Classic ASP: Show/Hide the nav link issue due to session variable - vbscript

I have to show a link(Products) in the header after user login to the application. It fail to display the link at first but if I refresh the page the link appears and it logout from the application. The problem is, initially the session variable(LoginID) were I'm using to check in the condition is null, after I refresh the page the appropriate value sets in the same. The three separate page are link in the header page, the form in login page and the codebehind in the Login.asp page. Please suggest me what I'm missing here.
Dim qcVisible, LoginID
if Session("LoginID")="invaliduser" or Session("LoginID")="" Then
qcVisible = "none"
qcVisible = "block"
end if
<div class="menu">
<ul class="clearfix">
<li class="active">Home</li>
<!--#include file="header.asp"-->
<form name="MyForm" method="post" action="Login.asp" id="loginform">
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="LoginID" placeholder="User ID" id="LoginID" />
<div class="field">
<input type="password" name="PWD" placeholder="Password" id="PWD" />
<div class="field">
<button class="field_bt" type="submit" form="loginform" name="submit1">Sign In</button>
Function Login(LoginID,Password)
Dim objRS,strSQL
Set objRS=Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
`strSQL = Query
objRS.Open strSQL,objconn
If not objRs.Eof and not objRS.Bof then
dim muser
muser = Mid(objRS("user_password"),1,3)
dim mpass
mpass = Mid(Password,1,3)
If trim(muser)= trim(mpass) Then
End If
End If
Exit Function
End Function
<div class="maincontent">
<object id="obj" data="Mylogin.asp" type="text/html"></object>
Before Login
After login and refresh the page, its logout and the link shows.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Based on the member suggestion I tried the following
'If Request.Form.Count > 0 Then(Another Way)
If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then
if Session("LoginID")="invaliduser" or Session("LoginID")="" Then
qcVisible = "none"
qcVisible = "block"
end if
End If

There are a couple things wrong with your approach:
Session("LoginID") should either have no value (logged out) or a value (logged in).
You are tasking the clientside of hiding the link which can be defeated by looking in the browser's DevTools or source code.
To solve these issues:
#1: Only set Session("LoginID") when a log in is successful.
#2: Your Product-check should look like this to only generate the HTML if the user is logged in (remeber that the session should ONLY have a value if logged in):
<% If Session("LoginID") <> "" Then %><li>Products</li><% End If %>

in your code you set the visible to none if the loginID is empty string when you first load the page what do you think it is??:
if Session("LoginID")="invaliduser" or Session("LoginID")="" Then
qcVisible = "none"
Then later on you go:
it is equilvalent to going:
Before you actually refresh the page or login....
Instead you might want to try:
//Do your styles in here
qcVisible = "block";
Usually when you load a webpage a GET request is sent, and if you refresh it or click submit the request you specified on your form will be sent in your case POST, so when the user did not enter anything you want to display product hence it will be in the else statement..... Otherwise you want to check if it is valid or not... :)


asp application button doesn't perform correctly and does not execute the server call

I'm working on a classic asp application ( I know, not by choice).
I have a button in my form that is supposed to do a Search based on criteria that user enters it.
To give a basic structure here's what it looks like:
<form action="IncidentMain.asp" method="post" name="frmAdd" onSubmit="return checkform( this )">
<input TYPE="image" SRC="Include/Search.gif" ALT="Search" VALUE="submit" id="IMAGE4" name="IMAGE2" onclick="javascript: document.frmAdd.txtaction.value = 'search';" >
Upon clicking on the button, as can be seen in the form action ="IncidentMain.asp", On submit I call a function, which actually gets called properly.
function checkform ( form )
if (form.txtIncidentNumber.value == "") {
alert( "Please Enter Incident Number" );
return false ;
alert("IM HERE");
return true ;
So it definitely gets through this function, then I have my last piece of code to actually do the search which is this:
IF Request.Form("txtaction") = "search" THEN
End if
I do not understand why it happens like that. IT basically looks like it does not want to communicate with the server, it stops short somewhere. Is there any reason why this code would not work?
<form method="post" action="Incident.asp" name="frmuser" onsubmit="return checkform( this )">
<input type="submit" value="Save / Submit" name="btnSubmit"
id="SaveButton" >
this code here doesn't hit the checkform(this) function but it gets to my VB code which starts like this:
if Request.Form("btnSubmit") ="Save / Submit" THEN
The approach could be a lot simpler if you just want to check that a search has been submitted you could use;
Dim is_submit: is_submit = (Len(Request.Form & "") > 0)
If is_submit Then
'We have a POST form submission do something.
End If
or even;
Dim request_method: request_method = LCase(Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") & "")
If request_method = "post" Then
'We have a POST request (likely a form submission).
End If
Storing hidden input values just clutters the HTML and in a lot of cases is unnecessary, when you also have to update them using event handlers in the page you add an extra layer of unnecessary complexity.
However for any of this to work you have to have something to contain the search, the very simplest of forms should look something like;
<form action="IncidentMain.asp" method="post">
<input type="text" name="txtIncidentNumber" value="" />
<input type="image" name="IMAGE2" src="Include/Search.gif" alt="Search" value="submit" />
Add a hidden txtaction input field into the form.
The form is missing the hidden field "txtaction". Add the field and enter the value="search".
And remove the javascript that should have done that.

