How to parse a csv and use the content in the maven build in Jenkins - maven

I'm new to Jenkins jobs. What I wanted to achieve is to parse the contents of a dynamically created CSV file for the list of names of test cases I want to execute in my maven build statement. The CSV file is available in my workspace under the /src/test/result directory and here is the build configuration:
Maven version: Maven-3.3.3
Root POM: pom.xml
Goals and options: clean install -Dinclude.tag=test1
I tried File Parameter and specified my csv's location but I don't know how to get the contents of the file so I can replace test1 in the Goals and option section by the list of names of my test cases to execute. I'm using the Execute windows batch command in my pre build steps. Any help is highly appreciated.


Jenkins Job - Creating a zip file with war file, appspec.yml and scripts folder

I have created a build with Jenkins for a spring boot application and it is creating a war file.
Now I want to create a second job which should create a zip file with the war file created and appsepc.yml file and a folder "scripts" folder which contains some shell script that the appspec.yml file uses. Can anyone let me know how to do this?
The job name is "Package" so the following is the structure where the different files are.
Thank you.
See the Maven Assembly Plugin:
The Assembly Plugin for Maven enables developers to combine project output into a single distributable archive that also contains dependencies, modules, site documentation, and other files.
Currently it can create distributions in the following formats:

Set up Jenkins to run a specific maven command

I’m new to Jenkins and currently working on a maven project.
I am able to run a simple Jenkins job using maven commands.
mvn clean install
However, the extended requirement requires me to us an additional parameter in the maven command
mvn clean install -DfileName=file1
Is it possible to have a drop down with file names (e.g. file1, file2 ..) and have the user selected one append to the maven command.
mvn clean install -DfileName = {selected filename from dropdown}.
Could some one please assist with this along with what plugin and how can I setup.
Parameterize your jenkins job see
Use choice parameter to add your file name choices
Active Choices Plugin -
The user selected choice can be used in your maven command using "{params.param_name}".

How to execute remote bat file using build step in TeamCity?

I have TeamCity installed on centos. I have only one Linux BuildAgent for now. My build configuration execute a maven script and using ant upload WAR artifact to Windows Server on FTP. After this step i have to execute BAT file on remote Windows Server. I read that i can do this using psexec/RemCom, but i can't understand how i can do this in TeamCity? Build Step or different Build Configuration should contain steps to execute psexec/RemCom or i can insert Build Step into existed Build Configuration?
Single build configuration could potentially consists of multiple build steps. Think of them as a actions you would like to do. So I suppose that right now you have a maven step in your build configuration. I would suggest you to add Command Line step, where you can do what ever you want -- it's like bash/batch script. You can put script contents directly to the build step, or you can write script and execute it.
But as you mentioned that you have CentOS, it could be you have to do extra configuration on the build agent for PsExec to be available.

How to Build a maven project using script file?

I have created a maven project in STS.I completed the development and testing code for my project.If now I want to run or build this project, then I have to do the following
Right click on the project-->Run as-->Run on Server (or)
Right click on the project-->Run as-->Maven Build
If I want to run the test code then
Right click on the class file-->Run as-->Run JUnit
But I want to create a text file I mean script file to run all these commands when I run this script file from the cmd prompt. I have found out on a web site that I should create a PowerShell file, So I don't cognize how to compose a script file like this, is there any example file for it ?
Please, anybody can help me
You can just run mvn clean install on your project root folder (i.e. where your pom.xml file is) in cmd prompt. This command will trigger your project default build lifecycle covering a number of build phases including:
During these build phases, Maven will validate and compile your project, run tests (if any) against your codes, package the resultant binaries into say, a JAR file, run integration tests (if any) against your JAR, verify it, and then install the verified package to your local .m2 repository.
If you really want a script, then just add mvn clean install to your batch file.

Is there a way to set the Maven version number dynamically?

I would like to use Maven to produce an artifact in zip format. To give you some background; my project includes an APS package (Application Packaging Standard, used to provision cloud applications on the Parallels platform). This package is a zip file that contains a combination of XML as well as PHP files. It is generated by an APS plugin from within Eclipse and its name always includes the version and release number of its contents.
What I am trying to do is generate a zip file with Maven that would be kind of a release candidate that will be eventually sent to customers and would include not only the actual APS package but also other files such as README, User Guide.pdf, etc;. I would like the name of this zip file to contain the version number of the version number of the APS package. Currently I can generate this manually by using something like "mvn -Dversion=1.2.3-4 package" but I would like to automate the process and ideally run this from Jenkins.
Basically, my strategy is to run a script that would extract the version number from the initial APS package, once that is done, my script can invoke Maven and can pass this parameter to it so it can generate the final zip with the proper version number. This is fine but again, I need to run this script manually and I am looking for an automated process.
My question is; is it possible to invoke this script from within Maven and use its return as a parameter to set the version name (or the name of the file that will be generated) at run time? As I mentioned, I would like eventually Jenkins to handle this. It can pick up the pom file but I am not sure how it could kind of "auto configure" itself to have the proper version number.
Thanks is advance.
From jenkins build you can use profile with ${BUILD_NUMBER}:
Then run in jenkins:
clean install -Pjenkins
I use the SVN (or any source versioning system) version to identify the software builds.
By simply executing this
REVISION=`svn info | grep '^Revision:' | sed -e 's/^Revision: //'`
on the sourcers folder you get the right value in $REVISION, then you can use it for your maven build
mvn -Dversion=1.2.3-$REVISION package
easy and clean
