Why conda doesn't remove packages for removed environment? - anaconda

I am not an expert in informatics stuffs. I deleted an environment that had many packages, one of them psi4 using the command:
conda remove --name myenv --all
However, in the folder:
there are still some folders like:
psi4-1.3.2+ecbda83-py37h06ff01c_1, psi4-rt-1.3.2-py37h6cf1279_1
And the same happened for other packages that I manually identified, therefore, I assume that the same happen for the rest of the packages that belonged to this environment. And the problem is that these files take space from my disk and I really don't know how many and what are the packages on this situation.
Is there some way to delete all these non-used folders in order to free space?
Thanks in advance.

The command you used just removes the environment or installed package not the downloaded binary files. You can clean those up using:
conda clean -a


Conda environment creation eats up a lot of space

I want to create a docker image, on Google VM.
One of the steps of the image is a conda environment creation. This is the command from the dockerfile (i am omiting the RUN):
conda env create -n cq -f environment.yml
This command installs a lot of packages and i end up without disk space.
I have two questions.
I am not sure what the -f environment.yml does. I search for this flag online, but i could not find any example together with a .yml file.
Can i remove some of the un-necessary packages before the installation happens?
-f is an alias for --file
What constitutes an unnecessary package? (I assume you have nothing unnecessary in your environment file.) Maybe you're asking about the packages bundled by installing a complete Anaconda distribution? You may find this guide helpful (including some links in the intro).
Try looking at some of Conda Forge's images to get an idea of best practice examples, maybe Miniforge3 4.10.0 to suggest a specific one.
At minimum one should make an effort to clean after every Conda operation, and do it in a chained operation so Docker doesn't save an intermediate with temporary files. A start would be
RUN conda env create -n cq -f environment.yml && conda clean -afy

Can I remove the anaconda while leaving the conda (Ubuntu)? [duplicate]

I had installed Anaconda on my system before I knew the difference between Anaconda and Miniconda. I would like to downsize to Miniconda since I don't want the bloat of Anaconda, but I already have a handful of environments set up.
So far the only way I can think of migrating is to completely get rid of everything right now, install Miniconda, and then recreate my environments by hand, but that seems quite arduous. Is there a smarter way of going about this?
I agree with #darthbith: Export the envs to YAML files (conda env export) then recreate them once you have Miniconda installed (conda env create).
While there are some experimental tools for packaging and moving envs (i.e., so you avoid having to redownload packages), they only work on a single env basis. So, I can't see how going this route one could avoid making multiple copies of many of the shared files. Instead, if you let Conda handle the environment (re)creation, it will leverage hardlinks to minimize disk usage, and that seems to be one of your aims.
It may be possible to avoid redownloading packages during the environment recreations by retaining the pkgs directory in the root of your Anaconda install, then copying its contents over into the pkgs of the Miniconda install. I would only copy folders/tarballs that don't conflict with the ones that come with Miniconda. After finishing environment recreation, then a conda clean -p would likely be in order, since Anaconda includes many packages that likely aren't getting reused.

deleting conda environment safely?

I'm new to anaconda and conda. I have created an identical environment in two different directories. Is it safe to just delete the env folder or the environment that I no longer need, or do I need to do something in the anaconda prompt to remove the environment thoroughly? I'm not sure if creating an environment in a local folder leaves a trace in the registry or somewhere else in the computer that needs to be removed too?
conda remove --name myenv --all
Another option is
conda env remove --name myenv
Effectively no difference from the accepted answer, but personally I prefer to use conda env commands when operating on whole envs, and reserve conda remove for managing individual packages.
The difference between these and deleting the folder manually is that Conda provides action hooks for when packages are removed, and so allows packages to execute pre-unlink and post-unlink scripts.

Conda: Choose where packages are downloaded for each environment

I am running different conda env and I'd like to specify where the packages are downloaded to, rather than having all of them in my $home.
I have found this question which, at time of writing, has no answers. However, my question is different: I don't want to specify the pkg_dir in my .condarc because I want to have a different download dir for each project (space is not an issue).
How do I define the pkg_dir for a specific conda env?
To note, I'm creating environments as conda env create -f my_env.yml -p complete-env.
A fundamental concept of conda is that packages get downloaded and extracted to a shared cache, from which they are selectively linked into the different conda environments. You want to work against this concept, so whatever you do will be hacky and have repercussions.
You could install a separate Miniconda for each of your projects, and (try to) make sure that they don't know about eachother by removing all conda-related files and environment settings from your home directory, or even use a different HOME for each project. Before working with a project, you'd have to put the correct conda on the PATH.
Or you could install Miniconda on a dedicated drive apart from your home directory, and put the conda environments inside your home directory. That would prevent conda from hard-linking the files. It would still download the packages into the shared cache, but then copy only the relevant files into each of your projects. Of course, copying is slower than hard-linking.
Specifying the package directory per environment rather than per conda installation is not possible, as darthbith has already pointed out in a comment.

can I use it without creating locks in the root install dir?

I'm trying to use a Conda installation that was installed by a user other than myself, and with the root installation directory having read only perms.
Supposedly this is doable in the latest version of Conda and the envs_dirs setting, but even with the envs_dirs setting set to a writable path, Conda still tries to create locks in the read only root install path. Is there any way around this?
For anyone looking at this in the future - https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/1329
This issue addresses a multitude of problems with running shared user environments in Conda. As of time of this posting, it's partially supported and somewhat hacky, though check the link for status.
