Spring Boot JWT - How to implement Refresh Token and Logout REST-API - spring

We decided to switch from Basic-Auth to JWT because of the session-ids that were stored in the memory and which leads sometimes to over-memory consumption in shoot-down of our Spring-Boot server that serves an Android mobile app like Twitter.
But we have some questions about JWT for our mobile use-case:
How long should an access token lives ?
How long should the refresh token lives ?
How to logout a User by invalidating his access-token and refresh token ? (For the logout we already delete the tokens on the mobile app side, but what if the tokens have being stolen by somebody and are still valid ?)

I will try to answer your queries
How long should an access token live?
You can easily configure expiry time so it depends on your requirement.
In general, try to keep it short.
How long should the refresh token live?
Above goes for refresh token with a condition that refresh token generally lives longer than access token for obvious reasons.
How to logout a User by invalidating his access-token and refresh token?
This part can be a little tricky.
You cannot manually expire a token after it has been created. So, you cannot log out with JWT on the server-side, as you do with sessions.
Can implement a few options like
When a user performs logout action or compromised. Have a blacklist which stores invalid tokens until their initial expiry date. You will need to lookup DB for every request but storage should be less as you will be storing tokens that were between logout & expiry time. You can make the blacklist efficient by keeping it in memory instead of DB.
Store Client IP Address in the claims objects JWT. When validating the token you can check with this client's IP address if it is the same source or not. You can refine it based on need like use User-Agent along with Client IP.
Worst of all reset user credentials or JWT token components to generate a new one which automatically invalidates all existing ones.
Adding a few links for more in-depth detail
Invalidate JWT Token
Destroy JWT Token

I mean it looks more like you should just be using sessions.
JWTs are not a simple replacement. They have a specific function and for some reason they have become embedded as some sort of automatic go to for any auth system.
From what you have described (the lifting of a basic auth to a more secure and modern auth system) you should be using sessions.
Good ol' Cookie sessions.
I'd go in to why more but to sum up:
A) You can control the session without odd stick on "banlist" tables and extra architecture for the JWTs for users that are banned/logged out for a system that doesn't actually need these if you just used traditional cookie based sessions.
B) They are tried and tested and the browser will keep them safe! Session cookies can be made "secure" and "http-only". There are many odd places people put JWTs including the local/session storage of a browser just waiting for a naughty js injected advert to suck them up. JWTs,just like SessionIDs, should
be in an Http-Only, Secure and Same-Site strict Cookie.
So you may as well just use a session ID and get on with life without strange front end state management when the browser is quite happy and doing that securely for you when using a Session Cookie.
C) Traditional sessions are easy to implement. Harder to understand how/why they work with all the SameSite/HttpOnly/CORS/Secure parts going on...but to implement when once understood is 99x easier and require less code when there is the Spring Framework already doing that 99% for you.
I mean sure it isn't hard to write your own JWTAuthTokenAuthFilter and implement a JWTAuthenticationProvider and a JWTCreationService and a `JWTAutoRefreshFilter...and whatever else you dream of...but why bother if you just need a session. Spring does it in like 20 lines of well tested code.
To sum up:
I mean of course properly implemented JWTs are secure...it is just maybe they are not always the best fit tool for a job.
Have a read of:
Stop Using JWTs for Sessions
Of course JWTs have a use. They are for letting a 3rd party know "yes, this is someone I know" before the client hits their API end points. Or for say having one of your servers talk to another of yours...or having client's servers talk to yours or even your servers talk to another companies:
JWT Auth - Best Practices


