Go, FreeBSD, iovec and syscalls - go

I've been trying to make a syscall to FreeBSD's jail_set without success.
It uses an array of iovec when receiving the syscall, but returns me always a "Bad Address".
Here's the part of the code that creates the IOVEC:
func (p Params) buildIovec() ([]unix.Iovec, error) {
iovSize := len(p) * 2
iovec := make([]unix.Iovec, iovSize)
var itr int
for paramKey, paramValue := range p {
arrayParamKey := []byte(paramKey)
// Adds a nullbyte
// Jail parameters are passed as an array
// of name-value pairs in the array iov, containing niov
// elements. Parameter names are a null-terminated
// string, and values may be strings, integers,
// or other arbitrary data.
// Ref: https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=jail&sektion=3&manpath=FreeBSD+11.1-stable
arrayParamKey = append(arrayParamKey, 0)
size := len(arrayParamKey)
iovec[itr] = unix.Iovec{
Base: (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&arrayParamKey)),
Len: uint64(size),
rv := reflect.ValueOf(paramValue)
var arrayValueBytes []byte
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
arrayValueBytes = []byte(rv.String())
arrayValueBytes = append(arrayValueBytes, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, errors.New("invalid value passed in for key: " + paramKey)
arrayValueSize := len(arrayValueBytes)
iovec[itr] = unix.Iovec{
Base: (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&arrayValueBytes)),
Len: uint64(arrayValueSize),
return iovec, nil
And then the syscall is called with:
_, _, e1 := unix.Syscall(uintptr(call), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&iov)), uintptr(len(iov)), flags)
Where call represents the jail_set int 507, and flags is the uintptr of 1 (represents the CREATE).
Also, Params is a map[string]interface{} where the key is the key of the jail config, and the value is the value of the config (this explains the loop in the buildIovec).
This is based in https://github.com/briandowns/jail but I've been changing some things to see if it works.

Your value is passing the address of the slice header for the slice of bytes, not the address of the start of the actual bytes.
[]byte(rv.String()) will create a small slice header.
unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(rv.String())) will probably get you closer to working code.


How to get columns data from golang apache-arrow?

I am using apache-arrow/go to read parquet data.
I can parse the data to table by using apach-arrow.
reader, err := ipc.NewReader(buf, ipc.WithAllocator(alloc))
if err != nil {
return nil
defer reader.Release()
records := make([]array.Record, 0)
for reader.Next() {
rec := reader.Record()
defer rec.Release()
records = append(records, rec)
table := array.NewTableFromRecords(reader.Schema(), records)
Here, i can get the column info from table.Colunmn(index), such as:
for i, _ := range table.Schema().Fields() {
a := table.Column(i)
But the Column struct is defined as
type Column struct {
field arrow.Field
data *Chunked
and the println result is like
However, this is not a string or slice. Is there anyway that i can get the data of each column with string type or []interface{} ?
I find that i can use reflect to get the element from col.
But i am not sure if this is the recommended way to use it.
When working with Arrow data, there's a couple concepts to understand:
Array: Metadata + contiguous buffers of data
Record Batch: A schema + a collection of Arrays that are all the same length.
Chunked Array: A group of Arrays of varying lengths but all the same data type. This allows you to treat multiple Arrays as one single column of data without having to copy them all into a contiguous buffer.
Column: Is just a Field + a Chunked Array
Table: A collection of Columns allowing you to treat multiple non-contiguous arrays as a single large table without having to copy them all into contiguous buffers.
In your case, you're reading multiple record batches (groups of contiguous Arrays) and treating them as a single large table. There's a few different ways you can work with the data:
One way is to use a TableReader:
tr := array.NewTableReader(tbl, 5)
defer tr.Release()
for tr.Next() {
rec := tr.Record()
for i, col := range rec.Columns() {
// do something with the Array
Another way would be to interact with the columns directly as you were in your example:
for i := 0; i < table.NumCols(); i++ {
col := table.Column(i)
for _, chunk := range col.Data().Chunks() {
// do something with chunk (an arrow.Array)
Either way, you eventually have an arrow.Array to deal with, which is an interface containing one of the typed Array types. At this point you are going to have to switch on something, you could type switch on the type of the Array itself:
switch arr := col.(type) {
case *array.Int64:
// do stuff with arr
case *array.Int32:
// do stuff with arr
case *array.String:
// do stuff with arr
Alternately, you could type switch on the data type:
switch col.DataType().ID() {
case arrow.INT64:
// type assertion needed col.(*array.Int64)
case arrow.INT32:
// type assertion needed col.(*array.Int32)
For getting the data out of the array, primitive types which are stored contiguously tend to have a *Values method which will return a slice of the type. For example array.Int64 has Int64Values() which returns []int64. Otherwise, all of the types have .Value(int) methods which return the value at a particular index as you showed in your example.
Hope this helps!
Make sure you use v9
(import "github.com/apache/arrow/go/v9/arrow") because it have implemented json.Marshaller (from go-json)
Use "github.com/goccy/go-json" for Marshaler (because of this)
Then you can use TableReader to Marshal it then Unmarshal with type []any
In your example maybe look like this:
import (
tr := array.NewTableReader(tabel, 6)
defer tr.Release()
// fmt.Printf("tbl.NumRows() = %+v\n", tbl.NumRows())
// fmt.Printf("tbl.NumColumn = %+v\n", tbl.NumCols())
// keySlice is for sorting same as data source
keySlice := make([]string, 0, tabel.NumCols())
res := make(map[string][]any, 0)
var key string
for tr.Next() {
rec := tr.Record()
for i, col := range rec.Columns() {
key = rec.ColumnName(i)
if res[key] == nil {
res[key] = make([]any, 0)
keySlice = append(keySlice, key)
var tmp []any
b2, err := json.Marshal(col)
if err != nil {
err = json.Unmarshal(b2, &tmp)
if err != nil {
// fmt.Printf("key = %s\n", key)
// fmt.Printf("tmp = %+v\n", tmp)
res[key] = append(res[key], tmp...)
fmt.Println("res", res)

