In a class inheriting from another, how can I set a value in the constructor of the base class? - xamarin

I have this code:
using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace Test
public partial class ScrollHeadingView : ContentPage
public ScrollHeadingView()
// more code here
if (RightIconVisible)
// do some actions to add elements to each other here
var rightIconPageHeadingSvg = new PageHeadingSvg() { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand }
.Bind(PageHeadingSvg.SourceProperty, nameof(RightIconSource), source: this);
public partial class DecksTabPage : ScrollHeadingView
public DecksTabViewModel vm;
public DecksTabPage()
RightIconVisible = true;
BindingContext = vm = new DecksTabViewModel();
protected override void OnAppearing()
I am setting RightIconVisible to true and want that to be reflected in ScrollHeadingView when it is constructed.
But it's not happening.
Is there a way that I can set this to happen with code in DecksTabPage?
Note that if I was using XAML I would have done this by binding to the IsVisible of a grid and then set the IsVisible to show or not show that code that has the elements. But as I am using C# I am not sure how to do this.

Constructor of parent class works before any code in constructor of child class.
To pass some value to parent class constructor, you should add a constructor parameter to it and call base constructor from child with needed value.
For example:
public partial class ScrollHeadingView : ContentPage
public ScrollHeadingView(bool rightIconVisible = false)
RightIconVisible = rightIconVisible;
if (RightIconVisible)
// do some actions to add elements to each other here
public partial class DecksTabPage : ScrollHeadingView
public DecksTabViewModel vm;
public DecksTabPage():base(true)
BindingContext = vm = new DecksTabViewModel();
protected override void OnAppearing()
Other possibility is to remove code working with RightIconVisible from parent class constructor and put it into set of corresponding property.
public partial class ScrollHeadingView : ContentPage
private bool rightIconVisible;
public ScrollHeadingView()
protected bool RightIconVisible
get => rightIconVisible;
rightIconVisible = value;
if (rightIconVisible)
// do some actions to add elements to each other here
public partial class DecksTabPage : ScrollHeadingView
public DecksTabViewModel vm;
public DecksTabPage()
RightIconVisible = true;
BindingContext = vm = new DecksTabViewModel();
protected override void OnAppearing()