Does custom security HTTP headers violate separation of concerns

Does custom application specific, security related HTTP headers violate separation of concerns, is it considered a bad practice? I realize using custom header to control the service would tightly couple the client with the service implementation. Or in this case, to control the security framework behavior. The context where I planned using the custom header is the following:
We are using token based authentication, where token has a fixed lifetime, and new token is issued each time authenticated client calls the web API. SPA client may call the server with AJAX in two contexts
User action (navigation and submit)
Automatic refresh (current view re-fetches data at fixed intervals)
Now, if user leaves the page open, the session never expires, as new token is generated for each automatic fetch. Somehow, we need to differentiate user action from automatic refresh in the server side, and issue new token only for user actions.
I realize Websocket based refresh would be one solution, but we have decided to stick with timed AJAX call due specific matters. Another solution would be to provide token refresh as a separate endpoint, but this would violate the DRY principle from client's perspective, and would be more cumbersome to setup with Spring Security.
Only remaining option is to embed the user/automated information in the request itself, and using a header seems a viable option here. A presence of certain header would prevent the token refresh. Easy to implement with a few lines of code.
I'm only concerned, if this couples the client too much with the service implementation. Technically, it doesn't couple client with the service, but the preceding security filter, thus leaking security concerns in the user interface. Ideally security stuff should be transparent to user interface, so new client could be coded without knowing anything about security (especially when cookies are used).
In the other hand, this solution isn't destructive or mutative. It's an optional feature. By client utilizing it, security is enhanced, but in either case never reduced (from the perspective of server, as it is). Now the question is, what principles using a optional header to enhance security is violating, and is it a valid solution in this context?
In my option the security should be maximized transparently, but I don't see how to not leak security concerns in the client in this situation.
It sounds like you're using your own home-built custom Token Authentication solution here. This is not a good idea.
I'll take a moment to explain WHY you don't want to do what you're proposing, and then what the better option is.
First off -- the problem that you're trying to solve here is that you don't want a user to remain logged into your site forever if they leave a tab open. The reason you need to fix this is because right now, you're assigning a new Access Token on EVERY REQUEST from the user.
The correct solution to handling the above problem is to have two types of token.
An Access Token that has a very short lifetime (let's say: 1 hour), and a Refresh Token that has a longer lifetime (let's say: 24 hours).
The way this should work is that:
When the user first authenticates to your service, the Access and Refresh tokens are generated with their respective timeouts.
These tokens are both set in HTTP cookies that the client-side JS cannot access.
From this point on, every time your user's browser makes a request to your service, you'll parse out the Access token from the cookie, check to see if it's valid, then allow the request.
If the Access token is no longer valid (if it has expired), you'll then parse out the Refresh token from the cookie, and see if that is valid.
If the Refresh token is valid, you'll generate a NEW Access token with another 1 hour lifetime, and override the old Access token cookie with the new on.
If the Refresh token is invalid, you'll simply return a 301 redirect to the login page of your app, forcing the user to manually re-authenticate again.
This flow has a number of benefits:
There is a maximum session length, which is technical (duration of Refresh token + duration of Access token) -- aka: 25 hours in this example.
Access tokens are short lived, which means that if a token is somehow compromised, attackers can't use it for very long to impersonate the user.
What's nice about the above flow is that it is a web authorization standard: OAuth2.
The OAuth2 Password Grant flow does EXACTLY what you're describing. It generates both types of tokens, handles 'refreshing' tokens, handles the entire thing from start to finish in a safe, standards-compliant way.
What I'd highly recommend you do is implement an OAuth2 library on both your server and client, which will take care of these needs for you.
Now -- regarding the tokens, most OAuth2 implementations now-a-days will generate tokens as JSON Web Tokens. These are cryptographically signed tokens that provide a number of security benefits.
Anyhow: I hope this was helpful! I author several popular authentication libraries in Python, Node, and Go -- so this comes from my direct experience working with these protocols over the last several years.

Authorize PHP application permanently to make requests to JWT auth protected API

Maybe I searched with the wrong keywords but I never found anything about the following scenario:
I have both an API with JWT auth (Laravel + tymon/jwt-auth) and a PHP application that should query that API protected by a JWT token.
How can I make sure that the app always is authentificated? After reading a lot of tutorials and article about JWT auth I'm left with this ideas:
using a never expiring token which is stored permanently in the consuming application. If I understand it right this could be a security concern because someone who has access to that token has access to the api as long as he want? But I don't understand why this token shouldn't be invalidated if the token has been stolen?
refresh the token on every request and invalidate the old one. This implies that the consuming application have to update the token after each request in it's storage (database would make the most sense, I guess). In my opinion this produces a lot of overhead and it doesn't prevent for jwt-auth's refresh_ttl setting.
using an additional API request (perhabs cron based?) to a refresh route to prevent the token from expiring. Again there is the jwt-auth's refresh_ttl problem I think.
I wonder why there seems to be no discussions/articles about that scenario.
Any help on that subject I would very much welcome!
You don't want your user logging in every time but you also don't want them to be logged forever.
Here are my thoughts
I have worked with 1 year tokens for comercial applications, I was using it for low level third party developers, the api concept was already overwhelming for them so I went easy on the auth thingy. Once every year their application broke and they had to reach out to get the new token, bad design but it worked.
Refreshing your token on every request will kill your performance and let attackers have a consistent way to break/predict your key, no good.
In my opinion, this is your most elegant suggestion. You could use some PWA features to accomplish that.
I would suggest increasing the refresh_ttl to 30 days and keep the ttl on one hour.
If you're using SPA or heavy js apps:
On your javascript you could do an ajax setup (or prototype or whatever your javascript framework uses for oop) and have a call to refresh whenever you get a .
If you're using just common page refresh for your apps, store you JWT on a cookie, then your application can refresh it whenever it needs and there will be no special js to make. HTTPS will take care of security.

