Folders created by Program causes read-only to appear - windows

So, I stumbled across a little problem, I can't seem to figure out.
I have a NAS where I dump data on and a script to download files I need back to my PC.
While doing so, it creates a folder for the file. After that, I run a different script that encodes the video files to save some space.
However, for some reason, the files and folders keep getting a 'read-only' lock that prevents the source file to be deleted after compression.
So I have to get into each individual folder and remove the read-only permission.
Is there some way to disable the read-only lock?
The Owner if the Root folder is my personal account, with full access.
Changing it to SYSTEM or Admin with full access doesn't change anything.


Detect incompatible file location (iCloud, Dropbox, shared folders) for custom file format

I’m designing a custom file format. It will be either a monolith file or a folder with smaller files. It’s a rather large file in total and there is no need to load everything into memory at once. It would make it also slower than necessary. One of the file(s) may or may not be database file. Running SQL queries would be useful.
The user can have many such files. The user might want to share files with others even if it takes some time to up/download it.
Conceptually I run into issues with shared network folders, Dropbox, iCloud, etc. Such services can lead to sync issues if the file is not loaded entirely in memory or the database file can get corrupted.
One solution is to prohibit storing the file on such services. Either by using a user/library folder or forcing the user to pick a local folder.
Using a folder in library means recreating a file navigation system like Finder. It limits the choice of the user as well in where the files end up. Limiting the location to a local folder seems the better choice.
Is there a way to programmatically detect if a folder is local?

I s it safe to set Everyone group access at file level in system folder on windows?

Is it obvious that giving access to Everyone with full permissions on folders in the C:\ProgramData is not safe and can lead to privilege escalation.
My question is how is the situation for text files? Is it still dangerous?
Is it obvious that giving access to Everyone with full permissions on folders in the C:\ProgramData is not safe and can lead to privilege escalation.
My question is how is the situation for text files? Is it still dangerous?
No, it is not "dangerous" to give multiple users write access to a .txt file but you will run into problems if multiple users try to edit the file at the same time.
This basically only applies to text files, anything else like HTML or pictures can be problematic if there is a bug in the application that opens these files and a normal user has edited the file to include some exploit and then waits for an administrator to open it.
The program data folder and other common folders are supposed to be read-only for normal users...

How to Prevent Files Created with GetTempFileName Being Automatically Deleted upon Reboot

Our application collects data from an external device. This data primarily resides in memory, but is spooled to disk in temporary files until the user explicitly saves the data. This is to provide some recovery chance if the application crashes for some reason. Generally speaking, it works just fine.
Lately we've discovered, thanks to Windows becoming more forceful about automatic updates, that these files get deleted automatically during a reboot. So if Windows kills our application to automatically apply updates, the temporary files that would have allowed recovery are gone after the reboot.
I've tested the issue by killing the application on purpose and rebooting; indeed, the temporary files have vanished after the reboot.
The files are created using the Win32 API call GetTempFileName, along with GetTempPath. Everything I've read on the subject says these files are not automatically deleted ever, but they clearly are being deleted.
What can I do to stop this? Or should I just change where our safety data is stored?
What you are seeing is a new "Storage Sense" feature added in Windows 10.
How to Clear Temporary Files Automatically in Windows 10.
Windows 10 got the ability to clear temporary files automatically in a recent build. Starting with build 15014, a new option appeared in Settings.
When enabled, it can be set to clear items like temporary files, Recycle Bin, etc. You can turn them off individually.
Alternatively, another option would be to change your app to save its temporary files in a non-system temp folder that you control, rather than using GetTempPath(). And maybe also use something other than GetTempFileName() to create your temporary file names (like using date/times or guids instead), so Windows can't possibly track the temporary files you create. Then perhaps your files won't be deleted automatically by Storage Sense anymore.
The best solution IMO is not using the temporary folder which contains (as the name suggests) temporary files that can be deleted without any consequences.
Instead you should store them somewhere in the LocalAppdata folder.
Use SHGetFolderPath function to retrieve the actual location of the LocalAppData folder.
In LocalAppData create a folder whose name is that of your company and/or product name or some combination of both and store all your pseudo temporary files there.

Directory location for writing cache file

Hi I am trying to find out what is the best location to save a cache file.
I have an Windows form application that updates user's data from the server using a custom tool.
I want to write the timestamp of the latest updates done on user's machine in the cache file.
Where is the best location for keeping this file:
1. in application directory (c:\program files..)
2. in a temp location e.g. Users profile folder or c:\windows\temp
3. in any location (e.g. c:\dataupdates) where user has full access to read/write to.
Not in the application directory. That much is clear. :) The application directory shouldn't even be writable by the program (or actually by the user account that runs the program). Although some applications still use this location, it has actually been deprecated since Windows 95, I believe, and it has become a real pain since the more rigid UAC applied in Windows Vista and 7.
So the most obvious options are:
The temp folder, which is for temporary files. Note however, that you will need to clean those files up. Temp folder is not automatically cleared by default, so adding new files all the time will consume increasingly much space on the hard drive. On the other hand, some users do clear their temp folders, or may have scripts installed that do that for them, so you cannot trust such files to remain. Also, this is not always C:\Temp of whatever. You'll have to ask Windows what the location is.
You can pick 'any' location. Note that you cannot write anywhere. You cannot even expect the C drive to exist. If you choose this, then you have to make it a configurable setting.
The %app data% directory, my personal favorite, which is a special directory for applications to store their data in. The advantage is, that you can ask Windows for this location, and you can make up a relative path based on that directory, so you don't really have to make it an application setting. For more info on how to get it, see also this question: C# getting the path of %AppData%
I would definitely choose the App Data path for this purpose.

How to get a process exclusive lock on a folder in Windows?

Is it possible to lock a directory in Windows so as to ensure that no other process is reading or modifying files inside the directory for the duration of the lock, while at the same time allowing the process with the lock to modify and move files and directory itself freely?
This is not a real answer, but as a workaround:
Move the directory to a subdirectory specific to your application, which is on the same volume.
Prevents users and other programs from modifying the file at the old location, as the files will no longer be there
Importantly, will fail if a process already has a file open within that directory, thus ensuring that the "acquired" lock is indeed "exclusive"
It's a hack
The software will need to be adapted to work with the directory at a different path than where it was initially
Users and programs attempting to access the files will encounter unusual behavior or errors ("Path not found" instead of "Access denied")
Does not protect against programs that may poke into your application-specific subdirectory
Will leave the directory "locked" (moved to a location the user probably can't find) if your program crashes while the "lock" is "held"