Append to golang slice passed as empty interface

How to append to empty interface (that has been verified to be a *[]struct)?
func main() {
var mySlice []myStruct // myStruct can be any struct (dynamic)
decode(&mySlice, "...")
func decode(dest interface{}, src string) {
// assume dest has been verified to be *[]struct
var modelType reflect.Type = getStructType(dest)
rows, fields := getRows(src)
for _, row := range rows {
// create new struct of type modelType and assign all fields
model := reflect.New(modelType)
for field := fields {
fieldValue := getRowValue(row, field)
castedModelRow := model.Elem().Interface()
// append model to dest; how to do this?
// dest = append(dest, castedModelRow)
Things I've tried:
This simply panics: reflect: call of reflect.Append on ptr Value (as we pass &mySlice instead of mySlice)
dest = reflect.Append(reflect.ValueOf(dest), reflect.ValueOf(castedModelRow))
This works but doesn't set the value back to dest... in main func, len(mySlice) remains 0 after decode function is called.
func decode(dest interface{}, src string) {
result := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(modelType), rowCount, rowCount)
for _, row : range rows {
result = reflect.Append(result, reflect.ValueOf(castedModelRow))
dest = reflect.ValueOf(result)
Here's how to fix the second decode function shown in the question. The statement
dest = reflect.ValueOf(result)
modifies local variable dest, not the caller's value. Use the following statement to modify the caller's slice:
The code in the question appends decoded elements after the elements created in reflect.MakeSlice. The resulting slice has len(rows) zero values followed by len(rows) decoded values. Fix by changing
result = reflect.Append(result, reflect.ValueOf(castedModelRow))
Here's the update version of the second decode function in the question:
func decode(dest interface{}, src string) {
var modelType reflect.Type = getStructType(dest)
rows, fields := getRows(src)
result := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(modelType), len(rows), len(rows))
for i, row := range rows {
model := reflect.New(modelType).Elem()
for _, field := range fields {
fieldValue := getRowValue(row, field)
Run it on the Playground.
You were very close with your original solution. You had to de-reference the pointer before calling the append operation. This solution would be helpful if your dest already had some existing elements and you don't want to lose them by creating a newSlice.
tempDest := reflect.ValueOf(dest).Elem()
tempDest = reflect.Append(tempDest, reflect.ValueOf(model.Interface()))
Similar to how #I Love Reflection pointed out, you finally need to set the new slice back to the pointer.
Overall Decode:
var modelType reflect.Type = getStructType(dest)
rows, fields := getRows(src)
tempDest := reflect.ValueOf(dest).Elem()
for _, row := range rows {
model := reflect.New(modelType).Elem()
for _, field := range fields {
fieldValue := getRowValue(row, field)
tempDest = reflect.Append(tempDest, reflect.ValueOf(model.Interface()))

