How do I make Laravel write a log showing my problem? - laravel

I'm writing my first Laravel app that also includes Vue. I'm pretty new to both Laravel and Vue so please be gentle ;-) I'm using Laravel 8.4.x and Vue 2.6.12 on Windows 10.
In my very first axios invocation, I'm trying to write of a single record to a database table in a submit method of my Vue component, I'm getting Http status code 500, internal server error. The response in the console says that Laravel doesn't see a controller with the name ToDoController. I have no idea why that would be since I created it properly with php artisan and I can see it in VS Code.
In looking at other posts to try to understand this problem, I see that people recommend looking in the server logs to find out more information. I'm not sure if the logs will have information not found in the response situated in the browser console but I won't know until I look at it. The problem is that I don't know where to look for my log.
According to the Laravel docs, logging is governed by config/logging.php and that file says:
use Monolog\Handler\NullHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\SyslogUdpHandler;
return [
| Default Log Channel
| This option defines the default log channel that gets used when writing
| messages to the logs. The name specified in this option should match
| one of the channels defined in the "channels" configuration array.
'default' => env('LOG_CHANNEL', 'stack'),
| Log Channels
| Here you may configure the log channels for your application. Out of
| the box, Laravel uses the Monolog PHP logging library. This gives
| you a variety of powerful log handlers / formatters to utilize.
| Available Drivers: "single", "daily", "slack", "syslog",
| "errorlog", "monolog",
| "custom", "stack"
'channels' => [
'stack' => [
'driver' => 'stack',
'channels' => ['single'],
'ignore_exceptions' => false,
'single' => [
'driver' => 'single',
'path' => storage_path('logs/laravel.log'),
'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'),
'daily' => [
'driver' => 'daily',
'path' => storage_path('logs/laravel.log'),
'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'),
'days' => 14,
'slack' => [
'driver' => 'slack',
'url' => env('LOG_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL'),
'username' => 'Laravel Log',
'emoji' => ':boom:',
'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'critical'),
'papertrail' => [
'driver' => 'monolog',
'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'),
'handler' => SyslogUdpHandler::class,
'handler_with' => [
'host' => env('PAPERTRAIL_URL'),
'port' => env('PAPERTRAIL_PORT'),
'stderr' => [
'driver' => 'monolog',
'handler' => StreamHandler::class,
'formatter' => env('LOG_STDERR_FORMATTER'),
'with' => [
'stream' => 'php://stderr',
'syslog' => [
'driver' => 'syslog',
'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'),
'errorlog' => [
'driver' => 'errorlog',
'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'),
'null' => [
'driver' => 'monolog',
'handler' => NullHandler::class,
'emergency' => [
'path' => storage_path('logs/laravel.log'),
If I'm understanding this correctly, that means that errors at DEBUG or above are being written to logs/laravel.log, which I should be seeing in VS Code. But I do not even have a logs directory, let alone a laravel.log file.
Do I need to do something to create these logs in the first place as part of creating a new project? If so, what? If not, why don't I see my log? A server error is significant enough to get written into the log, right?
Also, while we're on the subject of logs, I have a chicken and egg question: does the value of LOG_CHANNEL in the logging.php file get set from the .env file or does the .env file get the value in the logging.php file? In other words, if I want to change my logging behaviour, which one do I alter?

The logs directory is located in the storage directory. So it's storage/logs/laravel.log.
Also, you can choose to log anything you want to using the Log facade. See laravel writing log messages []. Anything that is wrapped in the env() function is being pulled from the env file. The second param allows you to set a default if that value is not set or available in the env file. 1

#Donkarnash - I strongly suspect you've identified the problem. I'm not up on the new features of Laravel 8. What would my Route look like if I have a FQCN for the controller? I've tried all the variations I can think of but nothing works, including url('app/Http/Controllers/ToDoController')
Since Laravel 8 the default namespace App\Http\Controllers is not set in the RouteServiceProvider - which is a welcome change.
So now when defining routes in routes files say routes/web.php FQCN of the controller must be used
use App\Http\Controllers\ToDoController;
Route::get('/todos', [ToDoController::class, 'index']);
//OR without importing the use statement
Route::get('/todos', [\App\Http\Controllers\ToDoController::class, 'index']);
If you want you can also use namespace method for route groups
Route::get('/todos', 'ToDoController#index');
Route::get('/todos/{todo}', 'ToDoController#show');
Using FQCN as in either importing use statement or inline also provides benefits of easy navigation and code suggestions in IDE's
To revert back to the old convention and set default namespace you should declare
$namespace in RouteServiceProvider
* The controller namespace for the application.
* When present, controller route declarations will automatically be prefixed with this namespace.
* #var string|null
protected $namespace = 'App\\Http\\Controllers';


How to create multiple log files in laravel?