Killing "session" with SignalR, OWIN, and Web API

It has been a long road but I have SignalR working with my Web API which uses OWIN for token authentication.
I have a mechanism where if a user authenticates on terminal #1 and then later authenticates on terminal #2, I can send them a Javascript alert saying "Hey, only one session at a time. Which one do you want to log out?"
The question I have is how to kill their "session" on one of the terminals? I say "session", but since this is a REST based API there really is no session. If I could force them to re-authenticate on the terminal they choose to "log out" from that would be sufficient.
I have the SignalR connectionId of each client. Is there a way I can expire their authentication token and force a logout?
Note - The client is separate from the Web API in that they are hosted on two different servers. The client is just HTML/Javascript making calls to the Web API.
If you are using a bearer token approach, and you are not storing tokens (or token hashes) into some kind of persistent storage (e.g. a DB), then you have no way to invalidate a token.
Since OAuth is not an Authentication protocol, it do not have any kind of log out concept in it. Your only option is to remove the token from the client storage (I can imagine it is stored inside the localStorage or in a cookie).
Of course this does not really invalidate anything, and if the token is not deleted for some reason, it can still be used for authorization purposes.
Your only option, if you really need a single access token valid at a single time, is to store some information about it in a database, and check that storage every time you validate the token. You could, for instance, store the hash of the token (never store the real token for this reason, they have the same value of passwords once stored) with the username, but please note that this approach makes your authorization protocol a little less stateless than before.

OAUTH2 - Using refresh tokens to implement sliding expiration

I have a single-page web application that uses OAuth bearer tokens to authenticate users. We do not use cookies, and there is no support for sessions. It simply makes calls to an ASP.NET Web API to access protected resources with an access token. We also support refresh tokens to obtain a new access token.
How would I implement a sliding expiration? I only see three options:
Issue a new access token on every request using the refresh token. This defeats the whole purpose of refresh tokens.
Track when the last request was in the client app. Each request would see when the last one was, and if it was after a set period, log them out and bring up the login screen. If not and their access token has expired, issue a new one and let them continue. This seems kind of messy and insecure to me.
Forget refresh tokens. Store access tokens in a database with the expiration date and update it on every request. I prefer to not do a DB operation on every request.
Is there another option or do one of these actually sound acceptable?
You said there is no session support. But this is pretty much what sessions are for, and ASP.NET and IIS support them with quite a few options for how they are managed, with or without cookies and with or without a database if I recall right. If sessions are not available in your case...
There is also the option of using an encrypted token, which contains session identity and timeout info. Then the server merely needs to know the key for decrypting the token. The server decrypts the token on each request, updates the time and sends a new encrypted token back with the new response. You can send the token as a header, cookie, part of url, take your pick. But cookies and headers are designed for this use pattern and take less work in my experience.
A token that does not decrypt is treated as an unauthorized request. Timeout is handled as you normally would, e.g. using the refresh token to get a new authentication.
If you have a server farm, only the key for decryption has to be shared between the servers. No need for a session in a database or shared cache.
You can elaborate this to expire keys over time. Then servers only have to infrequently check with a directory service, shared cache, or database, message or queue to get the most recent keys. If you generate them properly and expire them faster than someone can brute force hack them, you win! (joke) Windows has apis to support you on the encryption and key management.
I did this for a project years ago with success. It is, in effect implementing sessions without server side state. And as with all session methods and all authentication methods it has vulnerabilities.
But without some special reason to the contrary, I would just use sessions for their intended purpose. If I want each browser tab to have separate authentication I would use header based session tokens. If I want browser tabs in a browser session to share authentication I would use session cookies.
Or I would use your option three, maybe with a shared cache instead of a database, depending on performance requirements and infrastructure. I suspect that IIS+ASP.Net may even do that for you, but I have been away from them too long to know.

