Why is this giving me a illegal operands errors? - lc3

I'm trying to write a code in lc3 that will output a block letter using different ASCII characters. When I try to compile my code, I get a ton of errors in the first pass stating I have illegal operands and I'm not sure why.
Here's my code, FONT_DATA points to a bunch of .FILL lines representing the different ASCII characters which I haven't included here:
;Creates the offset needed to find the 16 rows corresponding to the x5002 input
.ORIG x3000
AND R8,R8,#0
ADD R8,R8,#16
ADD R6,R6,R6
ADD R8.R8,#-1
;Starts the code for the counters
LDR R5,R2,#0
AND R3,R3,#0
ADD R3,R3,#16
AND R4,R4,#0
ADD R4,R4,#8
;starts code for printing the characters
;this code will print anything with value 0
LDR R5,R5,#0
;this code will print anything with value 1
;this will shift the string and decrement the R4 counter
ADD R4,R4,#-1
;This will start the next row and increment the string value
ADD R3,R3,#-1
CHAR .FILL x5000
Here's my error:
error message
Basically I get "illegal operands for AND" on line 11, and "illegal operands on ADD" for lines 11, 13, 16, and 21. In the first pass

ADD R8,R8,#16
Firstly the lc-3 has only 8 registers. They are named R0-R7. R8 isn't a valid register.
Secondly the #16 is too big of an immediate value for use with the ADD instruction. The range of values supported needs to fit in 5 bits. That means that the minimum is -16 and the maximum is 15 as these are the numbers you can represent as a 5 bit 2's complement number.
That applies to other instructions where you used R8, or an immediate value higher than 15.
Next this instruction ADD R2,R6,FONT_DATA
Add only accepts a hardcoded number in the immediate value version of the instruction. I suppose you are trying to add the contents of the label pointed to by FONT_DATA and add it to R6. You will need to use the LD instruction to load the value at that address into a register then you can use the ADD instruction with 2 registers.


How to Iterate over the ASCII characters with LC3 laguage?

Please write machine code following this outline:
Initialize index to zero
Iterate over the ASCII characters until the null terminator (zero) is found
Add the index to the current character being processed
Output the result of the previous statement as an ASCII character
Increment the index
This is a question on my homework, and it requires only the language of LC3 to traverse and find 0. I want to know how to load ASCII files into the program using only basic languages such as (AND/ADD/LD/LEA/LDI/LDR...)?
Put a string into memory like so:
STR1 .stringz "Hello"
then you can load the string and set R1 to point to it:
LEA R1, STR1 ;R1 points to STR1
Now R1 is equivelent to the Ascii code for "H", R1 + 1 would be ascii for "e". Then you just need some looping and comparisons until you know R1 = 0.
Remember that .Stringz will put a Null terminating string into memory.

Calculating checksum or XOR operations

I'm using hyperterminal and trying to send strings a to 6 digit scoreboard. I was sent a sample string from the manufacturer to test with and it worked, but to be able change the displayed message I was told to calculate a new Checksum value.
The sample string is: &AHELLO N-12345\71
Charactors A and N are addresses for the scoreboards(allowing two displays be used through one RS232 connection). HELLO and -12345 are the characters to be shown on the display. The "71" is where I am getting stuck.
How can you obtain 71 from "AHELLO N-12345"?
In the literature supplied with the scoreboard, the "71" from the sample string is described as a character by character logical XOR operation on characters "AHELLO N-12345". The manufacturer however called it a checksum. I'm not trained in this type of language and I did try to research but I can't put it together on my own.
The text below is copied from the supplied literature and describes the "71" (ckck) in question...
- ckck = 2 ASCII control characters: corresponds to the two hexadecimal digits obtained by
performing the character by character logical XOR operation on characters
"AxxxxxxByyyyyy". If there is an error in these characters, the string is ignored
Example: if the byte by byte logical XOR operation carried out on the ASCII codes of the
characters of the "AxxxxxxByyyyyy" string returns the hexadecimal value 0x2A,
the control characters ckck are "2" and "A".
You don't specify a language but here's the algorithm in C#. Basically xor the values of the string all together and you'll end up with a value of 113, 71 in hex. Hence 71 is on the end of the input string.
string input = "AHELLO N-12345";
UInt16 chk = 0;
foreach(char ch in input) {
chk ^= ch;
MessageBox.Show("value is " + chk);
Outputs "value is 113"

How do I call writehex on a new line? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Assembly Language New Line
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a program that takes a string as input and outputs the decimal number representing amount of characters in the string, the hexvalue and the string itself.
The issue I am having is that if use call writedec, I want to be able to use call writehex after it, but print it on a new line. Currently, it prints on the same line.
However, if use mov al, 0ah, call writehex will print 0ah, instead of the hex value of the decimal
call writedec
call writehex
results in 130000000d
but I need:
call writedec
mov al, 0Ah
call writehex
always results with
Not sure what I did, but I must have been missing something. Works fine with mov al, 0Ah followed by call writechar

LC3 how do I print user input to screen?

This is what I have so far:
.orig x3000
Lea r0, EnterString
add r1, r0, -10 ;subtract 10 to identified if enter is pressed
brz OUTSIDE ;if yes, go out of the loop
brnzp LOOP
Lea r1, InputString
Lea r0, EnterString
EnterString .stringz "Please enter a string: "
InputString .stringz "\nThe text you have typed is: "
I am trying to have user input of upto 99 characters and then print it, but after when i try and print whats been inputted it just prints some weird boxes after the InputString "\nThe text you have typed is: " gets printed.
I think its got something to do with me perhaps accidentally cleaing my EnterString? r0?
Am I close to having it sorting?
I wanted to put a screenshot but I can't because my ranks too low.
Your general approach isn't correct. Here's what you have right now:
Print out welcome string
Get character
If character is a newline, exit loop, otherwise get another character
Print out "your string is"
Output (incorrectly) welcome string again.
All PUTS does is to take the effective address stored in r0 and print each character in it, one at a time, until it reaches a '\0' character. All GETC does is to get a single character and store it into r0. It does not create a stack or a string and it cannot store multiple characters.
In order to store a string from the console, you need to define a place to put it and physically put it there. You'll need to create a BLKW with the number of characters that you want to store (plus room for a null character), then you'll need to:
load the address of this BLKW into a register
move the character from r0 into this address (hint: use STR)
increment the address so that you're still pointing at an empty position
In order to print it out again, load the effective address of your memory space and call PUTS, as you did with the welcome string.

How can i pad the message in sha family

I'm trying to understand padding in sha family.
padded message abc is 61626380000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
a=61 , b=62 and c=63 I got it. 18 means 24 in hex which is abc => 3.8
what is 8 and the whole zeros for?
Thanks for the answers
To extend someWhereElse's comment. SHA padding extends the message to the next block boundary. At the end of the message add a 1 bit (not byte) followed by zero bits until 64 bits from the end of the block. Use the last 64 bits of the block to hold the length of the message in binary.
Your padded block is made up of:
616263 : "abc" - the message text.
8 : "1000" - the 1 bit to start the padding, followed by padding zeros.
0...0 : The rest of the padding zero bits.
0000000000000018 : 64 bit message length, 24 bits in this case.
If the message ends within 65 bits of the block boundary, then the padding needs to include a whole extra block.