Mechanizing checkbox with checkbox.check not working

I'm trying to mechanize the select devices part of the Apple Dev Portal "Edit iOS Provisioning Profile", which can be found here (if you're logged in).
The source looks like this:
<form name="profileEdit" method="get" action="" successURL="/account/ios/profile/profileDownload.action?provisioningProfileId=">
<input type="hidden" name="distributionType" value='store'/>
<input type="hidden" name="returnFullObjects" value="false"/>
<div class="nameSection">
<dt class="selectDevices">Devices:</dt>
<dd class="selectDevices">
<div class="table">
<div class="rows">
<div><input type="checkbox" name="deviceIds" class="validate" value="8T8RG7HX" id="devices-6" ><span class="title">iPhone 4 - JC</span></div>
<div><input type="checkbox" name="deviceIds" class="validate" value="7Y9F8N47" id="devices-7" ><span class="title">iPhone 5 - DP</span></div>
<div><input type="checkbox" name="deviceIds" class="validate" value="ZNES97W7" id="devices-8" checked><span class="title">iPhone 5 - JC</span></div>
<div><input type="checkbox" name="deviceIds" class="validate" value="CRDSL7S5" id="devices-9" checked><span class="title">iPod 4 inch</span></div>
<dd class="form-error deviceIds hidden">Please select a Device</dd>
<div class="bottom-buttons">
<a class="button small left cancel"><span>Cancel</span></a>
<a class="button small blue right submit"><span>Generate</span></a>
What I want to do is check all boxes:
form = page.form_with(:name => 'profileEdit') or raise UnexpectedContentError
form.checkboxes_with(:name => 'deviceIds').each do |checkbox|
puts checkbox["id"] # prints correct value of devices-6...
form.method = 'GET'
I get no run time errors, however when I refresh the actual page, not all checkboxes are checked as I intended. Am I missing something?
For this:
form.checkboxes_with(:name => 'deviceIds').each do |checkbox|
puts checkbox["id"] # prints correct value of devices-6...
What do these result in:
tmp1 = form.checkboxes_with(:name => 'deviceIds').map { |cb| cb.check }
tmp2 = form.checkboxes_with(:name => 'deviceIds').map { |cb| cb.checked? }
I would expect [true, true, true, true] for both. If not, something is clearing those out. The check() method is implemented in RadioButton which does clear the checked state of all buttons of the same name, but it should be limited to radiobutton types. The checked attribute is writable by itself, so you could try directly writing it:
form.checkboxes_with(:name => 'deviceIds').each do |cb|
cb.checked = true
And avoid what may be a bug or inconsistency in that page/mechanize/whatever. Just a guess, but something to try.
As for as I have understood, your issue is that you are visiting the actual page after setting checkboxes which will not work. But if you inspect the results returned after submit you will realize that Mechanize has set the check boxes and returned the response.
If you want to visually see that in an actual browser, you may need to use Watir / Webdriver etc.

How to show flash.message in Grails after AJAX call

I want to show some flash message after completion of AJAX call. I am doing like this ..
Controller Action --
def subscribe()
def subscribe = new Subscriber() = params.subscribe
if (
flash.message = "Thanks for your subscribtion"
View Part --
Subscribe :
<g:formRemote onSuccess="document.getElementById('subscribeField').value='';" url="[controller: 'TekEvent', action: 'subscribe']" update="confirm" name="updateForm">
<g:textField name="subscribe" placeholder="Enter your Email" id="subscribeField" />
<g:submitButton name="Submit" />
</g:formRemote >
<div id="confirm">
<g:if test="${flash.message}">
<div class="message" style="display: block">${flash.message}</div>
My AJAX working fine but it is not showing me flash.message. After refresh page it displaying message. How to solve it ?
When you use ajax your page content isn't re-parsed, so your code:
<g:if test="${flash.message}">
<div class="message" style="display: block">${flash.message}</div>
will not run again.
So I agree with #James comment, flash is not the better option to you.
If you need to update your view, go with JSON. Grails already have a converter that can be used to this:
if ( {
render ([message: "Thanks for your subscribtion"] as JSON)
And your view:
<g:formRemote onSuccess="update(data)" url="[controller: 'TekEvent', action: 'subscribe']" name="updateForm">
<g:textField name="subscribe" placeholder="Enter your Email" id="subscribeField" />
<g:submitButton name="Submit" />
</g:formRemote >
<script type='text/javascript'>
function update(data) {
You have couple options,
First you can try to return the message from your controller in a form of json or a map and render it on the screen your self using javascript libraries, which is a bit different if you want to use Grails ajax tags.
The other option is using a plugin like one-time-data , which
Summary A safe replacement for "flash" scope where you stash data in
the session which can only be read once, but at any point in the
future of the session provided you have the "id" required.
This plugin provides a multi-window safe alternative to flash scope
that makes it possible to defer accessing the data until any future
request (so long as the session is preserved).
Hope it helps

