Laravel backpack select2_from_ajax setting my value as null after the correct value has been saved - laravel

Im having a weird problem.
Im using laravel backpack for an admin panel. There i use select2_from_ajax to list a values according to another field in create operation. It is showing up correctly as expected & i can select one too.
But after selection when i click save & back it gives me an error
That means my column doesn't allow to update to null right.
So when i go back & check the column it has saved the correct value.
But when default value of my column was null this error will not showup & db value would be changed to null.
This is my select2_from_ajax part.
$this->crud->addField([ // Select
'label' => "Link Type",
'type' => 'select_from_array',
'name' => 'link_type', // the db column for the foreign key
'options' => [1 => 'Product',0 => 'Collection'],
'allows_null' => false,
$this->crud->addField([ // Select
'label' => "Link To", // Table column heading
'type' => "select2_from_ajax",
'name' => "link_to",
'entity' => 'link',
'attribute' => "name",
'data_source' => url('admin/itemtype'),
'placeholder' => "Select a item",
'minimum_input_length' => 0,
'include_all_form_fields' => true,
'dependencies' => ['link_type'],
So why is it trying to set null value after the correct value?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
My admin/itemtype function:
$search_term = $request->input('q');
$form = collect($request->input('form'))->pluck('value', 'name');
if ($search_term) {
if ($form['link_type'] == 0) {
$items = Collection::where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $search_term . '%')->paginate(10);
} else {
$items = Product::where('title', 'LIKE', '%' . $search_term . '%')->paginate(10);
} else {
if ($form['link_type'] == 0) {
$items = Collection::paginate(10);
} else {
$items = Product::paginate(10);
return $items;


Undefinde offset:1 when importing laravel excel

this my code cause the trouble,
$cust = Customer::where('name', '=', $data[$i][0]['customer_name'])
this one for get customer id when i do store to sales order
$sales = array(
'customer_id' => Customer::where('name', '=', $data[$i][0]['customer_name'])->pluck('customer_id')[0],
'logistics_id' => Logistic::where('logistics_name', '=', $data[$i][0]['logistics'])->pluck('logistics_id')[0],
'subtotal' => $data[$i][0]['subtotal_rp'],
'shipping_cost' => $data[$i][0]['shipping_cost_rp'],
'discount_code' => 0,
'date_of_sales' => $data[$i][0]['date'],
'grand_total' => $data[$i][0]['grand_total_rp'],
'tax' => $data[$i][0]['tax_rp'],
'status' => $data[$i][0]['status'],
'discount_amount' => $data[$i][0]['discount_amount_rp']
$store_so = SalesOrder::create($sales);
but, when i do dd(), i get the right data
First of all, you need to check if the $data variable returns the data as you expect.
Next, you need to check that the $data array has the number of elements according to $total_data.
dd(count($data) == $total_data));
So basically, you just need to give condition or try-catch (recommended) :
if (isset($data[$i][0])) {
$customer = Customer::where('name', $data[$i][0]['customer_name'])->first();
$logistic = Logistic::where('logistics_name', $data[$i][0]['logistics'])->first();
dd('No customer found!');
dd('No logistic found!');
$sales = [
'customer_id' => $customer->customer_id,
'logistics_id' => $logistic->logistics_id,
'subtotal' => $data[$i][0]['subtotal_rp'],
'shipping_cost' => $data[$i][0]['shipping_cost_rp'],
'discount_code' => 0,
'date_of_sales' => $data[$i][0]['date'],
'grand_total' => $data[$i][0]['grand_total_rp'],
'tax' => $data[$i][0]['tax_rp'],
'status' => $data[$i][0]['status'],
'discount_amount' => $data[$i][0]['discount_amount_rp'],
$store_so = SalesOrder::create($sales);
dd('No $data[$i][0] found!');
PS : I recommend using the first() method instead of pluck('customer_id')[0].
It seems you need to get a customer_id from a customer_name.
Try to make everything simple:
$sales = array(
'customer_id' => Customer::where('name', $data[$i][0]['customer_name'])->first()->id,