Implementing a UISearchController using MVVMCross

I have an app which I am converting from iOS only to iOS & Droid using MVVMCross.
In my current app I have a map view that uses a UISearchController that allows the user to search for locations nearby. This is based on the Xamarin example and works fine:
Xamarin Map Example
For the conversion I have:
a MapView bound to a MapViewModel.
A search service which is injected into MapViewModel.
Created a UISearchController and bound the search text to a property on the MapViewModel.
When the text is updated the search is called and the results are retrieved. What I am struggling with is how to bind the results back to a SearchResultsView as this is presented by the UISearchController.
Can anyone give me advice or point me in the right direction to solve this.
I have the code snippet below to give an idea of what I have relied so far.
public partial class MapView : MvxViewController<MapViewModel>
public MapView(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
public override void ViewDidLoad()
var searchResultsController = new SearchResultsView();
//Not sure if this is required
//var searchUpdater.UpdateSearchResults += searchResultsController.Search;
var searchController = new UISearchController(searchResultsController)
//Nore sure if this is required
//SearchResultsUpdater = searchUpdater
searchController.SearchBar.SearchBarStyle = UISearchBarStyle.Minimal;
searchController.SearchBar.Placeholder = "Enter a search query";
searchController.HidesNavigationBarDuringPresentation = false;
DefinesPresentationContext = true;
NavigationItem.TitleView = searchController.SearchBar;
//Bind to View Model
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<MapView, MapViewModel>();
set.Bind(searchController.SearchBar).To(vm => vm.SearchQuery);
public class SearchResultsUpdator : UISearchResultsUpdating
public event Action<string> UpdateSearchResults = delegate { };
public override void UpdateSearchResultsForSearchController(UISearchController searchController)
public partial class SearchResultsView : MvxTableViewController<SearchResultsViewModel>
public SearchResultsView() { }
public SearchResultsView(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
public override void ViewDidLoad()
var source = new SearchResultsTableViewSource(TableView);
TableView.Source = source;
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<SearchResultsView, SearchResultsViewModel>();
set.Bind(source).To(vm => vm.Results);
public partial class SearchResultsView : MvxTableViewController<SearchResultsViewModel>
public SearchResultsView() { }
public SearchResultsView(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
public override void ViewDidLoad()
var source = new SearchResultsTableViewSource(TableView);
TableView.Source = source;
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<SearchResultsView, SearchResultsViewModel>();
set.Bind(source).To(vm => vm.Results);
I have posted this in case someone else is looking for an example. I decided the best way to do this was to let iOS handle the search view controller for the results. Code follows. Feel free to correct or suggest a better alternative
public partial class MapView : MvxViewController
UISearchController _searchController;
SearchResultsViewController _searchResultsController;
private IDisposable _searchResultsUpdateSubscription;
private IMvxInteraction _searchResultsUpdatedInteraction;
public IMvxInteraction SearchResultsUpdatedInteraction
get => _searchResultsUpdatedInteraction;
if (_searchResultsUpdateSubscription != null)
_searchResultsUpdateSubscription = null;
_searchResultsUpdatedInteraction = value;
if (_searchResultsUpdatedInteraction != null)
_searchResultsUpdateSubscription = _searchResultsUpdatedInteraction.WeakSubscribe(OnSearchResultsUpdated);
private void OnSearchResultsUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
_searchResultsController.SearchResults = Results;
public List<Placemark> Results { get; set; }
public MapView(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
public override void ViewDidLoad()
//Bind to View Model
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<MapView, MapViewModel>();
set.Bind(_searchController.SearchBar).To(vm => vm.SearchQuery);
set.Bind(this).For(v => v.Results).To(vm => vm.Results);
set.Bind(this).For(v => v.SearchResultsUpdatedInteraction).To(vm => vm.SearchResultsUpdatedInteraction).OneWay();
public class MapViewModel : MvxViewModel
readonly ILocationService _locationService;
private MvxInteraction _searchResultsUpdatedInteraction = new MvxInteraction();
public IMvxInteraction SearchResultsUpdatedInteraction => _searchResultsUpdatedInteraction;
public MapViewModel(ILocationService locationService)
_locationService = locationService;
//***** Properties *****
private List<Placemark> _results;
public List<Placemark> Results
get => _results;
_results = value;
private string _searchQuery;
public string SearchQuery
get => _searchQuery;
_searchQuery = value;
//***** Privates *****
private async Task UpdateResultsAsync()
Results = await _locationService.SearchForPlacesAsync(_searchQuery);
public class SearchResultsViewController : UITableViewController
static readonly string mapItemCellId = "mapItemCellId";
public List<Placemark> SearchResults { get; set; }
public SearchResultsViewController()
SearchResults = new List<Placemark>();
public override nint RowsInSection(UITableView tableView, nint section)
return SearchResults == null ? 0 : SearchResults.Count;
public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
var cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(mapItemCellId);
if (cell == null)
cell = new UITableViewCell();
cell.TextLabel.Text = SearchResults[indexPath.Row].FeatureName;
return cell;
public override void RowSelected(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
//Do stuff here
public void ReloadSearchTable()

XamarinForms: how use a Custom Navigation Page

I order to have a cutom navigation on a specific view on my app,
I create a Custom Navigation ios:
public class CustomNavigationPageRenderer : NavigationRenderer
public override void ViewDidLoad()
UINavigationBar.Appearance.SetBackgroundImage(new UIImage(), UIBarMetrics.Default);
UINavigationBar.Appearance.ShadowImage = new UIImage();
UINavigationBar.Appearance.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
UINavigationBar.Appearance.TintColor = UIColor.White;
UINavigationBar.Appearance.BarTintColor = UIColor.Clear;
UINavigationBar.Appearance.Translucent = true;
and a common interface class:
public partial class CustomPage : NavigationPage
public CustomPage(): base()
public CustomPage(Page root) : base(root)
public bool IgnoreLayoutChange { get; set; } = false;
protected override void OnSizeAllocated(double width, double height)
if (!IgnoreLayoutChange)
base.OnSizeAllocated(width, height);
Now, In my specific view, how have I use it?
I need to set on false the original navigation? (NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);​)
public MySpecificViewNeedCustoNAv()
CustomPage myNavigationPage = new CustomPage();
need to set on false the original navigation?
No , you can refer the following code.
For example
Creating the Root Page in App.cs
public App ()
MainPage = new CustomPage (new xxxpage());
Pushing Pages to the Navigation Stack in your page
async void ButtonClicked (object sender, EventArgs e)
await Navigation.PushAsync (new xxxpage());

