Fastly CDN Heroku url redirecting - heroku

I recently added Fastly domain from addons in heroku application. And when fastly was provisioned I got a test url which is as follows:
Whenever I click on this url it gets redirected to for some unknown reason.
Note my nodejs app uses Heroku-SSL-Redirect. Is it because of this?
I have already followed setup guide and asked multiple issues from the support
And nearest question I find to SO is following
Adding Fastly to a Heroku app does not forward to proper url
Clearing browser cache or changing browser did not help me. Can you please try hitting fastly url on your computer and let me know if you are also face same redirect problem?

Yes, very likely the library (Heroku-SSL-Redirect) is the issue.
In the end, you have two separate requests. An encrypted HTTPS/SSL request from the browser. And then an unencrypted request from Fastly to Heroku.
Your node-application and the library only see the unencrypted request and return the redirect.
There are two ways to solve this:
You configure Fastly do do encrypted requests to Heroku as its backend.
Every routing / proxy layer (fastly, but also the Heroku routing layer) typically use the X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP header to tell the backend application that the initial request was already encrypted. So either heroku-ssl-redirect doesn't look at the header, or it did get lost somewhere on way.


CORS request did not succeed

I have a problem when I want to create an authentication system using VueJs as the frontend (http://localhost:8080/#/login) and Laravel 5.6 as the backend. When I try to submit login form using the api login url, I get the error message:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows
reading the remote resource at
(Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
I don't know how to solve this problem.
Could anyone here help me to solve my problem?
NOTE : I have to install laravel-cors before
This is an old question, but I'll reply nonetheless.
For me this error was caused by a self-signed certificate. If you open developer tools, select the network tab, click the call that failed CORS you can see the security tab. Click it to open it. If a cert is giving you problems the text "An error occurred: SEC_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_USAGE" should be visible.
To resolve this just go to the URL that gave you the CORS error, and accept the cert manually.
Cross Origin Resource Sharing is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell a browser to allow the web application running on one origin (client) have permission to access selected resources from a server at a different origin.
Basically, your Vue app (http://localhost:8080) needs to be allowed access to your Laravel endpoint ( This is to prevent me from hitting your Laravel endpoint from my malicious website and acting like an authenticated user.
Based on the docs, you need to add 'allowedOrigins' => ['*'], but that means you're opening up your backend to all requests. That's fine if it's a public API but in this context it doesn't sound like you want that. Instead, in this case it would be 'allowedOrigins' => ['localhost:8080'], so that your Vue app can consume your Laravel server.
You have to use either localhost or for all the requests. In general in your code you should make calls to the server by just appending the URI to the current host, without re-adding the host and port in the URI string. If you load your page from a given host, for example and then try to make an AJAX request to another host, for example, the request gets blocked to prevent XSS attacks
It sounds like you are running this in dev mode via webpack currently? If that is correct and your workflow is that you are going to build the Vue application and have it co-reside with your Laravel backend then you just need to update config/index.js to have a proxyTable entry that forwards webpack requests to the correct dev Laravel backend server.
This would look something like this.
module.exports = {
dev: {
proxyTable: {
"/": ""
There is additional information available on how this works;
I was stuck with this error recently while I was trying to get one of our old websites hosted via Azure (App Services) up and running again.
Reason: CORS request did not succeed was the error showing in the browser console, however, it turned that for our case the URL mentioned in the CORS error doesn't exist anymore - its referring to the old https://****** service url we had (previous hosted in Azure - App Services).
So also check that the URL mentioned in the CORS-error is in fact working.
In my case the computer was not displaying the correct date and time. When I try to view the page I would get the "CORS request did not succeed." Once I updated to the correct time and date the page displayed normally.
I had to change the base URL of axios. I didn't notice it was https://, not http://
file: src\store\index.js
change the
axios.defaults.baseURL = ''
axios.defaults.baseURL = ''
Note: Make sure it's exactly same URL and Port. You can see that in terminal where you start the laravel application (php artisan serve).

