Drop-down list in Word doesn't look like it - drop-down-menu

Using Word 365, I entered a drop-down box into a document. I added entries to the list, and it works fine, but it looks like this:
That word "Select" is all that is visible of the drop-down. No arrow button, no border, nothing.
Why can't I display the drop-down arrow?
Is there a way to make the border visible?

Your only option I am aware of is to change the Show As property on the Content Control dialog to Start/End Tag.
This will clearly distinguish the control from other surrounding text in the document.


Automatically leave field after value is entered

I am creating a form in Visual FoxPro where the user will be entering a large number of values that are only one character values. So that the user does not have to press tab after every key press, I would like to setup the form so that once the value is entered the cursor automatically goes to the next field.
What is a good way to do this?
Make sure you have SET CONFIRM OFF
From the help file:
OFF Specifies that the user can exit a text box by typing past the
last character in the text box. The insertion point, when it reaches
the last character in a text box, moves to the next control, and the
bell is sounded (if SET BELL is set to ON).
OFF is the default value of SET CONFIRM.
SET CONFIRM OFF also affects menu items and menu titles. If SET
CONFIRM is set to OFF, the user can choose an item from a menu or a
menu title in a menu bar by pressing the key corresponding to the
first letter of the menu item or title. (When SET CONFIRM is set to
ON, this action only selects the menu item or title.)
I made a simple form with two text boxes and verified that after typing one character, it jumps to the next text box.
Herb's answer is correct, but keep in mind that the cursor will jump to the next field in the TAB Order.
So if you entered your Textbox fields in some other order you might need to re-order the TAB's.
To verify that you have your TAB Order as you need, with the Form open in the VFP Development environment, from the Menu, click View - Tab Order - Assign Interactively. Then using your mouse, you can re-order the TAB settings for your Textboxes.
Also note that the TAB Order also includes the other Form objects such as Buttons, Grids, etc.
Good Luck

Enterprise Architect - simple UI Tab Control

Is it possible to change number of tabs and tabs name in simple UI Tab Control? How to do it? (user interface diagram)
I'm using EA 11.
No. Tab 1 | Tab 2 | Tab 3 is part of the element's image and you can't change them. There is a workaround which works visually, but won't help if you're looking to generate code out of your models.
Create a Text element (in the Common toolbox), and give it the name of your GUI's first tab.
Set a different default fill and text color for the Text element (Right-click and select Appearence - Default Appearance).
Pick the Fill and Border Color for the Text element that best matches the Tab Control's foreground, either in the diagram toolbar or the Text element's context menu.
Move and resize the Text element to cover Tab 1.
Repeat as necessary for the other tabs, using the appropriate color.
The Text elements are local to the diagram they're in and are not shown in the project browser (they are diagram objects but not proper model elements), but they move with the Tab Control so it works visually.
By making several copies of the Tab Control and varying which Text element has the foreground color, you can use this technique to show the different panes.
You can change number of tabs and selected tab this way (at least in EA 13):
Open Properties of the Tab Control;
In "General" select "Wireframing" tab. You'll see "Tabs" property with a value "Tab1";
Select this "Tabs" property and click on "Notes" menu. An editor appears;
In this editor you can change number of names of tabs;
Close editor and for "Tabs" property choose selected Tab;

Text should not be displayed behind the button VC++

I am designing a search text box, with close button at the end(will be shown when TextLength > 0).
But when entering lengthy text, the close button hide the last part of text. I need to restrict the text to not cross the close button.
Note: I dont wont to restrict the MaxLength of characters, but the max length of characters to be displayed inside the textbox.
It appears that the close button is overlapping the search text box.
If you are using MFC, then you can use CEdit::SetRect to set the formatting rectangle of edit text. If not MFC, then use EM_SETRECT message to do the same.
I have done similar stuff in my article here: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/15043/iTunes-like-Find-Edit-Control

Microsoft Word Highlighting Text White

For some reason, whenever I create a Text Box and start typing, the background text is highlighted white and I can't make it transparent. This picture should explain everything:
I want to remove the highlighting so the gradient in the background shows through. I used to do things like this a lot, but for some reason Word won't let me now. Any suggestions?
I am on Word 2011 Mac
Got some clues here and finally found a solution for MSWord for Mac version 16.9:
Select the text you want to fix
Select "Design" Tab
Click "Page Borders"
Click the "Shading" Tab
Select Apply to "Text"
[Fill] is showing "No Color". Open the selection and re-select "No Color"
Hit "OK"
Worked for me. It is obviously a bug in Word.
Right-click the text box that you want to make invisible.
If you want to change multiple text boxes, click the first text box or shape, and then press and hold SHIFT while you click the other text boxes.
On the shortcut menu, click Format Text Box.
On the Colors and Lines tab, in the Fill section, click the arrow next to Color, and then click No Color.
On the Colors and Lines tab, in the Line section, click the arrow next to Color, and then click No Color.
Click OK. Your textbox's background is now invisible...
It seems the actual text highlight is your problem, so try:
Go into Borders and Shading, apply it to text, and set it to clear. Had me confused because I've never had to do this before.
As seen here.
I also searched around and had trouble finding this.
In Word for Mac 2011
Highlight the text
Click tables in the ribbon
Find the shading icon (looks like a paint bucket)
Click the down arrow next to the bucket and select No Fill
Change the text format from anything apart from Normal text.(important)
Solution 1
Select the Text box and go to the "format" tab,
modify the outline and fill options
if this isn't enough
Solution 2
select the Text box and right click for options
select the last option "format shape"

NSMenuItem Text Field Highlight Problem

I am creating a Status Bar application which requires a URL being entered in a text field. The text field is a subview of the NSMenuItem. The problem I am facing though is that the value of the text field cannot be changed and only "indirectly highlighted" (it's not the normal blue highlighting but a grey one and only occurs when double clicking the value of the text field).
Does someone know why this is?The text field hasn't been disabled by me, but it seems to apply read only properties or something...
It's most likely your menu has "Auto Enables Items" turned on. With this on (the default), your menu items have to have an action and a target to be enabled, which is likely disabling their contents (your NSTextField). Turn it off and you should be fine.
