Safeness of changing proto field number - protocol-buffers

For example if I changed from:
message Request {
int foo = 1;
message Request {
int bar = 1;
int foo = 2;
Is it safe to change foo from 1 to 2? Docs say not to: These numbers are used to identify your fields in the message binary format, and should not be changed once your message type is in use., but I'd like to know why.

If you have a serialized version of the message generated with the first version, you will no be able to deserialize with the second version of the message.
If you use protobuf to generate a model to store in a DB or to be published in a broker like Apache Kafka, you need to follow the convention. If you use proto buffer to generate model and service for online usage, you should do not break anything (if you will regenerate all the models)
See also the reserved keyword in order to do not reuse an old numer. Further reading also here


How to handle a change in the interpretation of a field in a protobuf message?

If a field stores a specific value and is interpreted in a specific manner, is it possible to change this interpretation in a backwards compatible way?
Let's say I have a field that stores values of different data types.
The most generic case is to store it as a byte array and let the apps encode and decode it to the correct data type.
Common cases for data types are integers and strings, so support for those types is present.
Using a oneof structure this looks as follows:
message Foo
oneof value
uint32 integer = 1;
string text = 2;
bytes data = 3;
Applications that want to store an ip prefix in the value field, have to use the generic data field and do the encoding and decoding correctly.
If I now want to add support for ip prefixes to the Foo message itself so the apps don't have to deal with the encoding and decoding anymore, I could add a new field to the oneof structure with an IpPrefix datatype:
message Foo
oneof value
uint32 integer = 1;
string text = 2;
bytes data = 3;
IpPrefix ip_prefix = 4;
Even though this makes life easier for the apps, I believe it breaks backwards compatibility.
If a sending app has support for the new field, it will put its ip prefix value in the ip_prefix field.
But if a receiving app does not have support for this new field yet, it will ignore the field.
It will look for the ip prefix value in the data field, as it always did, but it won't find it there.
So the receiving app can no longer correctly read the ip prefix value anymore.
Is there a way to make this scenario somehow backwards compatible?
PS: I realize this is a somewhat vague and perhaps unrealistic example. The exact case I need it for is for the representation of RADIUS attributes in a protobuf message. These attributes are in essence a byte array that is sent over the network, but the bytes in the array have meaning and could be stored as different fields in the protobuf message. A basic attribute exists of a Type field and a Value field where the value field can be a string, integer, ip address... From time to time new datatypes (even complex ones) are added and I would like to be able to add new datatypes in a backwards compatible way.
There are two ways to go about this:
1. Enforce an update schedule, readers before writers
Add the new type of field to the .proto definition, but document that it should not be used except for testing and reception. Document that all readers of the message must support both the old and the new field by a specific milestone/date, after which the writers can start using it. Eventually you can deprecate the old field and new readers don't need to support it anymore.
2. Have both fields during the transition period
message Foo
oneof value
uint32 integer = 1;
string text = 2;
bytes data = 3;
IpPrefix ip_prefix = 4;
Document that writers should set both data and ip_prefix during the transition period. The readers can start using ip_prefix as soon as writers have added support, and can optionally fall back to data.
Later, you can deprecate data and move ip_prefix to inside the oneof without breaking compatibility.

Can I delete a field from a protobuf message?

I'm implementing a policy enforcement point between a client and a server that receives messages from the server, and, if the client doesn't have adequate authorization to see some parts of the message deletes those parts before sending them to the client.
message {
string not_sensitive = 1;
optional string sensitive = 2;
pseudo code
from_server >> my_msg;
if (!authorized) {
to_client << my_msg;
As I understand current v3 pb schema language, all fields are optional. But regardless of that, a field marked optional in v2 is something that need not be there. So expanding your pseudo code to, say, C++ (see here), one can see that the generated class would end up with a has_sensitive() method and a clear_sensitive() method. Calling the latter and then serialising the object would result in wire format data that omitted the sensitive field.

Can I update a message field from enum to string, and keep its name?

