Cant download andrioid emulator in Visual Studio 2019 - visual-studio

I'm trying to learn Xamarin but I cant seem to install Android emulator (not talking about the standalone version) Visual studio. I keep on getting the errors:

Install Android Studio and install the android packages from there. The program takes care of a lot of the initialisation process when installing the Android SDk, platforms tools, and the emulator. It seems to do a better job at it than Visual studio.

From the screenshot, the manager is being downloading the SDK Platforms 29, you should wait for other processes be finished. Then click the option of Android Emulator and Apply Changes to check whether it works.


xamarin android emulator not able to start

I am unable to run my Xamarin project in the android emulator there is no start button just an error. The repair option is grayed out and the only option I can do is Duplicate which says I need to repair? if I try and install a new device I get an image failed message.
Is there anyway to fix this? Or delete and reinstall?
Select x86 instead of x86. HAXM works with x86
Check your installed SDKs in Android SDK manager within Visual Studio
if API 28 is missing download it. You need below 3 highlighted in order for x86-64 to work
If above doesnt work
Best option now is to repair Visual Studio with Android SDK
If that does not work uninstall and reinstall Visual Studio.

No emulators showing up for in the Run menu for UWP app. :(

I'm building a UWP app and want to test it out on a mobile emulator.
I've installed the newest SDK and Mobile Emulator found here:
I've also installed all the packages I would assume needed in Visual Studio 2017, but no emulator options are showing up in my run menu.. I have updated to the newest version of Visual Studio and even tried the same things in the preview, but with no luck.
I believe I have the right settings enabled in my BIOS and I'm currently running VS2017 on a Windows 10 Educational PC updated to the newest version.
I don't get why I'm not seeing any emulator options??
run visual studio installer
Select individual components
Uninstall all emulator in the emulators(this step is option, but I've found out few times I nee uninstall first before install the emulator)
Install necessary emulator which you need.
Make sure you are on dev mode in windows 10 and switch on hyper-V
In my case I had to select the correct build platforms. When ARM is selected there no Simulator available in the Run sub menu. But when I selected Any CPU, x86 or x64, the Simulator appeared.
As Miao say, you need to install the simulator from the Visual Studio Installer

Visual Studio 2017 - Toolbox not loaded and hanging

I have just installed Visual Studio 2017 in my Windows 10.
I got error in initializing the Toolbox and it keep hanging.
Is there something I can do with?
I have launched the VS 2017 with Administrator, but this doesn't resolved the issue.
I had the same issue. I uninstalled Azure stuff and Clang/C2 and Toolset for Visual 2015.3 v140 and Xamarin stuff and added Apache Ant. After that it worked. So some of the above seams to resolve the issue. I will not do further investigation, because for me it is OK without that stuff.
Had the same problem. I did have Xamarin installed but not Android SDK, because I had it already installed for various other tools.
Turns out this is caused by Xamarin trying to access Android SDK, which isnt there. Solution seems to be to either remove Xamarin or install Android SDK, according to development community forum.
Unfortunatly, installing Xamarin and going into Xamarin/Android Settings to point to existing Android SDK (without it) also seems to hang VS2017.
If you want to keep Xamarin and use your own Android SDK/NDK, what you can do is:
Lauch Visual Studio 2017 Installer
Install Xamarin and Android SDK (dont need to install NDK as well)
Launch Visual Studio 2017
Go into Tools / Options / Xamarin / Android Settings (It wont hang
Point to your existing Andoid SDK / NDK and Java runtime you want to
Close VS2017
Go back to Visual Studio Installer
Uninstall Android SDK
Before that I tried to define an ANDROID_HOME environment variable and tried to set the paths in registry, neither of those helped. This fixed the problem for me.
I tried all the voodoo solutions, removed every extension (xamarin included) and every package except the core .net and C# VS, which I updated to the latest version available v15.9.30. Same problem.
The solution for me was to uninstall an office plugin/tool from a previous visual studio.
The problem app was "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools For Office Runtime (x64)". After I uninstalled it, the problem was gone.

Unable to open Xamarin Studio on Windows 10

I Have been follow the steps in this video to install xamarin studio without visual studio
How to install Xamarin Studio in windows
and when i try to open it its not working,no message no anything
I try to run it as administrator and its doesnt work
If you look in the IDE log file, which is in the %AppData%\Local\Xamarin-Studio-6.0\Logs directory and you see an error similar to:
System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'libglib-2.0-0.dll': The specified module could not be found.
Then you may be able to fix this by installing an older version of GTK#. Full steps to do this are:
Stop Xamarin Studio.
Uninstall GTK#.
Install an older version of GTK# such as GTK# 2.12.30
Xamarin Studio on Windows 10 requires a bit of modification since we do not ship it in our Windows installer anymore:
It is highly recommended to use Visual Studio on Windows as it is free with the Community Edition.

Xamarin Studio cannot find Android tools/devices

After installing Xamarin Studio, I've found it to miss Android related items such as Android SDK Manager under Tools menu:
Additionally I cannot run the application on an actual device, nor see any emulator:
Please note that I've developed Android app using Eclipse prior to this so I have everything properly setup (including device driver, ADB, Android SDK/NDK, etc), and have also made Xamarin Studio work on another computer. The problem is that it refuses to work on this particular computer, and uninstall/install it didn't help.
How do I fix it so that Android tools are shown in Tools menu and I can run Xamarin applications on an emulator/actual device?
The following steps resolved the issue for me:
Uninstall Xamarin Studio
Uninstall x86 JRE/JDK 1.6 installed by Xamarin Installer
Run Xamarin Installer and let it reinstall both JRE/JDK & Xamarin Studio
Don't know why the Xamarin installation wasn't working correctly the first time, nor why the above steps work, but it worked.
