about site such as if it is online or offline like-vice.
For that I have created new file in config folder and stores default values in global $config[] array with my own index.
I want to update these config data dynamically with admins control eg. he can select to put site in offline mode.
For that I have used function
but, I don't know why it is not working for me ?
I am not able to see any update in my config file. Also I am autoloading my config file.
Am I missing something?
Setting a config item only applies to the current session - it does not overwrite your actually codeigniter files.
If you want to permanetly take a site offline, your'll need some sort of persistant storage, such as a value in a database that is checked/updated as needed
you can create an empty config file, within your config directory , and then append your data to it using a functionality like fwrite ( you can check for some other CI function to use ).
and add it to your autoload file .