How can I access a property of a page in a ViewModel?

I have this code that creates a ViewModel for the page. However in the Viewmodel I want to access the property correctButtonPressed but it's not available.
How can I access this?
public partial class PhrasesFrame : Frame
public int correctButtonPressed;
public PhrasesFrameViewModel vm = new PhrasesFrameViewModel();
public PhrasesFrame() {
private string abc()
var a = correctButtonPressed;
public class PhrasesFrameViewModel : ObservableProperty
private ICommand bButtonClickedCommand;
public ICommand BButtonClickedCommand
return bButtonClickedCommand ??
(bButtonClickedCommand = new Command(() =>
// Next line gives an error "use expression body for accessors" "use expression body for properties.
correctButtonPressed = 123;
Expose it as a property on the view model and have the view access it.
public partial class PhrasesFrame : Frame {
public PhrasesFrameViewModel vm = new PhrasesFrameViewModel();
public PhrasesFrame() {
private string abc() {
//View can access correctButtonPressed via the view model.
var a = vm.correctButtonPressed;
public class PhrasesFrameViewModel : ObservableProperty {
public int correctButtonPressed;
private ICommand bButtonClickedCommand;
public ICommand BButtonClickedCommand {
get {
return bButtonClickedCommand ??
(bButtonClickedCommand = new Command(() => {
correctButtonPressed = 123;

NavigationService throws NullReferenceException

Using MVVM Light, I'm trying to develop a rather simple WP7 application. I've run into a problem using the navigation service. I can navigate to a page, but after pressing the back button I can't navigate to the same page again. NavigationService throws a NullReferenceException.
I have implemented my navigation using Messaging from the GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messaging namespace. All my views inherits from a customized PhoneApplicationPage base class that registrers a listener on "NavigationRequest":
public class PhoneApplicationPage : Microsoft.Phone.Controls.PhoneApplicationPage
public PhoneApplicationPage() : base()
Messenger.Default.Register<Uri>(this, "NavigationRequest", (uri) => NavigationService.Navigate(uri));
From my view models I post Uri's to this listener:
SendNavigationRequestMessage(new Uri("/View/AppSettingsView.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
Like i said, this works except when navigating after pressing the Back button.
Why is this and how can I solve it?
Is there a better way to implement navigation using MVVM Light?
I'm using MVVM Light as well. I have a class called PageConductor, which is based on what John Papa (Silverlight MVP) from Microsoft uses. Here's the PageConductor Service I use
public class PageConductor : IPageConductor
protected Frame RootFrame { get; set; }
public PageConductor()
Messenger.Default.Register<Messages.FrameMessage>(this, OnReceiveFrameMessage);
public void DisplayError(string origin, Exception e, string details)
string description = string.Format("Error occured in {0}. {1} {2}", origin, details, e.Message);
var error = new Model.Error() { Description = description, Title = "Error Occurred" };
Messenger.Default.Send(new Messages.ErrorMessage() { Error = error });
public void DisplayError(string origin, Exception e)
DisplayError(origin, e, string.Empty);
private void OnReceiveFrameMessage(Messages.FrameMessage msg)
RootFrame = msg.RootFrame;
private void Go(string path, string sender)
RootFrame.Navigate(new Uri(path, UriKind.Relative));
public void GoBack()
In my MainPage.xaml.cs constructor, I have this, which creates an instance of my ContentFrame in my PageConductor service.:
Messenger.Default.Send(new Messages.FrameMessage() { RootFrame = ContentFrame });
I then use dependency injection to instantiate an instance of my PageConductor Service into my MainPage ViewModel. Here is my MainViewModel class:
protected Services.IPageConductor PageConductor { get; set; }
public RelayCommand<string> NavigateCommand { get; set; }
public MainViewModel(Services.IPageConductor pageConductor)
PageConductor = pageConductor;
private void RegisterCommands()
NavigateCommand = new RelayCommand<string>(
(source) => OnNavigate(source));
private void OnNavigate(string sender)
PageConductor.GoToView(sender, "main");
Notice the instance of my PageConductorService as a parameter in my MainViewModel constructor method. I pass this in via my ViewModelLocator:
private readonly TSMVVM.Services.ServiceProviderBase _sp;
public ViewModelLocator()
_sp = Services.ServiceProviderBase.Instance;
#region MainPageViewModel
public static MainViewModel MainStatic
Services.ServiceProviderBase SP = Services.ServiceProviderBase.Instance;
if (_main == null)
return _main;
Justification = "This non-static member is needed for data binding purposes.")]
public MainViewModel Main
return MainStatic;
public static void ClearMain()
_main = null;
public static void CreateMain(Services.ServiceProviderBase SP)
if (_main == null)
_main = new MainViewModel(SP.PageConductor);
For further reference, my Messages.FrameMessage class is simply:
internal class FrameMessage
public Frame RootFrame { get; set; }
I've had no issues with forward/back buttons.

