Unable to print the variable right after set it in Azure devops pipeline - azure-devops-pipelines

Please see the code below. It is unable to print the variable right after set.variable task! I had feelings and tried as well that NOTHING below the set.variable task will be executed at all. This is so annoying and How can I solve it?
- bash: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BUILD_NUMBER]$(Build.BuildId)"
echo $(BUILD_NUMBER) // BUILD_NUMBER: command not found
displayName: Set
- bash: |
echo "you shall saw build id below"
echo $(BUILD_NUMBER) // Same line and this is OK!
displayName: Print

That makes sense to me, honestly. You run the ##vso[task.setvariable] command, and it makes the variable available to subsequent tasks once the current task is finished running. It doesn't alter the environment of the current task. Since you clearly already have the data available in the current task, it shouldn't matter.
You don't even need to do what you're doing: You can reference variables as environment variables by replacing periods with underscores. I.E. $BUILD_BUILDID. Refer to the documentation.


Difference of behavior between “set -e + source” and “bash -ec + source”

While setting up a basic unit testing system, I ran into an odd issue.
My goal was to make sure all individual test scripts:
were run with set -e to detect errors, without needing to explicitly set this in each file;
knew right away about the functions to be tested (stored in another file) without needing to explicitly source those in each test file.
Let this be a dummy test file called to-be-sourced.sh. We want to be able to know if a command in it fails:
# Failing command!
# Last command is OK:
And here is a dummy test runner, which must run the test file:
#! /usr/bin/env bash
if (
set -e
. to-be-sourced.sh
echo 'Via set: =0'
echo 'Via set: ≠0'
This yields Via set: =0, meaning that the runner is happy. But it should not!
My hypothesis was:
set -e is not propagated within . sourcing, and as explained in the help for . and source, the exit status is the one of the last command.
But then I came up with a workaround that works, but also relies on .:
if bash -ec '. "$0"' to-be-sourced.sh
echo 'Via bash: =0'
echo 'Via bash: ≠0'
This yields ≠0 whenever a command in the test file fails, regardless of whether that command was the last one of the test file. As a bonus, I can toss any number of . a/library/file.sh within the -c command, so each test file can use all of my functions out of the box. I should therefore be happy, but:
Why does this work, considering that the -c command also relies on . to load the test file (and I thought bash’s -e was equivalent to set’s -e)?
I also thought about using bash’s --init-file, but it appeared to be skipped when a script is passed as a parameter. And anyway my question is not so much about what I was trying to achieve, but rather about the observed difference of behavior.
Sounds like if is tempering with the way set -e is handled.
This halts execution, indicating failure:
. to-be-sourced.sh
… while this goes into the then (not the else), indicating success:
if . to-be-sourced.sh
echo =0
echo ≠0
(This may not be precisely correct, but I think it captures what happens.)
In your first example, set -e sets the option in a command that is lexically in the scope of an if statement, and so even though it is set, it is ignored. (You can confirm it is set by running echo $- inside to-be-sourced.sh. Note, too, that . itself has a 0 exit status, which you can confirm by replacing true with an echo statement; it's not that it fails but the failure is ignored.)
In your second example, -e sets the errexit option in a new process, which knows nothing about the if statement and therefore it is not ignored.

Bash script failing of no reason

I have this bash script (actually a part of https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi/blob/master/bin/compile with echo I've added myself):
echo "[DEBUG] chmod done"
framework=$($dir/bin/detect $1)
echo "[DEBUG] $framework done"
And I see in the log:
[DEBUG] chmod done
Staging failed: Buildpack compilation step failed
And I do not see the second echo in the logs at all.
I do not know much bash unfortunately. Could anybody explain to me in what case the first echo performs and second do not? I always thought that both echo should always work no matter whether the second line succeeds or not.
It's not visible in your question, but clicking on your link, it says in the third line
set -e
This means to stop processing the script immediately whenever an error occurs. Comment that line, and the script should run through and also print the second echo statement.
Note that I didn't inspect what the script actually does and I cannot tell you if commenting out set -e is actually good advice or not.
From man set:
−e: When this option is on, when any command fails (for any of the reasons listed
in Section 2.8.1, Consequences of Shell Errors or by returning an exit status
greater than zero), the shell immediately shall exit with the following excep‐
1. The failure of any individual command in a multi-command pipeline shall not
cause the shell to exit. Only the failure of the pipeline itself shall be
2. The −e setting shall be ignored when executing the compound list following
the while, until, if, or elif reserved word, a pipeline beginning with the
! reserved word, or any command of an AND-OR list other than the last.
3. If the exit status of a compound command other than a subshell command was
the result of a failure while −e was being ignored, then −e shall not apply
to this command.
This requirement applies to the shell environment and each subshell environment
separately. For example, in:
set -e; (false; echo one) | cat; echo two
the false command causes the subshell to exit without executing echo one; how‐
ever, echo two is executed because the exit status of the pipeline (false; echo
one) | cat is zero.