Error on submiting form MVC3 .Net

Hi there I have an error when I submit the following form:
<div id="tabs">
<li>Project Details</li>
<li>Project Attachments</li>
<li><a href="#Url.Action("Members", "ProjectNetwork", new { IsTab = true })">Project
<li>Bulleting Board</li>
<li>Bids Received</li>
<div id="LowerButton">
#Html.Hidden("MainStatus", #Model.Status)
#using (#Html.BeginForm("Dashboard", "Dashboard"))
<button type="button" id="MakeComment">
Make a Comment
<input type="submit" id="GoDashBoard" value="Return to Project List" />
When I press the button "GoDashBoard", The method "Dashboard" in the controller "Dashboard" is not reached. Instead the following error appears:
It tells me that a model property is beign sent to the server. However, there are no model properties inside the dashboard form.. unless I'm sending many forms at the same time. But I dont think thats possible right? Do you guys have any idea of why is trying to set a model property when I'm not actually sending any?
this is the input of the dashboard action:
public ActionResult Dashboard(int page = 1)
var user = (User)Session["User"];
if (user != null)
the input is a default integer. However, I saw the trace of the calls and its submiting another form which is not related to the one im using:
That form is inside of one of the ajax tabs. I dont understand how one form submits another form and they are not nested. Anyone knows a good workaround? because im thinking of receiving both forms in both actions and make some validations.
I solved it by removing the form "Dashboard" and instead adding an invisible link. The button would reference the invisible link:
#*#using (#Html.BeginForm("Dashboard", "Dashboard"))
{ *#
<button type="button" id="MakeComment">
Make a Comment
<button name="button" type="button" onclick="document.location.href=$('#GoDashBoard').attr('href')">Return to Project List</button>
<a id="GoDashBoard" href="#Url.Action("Dashboard", "Dashboard")" style="display:none;"></a>
#*<input type="submit" id="GoDashBoard" value="Return to Project List" />*#
#* }*#

Form Submit using a Javascript to invoke webflow transition, doesn't take the updated value on form

I am trying to invoke a form submit using javascript (jquery) to invoke a webflow transition. It works and the submit invokes the desired transition. But, the updated radio button values is not reflected on the model object which is posted.
Here is the code:
<form:form method="post" action="#" commandName="infoModel" name="pageForm">
<form:input type="input" path="testMsg" id="success" />
<input type="button" id="clearSelections" value="Clear Selections">
<div class="question">
<h4><c:out value="${infoModel.questionInfo.description}"/> </h4>
<form:radiobuttons path="infoModel.answerId"
itemValue="answerId" itemLabel="answerDescription" items="${infoModel.answers}" delimiter="<br/>" />
<input type="submit" name="_eventId_saveQualitativeInput" value="Save" id="save" />
$(document).ready(function() {
//Clear selections (copy is server-side)
$('#clearSelections').click(function() {
//$('input[type="radio"]').prop('checked', false);
The form:radiobutton, generates the below html:
<div class="question">
<h4>Is this a general obligation of the entity representing a full faith and credit pledge? </h4>
<input type="radio" checked="checked" value="273" name="infoModel.answerId" id="infoModel.answerId1">
<label for="infoModel.answerId1">Yes</label>
<input type="radio" value="274" name="infoModel.answerId" id="infoModel.answerId2">
<label for="infoModel.answerId2">No</label>
<span class="error"></span>
The input id= "success" value is registered and when the control goes to the server, the value of input id= "success" is updated in the "infoModel" object. But the value of answerId is not updated on the "infoModel" object.
Thoughts if i am missing something in the form:radiobutton element or if there is something else wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks mico! that makes sense. I stripped of some of the code first time to make it precise, but i have a list which is being used for building the radio-buttons, below is the code:
<c:forEach items="${infoModel.list["index"]}" var="qa" varStatus="rowCount">
<div class="question">
<h4><c:out value="${question.questionInfo.description}"/> </h4>
<form:radiobuttons path="list["index"][${rowCount.index}].answerId" itemValue="answerId" itemLabel="answerDescription" items="${question.answers}" delimiter="<br/>" />
Could you please suggest how i could try this one out?
NOTE: The same code works on a regular form submit on click of a button of type submit. Its the javascript form submit which is not working. I also tried to do whatever i want to do in javascript and then invoke the button.trigger('click'); form got submitted but the changes made on form in my javascript didnt reflect.
With commandName inside a form:form tag you set "Name of the model attribute under which the form object is exposed" (see Spring Documentation). Then in path you should tell the continuation of the path inside the model attribute.
With this said I would only drop the extra word infoModel from path="infoModel.answerId" and have it rewritten as path="answerId" there under the form:radiobutton.
