How can i separate a column from a Map in deluge? - zoho

I am using Zoho deluge to write a function. I actually call an API and I get the following response:
{"name": "abc", email: "" },
{"name": "qwc", email: "" }
I have converted it into the JSONArray (Map). However, I do not want to run a loop to get email values because there are 10k entries.
Could anyone please help me to extract the email column from the response?

Only way i know(for deluge) is to use a loop. Unfortunately Zoho interrupts a Function after 40 loops(Guess it was 40). Do you have any option to give the API parameters to filter for the values you need?(In Zoho it is possible)

Extracting the email column can probably be done using Deluge's executeXpath() function which seems to work on Deluge-Maps, and Json as well as XML data.
Here is an example:
// Recreate the example data structure from the question.
response = list(
{"name": "abc", email: "" },
{"name": "qwc", email: "" }
my_data = {"my_list": response};
// Extract raw email data that will include field separator: "-|-"
raw_email_data = my_data.executeXpath("/root/my_list/email/text()");
// Remove the field separator: "-|-"
// This should result in a list: "", "",...
email_list = raw_email_data.toList("-|-");


How to pass object type argument in query in GraphQL?

I got this type of query
query {
searchRandom (param : MyObjectClass){
How may I set param with the type of MyObjectClass and pass it in the query? To be able to test here?
Use the following query.
query getData($param: MyObjectClass){
searchRandom(param: $param)
And then go to query variables tab in Graphiql and pass the variable data like this. You have not mention the data types included in MyObjectClass. So use this as an example:
"param": {"country": "England", "population": "High" }
Then the data should be returned as expected.
--- Additionally ---
If you are running the server, make sure you have set the followings.
You need to create a input object in the GraphQL schema.
input MyObjectClass {
country: String
population: String
Then in the resolver you have to pass the object as the argument. (Assuming you are using JavaScript)
const resolvers = {
Query: {
searchRandom: (parent, { param }) => {
var query_data = param
...//your code
return city_name;
I am not sure whether this addresses your question or not. I hope this answer helps though.

Mailchimp API Node - create campaign for list based on tags

I'm making an async api request with a firebase cloud function to create a campaign within mailchimp for a specific set of users from a list. I read in the documentation that this can be done with tags this way I can build my own structure. I'm building a donation system for a nonprofit and would like the tag to represent the name of a client who is currently being donated to.
Below is my firebase function. I'm stuck at the segment_opts object. I want to define a segment based on whether the list member has a tag equivalent my clients name.
The doc says segment_opts is "An object representing all segmentation options. This object should contain a saved_segment_id to use an existing segment, or you can create a new segment by including both match and conditions options.". I don't have any other segments set up so I figured I'd create a new one that specifies the tags to contain the client's name.
This post helped me get to this point. Stackoverflow post
I now see that condition is supposed to be a Segment Type but in the dropdown I don't see an option for Tags. Here is a link to the documentation reference. Reference
const response = await'/campaigns', {
type: 'regular',
recipients: {
list_id: functions.config().mailchimp.test,
segment_opts: {
"match": "any",
"conditions": match: 'any',
conditions: [
condition_type: 'StaticSegment',
field: 'static_segment',
op: 'static_is',
value: ??? (Int),
For now I removed segment_opts and will settle on sending campaign to entire list until I figure out how to segment by tags. This version works and creates a campaign within my mailchimp account and from the UI I can see the segment options offered in the documentation but don't see an option to filter by tags
const response = await'/campaigns', {
type: 'regular',
recipients: {
list_id: functions.config().mailchimp.test,
settings: {
subject_line: `${firstName} has been funded!`,
preview_text: `$${goal} has been raised for ${firstName}.`,
title: `${firstName} has been funded`,
from_name: 'Organization name',
reply_to: '',
Here is a screenshot of the dropdown options in Mailchimp dashboard.
This is what I have for my campaign segment options. Here I'm checking for two conditions. Is the SITE merge tag = the site variable I pass in, and also does the member belong to the tag/segment called tagName. However, I can't pass a tagName, only a tagId which I lookup beforehand.
'match': 'all',
'conditions': [
'condition_type': 'TextMerge',
'field': 'SITE',
'op': 'is',
'value': site
'condition_type': 'StaticSegment',
'field': 'static_segment',
'op': 'static_is',
'value': tagId
To get the tagId I use this Python function:
tagId, segments = self.getSegmentIdFromTagName(tagName)
This is the Python code to get the tagId from the tagName, which gets all the Segments/Tags from the system and then looks for the name you pass in:
def getSegmentIdFromTagName(self,reqTagName,segments=None):
audienceId = self.audienceId
reqId = None
if not segments:
segments = self.mcClient.lists.segments.all(list_id=audienceId,get_all=True)
for segment in segments['segments']:
segName = segment['name']
segId = segment['id']
if segName == reqTagName:
reqId = segId
return reqId,segments

How to run GraphQL filter query on an ARRAY field type in Hasura?