capture exit code from a script flow

I need help with some scripts I'm writing.
Script A is executed by a scheduling process. This script takes the arguments passed to it, parses them in some way and runs script B feeding it with those arguments;
Script B does sudo -u user ssh user#REMOTEMACHINE, runs some commands (in the remote machine) and finally runs script C (also in the remote machine). I am passing those commands using a HERE DOCUMENT. Also, I'm passing the previous arguments to this script too.
This "flow" runs correctly and the job completes successfully.
My problems are:
Since this "flow" is ran by a scheduling process, I need to tell it if the job completed successfully or not. I'm doing this via exit codes, so what I want is to have a chain of exit codes, returning back from the last script to the first, in case of errors. I'm not able to perform this, because exit codes works correctly for the single scripts (I tried executing them singularly and look for the exit codes), but they are not sended back to the parent script. In my opinion, the problem is that ssh is getting the exit code from the child script, which in fact ended successfully, because there was no error executing it: it's the command inside of it that gone wrong.
While the process works correctly, I still get this line:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname : Name or service not known
But actually the script completes successfully.
I hope you understand what I wrote, I can eventually post my scripts here.
This are the scripts. There could be some problem with variable names because I renamed it quikly to upload the files.
Since I can't upload 3 files because of my low reputation, I merged them in a single file
I managed to solve the problem.
I followed olivier's advice and used the escape char to make the variable expanded by the remote machine.
Also I implemented different exit codes based on where the error occured.
At last, I modified the first script as follows, after launching sudo -u for the second script:
echo ""
echo "Export job took $SECONDS seconds."
echo ""
exit 0
This way I am able to exit the main script MAINTAINING the exit code provided from the second script.
In fact, I found that the problem was that the process worked well, even in case of errors, but the fact that I was giving more commands after the second script fail (the echo command was enough) provided other exit codes that overwrited the one I wanted.
Thanks to all !

Repeating Bash Task using At

I am running ubuntu 13.10 and want to write a bash script that will execute a given task at non-pre-determined time intervals. My understanding of this is that cronjobs require me to know when the task will be performed again. Thus, I was recommended to use "at."
I'm having a bit of trouble using "at." Based on some experimentation, I've found that
echo "hello" | at now + 1 minutes
will run in my terminal (with and without quotes). Running "atq" results in my computer telling me that the command is in the queue. However, I never see the results of the command. I assume that I'm doing something wrong, but the manpages don't seem to be telling me anything useful.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Besides the fact that commands are run without a terminal (output and input is probably redirected to /dev/null), your command would also not run since what you're passing to at is not echo hello but just hello. Unless hello is really an existing command, it won't run. What you want probably is:
echo "echo hello" | at now + 1 minutes
If you want to know if your command is really running, try redirecting the output to a file:
echo "echo hello > /var/tmp/hello.out" | at now + 1 minutes
Check the file later.

Hudson is not exec-ing my bash-based build script

i have a simple "free-style" test job in huson.
it checks out a file from git (it does that part successfully)
it is also supposed to exec a script that appends to that file.
the script looks like:
#!/bin/sh -ex
echo "$0 was run on " `date` >> /tmp/failme.log
#echo "$0 was run on " `date` >> $HUDSON_HOME/failme.log
echo "this should fail"
echo "this went to stderr" >&2
exit -1
I put the 2nd line to test if the script is even run.
/tmp/failme.log is missing after a "successful" build
i can run the script as the hudson user (after allowing it to login) and the script behave properly.
I'm at a loss. I've read several inquiries here and in other forums and blogs about using hudson variables in scripts. none of them talk about anything special that i have to do to get hudson to exec the script.
thanks in advance.
nodnarb (strike that, reverse it)
yes, i'm answering my own question.
I attempted the same configuration with a new job, and the script runs as expected. I have no reason for this. I have attempted to dup the failure above 3 times, and cannot duplicate this issue. So, I am resolving this issue. maybe something "hiccuped" when the original job was created.
Thank you to all who commented.
