Oracle GoldenGate dblogin failed with GGSIC : no OCI environment handle created - oracle

I'm in trouble with OGG dblogin.
I've installed an Oracle Server 11.2.0 on my windows server 2012, and I attempted to install an Oracle GoldenGate extension.
When using dblogin with ggsci to create a connection , I got this error:
GGSCI<XXXXX>1>dblogin userid xxx xxx
ERROR:OCI Error DPI <status = 3-DPI-003:no OCI environment handle created>.


Connect database oracle for automation test (robotframework)

Can someone help me connecting database oracle on robotframework for data manipulation?
So far I did:
*** Keywords ***
Connect to database
Connect To Database Using Custom Params cx_Oracle
*** Test Cases ***
Connect to database
#{queryResults} Query SELECT * from tb_example_table
log to console #{queryResults}
But I got error:
DatabaseError: DPI-1047: Cannot locate a 64-bit Oracle Client library: "failed to get message for Windows Error 126". See for help
I tried to install Oracle Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows (x64) 64-bit, but I couldn't find any executable file.

ERROR: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

I followed this steps to install Oracle 19.6.0 for Ubuntu 18.04:
Then for some reason I was not able to open sqlplus, so I followed this steps as solution:
And now I want to log in sqlplus by typing sqlplus / as sysdba, but I am getting:
ERROR: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does
not exist
So I think I have to make the appropriate settings in listener.ora and tnsnames.ora,
but I am missing this files.
SQL Developer and SQL*Plus are client only tools that connect to a database that must be running somewhere: either on the same host or on another host.
If this database exists you should have its connect string to connect to it with SQL Developer or SQL*Plus
If this database does not exist, you must first create it: there are several ways to do this in addition to install Oracle Database (server - not client) and to create a database:
install Oracle XE 18c on Oracle Linux or Windows: installation will install database software and create a database at the same time (easier for non database specialist)
use a pre-installed VM such as:

ORACLE_HOME Error When Testing Connection with Oracle Connector by Attunity for SSIS

I'm having the same problem. Here is my setup...
Windows 10 64-bit
SQL Server Data Tools v10.0.40219.1 SP1
Attunity Oracle Connector for SSIS (32-bit and 64-bit) v2.0
Oracle client 64-bit installed v12.1.0
Oracle client 32-bit installed v12.1.0
Setup tnsnames.ora to point to dev and QA instance; verified connectivity via tnsping and sqlplus.
Setup ORACLE_HOME to point to 64-bit product directory
I've created a (MSORA) Microsoft Connector for Oracle by Attunity connection. I populate the connection with a tns-name, username, and password. I click the Test Connection button, and I see the following:
The full error is as follows:
Error at Export SingleFile [Connection manager "Sample"]: Oracle Home not found.
(Microsoft Visual Studio)
Test connection failed
Oracle Home not found.
(Export SingleFile)
Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.ConnectionManager.AcquireConnection(Object txn)
at Attunity.IntegrationServices.DataFlowUI.OracleUI.OraConnectionDialog.testConBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Oracle Home not found.
(Export SingleFile)
Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSConnectionManager100.AcquireConnection(Object pTransaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.ConnectionManager.AcquireConnection(Object txn)
If its not pulling oracle_home from my system variable, where does it pull it from?
Here is the ORACLE_HOME environment variable on my system:
There was an issue documented in the post Attunity Oracle Conenctor doesn't work after update, which identified a compatibility issue between version-5.0 of the Oracle connector and the latest version of SSDT (15.9.x as of 02/01/2019). Until the compatibility issue has been resolved, the de-facto solution is to deploy the 15.8.0-release of SSDT. This will install the 14.0.3002.113 Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer.
Here were the steps I executed to resolve:
Install oracle 32-bit client from software center
Install oracle 64-bit client from software center
Deploy tnsnames.ora file to 32-bit install
Deploy tnsnames.ora file to 64-bit install
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools release-15.8.0
Install (32-bit) SSIS Oracle Connector by Attunity version 5.0
Install (64-bit) SSIS Oracle Connector by Attunity version 5.0
Verify you have read and execute rights to items in both 32- and 64-bit client directory
Here are shots from my environment...

ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred on CentOS 7

I am configuring a server in CentOS 7 to connect to an Oracle database within the same network. IP ORACLE = IP SERVER =
I have installed the Instant Client Package: Basic, SDK and SQL * Plus. Download link
Then set the environment variables:
When entering with the SQL * Plus through the implicit connection string: With the format.
sqlplus username/password#host:port/sid
sqlplus testuser/orcltiger#
I get the error: ORA-12170: TNS: the connection timeout occurred
I have been able to connect with the same credentials from a Windows PC with Oracle SQL Developer but from CentOS I get an error:
Someone to help me find the solution, please.

oracle to postgresql connectivity

I'm using postgresql 9.1 and oracle 11gR2 64 bit windows.
I'm trying Heterogeneous DB Connection Between Oracle 11gR2 And Postgresql 9.1.
here the info:
I configured by reading these links
When I tried this command
select * from "testtable"#PG_LINK;
I got an error like
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