Pass slice as function argument, and modify the original slice

I know everything is passed by value in Go, meaning if I give a slice to a function and that function appends to the slice using the builtin append function, then the original slice will not have the values that were appended in the scope of the function.
For instance:
nums := []int{1, 2, 3}
func addToNumbs(nums []int) []int {
nums = append(nums, 4)
fmt.Println(nums) // []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
fmt.Println(nums) // []int{1, 2, 3}
This causes a problem for me, because I am trying to do recursion on an accumulated slice, basically a reduce type function except the reducer calls itself.
Here is an example:
func Validate(obj Validatable) ([]ValidationMessage, error) {
messages := make([]ValidationMessage, 0)
if err := validate(obj, messages); err != nil {
return messages, err
return messages, nil
func validate(obj Validatable, accumulator []ValidationMessage) error {
// If something is true, recurse
if something {
if err := validate(obj, accumulator); err != nil {
return err
// Append to the accumulator passed in
accumulator = append(accumulator, message)
return nil
The code above gives me the same error as the first example, in that the accumulator does not get all the appended values because they only exist within the scope of the function.
To solve this, I pass in a pointer struct into the function, and that struct contains the accumulator. That solution works nicely.
My question is, is there a better way to do this, and is my approach idiomatic to Go?
Updated solution (thanks to icza):
I just return the slice in the recursed function. Such a facepalm, should have thought of that.
func Validate(obj Validatable) ([]ValidationMessage, error) {
messages := make([]ValidationMessage, 0)
return validate(obj, messages)
func validate(obj Validatable, messages []ValidationMessage) ([]ValidationMessage, error) {
err := v.Struct(obj)
if _, ok := err.(*validator.InvalidValidationError); ok {
return []ValidationMessage{}, errors.New(err.Error())
if _, ok := err.(validator.ValidationErrors); ok {
messageMap := obj.Validate()
for _, err := range err.(validator.ValidationErrors) {
f := err.StructField()
t := err.Tag()
if v, ok := err.Value().(Validatable); ok {
return validate(v, messages)
} else if _, ok := messageMap[f]; ok {
if _, ok := messageMap[f][t]; ok {
messages = append(messages, ValidationMessage(messageMap[f][t]))
return messages, nil
If you want to pass a slice as a parameter to a function, and have that function modify the original slice, then you have to pass a pointer to the slice:
func myAppend(list *[]string, value string) {
*list = append(*list, value)
I have no idea if the Go compiler is naive or smart about this; performance is left as an exercise for the comment section.
For junior coders out there, please note that this code is provided without error checking. For example, this code will panic if list is nil.
Slice grows dynamically as required if the current size of the slice is not sufficient to append new value thereby changing the underlying array. If this new slice is not returned, your append change will not be visible.
package main
import (
func noReturn(a []int, data ...int) {
a = append(a, data...)
func returnS(a []int, data ...int) []int {
return append(a, data...)
func main() {
a := make([]int, 1)
noReturn(a, 1, 2, 3)
fmt.Println(a) // append changes will not visible since slice size grew on demand changing underlying array
a = returnS(a, 1, 2, 3)
fmt.Println(a) // append changes will be visible here since your are returning the new updated slice
[0 1 2 3]
You don't have to return the slice if you are updating items in the slice without adding new items to slice
Slice you passed is an reference to an array, which means the size is fixed. If you just modified the stored values, that's ok, the value will be updated outside the called function.
But if you added new element to the slice, it will reslice to accommodate new element, in other words, a new slice will be created and old slice will not be overwritten.
As a summary, if you need to extend or cut the slice, pass the pointer to the slice.Otherwise, use slice itself is good enough.
I need to explain some important facts. For adding new elements to a slice which was passed as a value to a function, there are 2 cases:
the underlying array reached its capacity, a new slice created to replace the origin one, obviously the origin slice will not be modified.
the underlying array has not reached its capacity, and was modified. BUT the field len of the slice was not overwritten because the slice was passed by value. As a result, the origin slice will not aware its len was modified, which result in the slice not modified.
When appending data into slice, if the underlying array of the slice doesn't have enough space, a new array will be allocated. Then the elements in old array will be copied into this new memory, accompanied with adding new data behind