Like the state itself, I want to create multiple Log files for different processes.
I am using Laravel-8.
I have also created the 1 logging file with the help of logging.php in the config folder.
I want to keep track of my created commands with their own separate log file.
How can I create my separate log file for that commands?
I did this by having only a log for daily. "config/logging.php"
'channels' => [
'stack' => [
'driver' => 'stack',
'channels' => ['daily'],
'ignore_exceptions' => false,
You should use config/logging.php to create custom channel for each command
'driver' => 'single',
'path' => storage_path('logs/LOG_FILE_NAME.log'),
'level' => 'DESIRED_LEVEL',
and change CHANNEL_NAME, LOG_FILE_NAME and DESIRED_LEVEL values as you want.
Note: 'level' => 'DESIRED_LEVEL' is optional. it can be single level or array of levels (laravel v8.x).
Then when you want to log anything in your command class, Log like following code
->info('Something happened!');
Below code will generate custom log file.
//Your code here
}catch(\Exception $e){
$cusLog = new Logger('stack');
$err_file_name = $task_id."_".time();
$syncHistory['file_name'] = $err_file_name;
$cusLog->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(storage_path('logs/'.$err_file_name.'.log')), Logger::INFO);
$cusLog->info('error', ['Exception'=>$e->getTraceAsString(),'message'=>$e->getMessage()]);
Hope this will be useful.

Laravel logging to to custom channel does not consider minimum level

So i made a custom logging handler with a custom logger to log to db, and it works correctly.
What i cannot manage to work is the minimum loggin level define in the configuration.
To test it i made a stack with single and my custom channel (let's call it database), hanving both a error level, and logged a message for every log level with artisan: the daily file contains 4 messages, but my custom channel has 8 messages while i expected only 4.
Testing with a stack of single and daily instead work correctly, so this makes me think that i have to handle the minimum loggin level in my custom classes, but i couldn't find anywhere something that tells it explicitly.
Is not a problem to update my custom classes to check the log level, but i want to be sure that i'm not mistaking something else about laravel logging.
'channels' => [
'stack' => [
'driver' => 'stack',
'channels' => ['single', 'daily'],
//'channels' => ['single', 'database'],
'ignore_exceptions' => false,
'single' => [
'driver' => 'single',
'path' => storage_path('logs/laravel.log'),
'level' => 'error',
'database' => [
'driver' => 'custom',
'handler' => App\Logging\CustomLoggingHandler::class,
'via' => App\Logging\CustomLogger::class,
'level' => env('MIN_DB_LOGGING_LEVEL', 'error'),

Creating Custom BigQueryHandler in Laravel

Hello there I am supposed to transfer artisan logs to bigquery and store it. I wrote Custom Channel
'channels' => [
'stack' => [
'driver' => 'stack',
'channels' => ['daily', 'bigquery'],
'bigquery' => [
'driver' => 'custom',
'level' => 'debug',
'via' => BigQueryHandler ::class,
'with' => [
'bq_dataset_name' => 'something',
'bq_table_name' => 'something_com_logs'
I have wrote BigQueryHandler class to write those logs using write() method. I have also wrote test case which works fine and updates the record in bigquery table. but If I invoke bigquery channel from artisan files it doesnt work. Can someone tell me whats wrong here?
the command to invoke bigquery channel is
\Log::channel('bigquery')->info('Something happened!');"
Have written it inside handle().

How do I disable a log channel on local and testing environment

In my application I have these log channels:
'general' => [
'driver' => 'single',
'path' => storage_path('logs/general.log'),
'level' => 'debug',
'jobs' => [
'driver' => 'stack',
'channels' => [
'slack' => [
'driver' => 'slack',
'url' => /*Censored Hook URL*/,
'username' => 'MyApp',
'emoji' => ':gear:',
'level' => 'debug',
When I log in job channel I want not to log into slack log when on local or testing environment in order to avoid having duplicate and extremely unwanted logs on the shared log channel on the slack.
So how I can specify the environments that the slack channel will be able to write logs. A dirty approach is to specify manually which logs will write in to via this snippet of code:
Log::channel('jobs')->info('Blah blah blah');
} else {
Log::channel('general')->info('Blah blah blah');
But using the code above, I am afraid that will turn my codebase into a diffucult-to-read-one. So do you know an elegant solution in order to process my logs?
You could simply split jobs into 2 entrys, example jobs and jobs_without_slack, let jobs be as is and jobs_without_slack will be configured without slack in it's channels. Then use different .env.xy files for testing (.env.testing), local, develop (.env.develop) and so on and set the LOG_CHANNEL to the correct logging, so you do not need to change a line of code in your logic ;)

How to send Log event from Laravel to Loggly?