Laravel Backpack select2_from_ajax select change the result and default value

For the backpack-demo, I would like to show the ID and Title together.
For the search result no issue, selected at the select2 also no issue, the problem is after save, it will not display, it become blank.
How can I set it?
Like below
[ // select2_from_ajax: 1-n relationship
'label' => 'Select2_from_ajax', // Table column heading
'type' => 'select2_from_ajax',
'name' => 'select2_from_ajax', // the column that contains the ID of that connected entity;
'entity' => 'article', // the method that defines the relationship in your Model
'attribute' => 'id_title', // foreign key attribute that is shown to user
'model' => "Backpack\NewsCRUD\app\Models\Article", // foreign key model
'data_source' => url('api/article'), // url to controller search function (with /{id} should return model)
'placeholder' => 'Select an article', // placeholder for the select
'minimum_input_length' => 2, // minimum characters to type before querying results
'tab' => 'Relationships',
'wrapperAttributes' => ['class' => 'form-group col-md-12'],
if ($search_term) {
return Article::
selectRaw("CONCAT('Article ID: ', id,' | Title: ', Title) AS id_title, articles.*")
->where('title', 'LIKE', '%'.$search_term.'%')->paginate(10);
} else {
return Article::selectRaw("CONCAT('Article ID: ', id,' | Title: ', Title) AS id_title, articles.*")
The solution is at the Article Model create another accessor function
public function getIdTitleAttribute()
return 'Article ID: ' . $this->id . ' | Title: ' . $this->title;

Show Out Of Stock text in Magento

I need to add on my dropdown list an style into thee out of stock text, im already using this:
if (count($productsIndex) == 1) {
$stockItem = Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')
if ($stockItem->getQty() == 0) {
$value['text'] .= ' Out Of Stock';
$info['options'][] = array(
'id' => $value['value_index'],
'label' => $value['label'],
'price' => $configurablePrice,
'oldPrice' => $this->_prepareOldPrice($value['pricing_value'], $value['is_percent']),
'products' => $productsIndex,
But this will show
12 Out Of Stock
This will display next to the size, how can i give style to this ?

Laravel insert array to DB and associate another array with it's id's

I am looping through an array and generate 3 arrays. One that goes to Event table, one for address table and another for geoloc table. Problem is that geoloc + address table needs event_id which is a foreign key linked to id in event table. I am doing a bulk insert because there are a lot of records in the array, roughly about 1500. Is it possible to associate address and geoloc with event id when $event is a bulk insert?
foreach ($facebookEvents as $facebookEvent) {
if (!empty($facebookEvent['event_times'][0]['start_time'])) {
foreach ($facebookEvent['event_times'] as $recurrence) {
$eventsArray[] = [
'type' => 'Facebook Event',
'startdate' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($recurrence['start_time'])),
'endate' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($recurrence['end_time'])),
'startime' => date('H:i:s', strtotime($facebookEvent['start_time'])),
'endtime' => date('H:i:s', strtotime($facebookEvent['end_time'])),
'title' => $facebookEvent['name'],
'description' => $facebookEvent['description'],
'entity_id' => $event,
$addressArray[] = [
'town' => $facebookEvent['place']['location']['city'],
'address' => $facebookEvent['place']['location']['street'],
'postcode' => $facebookEvent['place']['location']['zip'],
// also event id from each $eventsarray
$geolocArray[] = [
'lat' => $facebookEvent['place']['location']['latitude'],
'lng' => $facebookEvent['place']['location']['longitude'],
// also event id from each $eventsarray saved
} catch (Exception $e) {
$error = $e->getMessage();
$env = config('');
$command = 'Facebook Recalculate';
Notification::route('slack', '')
->notify(new JobErrorNotification($error, $env, $command));
$event = Event::insert($eventsArray);
//save address array and add $event->id for each one
// same for geoloc
$algolia = Event::all()->searchable();