Using JWT to implement Authentication on Asp.net web API

I have been reading about JWT.
But from what I read it is not an authentication mechanism but more like a crucial component in a Authentication mechanism.
I have currently implemented a solution which works, but it was just to try out JWT and see how it works. But what I am after now is how one should make use of it. From my experience of it its basically just an encryption mechanism that gives you a unique encrypted key. You are also able to put information inside of this token.
I am wanting to implement it in terms on a ASP.NET web api 2 to be consumed by a mobile application.
So step 1:
app => Server : Login (user, pasword)
Server => app : Login OK, heres your JWT
app => server : Get my profile (sends JWT with request)
Server then decrypts JWT and determines the requests Identity.
Now this is just my understanding of it, Look I could be on the totally wrong path.
Is the Ideal of JWT so that you dont have to authenticate on every request? I just authenticate the users credentials once (on the initial login) and there on after the server can simply use JWT and no have to lookup the users pw and user in the DB?
I just want to use the JWT to Identity who the user is. I will then authorize then after i have authenticated them. As I know there is a big confused with the new MVC and Authentication and Authorization.
So what my question comes down to.
How can I safely and effectively Implement a Authentication Mechanism Using JWT?
I don't want to just cough something up that seems to work and not have any Idea of the security implications. I am sure that there exists a source some where that has possibly designed a secure mechanism that would suit my requirements.
My requirements are:
Must only have to check db for users credentials once off per session? Due to the use of bcrypt using a lot of resources to compare passwords.
Must be able to identify the user from their request. (I.e who they are, userId will be sufficient) and preferably without accessing the DB as well
Should be as low overhead as possible, with regards to resources on the server side processing the request.
If an intruder had to copy a devices previous request, then he should not be able to access the real users data. (obviously)
Your understanding of JWTs is good. But here are a couple corrections and some recommendations.
Authentication and Authorization
JWTs have nothing to do with authentication. Hitting your DB and hashing passwords only happens when you authenticate on creation of the JWT. This is orthogonal to JWTs and you can do that in any way you like. I personally like Membership Reboot, which also has a good example of using JWTs.
Theoretically, you could have the user enter a password once a year and have the JWT be valid that entire year. This most likely not the best solution, if the JWT gets stolen at any point the users resources would be compromised.
Tokens can, but don't have to be encrypted. Encrypting your tokens will increase the complexity of your system and amount of computation your server needs to read the JWTs. This might be important if you require that no one is able to read the token when it is at rest.
Tokens are always cryptographically signed by the issuer to ensure their integrity. Meaning they cannot be tampered with by the user or a third party.
Your JWTs can contain any information you want. The users name, birthdate, email, etc. You do this with claims based authorization. You then just tell your provider to make a JWT with these claims from the Claims Principle. The following code is from that Membership Reboot example and it shows you how this is done.
public override Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
var svc = context.OwinContext.Environment.GetUserAccountService<UserAccount>();
UserAccount user;
if (svc.Authenticate("users", context.UserName, context.Password, out user))
var claims = user.GetAllClaims();
var id = new System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity(claims, "MembershipReboot");
return base.GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(context);
This allows you to control with precision whom is accessing your resources, all without hitting your processor intensive authentication service.
A very easy way to implement a Token provider is to use Microsoft's OAuth Authorization Server in your WebAPI project. It give you the bare bones of what you need to make a OAuth server for your API.
You could also look into Thinktecture's Identity Server which would give you much easier control over users. For instance, you can easily implement refresh tokens with identity server where the user is authenticated once and then for a certain amount of time (maybe a month) they can continue getting short lived JWTs from the Identity Server. The refresh tokens are good because they can be revoked, whereas JWTs cannot. The downside of this solution is that you need to set up another server or two to host the Identity service.
To deal with your last point, that an intruder should not be able to copy the last request to get access to a resource, you must use SSL at a bare minimum. This will protect the token in transport.
If you are protecting something extremely sensitive, you should keep the token lifetime to a very short window of time. If you are protecting something less sensitive, you could make the lifetime longer. The longer the token if valid, the larger the window of time a attacker will have to impersonate the authenticated user if the user's machine is compromised.
I've written detailed blog post about configuring the OWIN Authorization server to issue signed JSON Web Tokens instead of default token. So the resource servers (Audience) can register with the Authorization server, and then they can use the JWT tokens issued by Token issuer party without the need to unify machineKey values between all parties. You can read the post JSON Web Token in ASP.NET Web API 2 using Owin
For the formal concept . The Authentication is the process of verifying who a user is, while authorization is the process of verifying what they have access to.
Let’s see the real life example
Imagine that your neighbor has asked you to feed his pets while he is away. In this example, you have the authorization to access the kitchen and open the cupboard storing the pet food. However, you can’t go into your neighbor’s bedroom as he did not explicitly permit you to do so. Even though you had the right to enter the house (authentication), your neighbor only allowed you access to certain areas (authorization).
For more detailed and for users who like more STEP BY STEP implementation on practical use of JSON Web Token in WEB API. This is must read post Secure WebAPI Using JSON WEB TOKEN
Updated to use: System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt -Version 5.1.4