The Code
Consider the following protobuf message declaration:
syntax = "proto3";
enum Airport {
TLV = 0;
JFK = 1;
message Flight {
Airport origin_airport = 11;
The Problem
Due to some business requirements, we have to set the Airport to be a free string rather than choosing from a closed enumerated list. I know that I can add and remove fields at will, as long as I don't reuse the same number. However, I'm not sure if I can use the same name, a-la:
message Flight {
reserved 11; // The old enum field number
string origin_airport = 18; // Unused so far
My Question
Upon updaing a protobuf3 field type, can the field name be preserved, as long as its number changes?
If you aren't using the JSON variant, then names aren't used at all in the payload, so yes technically it is perfectly legal to reuse names; however: this might lead to unnecessary problems with existing code - depending on existing code and language / framework specific rules, and could cause confusion. Since that is avoidable, I would advocate using a name like origin_airport_code, or similar.
(The point I'm making here: any code that used the old field probably needs attention; I can see some scenarios where the existing code might still compile after the change, but mean something different, and therefore introduce a bug that would have been avoided if you'd changed the name and forced every usage to be visited)

grpc and protobuf - How to handle a new field when the other side is not releasing in sync

I've got a situation where the other end of the grpc communication is not in sync with their releases. My higher ups, would like me to therefore add a field that is going to work if the other side does or doesn't fill it out, for a short time period (like two weeks)
I believe I can do this by adding it to the end of the proto message such that the indices for the other fields do not change. From, what I've Googled, the optional field is not avail prior to version 3.15, so I have to use a work around.
The workaround that was described to me was to use oneof. However, I am not 100% sure what that looks like. All examples show the oneof field by itself. Are the indices that belong to the oneof values indendent of the indices that belong to the rest of the message?
message TestMessage {
string somefield = 1;
int someotherfield = 2;
oneof mynewoptionalfield
string mynewfield = ???? Does this have to be 3 or is it 1?
int ifihadanother = ???? Does this need to be 4 or 2?
What are the indices I use where the ??? marks are
Is this the proper work around to use when the other side isn't going to recompile and deploy with the changes to the protofile?
How do I then check if the field was filled in my C++ code?
Your use-case is exactly what protobufs were designed to handle. All you need to do is: add a new field to the message. In the easiest case, the client application code simply doesn't look at the new field until the server roll-out is complete and so doesn't notice sometimes it is present and other times missing.
You are correct that you should not change the indices (field ids) of the pre-existing fields. Although I'll note that you can add your new field anywhere within the message; the order the fields are written in does not matter for protobuf.
So you'd just add another field like:
message TestMessage {
string somefield = 1;
int someotherfield = 2;
string mynewfield = 3;
You don't have to use 3 as the id. You could use 4, or 10, or 10000. But small numbers are more efficient for protobuf and it is typical to just choose the "next" id. On-the-wire protobuf uses the id to identify the field, so it is important you don't change the id later.
In protobuf 3, all fields are "optional" in the protobuf 2 sense; there are no "required" fields. However, protobuf 2 also provided "field presence" for all fields. Protobuf 3 only provided field presence for oneofs and messages... until the recent re-introduction of the "optional" keyword.
In protobuf 3 if you call textMessage.getMynewfield() it will always return a non-null string. If the string was not sent, it will use the empty string (""). For integers 0 is returned and for messages the "default message" (all defaults) is returned. This is plenty for many use-cases, and may be enough for you.
But let's say you need to distinguish between "" and <notsent>. That's what field presence provides. Messages in protobuf 3 have "has" methods that return true if a value is present. But primitives don't have that presence information. One option is to "box" the primitive with standard wrappers that make the primitive a message. Another option available in newer versions of protobuf is the optional keyword. Both options will provide a method like textMessage.hasMynewfield().
message TestMessage {
string somefield = 1;
int someotherfield = 2;
google.protobuf.StringValue mynewfield = 3;
// -or-
optional string mynewfield = 3;

Protobuf message / enum type rename and wire compatibility?

Is it (practically) possible to change the type name of a protobuf message type (or enum) without breaking communications?
Obviously the using code would need to be adpated to re-compile. The question is if old clients that use the same structure, but the old names, would continue to work?
Example, base on the real file:
syntax = "proto3";
package test;
// ...
message TestMsgA {
message TestMsgB { // should be called TestMsgZZZ going forward
// ...
enum TestMsgBEnum { // should be called TestMsgZZZEnum going forward
// ...
TestMsgBEnum foo = 1;
// ...
repeated TestMsgB bar = 1;
// ...
Does the on-the-wire format of the protobuf payload change in any way if type or enum names are changed?
If you're talking about the binary format, then no: names don't matter and will not impact your ability to load data; For enums, only the integer value is stored in the payload. For fields, only the field-number is stored.
Obviously if you swap two names, confusion could happen, but: it should load as long as the structure matches.
If you're talking about the JSON format, then it may matter.