Castle Windsor: master controller not resolving the registered components in the container

Having the code below in my Global.asax.cs and two controller (one based on a the other: MasterController) I don't seem to find how can I resolve the repository register in my WindsorContainer from the MasterController... the same applies in the HomeController and works perfectly... what am I doing wrong?
private IWindsorContainer _container;
protected void Application_Start()
protected void Application_End()
protected void Application_EndRequest()
if (_container != null)
var contextManager = _container.Resolve<IContextManager>();
private void InitializeContainer()
_container = new WindsorContainer();
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new WindsorControllerFactory(_container));
// Register context manager.
//Products repository
// Register all MVC controllers
.Configure(c => c.LifeStyle.Transient)
Controller base:
public class MasterController : Controller
private IProductRepository _productRepository;
public ProductController(IProductRepository product)
_productRepository = product;
public ActionResult Index()
ViewData["product"] = _productRepository.FindOne(123);
return View();
Controller based on MasterController:
public class ProductController : MasterController
private IProductRepository _productRepository;
public ProductController(IProductRepository product)
_productRepository = product;
public ActionResult Search(int id)
ViewData["product"] = _productRepository.FindOne(id);
return View();
It is working as expected now and the ViewDatas are accessible from any controller/view.
First I created a public class where I store my Windsor container so it can be accessed from any controller:
public static class IOCcontainer
public static IWindsorContainer Container { get; set; }
Then in my global.asax.cs I have:
protected void Application_Start()
private void InitializeContainer()
_container = new WindsorContainer();
// Register context manager.
//Products repository
// Register all MVC controllers
.Configure(c => c.LifeStyle.Transient)
IOCcontainer.Container = _container; //set the container class with all the registrations
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new WindsorControllerFactory(_container));
So now in my master controller I can use:
public class MasterController : Controller
private IProductRepository g_productRepository;
public MasterController() : this(null,null,null,null,null)
public MasterController(IProductRepository productRepository)
g_productRepository = productRepository ?? IOCcontainer.Container.Resolve<IProductRepository>();
//I don't use an action here, this will make execute it for any action in any controller
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
if (!(context.ActionDescriptor.ActionName.Equals("Index") && context.Controller.ToString().IndexOf("Home")>0)) {
//I now can use this viewdata to populate a dropdownlist along the whole application
ViewData["products"] = g_productRepository.GetProducts().ToList().SelectFromList(x => x.Id.ToString(), y => y.End.ToShortDateString());
Then the rest of controllers:
//will be based on MasterController
public class AboutController : MasterController
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
Probably not the most elegant way to do it but it will do until I find a better way or someone else brighten my mind up!