I want to send Monolog logs from my Laravel 5.1 application to online log management service. From all possible environment, including local development.
I have found some outdated libs and complicated ways to do this. So I ended up with very simple solution. Actually, Laravel Monolog Handler already have Loggly Handler out of the box.
Add config info to config/services.php:
'loggly' => array(
'tag' => 'ProjectName_' .strtolower(env('APP_ENV')),
Than add Monolog handler in bootstrap/app.php, before $app is returned:
| Setup Loggly Handler
$app->configureMonologUsing(function($monolog) {
$handler = new \Monolog\Handler\LogglyHandler(config('services.loggly.key'),\Monolog\Logger::DEBUG);
Voila! You are getting your Monolog Logs in Loggly dashboard.
UPDATE: (thanks #thitami)
Based on
The configureMonologUsing Method
If you were using the configureMonologUsing method to customize the Monolog instance for your application, you should now create a custom Log channel. For more information on how to create custom channels, check out the full logging documentation.
I was able to manage having Laravel's default local log behaviour, and pushing to Loggly in the same time, by tweaking mladen-janjetovic's code a bit. Tested on Laravel 5.3
'loggly' => [
'tag' => 'ProjectName_' .strtolower(env('APP_ENV')),
| Push to Loggly, and save locally.
$app->configureMonologUsing(function($monolog) use ($app) {
$log = $app->make(Illuminate\Log\Writer::class);
$logglyHandler = new \Monolog\Handler\LogglyHandler(config('services.loggly.key'));
if (config('app.env') == 'production')
// Push to Loggly and save local if in production
// Otherwise, save only locally
Alternatively, you may use Monolog-Cascade to do this.
Monolog-Cascade is a Monolog extension that allows you to set up and configure multiple loggers and handlers from a single config file.
Here is a sample config file for Monolog-Cascade using Loggly. This would log to you stdOut and to Loggly:
class: Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler
level: DEBUG
stream: php://stdout
class: Monolog\Handler\LogglyHandler
level: ERROR
token: xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx
tags: [cascade, waterfall]
handlers: [console, error_loggly_handler]
If you're interested, here is a blog post on Cascade =>
[Disclaimer]: I am the main contributor of Monolog-Cascade.
Got mine working with little configuration with Laravel 8.
Just use the built-in monolog handler for Loggly.
Edit your app/config/logging.php
use Monolog\Handler\LogglyHandler;
'channels' => [
'stack' => [
'driver' => 'stack',
'channels' => ['single', 'loggly'],
'ignore_exceptions' => false,
'loggly' => [
'driver' => 'monolog',
'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'),
'handler' => LogglyHandler::class,
'with' => [
'token' => env('LOGGLY_TOKEN'),
For more advanced logging (for my case I need to set the tag as it was missing in the built-in handler's constructor.
Copy the built-in handler where you can find it within vendor folder
(e.g: vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/LogglyHandler.php) into your app folder of choice (e.g: app/Logging/CustomLogglyHandler.php).
Modify the constructor to set the tags, and you need to change some of the imports as we're on different namespaces.
// app/Logging/CustomLogglyHandler.php
namespace App\Logging;
use Monolog\Handler\AbstractProcessingHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\MissingExtensionException;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface;
use Monolog\Formatter\LogglyFormatter;
use function array_key_exists;
use CurlHandle;
use Monolog\Handler\Curl\Util as CurlUtil;
public function __construct(string $token, array|string $tag = [], $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true)
if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
throw new MissingExtensionException('The curl extension is needed to use the LogglyHandler');
$this->token = $token;
if (is_array($tag)) {
$this->tag = $tag;
} else {
$this->tag = [$tag];
parent::__construct($level, $bubble);
// config/logging.php
'loggly' => [
'driver' => 'monolog',
'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'),
'handler' => CustomLogglyHandler::class,
'with' => [
'token' => env('LOGGLY_TOKEN'),
'tag' => strtolower(env('APP_NAME', 'Laravel')) . '_' . strtolower(env('APP_ENV', 'production'))
To expand on Hassan's contribution (posting as an answer, as I still don't have enough reputation to post a comment).
If you have a need to use daily logs locally, you could use following code:
$logFile = 'laravel'.'.txt';
Of course, logfile name is totally arbitrary. In this example, format will be as such:
with an upgrade to 5.4 this line does not work anymore:
$log = $app->make(Illuminate\Log\Writer::class);
As a workaround, you can create Writer instance manually, injecting $monolog available from configureMonologUsing closure:
$log = new Illuminate\Log\Writer($monolog);