Expanding a slice's size to prevent slice bounds out of range error

I have written the following:
func main() {
//inside main
fileInputBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/tmp/test")
byteSize2 := len(fileInputBytes)
var inputFileByteSlice = fileInputBytes[0:]
var numberOfIndexes = math.Floor(float64(byteSize / indexingOffset))
for i := 1; i <= int(numberOfIndexes); i++ {
// adding i to the indexer insures that we use lookahed to ignore previously inserted indexing values
var v int = (i * indexingOffset) + i
Insert(&inputFileByteSlice, v+i, indexingByteValue)
//outside main
//variation of https://blog.golang.org/slices with pointers and such
func Insert(slice *[]byte, index int, value byte) {
// Grow the slice by one element.
(*slice) = (*slice)[0 : len(*slice)+1]
// Use copy to move the upper part of the slice out of the way and open a hole.
copy((*slice)[index+1:], (*slice)[index:])
// Store the new value.
(*slice)[index] = value
// Return the result.
The slice bounds out of range error is getting on my nerves. The length of the slice grows outside of the size and overflows, the reason I don't understand is that I thought the call to 'grow' the slice by one element(before copy) will dynamically allocate more space. Since that is not the case, can anyone offer me a better suggestion?
First of all, a slice is already a reference type. So you don't need to pass its pointer around if you are not going to change its capacity. So your main can be simplified as:
func main() {
fileInputBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/tmp/test")
byteSize2 := len(fileInputBytes)
// No need to use pointer to slice. If you want a brand new slice
// that does not affect the original slice values, use copy()
inputFileByteArray := fileInputBytes
var numberOfIndexes = math.Floor(float64(byteSize / indexingOffset))
for i := 1; i <= int(numberOfIndexes); i++ {
var v int = (i * indexingOffset) + i
// Insert needs to return the newly updated slice reference
// which should be assigned in each iteration.
inputFileByteArray = Insert(inputFileByteArray, v+i, indexingByteValue)
Then, the Insert function can be simplified simply by using append along with copy and returning the newly created slice:
func Insert(slice []byte, index int, value byte) []byte {
if index >= len(slice) {
// add to the end of slice in case of index >= len(slice)
return append(slice, value)
tmp := make([]byte, len(slice[:index + 1]))
copy(tmp, slice[:index])
tmp[index] = value
return append(tmp, slice[index:]...)
This may not be the best implementation but it is simple enough. Example usage at: https://play.golang.org/p/Nuq4RX9XQD
Your function only works if the slice happens to have enough initial capacity. If you need more capacity, you can only "grow" the slice using the append function. You can still use the *[]byte pointer argument to modify the slice in place like so:
func Insert(slice *[]byte, index int, value byte) {
*slice = append(*slice, 0)
copy((*slice)[index+1:], (*slice)[index:])
(*slice)[index] = value
However, it's more customary to return a new slice value, and reassign it each time. This gives you a similar function signature to the builtin append.
func Insert(slice []byte, index int, value byte) []byte {
slice = append(slice, 0)
copy(slice[index+1:], slice[index:])
slice[index] = value
return slice

Walking through go struct fields with reflect doesn't match case map[string]interface{}

I have unusual task:
1. parse json message to Go struct
2. verify that all fields in JSON are within specific limits:
- string fields length no longer fixed constant
- maps contain no more than fixed number elements
- if values of map keys are nested structs verify for above 2 rules
To do this I use reflect, then iterating over elements,
and doing type checking:
- if int or float - nothing to do - no verification
- if string - verify length (and return if failed)
- if map verify map length (and return if failed), then iterate over map values and recursively check if their fields violate string/map rules
- default (I assume that this is struct nested JSON structure): convert it to interface slice and do recursive call.
In JSON, I would have different map value types like:
- map[string]MyStruct1
- map[string]MyStruct2
- etc.
So when I'm doing type checking I write:
case map[string]interface{}
But in my program this case is never matched and goes to case default,
causing some error.
Any possible way to match type with case - map[string]interface{} ????
Here is my code for reference:
func validate(vals []interface{}) bool {
result := true
for _, elem := range vals {
switch v := elem.(type) {
case int, float64:
fmt.Println("Got int or float: ", v)
case string:
fmt.Println("Got string", v)
if len(elem.(string)) > 5 {
fmt.Println("String rule Violation!")
result = false
fmt.Println("After Break")
case map[string]interface{}:
fmt.Println("Got map", v)
if len(elem.(map[string]interface{})) > 1 || !validate(elem.([]interface{})) {
fmt.Println("Map length rule Violation!")
result = false
fmt.Println("Got struct:", v)
// Convert to interface list all other structures no string/int/float/map:
new_v := reflect.ValueOf(elem)
new_values := make([]interface{}, new_v.NumField())
for j := 0; j < new_v.NumField(); j++ {
new_values[j] = new_v.Field(j).Interface()
// Recursively call for validate nested structs
if !validate(new_values) {
result = false
fmt.Println("After Break 2")
return result
func main() {
// Test truct:
x := C{1, B{"abc", A{10, 0.1, map[string]Host{"1,2,3,4": Host{""}}}}}
// Conversion:
v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
values := make([]interface{}, v.NumField())
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
values[i] = v.Field(i).Interface()
// Validate function verification
In this example I can't ever reach case: map[string]interface{}
Big kudos on helpful suggestions!
The problem is case map[string]interface{} won't match map[string]Host so it will get parsed as a struct, which it isn't.
You will either have to check new_v.Kind() and handle maps via reflection or add a special case for map[string]Host.