Laravel insert or update multiple rows

Im new in laravel, and im trying to update my navigation tree.
So i want to update my whole tree in one query without foreach.
array('id'=>1, 'name'=>'some navigation point', 'parent'='0'),
array('id'=>2, 'name'=>'some navigation point', 'parent'='1'),
array('id'=>3, 'name'=>'some navigation point', 'parent'='1')
I just want to ask - is there posibility in laravel to insert(if new in array) or update my current rows in database?
I want to update all, because i have fields _lft, _right, parent_id in my tree and im using some dragable js plugin to set my navigation structure - and now i want to save it.
I tried to use
Navigation::updateOrCreate(array(array('id' => '3'), array('id'=>'4')), array(array('name' => 'test11'), array('name' => 'test22')));
But it works just for single row, not multiple like i tried to do.
Maybe there is another way to do it?
It's now available in Laravel >= 8.x
The method's first argument consists of the values to insert or update, while the second argument lists the column(s) that uniquely identify records within the associated table. The method's third and final argument is an array of columns that should be updated if a matching record already exists in the database:
['departure' => 'Oakland', 'destination' => 'San Diego', 'price' => 99],
['departure' => 'Chicago', 'destination' => 'New York', 'price' => 150]
], ['departure', 'destination'], ['price']);
I wonder why this kind of feature is not yet available in Laravel core (till today). Check out this gist The result of the query string would look like this: here
I am putting the code here just in case the link breaks in the future, I am not the author:
* Mass (bulk) insert or update on duplicate for Laravel 4/5
* insertOrUpdate([
* ['id'=>1,'value'=>10],
* ['id'=>2,'value'=>60]
* ]);
* #param array $rows
function insertOrUpdate(array $rows){
$table = \DB::getTablePrefix().with(new self)->getTable();
$first = reset($rows);
$columns = implode( ',',
array_map( function( $value ) { return "$value"; } , array_keys($first) )
$values = implode( ',', array_map( function( $row ) {
return '('.implode( ',',
array_map( function( $value ) { return '"'.str_replace('"', '""', $value).'"'; } , $row )
} , $rows )
$updates = implode( ',',
array_map( function( $value ) { return "$value = VALUES($value)"; } , array_keys($first) )
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$table}({$columns}) VALUES {$values} ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$updates}";
return \DB::statement( $sql );
So you can safely have your arrays inserted or updated as:
array('id'=>1, 'name'=>'some navigation point', 'parent'='0'),
array('id'=>2, 'name'=>'some navigation point', 'parent'='1'),
array('id'=>3, 'name'=>'some navigation point', 'parent'='1')
Just in case any trouble with the first line in the function you can simply add a table name as a second argument, then comment out the line i.e:
function insertOrUpdate(array $rows, $table){
NB: Be careful though to sanitise your input! and remember the timestamp fields are not touched. you can do that by adding manually to each arrays in the main array.
I've created an UPSERT package for all databases:
['id' => 1, 'name' => 'some navigation point', 'parent' => '0'],
['id' => 2, 'name' => 'some navigation point', 'parent' => '1'],
['id' => 3, 'name' => 'some navigation point', 'parent' => '1'],
Eloquent Style
public function meta(){ // in parent models.
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\DB_CHILD', 'fk_id','local_fk_id');
$parent= PARENT_DB::findOrFail($id);
$metaData= [];
foreach ($meta['meta'] as $metaKey => $metaValue) {
if ($parent->meta()->where([['meta_key', '=',$metaKey]] )->exists()) {
$parent->meta()->where([['meta_key', '=',$metaKey]])->update(['meta_value' => $metaValue]);
$metaData[] = [
'meta_value'=> $metaValue
No, you can't do this. You can insert() multiple rows at once and you can update() multiple rows using same where() condition, but if you want to use updateOrCreate(), you'll need to use foreach() loop.
I didn't find a way to bulk insert or update in one query. But I have managed with only 3 queries. I have one table name shipping_costs. Here I want to update the shipping cost against the shipping area. I have only 5 columns in this table id, area_id, cost, created_at, updated_at.
// first get ids from table
$exist_ids = DB::table('shipping_costs')->pluck('area_id')->toArray();
// get requested ids
$requested_ids = $request->get('area_ids');
// get updatable ids
$updatable_ids = array_values(array_intersect($exist_ids, $requested_ids));
// get insertable ids
$insertable_ids = array_values(array_diff($requested_ids, $exist_ids));
// prepare data for insert
$data = collect();
foreach ($insertable_ids as $id) {
'area_id' => $id,
'cost' => $request->get('cost'),
'created_at' => now(),
'updated_at' => now()
// prepare for update
->whereIn('area_id', $updatable_ids)
'cost' => $request->get('cost'),
'updated_at' => now()
in your controller
use DB;
public function arrDta(){
array('id'=>2, 'name'=>'test11'),
array('id'=>4, 'name'=>'test22')
echo "fjsdhg";
foreach ($up_or_create_data as $key => $value) {
echo "key ".$key;
echo "<br>";
echo " id: ".$up_or_create_data[$key]["id"];
echo "<br>";
echo " Name: ".$up_or_create_data[$key]["name"];
if (Navigation::where('id', '=',$up_or_create_data[$key]["id"])->exists()) {
DB::table('your_table_ name')->where('id',$up_or_create_data[$key]["id"])->update(['name' => $up_or_create_data[$key]["name"]]);
DB::insert('insert into your_table_name (id, name) values (?, ?)', [$up_or_create_data[$key]["id"], $up_or_create_data[$key]["name"]]);
