Table cells width - last one the longest, previous equal but as narrow as possible - sass

I don't even know how to start with the problem. I've got the table with a few columns (generated automatically). Let's say there are 5 columns. First I would have to take the first 4 columns, calculate auto width for them, take the longest one and set that width to all 4 of them - so that the first 4 columns have equal width of the widest one but are as narrow as only content allow. The last 5th column then has to fill the rest of the table. Is that possible to achieve that without js with scss only?


Power BI - Matrix dimension based on multiple slicer selection

I would like to give the user the possibility to choose in which column the element from dimension table will appear in the matrix. That is why I created three slicers for each position of matrix table. If the user selects BMW from Slicer 1, I expect that this element will appear in the first column of the matrix. The same applies to Slicer 2 and Slicer 3. The user can select any and only one element from each slicer. So applying alphabetical order or any other predefined rule is not possible. I assume I need a UNION of all selected values that I can use as a column dimension in the matrix.
I tried to use calculation groups. I am able to define calculation items that take selected value from each slicer. That works fine, but the calculation item's name (that is shown as the header of column) is static. I also tried to use dynamic textboxes that I positioned over the column headers. However, they don't move with scrollbar on the matrix if we enlarge our example to more than only 3 column (e.g. 10).
Any ideas? Anything is appreaciated.

Mathematica: How to plot two columns of each row of a table against each other?

I have imported a table of data with 6 columns and lots of rows. For each row I want to plot Column 1 (x-value) against Column 2 (y-value) and so on. Such that I have a new scatter / list plot, with 3 points, for every single row of my table.
Thus far all I have managed to do is have everything in the one graph but how do I make a new graph for each individual row?
I'm using Mathematica 12.0.

Tableau Remove extra space within sheet border

I am creating sheet with rows of Sale Sums and Columns of each month. Firstly, I am trying to remove this extra whitespace within the boundaries while keeping the squares the same size. I would like the squares of data to take up the entirety of the region. Also, I have tried creating lines to separate each row but adding grid lines creates lines going through the squares.
go to format > borders
select none in columns
select none in rows

Position tablix elements at the same position on different pages in SSRS

I have multiple tablixes that are rendered individually on each Excel worksheet when exported. However, I need the position of the tablixes to remain the same throughout all the different sheets, because currently, from the second sheet onwards, the tablix is not in the same position as the first one.
Please help!
What I have done in the past:
You should create the tablix objects with a fixed height and width for better use of assignment.
You should be altering it more on the 'Properties' pane than trying to use the mouse for fixed positions to be more precise. Set the 'tablix' object of my first one and select 'Size' to be 3in, 0.75in for 3 inch width and 0.75 in height.
I would set the 'Location' for the first to 0in,0in. Then using a similar method as 2 for setting a fixed size, start you next one at 0in,(height of first)in. So in my case it would be 0in,0.75in for the next one.
Set the 'PageBreak' > 'BreakLocation' to be 'End' for the first one and every other object you need to break onto a new page. You should NOT do this for the last object as you could generate a blank final page potentially.
You can name the pages as well that appear under 'PageName' as this names the sheet in Excel as well.
Treat your report template as a Cartesian plane, with origin on top left corner with positive y-axis in the "down" direction. Ensure that your charts/graphs/tables are of the same dimension and placed at equidistant points within your plane. E.g. If you have two charts both 2 inches by 2 inches and your report template is 4 inches by 4 inches, then your first chart will be at (0,0) and your 2nd will be at (0,2). Keep this in mind and you will not falter, god-speed!

How to minimize space between Columns in amCharts Column Chart?

chart.columnSpacing property doesn't work for Simple Column chart. I need to minimize space between two Columns.
How to minimize space between Columns in Simple Column Chart?
You could try adding...
"columnWidth": [number between 0 to 1]
to make the gaps between the columns change. Adding a value of 1 will make them as wide as possible and touching each other, whereas a value of 0 will make them show as just a line going up.
See example...
