Prevent truncated HTTP response from being cached - httpresponse

We saw this issue on one of our dev machines - the vendor.js bundle in our Angular project had somehow gotten cached, while truncated, which breaks the web app until you clear the cache.
We do use browser caching (together with URL-hashing so caching doesn't prevent app updates).
Is there any way to prevent the browser from caching a truncated request? Actually, I would have thought that the browser has this built-in (i.e. it won't cache a request where the bytes header does not match the amount downloaded).
The browser where we reproduced the problem was Chrome.

I think I found the issue - for whatever reason, our HTTP Response was missing the "Content-Length" header in the Response Headers.
The response passes through 2 proxies so one of them might remove the "Content-Length" header.

What we did in such a case is to add a parameter for the request of a lib.
You just need to raise the number and next time the browser and the caches in between will fetch a new version from the server:


JMeter won't follow redirects when cache is enabled

I'm having a bit of a strange problem with JMeter that almost seems like a bug. I'm running version 5.1.1 r1855137.
I have a standard HTTP Request Sampler and an HTTP Cache Manager. The HTTP request is set to Follow Redirects. It is also set to Use KeepAlive, and to download all embedded resources with up to 6 parallel downloads. The Cache Manager is set to Clear cache each iteration, and to use Cache-Control/Expires headers. A limit of 5000 elements in the cache is set.
I've create a thread group with a loop controller in it. The HTTP request sampler is inside this thread group and loop. The page in the initial request returns a HTTP/1.1 302 Found. I also notice that in the headers there is Cache-Control: private, s-maxage=0. The first time through the loop, JMeter follows the redirect and downloads all of the resources. Subsequent assertions are fine. The second time through, JMeter only sends the request for the initial page and then does not follow the redirect. Following assertions fail because objects are missing that I'm expecting to find in sub requests.
I know this is a cache issue, because if I remove the Loop Controller in the thread group, and instead make the thread group loop, the problem will go away IF I leave the option to "Clear cache each iteration," checked on the Cache Manager. If I turn this option off, the same problem occurs when the thread group loops.
Does anybody know why JMeter does not follow 302 redirects when the cache manager is active? Is the website not following proper protocol by providing a Cache-Control header of private, s-maxage=0?
Looking at JMeter source code, JMeter caches 2xx and 304s. And GET requests. See:
So it should not be caching your 302s. Have you tried using Redirect Automatically option to see if that works correctly:

413 request entity too large jetty server

I am trying to make a POST request to an endpoint served using jetty server. The request errors out saying 413 Request entity too large. But the content-length is only 70KB which I see is way below the default limit of 200KB.
I have tried serving via ngnix server and add client_max_body_size to desired level but that didn't work. I have set the setMaxFormContentSize of WebContext and that didn't help either. I have followed and that didn't helped me either.
Does anyone have any solution to offer? is OLD and is only for Jetty 7 and Jetty 8 (long ago EOL/End of Life). The giant red box at the top of the page that you linked it even tell you this, and gives you a link to the up to date documentation.
If you see a "413 Request entity too large" from Jetty, then it refers the the Request URI and Request Headers.
Note: some 3rd party libraries outside of Jetty's control can also use HttpServletResponse.sendError(413) which would result in the same response status message as you reported.
Judging by your screenshot, which does not include all of the details, (it's really better to copy/paste the text when making questions on stackoverflow, screenshots often hide details that are critical in getting a direct answer), your Cookie header is massive and is causing the 413 error by pushing the Request Headers over 8k in size.

Jetty server 7.6.9 loosing cookie in AJAX and high concurrency situation

I have a page which will send some ajax request to my Jetty7.6.9 server. All of them containing a COOKIE named JSESSIONID so that the server knows the request is logged in.
But sometimes, the method org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.getCookies() returns an empty Cookie[]. I set a breakpoint and checked the _connection._requestFields and I found the Cookie right there, but Request.getCookies() cannot fetch it or parse it.
The situation can happen in any one or more ajax request in that page, can happen in any time, can happen in both windows and linux. It seems that it's a random case, and even when I dropped the frame at the breakpoint to the pre line, it would run correctly when it ran to the same place, so I think it's an issue about synchronize/concurrent.
I didn't find the same case in jetty bug list.
Is it a bug? What can I do to verify or repeat it? How to fix it?
(For some reason,maybe I cannot update the Jetty version for our system.)

How can I validate http response headers?

It's the first time I am doing something with headers. I am mainly concerned with Cache-Control but there may be others I will need to check as well. For example, I try to send the following header to the browser (based on tutorials I just read):
Cache-Control:private, max-age=2011-12-30 11:40:56
Google Chrome displays it this way in Network -> Headers -> Response headers, but how do I know if it's correct, that there aren't any typos, syntax errors and such? Will it really work? Will the browser behave like I want it to, or will it treat it like a gibberish (something like "unknown header/value")? I've tried sending nonsensical headers on purpose but they got displayed with the rest. Is there any Chrome tool / addon for that, or any other way? Thank you in advance!
I'm afraid you won't be able to check if the resource has been cached by proxies en route, but you can check if your browser has cached it.
While in the Network panel of Chrome DevTools, hit F5 to reload your page. You should see something like "304 Not Modified" in the status field for the resource you are treating (which means the resource has not been modified and its contents were not received from the server but rather loaded from the browser's cache.)

Debug static file requests from IIS6

How can I debug what is being returned by IIS(6) when the response goes through proxies before getting to the browser?
I have requests for static files which are being sent with the 'Accept-encoding: gzip' header. These are being gzipped correctly. However, if a 'Via: ' header (to redirect the response via a proxy) is also included the content is not received gzipped by the browser.
I want to know if the issue is with IIS not applying the compression or related to something the proxy is doing.
How can I investigate this problem?
This is related to IIS6 not doing gzip compression when including Via header in request.
In case anyone else hits this problem i believe it's due to the "HcNoCompressionForProxies" option, configurable in the metabase. It specifically lets you disable compression for proxied requests.
If your still interested my answer would be install Fiddler probably on the client first. For HTML snooping you can't do much better.
That would be my first port of call.