I'm trying to run GraphQL filter query on array field types, for example on a text ARRAY field type.
In the following example scenario:
firstName text,
lastName text,
tags text[]
And we can filter on text array field in one of the following ways:
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE tags #> ARRAY['teamplayer']::varchar[]
This works in PostGres and also in Postgraphile implicitly.
On Postgraphile GraphQL, we can query the above table as follows:
allEmployees(filter: {tags: {contains: "teamplayer"}}) {
nodes {
and the result will be:
"data": {
"allEmployees": {
"nodes": [
firstName: 'Russell'
lastName: 'Dodds'
tags: ['teamplayer', 'punctual']
firstName: 'Emma'
lastName: 'Samsin'
tags: ['teamplayer']
Can someone please give me some references or suggestions on how to achieve similar results on ARRAY field types in Hasura?
I think you couldn't use array directly in the Hasura console. You should use jsonb instead. It's more appropriate as you can use _append, _prepend, _delete_key...
But it's seems you can use Array with hasura. If your schema come from external service, the input for an array should be a literal. For a column of type tags[] the input value has to be a string like: "{teamplayer,punctual}". It's how Array works in postgres.
So your mutation will be:
mutation {
tags: "{teamplayer,punctual}"
}) {
returning {

bootstrap-typeahead's displayfield using multiple values

I'm sorry if this is a duplicate question but I do not understand the answers of other people. I'm using Twitter Bootstrap Ajax Typeahead Plugin ( to search emails from data that comes from an SQL query. This is the code I use with a php file, where I use people's emails as valueField and people's names as displayField and it works well.
ajax: {
url: urlAjax + '?requete=rechercheannuaire',
displayField: "description",
valueField: "id",
triggerLength: 2,
method: "get",
loadingClass: "loading-circle",
preProcess: function(data){
if(data.type === "error")
return false;
return data.datas;
onSelect: function(data){
//alert("assez tot");
data.text = data.value;
return data;
The problem is that I have to be able to search "Dujardin" as well as "Du Jardin" and I cannot find a way to assign multiple values to displayField. If someone could explain how typeahead works, I'd be thankfull, I don't understand the documentation.
According to the plugin documentation, you cannot assign multiple values to the displayField option. However, it is possible for you to re-write events.
After a quick lookup into the source code of bootstrap-ajax-typeahead, we can figure out that the "matcher" event is used as the filter for displaying - or not - values to the user.
To allow to match both "Du jardin" and "Dujardin", we have to manipulate strings. Here, I suggest you to :
Remove any diacritic character
Remove any non-word character (all except [A-Za-z0-9_])
Remove any underscore
Set the string to lowercase
To do #1, I suggest you to use this fantastic script by rdllopes.
I wrote a POC. Here is the JSON source (called "source.json"):
{ "id": 1, "name": " - Jean Du Pont"},
{ "id": 2, "name": " - Jean Dupont"},
{ "id": 3, "name": " - Jéan Dupônt"},
{ "id": 4, "name": " - Michel Bridge"}
And here is the script that I used for matching elements :
// Our source is a simple JSON file
ajax: 'source.json',
// Display field is a list of names
displayField: 'name',
// And value field a list of IDs
valueField: 'id',
matcher: function(item)
// For both needle and haystack, we :
// 1. Remove any diacritic character
// 2. Remove any non-word character (all except [A-Za-z0-9_])
// 3. Remove any underscore
// 4. Set the string to lowercase
var needle = removeDiacritics(this.query).replace(/[^\w]/gi, '').replace('_', '').toLowerCase();
var haystack = removeDiacritics(item).replace(/[^\w]/gi, '').replace('_', '').toLowerCase();
// Does the needle exists in haystack?
return ~haystack.indexOf(needle);
}); manipulate Response Object

I am trying to work Ember with using
ember-model-parse-adapter by samharnack.
I add added a function to make multiple work search(like search engine) for which I have defined a function on cloud using Parse.Cloud.define and run from client.
The problem is the Array that my cloud response returns is not compatible with Ember Model because of two attributes they are __type and className. how can I modify the response to get response similar to that i get when I run a find query from client. i.e without __type and className
Example responses
for App.List.find() = {
for App.List.cloudFunction("sliptSearch",{"text" : this.get("searchText")})
"__type" : Object, //undesired
"className" : "Lists" //undesired
Thanks Vlad something like this worked for me for array
resultobj = [];
success: function(results) {
for( var i=0, l=results.length; i<l; i++ ) {
temp = results.pop();
text: temp.get("text"),
createdAt: temp.createdAt,
updatedAt: temp.updatedAt,
words: "",
hashtags: ""
In your cloud code before you make any response, create and object and extract from it the attributes/members you need and then response it. like so:
//lets say result is some Parse.User or any other Parse.Object
var responseObj = {}; = responseObj.get("name");
responseObj.age = responseObj.get("age"); =;
on the response side you will get {"result": {"name": "jhon", "age": "26", "id": "zxc123s21"}}
Hope this would help you