Azure and CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin with ajax and php

First I'm not in the web side of our world, so be nice with the backend guy.
A quick background : For a personal need I've developped a google chrome extension. They are basically a webpage loaded in a chrome windows and... yeah that's it. Everything is on the client side (scripts, styles, images, etc...) Only the data are coming from a server through ajax calls. A cron job call a php script every hours to generate two files. One, data.json contains the "latest" datas in a json format. Another one hash.json contain the hash of the data. The client chrome application use local storage. If the remote hash differ from the local one, he simply retrieve the data file from the remote server.
As I have a BizSpark account with Azure my first idea was : Azure Web Site with php for the script, a simple homepage and the generated file and the Azure Scheduler for the jobs.
I've developed everything locally and everything is running fine... but once on the azure plateform I get this error
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:23415' is therefore not allowed access.
But what I really can't understand is that I'm able (and you'll be too) to get the file with my browser... So I just don't get it... I've also tried based on some post I've found on SO and other site to manipulate the config, add extra headers, nothing seems to be working...
Any idea ?
But what I really can't understand is that I'm able (and you'll be
too) to get the file with my browser... So I just don't get it
So when you type in in your browser's address bar, it is not a cross-domain request. However when you make an AJAX request from an application which is running in a different domain (http://localhost:23415 in your case), that's a cross-domain request and because CORS is not enabled on your website, you get the error.
As far as enabling CORS is concerned, please take a look at this thread: HTTP OPTIONS request on Azure Websites fails due to CORS. I've never worked with PHP/Azure Websites so I may be wrong with this link but hopefully it should point you in the right direction.
Ok, will perhap's be little troll answer but not my point (I'm .net consultant so... nothing against MS).
I pick a linux azure virtual machine, installed apache and php, configure apache, set some rights and define the header for the CROS and configure a cron in +/- 30minutes... As my goal is to get it running the problem is solved, it's running.

Cross Domain request for service using SproutCore

I have been trying to get this resolved, without any success.
I have a webapp residing on my domain, say I need to call a service which is present on another domain, say
I'm using SproutCore's SC.Request.getUrl( to call that service.
I get an error that says, Origin is not allowed by access-control-allow-origin.
When I was in dev stages, and using sc-server, the issue was resolved using proxies. Now that I have deployed the app to an actual server, I replaced all the lines where I had set up the proxy with the actual domain name. I have started getting that error again.
The problem is that I CANNOT MAKE ANY CHANGES to the server on the other domain. All the posts that I have come across state that the other server on the other domain ought to provide access-control-allow-origin header and that it ought to support the OPTIONS verb.
My question is, is it possible for me to connect to that service using SproutCore's SC.Request.getUrl() method?
Additionally, the other posts that I have read mentioned that a simple GET request ought not to be preflighted. Why then are my requests going as OPTION instead of GET?
Thanks a ton in advance! :D
This is not a Sproutcore issue; it's a javascript Same Origin Policy issue.
If you can't modify the production server, you have no option but to develop your own proxy server, and have your proxy hit the real service.
This is effectively replacing sc-server in your production environment.
All this server would do is take the incoming request and pass it along to
You would need to make sure you passed all parameters, cookies, headers, the http verb, etc....
This is far from ideal, because now errors can occur in more places. Did the real service fail? Did the proxy fail? etc.
If you could modify the other domain, you could
1) deploy your SC app there.
2) put in the CORS headers so you could make cross domain requests

Google checkout callback can't seem to reach https server

I am trying to implement Google Check out (GCO) on a new server, the process seemed to work fine on the old server.
The error from GCO integration console is the timeout error you might expect if there is load on the server and/or the response takes longer than 3 seconds to respond.
To perform a test (not integrating with my database), I have set some code to send an email to me instead. If I hit the https url manually, I get the email and I can see an output to the screen. If I then leave it as that, Google still returns the Timeout error and I don't get an email. So I have doubts as to whether google is even able to hit the https url.
I did temporarily attempt to use the unsecure url for testing and indeed I received the email, however this solution isn't the route we've developed for, so the problem is something to do with the secure url specifically.
I have looked into the certificate which is a UTN-USERFirst-Hardware which is listed as accepted on . I have also tried to temporarily disable the firewall with no joy. Does anyone have any sugestions?
Good to hear you figured out the problem.
I'm adding the links below to add a litle more context for future readers about how Google Checkout uses HTTP Basic Authentication:

Deploying web app on HTTPS automatically makes my AJAX calls HTTPS too?

My application will be deployed on HTTPS (currently it is in development and running on HTTP).
Will deploying the web app on HTTPS automatically make my AJAX calls HTTPS as well? I am using relative URLs in the AJAX calls, so i am thinking that when the absolute URL is constructed, HTTPS will be appended automatically.
please let me know. thanks for your response
If you are using relative URLs, then yes.
However, it is really important to test this before running live, as certain browsers(at least IE6) will display a really alarming warning if you try to load resources like images using a non-https connection.
