AWS API Gateway websocket with spring boot backend - spring-boot

I'm building an application using spring boot. I'm planning to add a chat feature to it via websocket. Considering that I'm hosting it on AWS, how can I integrate the websocket properly via api gateway websocket? Do I do my spring controller mapping for websocket via api gateway websocket endpoint?

AWS API Gateway provides you with an option of HTTP integration, so you can keep your application in an ECS container and expose an endpoint that can be ingested by the API gateway side.


Is there any api gateway framework for websocket

Usually we would have a api gateway for rest service, now I have a webscoket micro service, is there any way to use this api gateway for websocket? Thanks BTW, I am using spring boot

How to secure endpoints that a Amazon WebSockets API calls?

I have an Amazon WebSockets API Gateway that integrates with an http backend via vpclink.
I would like the http backend endpoints to be secured using for example basic auth.
How can I configure the API Gateway to authenticate against these secured endpoints?

We have Anguler2 App, thinking to use AWS API Gateway as Backend, What is the alternate for API Gateway while devlopment and testing locally

We are developing an Angular App, and we need to use the Microservice Aggregation(AWS API Gateway) pattern.
But we need to consume the REST Services which are going to deploy in API Gateway, to test while developing.
We have Spring boot REST Services as microservices.

API Gateway for gRpc services

I am using grpc http protocol but i want to pass all grpc calls through a gateway to centerlize the calls. I am using Zuul proxy gateway in spring boot application. How can I implement this ?
Last I checked zuul doesn't support http/2 which gRPC needs.

Consuming micro service from mobile client or browser

I was learning micro service concepts in spring cloud and its service discovery mechanism. What I understand is all service providers register themselves in service discovery. Consumers get endpoint details for required service from discovery server and then connect to the endpoint. It's all works fine when consumer is a component built on spring cloud.
When we need to consume a service from Mobile client like react native, what should be the approach? Are we supposed to use a static endpoint which receives all requests from mobile and invoke actual endpoint using inputs from service discovery server?
