trouble with Oracle Application Express - oracle

I am currently using Oracle Application Express to design a demo application cause I am new to it.
The problem that I have is the following
create a work space that works 100%
create an application with pages and data in the application
when I work on a page that I have made in the application I can create it and insert info but when I want to save it then says session has expired but I have not left it alone I am still in the application
can anyone help me with it

I have run into this a few times while developing applications that do not require any authentication. If you are on a page that is "public" (does not require authentication) and try to launch a modal window that requires authentication, you will get an error that shows your session has expired (even though it hasn't). You can fix this by setting the page security on the page that is the modal window to "Page is Public". I have created a demo application on to demonstrate.


Loosing Session Connection on Link Click

while working on an Oracle Apex Application, after implementing a custom login script where the user needs to register himself for the application before gaining access, this Error is thrown, after clicking the "Zugang beantragen"-Button which translates to requesting access.
Error translates to:
Your session has run out.
Close this Dialog and refresh the page to enter a new session.
If this issue could relate to my hardware then i will post the specs.
I already tried the login on various PCs and with different connections, restarted my pc, cleared the cache and cookies.
Any help answering this question is greatly appreciated.

How do I make sure a user gets logged out when they close the browser?

I'm developing a web application using Codeigniter 3 and am making use of the fab user management library, Ion Auth, developed by Ben Edwards.
Logging in and out works very well, but what I'm having an issue with is making sure that users get logged out automatically when the browser is closed.
I've experimented with using both the database driver and files driver in Codeigniter, but both appear to display the same behaviour (user is still logged in when browser is reopened).
I've also tried using the legacy 'sess_expire_on_close' setting in config.php but it didn't appear to make any difference.
I have '$config['remember_users']' set to FALSE in the Ion Auth config file.
Any pointers would be more than welcome.

Login screen sometimes appears if user uses back button then clicks link

Sometimes, the login screen will appear if the user clicks the back button and then chooses another link, instead of the content that should be displayed. It's like the application suddenly thinks the user is not authenticated. The user then has to re-authenticate to continue browsing. This happens while the user is actively browsing, so no timeout should occur, and after authenticating, the content is shown (so it's not an authorization problem).
This problem is unfortunately quite difficult to reproduce. The user who has experienced the problem most often is using Windows XP with IE 7, but the problem has also appeared with Windows XP and IE 8. I can't seem to reproduce the problem on Windows 7 with IE 9 or Chrome 18, but because the problem is difficult to reproduce, I can't say confidently that the problem is browser or browser version dependent.
Our ASP.NET MVC 3 app uses Forms Authentication with role information stored in a SQL Server database, and membership information in Active Directory. Hosting environment is IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2.
Has anyone else seen this problem, and know of a workaround?
On the server, I guess that you are using a custom IPrincipal which you need to reattach to the request thread for each request? Are you doing this in an HTTPModule or in global.asax? What page event are you hooking into to authorize the thread?
I have noticed differences in authentication being available in different runtime contexts dependent on which event I use. I now always use OnAuthorizeRequest and check that application.Context.User != null.
But the symptoms you are describing sound more like the authorization cookie is missing from the request intermittently.
Add some debug logging for each request and monitor cookies and authorization to see if you can detect the conditions that cause it.

Cannot access a cookie from a Virtual Directory configures as application

The main application is a classic ASP running on app-pool v2.0
Reporting application was added later on which was written in .Net 2.0 framework. The classic form model with aspx pages. The application was configured as an application under the main website (from 1)
The Reporting application is now to rewritten using MVC 3, and will be deployed similarly on the IIS as an Application under the classic asp website.
The login page on the Classic ASP website stores the session ID on a cookie. This cookie is read every time Authentication is required. The MVC application needs to read this cookie but the System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies collection doesn't have it. The application (from 2) which needs to be replaced can however easily read it.
Things I have tried,
Made sure that the cookie exists by looking at the cookie collection for the main application (from IE8>Tools>Developer Tools> Cache> View Cookie Information).
Removed the IsolateApps setting from the the machine key.
Made sure the new application is using the same app pool, don't think if that will really cause an issue here.
Appreciate any help with this, Many thanks in advance.
You are probably not using the same cookie to fetch values in MVC, check the below link

Content Advisor - Loses Sessions

We have a client that wants to lock down thier pc's to only use our web application.
So I've enabled content advisor to only access this site. However it seems to lose the login session and keeps throwing the user back to the login screen. When I disable content advisor the app runs as it should.
Has anybody exprecienced this before, and can anybody help me solve this.
The pcs are Windows XP using ie8
